
  1. Hans

    When keto diets backfire and cause health problems

    Chronically doing a very low-carb diet can lead to problems. Obviously, not everyone suffers from them, but a relatively large percentage do. Here I talk about a few of the side effects of doing a very low carb diet...
  2. Mr Joe

    Homemade Peat-Friendly Whey Protein

    Many of us are struggling getting enough protein for muscle building on a Peat diet. 150 g daily (average) is hard to find if you don't drink 2L milk every day, if you don't have enough money or just no time. Androsterone and other "pro-metabolic" substances are useful but still need enough...
  3. haidut

    PUFA is catabolic, SFA is anti-catabolic (anabolic)

    During the early days of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) science, it quickly became apparent that the ability of AAS to preserve and/or increase muscle mass was related to their ability to reduce/block the expression of amino acid catabolic enzymes such as tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT). TAT...
  4. Tristan Loscha

    Study:Normal To High NaCl Intake Is Associated WithPsoriasis, CNS-Disorders,IL17

    These Data-Hamsters are unhinged,let them entertain us though.Allegedly excess NaCl and concomitant rise of Sodium sensing Glucocorticoid-Kinase1,Interleukine liberation,NFKB induction etc, is a major driver of inflammation. Link To Full...
  5. haidut

    PUFA Is Directly Catabolic (without Cortisol/estrogen), SFA Is Anabolic

    I posted a few studies about PUFA potentiating the stress response and cortisol synthesis, even without the typical elevations of ACTH present in organic stress reactions. Saturated fats block that pro-stress effects of PUFA...
  6. haidut

    The Ability To Metabolize Glucose Is Impaired In CFS/ME Patients

    The enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is perhaps the single most important factor in proper glucose metabolism and it is often severely downregulated (both in function and levels) in a number of diseases, most notably cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions. Without proper...
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