ALL MODERN MUSIC is DESIGNED to make you stressed out and hypometabolic (432hz vs 440hz)


Mar 18, 2017
Completely agree there is no grand conspiracy surrounding the standardization 440hz. Regarding the baroque era, this video explains a lot of the problems Bach and other composers dealt with because tunings so widely varied from place to place, and how 415hz really wasn't standard at all.


And she doesn't even go into Werckmeister and the various competing temperaments of the time. Our ears have grown accustomed to the precision of almost two centuries of A440 and equal temperament. In the 16th century they were just doing what they could to get it close. Those baroque organs sound quite out of tune to our modern ears! I find it almost impossible to detach myself from this conditioning enough to appreciate such an instrument.

Going along with your liturgical music example, it also makes sense to me that a slightly higher pitch was agreed upon at a point in history when secular music had greatly eclipsed sacred music in the cultural zeitgeist. People go to the opera or symphony for excitement and stimulation - the opposite reason they go to church.

Thanks for adding valuable details to my somewhat rushed answer. I'll add another one: differences in pitch occurred as late as the 20th century. I was fortunate to learn and practice in a Feurich upright piano from the 1920s (?) tuned a whole half tone lower than 440 Hz. This was determined by the pianomakers. Thus, the perception of the western scale for a bunch of my family members who learnt in old pianos is consistent with mine and half a tone lower than "the standard'. When we are learning to play something by ear in a modern day piano, things get messy as we consistently hit the wrong keys!


Nov 16, 2020
I saw one other thread on this on the forum but its not very detailed so hopefully this one reaches more people

For people Not familiar with 432hs vs 440hz Frequencies in Music already,

This is a quick run-down on the effects that 432hz music and 440hz music has on water (it becomes significantly more structured in 432hz and seems chaotic and disorganized at 440hz) this is an actual study here:

View attachment 50257

View attachment 50256

This is another study that states 440 Hz music causes heart problems and increases blood pressure compared to 432 Hz, VERY REAL Health Effects:

This is a quick experiment everyone should try, this is the same song, it SOUNDS the same , but it DOES NOT feel the same, one is 432hz and the other is 440hz. What you may notice with 432hz is that this music makes you more relaxed and feel metabolically better while 440hz makes you anxious and chaotic

432 Hz:


440 Hz:


If you like the 432hz version, I have other music that is 432hz that also feels really great and lowers stress but you can find 432hz music all over the internet:


In terms of mathemical explanation, in a Nutshell, when A4 is tuned to 432Hz, You’ll notice that the frequencies of C are nearly perfect integers (no decimals) and C3 is 128Hz

In Modern Music, A tuned to 440Hz creates uneven and decimal numbers all over the place for C and C3 ends up being 130.81Hz instead

View attachment 50258

It’s also known as Verdi’s A as Composer Verdi advocated for A4 tuned to 432hz:

Scientific pitch, also known as philosophical pitch, Sauveur pitch or Verdi tuning, is an absolute concert pitch standard which is based on middle C (C4) being set to 256 Hz rather than 261.62 Hz, making it approximately 37.6 cents lower than the common A440 pitch standard. It was first proposed in 1713 by French physicist Joseph Sauveur, promoted briefly by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi in the 19th century, then advocated by the Schiller Institute beginning in the 1980s

View attachment 50260

It is said that 432Hz is also in-line with Pythagoras theorem:

Equal temperament is a system in which the frequency interval between pairs of adjacent notes has the same ratio so that each step is perceived equally. Pythagorean tuning, on the other hand, is based upon ratios from an arbitrary reference pitch, using prime numbers two and three and their powers. The system produces a ‘spiral of fifths’, and consequently a string rather ugly dissonant intervals, namely the ‘wolf fifth’. If you haven’t heard it, give it a listen, it hardly sounds like it’s going to open your third eye.

In his tuning system, 432 arises, as it is a multiplication of the ratio between C and A, C being 1 and A being 27/16, which equals 432/256. But these are just ratios, not Hz and can apply to any base frequency."

View attachment 50259

It is worth noting that there was a huge worldwide push in the 1950’s to force 440Hz as the standard for tuning/Music: ALL MODERN MUSIC is 440Hz

There are way too many theories that exist for why or who was behind it (Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc.), but I don’t think it matters and I think the more important thing here is that the change was purposefully implemented in order to make people more anxious, aggressive, and emotional (as these types of people are the easiest to control),

so now hopefully, you all get a better idea of how these people have designed ALL ASPECTS of society to make you miserable and unhappy

I am always looking for quality music in other frequencies (especially 432 and 528). I remain leery of any music that is digital or has been "bent" from its originally recorded frequency to that of another (regardless of how "healthy" the new frequency is). I am skeptical that there isn't more being inserted into a lot of the online offerings, especially the digital productions. Some will even admit that they've added something. Still, others claim their music to be in a certain frequency but it isn't actually.

In other words, I'm a big fan of healthy frequencies and frequency healing but it's really hard to find reliable, quality music online. When I have time (hardly ever), I like to play my instrument, tuned to 432 hz. It's the most authentic and I get to feel the vibrations directly.

Glad you raised the subject. I hope there is more discussion everywhere and that people start waking up to the fact that music, as it is now, has been sabotaged to work against us but music, as it was intended, is a powerful gift.


Aug 9, 2019
Never seen james jump on to their casual threads and recommend they fix their mental issues or insult there intelligence out of nowhere, seemed totally unjustified for someone just sharing some info on music frequencies and their effects. But i also left it open ended for him/they to reply when i said he was maybe worthy of it due to some interactions on other threads i hadnt seen. Im sure some random from a forum that hes never met and is being rude is more worthless (to him) than a dog he probably cares for. As for which issues james may or may not have, who the hell on here doesnt have some kind of neurotransmitter issues, hormonal issues or emotional issues or so on, no one would even be on this forum if they were perfectly healthy or just looking for some social interaction with somewhat like minded people. But hey maybe i just need to spend the next 2 days scrutinizing all his posts to see if they were justified 🤷‍♂️
That's silly. It's the internet, expect criticism. As far as context. It does matter, and saying it doesn't is choosing ignorance. It doesn't take much to get the context, and no you don't need to read two day's worth of posts. Much of it is literally in this very thread... Like come on dude, read a thread before commenting nonsense.

If you think that human life is worth less than a dogs, then I have nothing else to say


Jun 22, 2021
That's silly. It's the internet, expect criticism. As far as context. It does matter, and saying it doesn't is choosing ignorance. It doesn't take much to get the context, and no you don't need to read two day's worth of posts. Much of it is literally in this very thread... Like come on dude, read a thread before commenting nonsense.

If you think that human life is worth less than a dogs, then I have nothing else to say

My dog is worth $$$ man, don't underestimate her


Mar 26, 2014
Thank you for this. Just tried 7.2Hz on Cleartune and its probably one of the most incredible feelings I've ever experienced - wow, cannot even explain it
7.2Hz is beyond human hearing capabilities, and the frequency range of a smartphone speaker.


Jun 22, 2021
That's silly. It's the internet, expect criticism. As far as context. It does matter, and saying it doesn't is choosing ignorance. It doesn't take much to get the context, and no you don't need to read two day's worth of posts. Much of it is literally in this very thread... Like come on dude, read a thread before commenting nonsense.

If you think that human life is worth less than a dogs, then I have nothing else to say


Mar 18, 2021
Thank you for this. Just tried 7.2Hz on Cleartune and its probably one of the most incredible feelings I've ever experienced - wow, cannot even explain it
It puts you into theta brain waves and that's the most amazing state of mind.


Jul 17, 2021
Thank you for this. Just tried 7.2Hz on Cleartune and its probably one of the most incredible feelings I've ever experienced - wow, cannot even explain it

Sound can be thought of as air geometry. 9 is a recurring number in geometry --90, 180, 270, 360, etc.-- and is also regarded as a sacred number by many ancient schools of thought. The trinity of trinities (3 x 3) is thought to represent oneness with all of reality/God/the ether. The frequencies 3.6, 5.4, and 7.2 all add up to 9 in themselves: 3+6, 5+4, 7+2. These are some of the background frequencies emitted by the earth/cosmos as most "sacred" tones are made from them.

Even though these are below the threshold of human hearing they are still present around us. Saying that an imperceptible sound frequency has no effect on you or your body is like saying infrared or ultraviolet light has no effect either. Large predators are known to use some ultra-low frequencies infrasound to disorient prey, and the phenomenon has been documented on humans as well. I believe infrasound also has been weaponized for non-lethal crowd control or military purposes too.

That said I think the most effective application for these low-frequency tones is in the form of neural entrainment or binaural beats. Low-quality speakers will likely not be able to produce sounds this low but you can use carrier frequencies in binaural fashion to induce these states in your brain. When your brain is able to operate at these frequencies (delta, theta, alpha) there is much more coherence within your nervous system. This especially helps autonomic function, allowing a more complete saturation into a parasympathetic state. When your brain, and entire nervous system for that matter, is on the same page, harmonizing all aspects of your being comes easier.

I've made a few audio files that use 7.2, 5.4, and 3.6 Hz in the form of binaurals that do just this. You need headphones for them to work but I'll usually listen while lying down and relaxing. Within a few minutes, you should feel a shift into a more calm, possibly sleepy, mood. These also go along the lines of inducing what the CIA's Gateway Project deems a "Focus-12" state, which allows an individual to mold their reality with their consciousness.



Jun 21, 2017
Well, If it was me, I would probably buy a cotton pillowcase and a few pounds of cotton filling and fill the pillow myself with cotton.

I think Wool is the best, but, I think a real problem in a sleep set-up is Wool increases DHT so when someone has wool on their mattress (a hyper-estrogenic environment), it feels stressful in a way because your body notices stressors more when you wear wool and the stress from polyester mattresses become a lot more uncomfortable.

Personally I don't sleep with a pillow anymore, I think when DHT is higher, the shape of the skull changes in such a way where a moreso, flatter surface is prefered for the head.

Down Pillows increase Progesterone, but I don't use them and I don't like them because High Progesterone messes with a few things in males downstream and I think Wool is the safest and Best option for everyone.

If you have the pillow and not the Wool comforter yet, I would try both on the mattress as this will mitigate a lot of the stress of the mattress and sleeping becomes a lot more enjoyable

Ultimately, I think the best option for most people is ridding the mattress entirely and sleeping on the floor on a Wool comforter, pillow optional. If we sleep on a mattress its 8 hours of stress every night, 1/3 of the day under stress and when sleeping, this is supposed to be the time our body recovers from stress during the day, its worth the investment considering sleep is a huge portion of our day every night. The skull and bones get so much stronger sleeping on the floor as well and It feels so much easier to hop up from sleeping once I started sleeping on the floor while mattresses give me this 'groggy', slow type feeling where It takes me like an hour or two to re-coup some energy to start the day

These mattresses drain energy and steal electrons from our body, so I think honestly the best for most people is sleeping on the floor (an ideal floor) with a wool comforter with no pillow necessary and no mattress in the room that we stay in
Have you got a website with more tips for increasing DHT ?


Nov 16, 2020
Has anyone ever heard of the bathtubs that pipe music through them? I would think that would be a really cool way to utilize water therapy (which would include temperature therapy depending on if the water was cold or warm) and sound therapy (specifically in the healing frequencies). They're cost a pretty penny but I think they could be a powerful combination!
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