metabolic rate

  1. Giraffe

    Resting Metabolic Rate And Respiratory Quotient In Human Longevity

    "Eighty-one females were divided into three groups: adults (<65 yr old; n = 26), aged subjects (age range 66–94; n = 27), and long-lived subjects (>95 yr old; n = 28) volunteered for the study." "Indirect calorimetry parameters for each age group are reported in Table 3. Long-lived subjects had...
  2. Ahanu

    Metabolic Stability Vs Metabolic Rate

    Maybe the metabolic rate is not so important after all. Mathematician/biologist Lloyd Demetrius suggested that the most important factor involved in duration of life is not metabolic rate or oxidative stress, but metabolic stability. "Evolutionary biologist Lloyd Demetrius believes that...
  3. haidut

    Propensity For Risky Behavior Determined By Metabolic Rate

    The type of behavior scientists consider risky is usually the exact behavior children and young adults seem so suited for - i.e. willingness to explore and learn even in the face of danger. This is yet another study to show that openness to new experiences, desire to explore novel environments...
  4. G

    Metabolic Rate: How Much Will It Increase?

    How much of an increase in basal metabolic rate can we reasonably expect from eating the Peat way? If my bmr is 1000-1200 calories a day, how is eating this diet going to change that?
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