Using Cane Sugar As The Main Source Of Carbohydrate


Nov 7, 2013
I'm going to experiment with using cane sugar as my main source of carbohydrate for the next couple of days since most fruits/fruit juices makes me feel bad and I'm trying to fix my digestion. Has anybody tried this? Do I need to supplement B-vitamins? I eat 1.5 oz of liver 4 days a week, couple of oysters 2 days a week, 2 egg yolks and two quarts of milk daily, 0.5 oz of instant coffee daily. If I have access to ripe oranges (I have most days) I make around one quart of juice daily (I tolerate it pretty good if it's well-strained)

To reach 450 grams of carbohydrates (which I need to make it through the day) I need to use around 240 grams of cane sugar. Does anybody use this much white sugar on a daily basis? Please share your experience if so and tips on how to make sure to get all your nutrients from other sources.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Filip1993 said:
I'm going to experiment with using cane sugar as my main source of carbohydrate for the next couple of days since most fruits/fruit juices makes me feel bad and I'm trying to fix my digestion. Has anybody tried this? Do I need to supplement B-vitamins? I eat 1.5 oz of liver 4 days a week, couple of oysters 2 days a week, 2 egg yolks and two quarts of milk daily, 0.5 oz of instant coffee daily. If I have access to ripe oranges (I have most days) I make around one quart of juice daily.

To reach 450 grams of carbohydrates (which I need to make it through the day) I need to use around 240 grams of cane sugar. Does anybody use this much white sugar on a daily basis? Please share your experience if so and tips on how to make sure to get all your nutrients from other sources.
If your not already using you could analyze your daily food intake and see how close you are to meeting the nutrient requirements. There is a thread entitled 'fruit and vegetable broth' that might be helpful if you want to get some additional easily digestible nutrients.


Feb 20, 2013
I have done that for a long time. It works fine. In an old thread i posted cronometer calculation
where i got all the required nutrients just using Milk, farmer's cheese, liver,
coffee and 250 grams of pure sugar. I think only thing missing was manganese and folate,
and small piece of pineapple can provide required manganese . I still use a large amount of
pure sugar or honey. Honey use depends on the quality of the honey i get from
an organic cooperative. For a month i experimented with cane sugar juice
and later found out that it is goitrogenic. I usually get 250-350 grams of
table sugar or honey always added in milk coffee and farmer's cheese.
It works better with milk coffee. I think it is more important to have a
happy intestine that to have whole lot of nutrients with unhappy gut.
That fruit vegetable broth gives me extra nutrients even though i am getting
almost all the nutrients without it. I still eat fruits only if i can find fully ripe fruits.


Nov 7, 2013
@mittir Thanks for your answer! How do you eat your liver? Do you eat it with coffe/milk/sugar?


Feb 20, 2013
I have tried different recipes for liver. Small pieces fried in coconut oil and onion
or liver pate. I drink milk+coffee+sugar drink with liver or if i eat liver with
other foods then i just add a tsp of instant coffee in small amount of water and drink it. Bitter taste is quite invigorating and it is believed in folk medicine that bitter taste stimulates liver.


Aug 9, 2013
Mittir said:
I have done that for a long time. It works fine. In an old thread i posted cronometer calculation
where i got all the required nutrients just using Milk, farmer's cheese, liver,
coffee and 250 grams of pure sugar. I think only thing missing was manganese and folate,
and small piece of pineapple can provide required manganese . I still use a large amount of
pure sugar or honey. Honey use depends on the quality of the honey i get from
an organic cooperative. For a month i experimented with cane sugar juice
and later found out that it is goitrogenic. I usually get 250-350 grams of
table sugar or honey always added in milk coffee and farmer's cheese.
It works better with milk coffee. I think it is more important to have a
happy intestine that to have whole lot of nutrients with unhappy gut.
That fruit vegetable broth gives me extra nutrients even though i am getting
almost all the nutrients without it. I still eat fruits only if i can find fully ripe fruits.

What changes have you noticed eating this way? or rather since finding RPs worK?


Feb 20, 2013
aquaman said:
What changes have you noticed eating this way? or rather since finding RPs worK?

Everything moving in right direction. Externally, still losing weight and decreasing
waistline, gaining muscle without exercise. Just weighed myself and it is 20 lbs since
starting . Losing weight is not my goal , but it is a nice side effect. Hair is much thicker and
fuller. I have been strict peating with milk and liver for about a year now. Before that i was doing non-dairy version with good result but not great.


Nov 7, 2013
@Mittir Do you think cane sugar needs to be dissolved in something in order to digest good or can I just eat it straight out of the jar? (Of course I eat it with food/nutrients).


Feb 20, 2013
I have not eaten raw sugar like that. But it should not be a problem.
Some people may lack enzyme to break down sucrose, for them
inverted sugar syrup ( sugar dissolved in hot liquid, sometime with added lemon juice
or other acids) should be easier to digest. Hypothyroid people with SIBO are more likely
to have problem breaking down sugar.


Jan 22, 2013
cane sugar straight can cause teeth sensitivity...or this not pleasant cold sensation just because of the osmotic pressure pulling water from in the teeth, but a little with water, evrey maple syrup consistency, is all good that wont happen. I use a lot of sugar, probably around 200 grams a day but its never alone, always with something to add that case its completely fine and probably beneficial compared to other foods in many for just plain sugar not backed by any nutrients, 200 grams a day? Dunno, I suspect it might work for a day or two but then youd start craving things, or maybe seem to be eating a lot of other nutrient dense foods, the liver and shellfish and eggs, but with sugar its the potassium that would mainly be missing that even the liver oyster egg couldn't help with that much. From what you say though it seems like your metabolism is already pretty good, so yea, sugar definitely all good, try to back it with coffee tea broth or something else if and when you can

Mittir, just a side interested, Ive never actually had the priveledge of trying fresh cane juice, though I sometimes use jaggery (like the Mexican or indian sugar, the caramel colored whole brown cane juice that is just dried into blocks) and ...though you can taste some roasted kind of notes in there, its a quite nice flavor. Its got a ton if inorganic iron from the processing in the iron boiling vats so I limit it, but the taste and effect are nice (fresh cane juice doesn't have the excess iron obviously). I didn't know it was goitrogenic...that's what im curious about. Most goitrogenic foods give some kind of nutty astringent or strange vibe in their taste, does fresh cane juice have any off flavors or is it pure sweet goodness?


Nov 7, 2013
Thanks pboy! I always use sugar along with nutrients, mostly coffee/milk/chocolate and some OJ. So I think I get enough potassium to process the sugar. And Mittir, if cane sugar juice is a goitrogen, what about regular cane sugar, is it also a goitrogen?


Feb 20, 2013
pboy said:
Mittir, just a side interested, Ive never actually had the priveledge of trying fresh cane juice, though I sometimes use jaggery (like the Mexican or indian sugar, the caramel colored whole brown cane juice that is just dried into blocks) and ...though you can taste some roasted kind of notes in there, its a quite nice flavor. Its got a ton if inorganic iron from the processing in the iron boiling vats so I limit it, but the taste and effect are nice (fresh cane juice doesn't have the excess iron obviously). I didn't know it was goitrogenic...that's what im curious about. Most goitrogenic foods give some kind of nutty astringent or strange vibe in their taste, does fresh cane juice have any off flavors or is it pure sweet goodness?

I drank 1-2 quarts of sugar cane juice for about a month. Most of the time it was sweet
but occasionally i was having not so sweet juices. I thought sweetness depends on maturity
or different types. I usually buy 5-6 quart of juice from a juice bar and stored it.
The last batch i bought was not sweet at all and had astringent taste. I knew it was
not matured, i thought there were vitamins and minerals in it. After few days of drinking
i got swollen neck and was feeling very hypo. After few days i realized this could be the source of problem and found out that sugar cane is a goitrogen and IIRC it is the green
tip of the cane that has the most of the goitrogen. It is hard to find a lot of information
on goitrogenicity of sugar cane. I am quite sure it was the unripe
cane that was the source of the problem. It is also possible that after 1 month of
heavy drinking i reached a breaking point. Sweet ripe juice is super refreshing.
It felt great, i am quite sure there is something special in it. Possibly the
polycosanol RP talked about. The most immediate thing i noticed was my hair quality, including eye brows, completely changed in few days. Its been several month i stopped drinking cane juice but, i still have the effect. Thicker, shinier and probably some extra hair.

I am sure white sugar is very pure which is devoid of any kind of nutrient or anti-nutrient.


Jan 22, 2013
cool cool, nice info appreciate. Most grasses (cane sugar) seem to have astringent qualities or are allergenic except in rare circumstances or only at certain stages of their growth...which is why people usually try to only get at the inner endosperm, the pure sugar, or extract the pure value out of such foods but leave out all the planty parts (bran, fiber, roughage, ect). Doesn't surprise me at all that the tips of the cane, and probably all the woody and green parts, would have astringent and/or allergenic kind of qualities. Im sure careful processing especially when the person is using their own eyes along the way could avoid any imperfect portion of the plant, but highly mechanized processing or by people who don't care or know what theyre doing, or they are just rushing through it trying to increase product, could press some of the tips or green portions portions in the juice, I guess its like that with most food

I wouldn't be surprised, in fact, id expect, fresh whole cane juice to have some kind of special quality. Its got that kind of spirit to it. Quality cane juice is probably one of the best and purest foodstuffs a person can consume...that I know of. I could see how bad processing could ruin the whole vibe of it adding in astringents or off notes...its like the difference between low quality bitter with pulp commercial OJ and fresh squeezed


Feb 20, 2013
In search of a OJ substitute, i have been experimenting with store bought apple
juice as these are pectin free and made from ripe/spoiled apple. RP pointed out
that super market apples are mostly unripe with a lot of starch.
Fructose content of apples varies from 65 to 85 percent depending on
maturity and variety. I have tried apple juice before and did not feel good.
I never thought apple juice was too acidic so i did not add baking soda.
This time i tried several brands and settled on one local brand made from
concentrate and nothing is added. I am adding baking soda to neutralize
acid and my experience so far is quite good. The best part is that i can
drink 2-3 cups of apple juice in an hour and i do not get the sugar crash
i get from drinking 2-3 cups grape,OJ or other juice . It seems like extra fructose
in apple juice is keeping things in check. RP's only concern with commercial apple
juice is fungal content from spoiled apple.


Feb 20, 2013
Fluoride in Fruit Juices

I have just found out this 1991 article on fluoride in fruit juices. I do not have the full text.
Clin Pediatr Dent. 1991 Fall;16(1):38-40.
Fluoride levels and fluoride contamination of fruit juices.
Stannard JG1, Shim YS, Kritsineli M, Labropoulou P, Tsamtsouris A.
Author information
Increasing consumption of beverages as a replacement for water have made fluoride content in beverages an important issue. In this study, forty-three ready-to-drink fruit juices were examined for fluoride ion concentration. It was found that 42% of the samples had more than 1 ppm of fluoride. It was also determined that "pure" fruit juices, often grape juices, contained high levels of fluoride. Juice made from grapes separated from the skin did not contain any fluoride. Since it is common practice to use fluoride-containing insecticide in growing grapes, it is believed that contamination of these juices is occurring. Washing of grape skins produced appreciable quantities of fluoride. Given that increasing numbers of people are consuming beverages instead of water, fluoride supplementation should not be based solely upon the concentration of the drinking water, but should also consider the amount of different beverages consumed and their fluoride content.
This sites gives the fluoride content of various juices.
Fluoride ion concentration in commercial fruit juices and drinks
Product Name Company/Location Fluoride concentration (ppm F)
White Grape Gerber, Fremont, MI 6.80
White Grape Minute Maid, Houston, TX 3.00
Grape 100% Welch’s, Concord, MA 2.60
Tropical Blend Bcechnut, Canajoharie, NY 2.60
Grape Purity Supreme, Boston, MA 2.00
White Grape Welch’s, Concord, MA 1.95
Grape Stop & Shop, Boston, MA 1.94
Pineapple Minute Maid, Houston, TX 1.35
Apple I 00% Minute Maid, Houston, TX 1.30
Grape Welch’s, Concord, MA 1.28
Grape Minute Maid, Houston, TX 1.25
Apple-plum Hi-C, Houston, TX 1.25
Apple-grape Hi-C, Houston, TX 1.16
Cherryberry Rainbow, Hazelwood, MO 1.15
Peach Dole, San Francisco, CA 1.15
Grape Drink Rainbow, Hazelwood, MO 1.13
Fruit Apple 50% Welch’s, Concord, MA 1.09
Cranapple Ocean Spray, Middleboro, MA 1.08
Apple Cranberry Beechnut, Canajoharie, NY 0.96
Lemon-sparkler Sundance, Van Nuys, CA 0.78
Apple Ocean Spray, Middleboro, MA 0.78
Mixed Fruit Gerber, Fremont, MI 0.78
Natural Sour Cherry Sundance, Van Nuys, CA 0.70
Pear Stage I Beechnut, Canajoharie, NY 0.65
Cran Blueberry Ocean Spray, Middleboro, MA 0.62
Apple-Cherry Beechnut, Canajoharie, NY 0.52
Grape Beverage Tropicana, Brandenton, FL 0.47
Apple 100% Stop & Shop, Boston, MA 0.39
Grape 10% Hi-C, Houston, TX 0.35
Cran-raspberry Ocean Spray, Middleboro, MA 0.27
Cranberry Veryfine, Westford, MA 0.30
Apple 100% Mott’s, Stamford, CT 0.26
Prune Stop & Shop, Boston, MA 0.26
Apple 100% Mott’s, Stamford, CT 0.22
Mixed Fruit Beechnut, Canajoharie, NY 0.22
Orange Drink Tropicana, Brandenton, FL 0.20
Apple Stagel Beechnut, Canajoharie, NY 0.18
Prune Sunsweet, Pleasantown, CA 0.175
Apple 100% Veryfine, Westord, MA 0.16
Grape (artificial) Veryfine, Westford, MA 0.16
Cranberry Ocean Spray, Middleboro, MA 0.15
Fruit Punch Veryfine, Westford, MA 0.15


Nov 7, 2013
I have experimented with apple juice the last couple of weeks since OJ doesn't work for me. Right now I drink at least 1,5 quarts of a local brand. I feel really good, thank you Mittir for sharing all your experiences and tips, it's very helpful.


Jul 22, 2012
Mittir said:
In search of a OJ substitute, i have been experimenting with store bought apple
juice as these are pectin free and made from ripe/spoiled apple. RP pointed out
that super market apples are mostly unripe with a lot of starch.
Fructose content of apples varies from 65 to 85 percent depending on
maturity and variety. I have tried apple juice before and did not feel good.
I never thought apple juice was too acidic so i did not add baking soda.
This time i tried several brands and settled on one local brand made from
concentrate and nothing is added. I am adding baking soda to neutralize
acid and my experience so far is quite good. The best part is that i can
drink 2-3 cups of apple juice in an hour and i do not get the sugar crash
i get from drinking 2-3 cups grape,OJ or other juice . It seems like extra fructose
in apple juice is keeping things in check. RP's only concern with commercial apple
juice is fungal content from spoiled apple.

Just wondering, Mittir, if you could update on how the apple juice drinking is going.
And maybe you would divulge your favorite brand. :)


Feb 20, 2013
I am at a point now you can call me "The Apple Juice Man". I buy about
10 quarts of apple juice at a time. My 6 year old niece, who is a picky eater,
is drinking half to 1 quart of apple juice a day. Her mother attributes her good
habit to me. So far it is going great, unlike orange juice, apple juice has been
very kind and sweet to me. I think most hypothyroid people do have blood sugar
issue and have problem with pectin and other soluble fibers.
Apple juice is way better at fixing it than other sugars, even OJ.
Fructose is a wonderous substance in RP world.
I made a longer post about my current "near perfect diet" here
One thing i noticed that out of all the brands i have tried the two that
i like are pure apple juice without any additives like vitamin C or malic acid
or citric acid. Both these apple juice are light colored compared to other
dark colored apple juice. I think better approach is to buy ripe Gala or
Fuji apples and make your own juice. These two are high in fructose.
You can also try importing special Brazilian apple with 80+ percent fructose.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hey Apple Juice Man, :mrgreen: does your apple juice come in a glass bottle? Most everything is plastic here, and the one that comes in the glass bottle is much more expensive.


Feb 20, 2013
Charlie said:
Hey Apple Juice Man, :mrgreen: does your apple juice come in a glass bottle? Most everything is plastic here, and the one that comes in the glass bottle is much more expensive.

No, the one i am using is not in glass bottle, its tetra pak with plastic lining inside.
I tried few glass bottled brands, those are not that good.
I am still looking for juice in glass bottle that does not cause
any problem. I have noticed apple juice in plastic bottle does not taste good at all.
If you have access to ripe apples then making your own juice is the best way to go.
I really feel like apple juice was the missing piece for me.
You can look for sparkling apple juice, those are usually found in glass bottle and
tastes good, but bit expensive. But, check for apple juice contents in those bottles.
Some brands have less juice than the others.
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