Dying of AIDS and Cancer - not joking. Proton Therapy ($2500) may be my last hope. Anyone able to donate?

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Jan 27, 2021
Semen is a immuno suppressant. If it is getting shot in your butthole, then id suggest stop taking it in the butt. The hole is not meant for semen. When you mix it with blood and ***t of course your gonna have issues. Stop that first!
You sir, are a c u n t.


Dec 3, 2019
Besides looking at it from a nutrition and medical standpoint. I'd advise you to also look at it from a spiritual and emotional perspective. Cancer can often also have an emotional cause. You could also focus on fixing your traumas by going to a somatic trauma therapist who can help you release trauma from the body.

Also, healing can be done by using certain meditations and visualizations. You can learn how to synchronize the mind and the heart and use divine love to heal yourself. You can for instance check out the stuff by Joe Dispenza if you want to learn more about this.

If you don't believe that this can work, check out the stories of transformation he posts on his youtube channel. You'll be amazed at the healing power we have as human beings.



Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
The lifestyle is self-destructive, he offers good advice if nothing else. Might not be politically correct nowadays, but still good advice ;)
Have you noticed that he hasn’t asked any women if they shoot cum up their butthole if they have this diagnosis. This is blatant narrow reductive thinking.


Nov 16, 2021
Alberta Canada
From what I have researched, the HIV receptor itself is actually activated as part of autophagy. So an antibody to it is actually shutting down autophagy. The best way I have learned to stimulate autophagy is dry fasting. Dry fasting has to be done properly to avoid uric acid crystallization. You have to either wet fast for several days before going dry or do a salt flush to empty the bowels so there is very little fermentation going on. Aluminum is known to be very autoimmune which is why it's used as an adjuvant. Dry fasting, according to the russian research i've read on the topic, allows the body to eat the toxins and burn them in mitochondria. That's actually what I think most of the immune system function really is. The body will eat cancer cells during autophagy as well; and nagalase, which is produced by cancer, cleaves the protein that activates TH1 mode of macrophages so starving the body allows the TH2 mode of macrophages to eat the cancer cells as they starve. Keeping low stress hormones helps also so that there is no gluconeogenesis. Anything that keeps the nervous system relaxed is key. IMO.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Have you noticed that he hasn’t asked any women if they shoot cum up their butthole if they have this diagnosis. This is blatant narrow reductive thinking.
I'm saying homosexuality is a self-destructive lifestyle that does not produce health, wholeness or life. Nothing reductive about my opinion... it's grounded in fact. You can disagree, that's fine.


Mar 27, 2018
I'm saying homosexuality is a self-destructive lifestyle that does not produce health, wholeness or life. Nothing reductive about my opinion... it's grounded in fact. You can disagree, that's fine.

RP has stated many times that the environment is destructive in general, I don't think there is anything particularly "lethal" about the gay lifestyle that is not also equally lethal as family stress, work stress, fast/processed food, poverty, etc. I see all stress as equally bad lol.


Jan 25, 2014
Which is worse - AIDS or Cancer?
This is kinda like asking which is taller, a tree or an apartment complex? There are 5 foot Douglas Firs, and 400 feet California Redwoods, and everything in between. There are one story apartment buildings, 50 story skyscrapers, and everything in between.

Both AIDS and Cancer are really wide descriptors. Most skin cancer is thought of as very minor, easily treatable, and doesn't metastasize. Prostate Cancer is thought of as "more serious," but one of the best options for "treating" it remains doing nothing or "wait and monitor," and for many men, they can just "run out the clock," as it's so slow growing, they are likely to die of something else (maybe decades later) without it ever becoming a real issue.

Look at the 33 AIDS defining diseases- 1993 Revised Classification System for HIV Infection and Expanded Surveillance Case Definition for AIDS Among Adolescents and Adults

You've got relatively minor things on there (like fever, herpes, and shingles), and much more serious things, like Burkitt's Lymphoma and Wasting Syndrome.

What was being called "AIDS" in the early 80s did indeed look pretty serious, and for the most part, only saw a survival rate of a year or so, but the definition has been expanded so much, I don't think what's being called "AIDS" now is necessarily like that early "AIDS." Fauci basically ran the "AIDS Pandemic" too, and a lot of the plays he made during COVID came right out of that AIDS playbook.

So, a lot's going to depend on your specific diagnosis, and also how you feel. From what I've seen in the two videos you posted, you look fairly healthy (maybe a bit too thin), but of course, that's not based on much. But, you certainly don't look like you are "dying," FWIW.

I think a more relevant question for your specific circumstance might be to ask which is worse..... Cancer and AIDS, or the "official" treatments? I don't think this is a small issue, I have known many people with cancer, and I have seen first hand the destruction that things like radiation, chemo, and drugs like Lupron can do to a person. It isn't pretty. I know the last round of radiation is what killed my dad, and I'm pretty sure an aggressive treatment killed a co-worker, who was in his 40s or early 50s.

Having said that, I have known many people with cancer who opted for traditional treatments that survived well past five years, some a decade or more. And I know one woman that was diagnosed in her late 20s/early 30s who opted for alternative methods, and was in great health when I knew her.

Near the start of the COVID promotion, I got interested in some of the alternative "AIDS" views and such. I think this documentary by Gary Null is a really good one, if you are iterested-

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sM7nIKhv6X53/

And regardless of which choices you make or which way you go, just know this stranger is wishing you the best.


Nov 16, 2021
Alberta Canada
From what I have researched, the HIV receptor itself is actually activated as part of autophagy. So an antibody to it is actually shutting down autophagy. The best way I have learned to stimulate autophagy is dry fasting. Dry fasting has to be done properly to avoid uric acid crystallization. You have to either wet fast for several days before going dry or do a salt flush to empty the bowels so there is very little fermentation going on. Aluminum is known to be very autoimmune which is why it's used as an adjuvant. Dry fasting, according to the russian research i've read on the topic, allows the body to eat the toxins and burn them in mitochondria. That's actually what I think most of the immune system function really is. The body will eat cancer cells during autophagy as well; and nagalase, which is produced by cancer, cleaves the protein that activates TH1 mode of macrophages so starving the body allows the TH2 mode of macrophages to eat the cancer cells as they starve. Keeping low stress hormones helps also so that there is no gluconeogenesis. Anything that keeps the nervous system relaxed is key. IMO.
I think I need to clarify that I mean low adrenaline rather than low cortisol. Chronic low cortisol can actually lead to HPA axis activation since CRH stimulates amygdala function. I can't remember all of the feedback loops to explain this but having not enough cortisol to meet demand keeps the CRH/ACTH loop open and CRH is constantly stimulating amygdala. HPA axis activation certainly stimulates gluconeogenesis and aromatase upregulation in the brain. Chronic HPA axis activation alters default mode of cerebellar purkinje cells to produce glutamate rather than gaba. Glutamate defaulting Purkinje cells are also default aromatase branches that feed estradiol directly into the brain (for fueling HPA activation). I could be messing this up. It's been several years since I looked this up.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
RP has stated many times that the environment is destructive in general, I don't think there is anything particularly "lethal" about the gay lifestyle that is not also equally lethal as family stress, work stress, fast/processed food, poverty, etc. I see all stress as equally bad lol.

I'm pretty sure the rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide, domestic violence, intestinal parasites, bowel issues, incontinence and pedophilia are all higher in the gay community. The lifestyle is inherently toxic to the body and mind, unlike traditional family structure. I say this because the globohomo establishment suppresses the truth and labels anyone who questions it a hateful bigot. I don't hate gay people. If anything, being truthful about the damage of the behavior is the most loving thing you can do.

Also, I don't think you can compare the toxicity of your typical heterosexual lifestyle to this:

  1. 28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: “Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.” (exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php)


Oct 18, 2021
You sir, are a c u n t.
Im trying to actually help the guy... The fact you would rather me say nothing so that he ends his life sooner is very ****88 up. The semen in the butt is the issue.

Your are truly a pathetic weasel. Hopefully you shoot semen up your butt so i dont have to here from your pathetic cowardiceness again.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
A burden with no external manifestation is terrible for the person who is in need of help, people just can't understand and relate unless they sense it. I'm sure the reception would be different and you would be spared of noise if you could show something disturbing.

A while ago, there was a guy in Not Uganda that was able to obtain a lot support and money through donations, became a famous case. I doubt that he would be able to accomplish the same if it wasn't visible, even if he had tests proving to be in a worse state.

How deep is the tumor? How much damage there will be to healthy tissues before the radiation reaches it? It's less than conventional radiation, but this is not a good parameter. How precise is it to not affect surrounding tissues? What is the frequency of recurrences and the aggressiveness?

I guess that if you're decided about it and won't change your mind, it's better to ignore statistics and focus on other factors that are under your control to increase the odds for you to be the outlier.

Members should reconsider recommendations for the usual substances when there's nothing specific and unique to them (effective dose, timing, combination, and so on). You joined in 2018 and have over 1000 posts, the only thing that generic suggestions will do is to give the impression that you're running out of options and on your own, but I know that you haven't exhausted them because it's impractical.


Mar 27, 2018
I don’t even know if I have a tumor, I have skin cancer (will post photos today -NSFW) and they are only surface/skin lesions.

The cream I have on my arm is a mix of Hydroquinone, tretinoin/accutane and CBD.
-Hydroquinone to “bleach” the skin. Michael Jackson used this cream allegedly to whiten his skin.
-Tretinoin, there are actual studies showing a MILD improvement in KS lesions with Accutane by itself, but the oral pill, not the cream. But the pill has strong side effects so I opted for 0.1% cream.
-CBD lots of people make miracle claims about marijuana, I remains skeptical but we will see and if anyone cares I will post my results.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Please look into Low Dose Naltrexone. It stabilizes the immune system and is potent against cancer. You take only 4.5 mg at night and it's cheap.
Good one plus aspirin and methylene blue and alpha lipoic acid.


Jul 6, 2013
I'm pretty sure the rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide, domestic violence, intestinal parasites, bowel issues, incontinence and pedophilia are all higher in the gay community.

Can you provide evidence of these rates
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