Ejaculation Pro-Metabolic, NoFap Retention Unnatural


Feb 13, 2021
Many can relate but not masturbating sometimes is the same as trying to stay away after driving a car non stop for over 24 hours which I have done. Trying to stay awake when the body is doing everything hormonally to sleep is impossible and it the same when trying not to masturbate when the body hormonally is wanting to ejaculate or the drive is very strong, impossible not to do it. for anyone who doesn’t get it, that’s how it is.
It gets a lot easier to stop if you do sexual transmutation work. And that's coming from someone who's always had a high sex drive. Of course, YMMV.


It gets a lot easier to stop if you do sexual transmutation work. And that's coming from someone who's always had a high sex drive. Of course, YMMV.
Music seems to do that for me. The energy is released for music instead of sexual arousal. I wonder if it's considered to be a less "androgenic" energy physiologically.



Feb 13, 2021
Music seems to do that for me. The energy is released for music instead of sexual arousal. I wonder if it's considered to be a less "androgenic" energy physiologically.

Oh that's interesting! Not sure that 'sophisticated' music lowers T if it's also intense music, tho.

Maybe music should be judged within two metrics, intensity and complexity.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It seems to me a lot of your posts in this thread are a cope for not getting laid.
how? have you tried retaining? it all depends on your goals mate. i doubt no fap causes negative side effects
if youre looking for retaining specific benefits youll have to retain, but improving metabolism will always allow you to get away with not retaining better.
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Oh that's interesting! Not sure that 'sophisticated' music lowers T if it's also intense music, tho.

Maybe music should be judged within two metrics, intensity and complexity.
Music of both kinds reduced cortisol and Peat mentioned how orgasms reduce cortisol. Bonobos use orgasms to reduce stress as well.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Music of both kinds reduced cortisol and Peat mentioned how orgasms reduce cortisol. Bonobos use orgasms to reduce stress as well.
orgasms seem to reduce blood sugar too? I think danny roddy said that orgasms will reduce blood sugar, i think it was related to a nofap question.


orgasms seem to reduce blood sugar too? I think danny roddy said that orgasms will reduce blood sugar, i think it was related to a nofap question.
Cortisol increases the breakdown of muscle into glucose.


Sep 6, 2020
I notice the opposite. Abstaining increases metabolic rate and energy levels. Nothing to do with POIS.

Read Libido Dominandi or find some summary of it. I am not religious but the man who wrote it has quite an interesting take on the hypersexual content people get today and how it affects mood, motivation, etcetera. How sex and porn is even used in (information) warfare by enemies.

Of course you can bypass regulations of the body or help it recover faster. Or eat specific to replenish.

I dont feel bad after ejaculation. But I notice metabolic rate becomes more efficient when abstaining. Even sex from girls lowers some of the benefits. A lot of girls want sex I think because they lack some nutrients that are in sperm. So they get obsessed with seed of men and become hoes to get it. Or it is because they get pure focussed attention from a man during the sex.

If you are young you can deal with it but it will ultimately leave you in a weaker place than you could be. Most young men today are quite weakened as well. Not that great health at all. A lot of men never reach their full potential from people taking their energy (attention, sex, distraction, etc.).
Apr 25, 2018
Modern exercise done for the sake of improvement is not pro-metabolic because it is vain
It all goes back to enjoying what you're doing and being playful like we were as kids, and when that's in place any form of exercise becomes pro-metabolic


Celibacy/retention is inherently stressful on the body

If we consider Hans Selye's perspective on stress, then an organism unable to reproduce is also going to have higher cortisol and adrenaline which will decrease thyroid function over time

Insomnia is inevitable once you reach a certain day count of semen retention

There's something to be said about pursuing meaningful relationships and not being involved in hookup culture, I definitely agree with that

But love/sex is very pro-metabolic, and contrary to what many believe, we are UNDERSEXUALIZED as a culture

We have unsatisfactory mechanisms of dealing with our sexuality such as porn, masturbation, and purposeless dating

So guys turn to spirituality, NoFap, semen retention, as a coping mechanism to deal with a lack of fulfilling options

The benefits are a myth

You can get the supposed benefits and more by taking thyroid and boosting metabolism, which will increase testosterone and other pregnenolone, etc.
What you are referring to isn't UNDERSEXUALISED you could say we exhibit less pair-bonding than ever before but to say that we are UNDERSEXUALIZED is just factually incorrect.

Our parents (if you're a millenial, boomers) rarely got the kind of stimulation that pornography, which is essentially a harem of girls at your disposal, provides.

It has only gotten worse with declining religion rates and normalization of sexuality in media (Onlyfans, phub, etc.)
Apr 25, 2018
So because OP gets hungry after jerking off means it's pro-metabolic?

I guess doctors should be prescribing overweight and obese patients to just start jerking off more

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