Bill 'Epstein-Gates' Major PR & Charm Offensive - Lets refer to this guy as 'Epstein-Gates' forever more...


Mar 25, 2016
In the British press over the last few days there has been a deliberate and organised campaign by people operating on behalf of Bill Gates to clean up his reputation in light of his recent divorce (which is rumoured to have been at least partially to do with his relationship with the paedophile and child sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein).

In these PR - Puff Peices, the vaccine profiteer, Gates is lamenting his 'mistake' in meeting with Epstein in order to access Epstein's contacts in order to secure funding for his foundation that helps poor and vulnerable kids all over the world and he claims that he wishes he hadn't 'met' with Epstein to try and help these poor, unfortunate kids..(pass the vomit bag).

In a world where 'branding' is everything and guys like Gates know this (and lets face it, if he is going to these lengths to dissassociate himself with Epstein, then he must be worried about how damaging or potentially damaging this association is to his brand) I would appreciate it if you guys would entertain my suggestion to refer to Bill Gates from now as 'Epstein-Gates'.

Epstein-Gates - The Microsoft Guy..

Tell your friends, lets see if we can re-brand this guy as the scumbag he really is while he's trying to rebrand himself as some kind of saviour of children.. pass in on...

Lets see if we can make this spread like a...... like a ,....


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Jul 13, 2014
In the British press over the last few days there has been a deliberate and organised campaign by people operating on behalf of Bill Gates to clean up his reputation in light of his recent divorce (which is rumoured to have been at least partially to do with his relationship with the paedophile and child sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein).

In these PR - Puff Peices, the vaccine profiteer, Gates is lamenting his 'mistake' in meeting with Epstein in order to access Epstein's contacts in order to secure funding for his foundation that helps poor and vulnerable kids all over the world and he claims that he wishes he hadn't 'met' with Epstein to try and help these poor, unfortunate kids..(pass the vomit bag).

In a world where 'branding' is everything and guys like Gates know this (and lets face it, if he is going to these lengths to dissassociate himself with Epstein, then he must be worried about how damaging or potentially damaging this association is to his brand) I would appreciate it if you guys would entertain my suggestion to refer to Bill Gates from now as 'Epstein-Gates'.

Epstein-Gates - The Microsoft Guy..

Tell your friends, lets see if we can re-brand this guy as the scumbag he really is while he's trying to rebrand himself as some kind of saviour of children.. pass in on...

Lets see if we can make this spread like a...... like a ,....





Feb 26, 2018


Sep 24, 2016

"I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. I made that clear to him. I also met Jeffrey Epstein exactly one time. I wanted to see who this man was and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door," she said, adding "He was abhorrent, evil personified. I had nightmares about it afterwards. That's why my heart breaks for these young women. That's how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful."

- wanted to see who this man was - as in: see if all the rumors within the circles are true??

French-Gates told host Gayle King that Bill would have to answer for the many times he met Epstein - and suggested it was a factor in the divorce.

"It was not one thing, it was many things [that led to the divorce]. Any of the questions remaining about what Bill's relationship with him was... those are for Bill to answer. I made it very clear how I felt about him."


  • She cried 'on the carpet' at times while working through the divorce that they announced in May last year
  • She had forgiven Bill for a 2000 affair but he had to answer to reports of multiple affairs
  • The pair are 'friendly' now but are not 'friends': 'I wish him well,' she said
Nice way of saying: agreed to not harm each other




Jul 13, 2014
In the British press over the last few days there has been a deliberate and organised campaign by people operating on behalf of Bill Gates to clean up his reputation in light of his recent divorce (which is rumoured to have been at least partially to do with his relationship with the paedophile and child sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein).

In these PR - Puff Peices, the vaccine profiteer, Gates is lamenting his 'mistake' in meeting with Epstein in order to access Epstein's contacts in order to secure funding for his foundation that helps poor and vulnerable kids all over the world and he claims that he wishes he hadn't 'met' with Epstein to try and help these poor, unfortunate kids..(pass the vomit bag).

In a world where 'branding' is everything and guys like Gates know this (and lets face it, if he is going to these lengths to dissassociate himself with Epstein, then he must be worried about how damaging or potentially damaging this association is to his brand) I would appreciate it if you guys would entertain my suggestion to refer to Bill Gates from now as 'Epstein-Gates'.

Epstein-Gates - The Microsoft Guy..

Tell your friends, lets see if we can re-brand this guy as the scumbag he really is while he's trying to rebrand himself as some kind of saviour of children.. pass in on...

Lets see if we can make this spread like a...... like a ,....


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