The Pain May Not Stop After A Tooth Is Pulled, Something Really Bad. "Dry Socket. "

Feb 4, 2015
Human teeth are one of the biggest weak points in natures design. A big cavity that is left untreated can cause irreversible pulpitis but paradoxically a cavity that is treated may cause irreversible pulpitis because of the friction and heat from the dentists drill. The tooth nerve basically can't stand the friction and it commits suicide. If you have irreversible pulpitis, which means your tooth will never heal, your only two options are to have a root canal or pull the tooth, unless you just enjoy pain. Someone may have irreversible pulpitis and not feel much or any pain, or pain that comes and goes, but not for long. One day the pain will strike and stay, at which point you have to make a decision. There is also the risk of an infection which is a separate issue from the tooth pain itself. But either way you must decide, root canal or extract?

The natural health world recommends against root canals. Mercola claims that most people who've had them get cancer at some point in their lives. A root canal is essentially a "dead tooth," just sitting there in your jaw and your immune system must be able to defend the dead tooth from bacteria that can get down or in there somehow and cause an abscess and a failed root canal. If you have a failed root canal, you must extract the dead tooth.

But whether it's a failed root canal, pulled wisdom teeth, or any other non-wisdom teeth that are pulled, there is something really bad that can happen two to four or more days after it's pulled; dry socket.

A dry socket occurs when the blood clot at the site of the tooth extraction is dislodged, exposing underlying bone and nerves and causing increasing pain. Sucking through a straw, the suction from smoking, or doing vigorous activity can cause the blood clot to dislodge.

No amount of pain killers can do anything for the pain of dry socket because it is exposed bone. The only way to alleviate the pain is to "pack" the socket with something called "clove oil," or "dry socket paste," in which you have to go and get repacked every two days.

Look at the comment section of videos and web sites about dry socket and you see people saying the most horrible things about it. Here are some:

"I can tell you with 100% certain FACT: Having a dry socket is indeed worse than giving birth! That was the second most painful thing that has ever happened to me (1st was spine reconstruction). Having a baby sucked, but not nearly, remotely that bad!"

"I had a dry socket when I was 13. The orthodontist had to pull 2 extra teeth I had before I could get my braces. I dislodged the clot on my left side after drinking my drink through a straw. Oh my goodness that was the worst pain I've ever felt. I'd rather go through an appendectomy before going through a dry socket. The doctor at the emergency room gave me ketamine before he could even get close to fixing the problem."

"I am a periodontal patient. I have experienced dry socket, and it is very painful and the treatment is worse. Take care of your teeth!"

"I had extreme pain in my left ear, shooting up into my head. It's been 2 weeks since I had my tooth out, and it still really hurts. I went back last week, and the pain was incredible. The dentist put a gel in the dry socket, she gave me antibiotics, and now 1 week later, I have extreme pain, I don't know what to do."

"I experienced 2 separate dry sockets with impacted wisdom tooth extractions. I was in my early 20s. The pain was excruciating."

"When I had dry socket I had excruciating throbbing pain and codeine didn't help much. This started the 3rd day after wisdom tooth was taken out. Now day 6, I saw the dentist, had the wound washed out with cold water spray, and then coated to numb it. I have to take antibiotics for 5 days. I do hope this does the trick, never want to have this again as it is so painful. I have not slept for 3 nights, am shattered and depressed."

"By the following day I was almost suicidal with pain. They say with Dry Socket the pain is severe, which is utter bollocks, severe doesnt quite cover the level of agony! I have a fairly high pain threshold, but this had me on my knees. Two Emergency dentist appointments at a cost of £17.50 a go to find out that I had a complication called Dry socket. They packed it with alvegyl which barely took the edge off, and told me to rest up. Oh, after they sucked the gunge out and washed it. 5 DAYS LATER.. still in writhing pain, and no better off, despite practically overdosing on my Dihydracodiene, Tramadol, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. I trawled the t'interweb trying to find ways to help me, and was electronically advised to use Clove oil.. nasty foul tasting stuff. So aside from the usual Opiate cocktails I was using Hydrogen Peroxide to rinse my mouth, Clove oil soaked in gauze to pack my own gaping crater! and yet ANOTHER emergency dentist visit later I was kindly informed that my Dry socket was now infected. Oh joy. Antibiotics."

"I got a tooth pulled and two days later I was experiencing worse pain than when the tooth hurt. Dry socket was diagnosed after going back to the dentist. He cleaned the area up and put in some gel packet and then stitched it up. He gave me Vicodin for the pain. All that did was make me sleep for a little bit but nothing for the pain. My mother suggested naproxen, 1000 mg. I took that and it at least made the pain bearable. It still hurts but at least not so badly that I want to hurt someone. It's going on the second week and I am still hurting just the same. I almost wish I had never gotten the tooth pulled to begin with! I go tomorrow to get the stitches out."

"Pain became excruciating after two days following wisdom tooth extraction. I had lower and upper jaw pain radiating to temple, eye socket, ear, tongue and neck. I had a disgusting smell and smoky taste, and only strong narcotics relieved the pain until the dentist was able to apply a dressing. It felt as though my teeth and jaw had been smashed, wouldn't wish it upon anyone, horrible experience."

"I got dry socket after having my wisdom teeth out several years ago when my 2nd son was a newborn. I had just given birth without any pain meds, and I would have rather gone through that again than have the dry socket. It was so painful. The oral surgeon stuffed the socket with cloves and something else and the pain completely went away for me thankfully."

"Dry socket is horrible pain. I had that once and I thought about shooting myself because it was that painful ."

“I've had 3 wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago, and has developed one dry socket. The pain is the worse thing that happened to me in my entire existence, I barely sleep. I'm an extreme case as I've had the dry socket for 2 weeks already and seem to be recovering at an extremely slow pace. In 2 days I'm going back to the dentist for the 4th time. I've been on prescription medication the whole time. I feel like I'm handicapped. I've also developed a back and back of the head pain. Then again I'm an extreme case of a dry socket, just thought I'd comment because someone is maybe experiencing a severe dry socket too, I've been reading a lot about them and haven't came across a case like mine. My dentist is planning on opening up the wound and then stitching it back up to promote a new blood clot forming. Today I have also started a stronger antibiotics to prevent the jaw bone from betting infected.
So far it's not looking good for me :(
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Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
So is there any effective way of speeding up its recovery? My girlfriend's mother has a dry socket at the moment.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
So is there any effective way of speeding up its recovery? My girlfriend's mother has a dry socket at the moment.

Not that I know of. The only thing that seems to help is the clove oil "dressing" or paste. But those don't speed healing they just ease pain but not for everyone.


Sep 11, 2013
Ray Peat seems to have had some tooth problems, I'm wondering which option he choose.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
Ray Peat seems to have had some tooth problems, I'm wondering which option he choose.

He's had more than one tooth removed, as seen from the documentary. But he probably didn't get dry socket. If someone forced me to choose between skydiving and getting a dry socket, I'd jump from that plane real quick. It's not a toothache, it's a monster of something else.


Aug 6, 2015
Human teeth are one of the biggest weak points in natures design. A big cavity that is left untreated can cause irreversible pulpitis but paradoxically a cavity that is treated may cause irreversible pulpitis because of the friction and heat from the dentists drill. The tooth nerve basically can't stand the friction and it commits suicide. If you have irreversible pulpitis, which means your tooth will never heal, your only two options are to have a root canal or pull the tooth, unless you just enjoy pain. Someone may have irreversible pulpitis and not feel much or any pain, or pain that comes and goes, but not for long. One day the pain will strike and stay, at which point you have to make a decision. There is also the risk of an infection which is a separate issue from the tooth pain itself. But either way you must decide, root canal or extract?

The natural health world recommends against root canals. Mercola claims that most people who've had them get cancer at some point in their lives. A root canal is essentially a "dead tooth," just sitting there in your jaw and your immune system must be able to defend the dead tooth from bacteria that can get down or in there somehow and cause an abscess and a failed root canal. If you have a failed root canal, you must extract the dead tooth.

But whether it's a failed root canal, pulled wisdom teeth, or any other non-wisdom teeth that are pulled, there is something really bad that can happen two to four or more days after it's pulled; dry socket.

A dry socket occurs when the blood clot at the site of the tooth extraction is dislodged, exposing underlying bone and nerves and causing increasing pain. Sucking through a straw, the suction from smoking, or doing vigorous activity can cause the blood clot to dislodge.

No amount of pain killers can do anything for the pain of dry socket because it is exposed bone. The only way to alleviate the pain is to "pack" the socket with something called "clove oil," or "dry socket paste," in which you have to go and get repacked every two days.

Look at the comment section of videos and web sites about dry socket and you see people saying the most horrible things about it. Here are some:

"I can tell you with 100% certain FACT: Having a dry socket is indeed worse than giving birth! That was the second most painful thing that has ever happened to me (1st was spine reconstruction). Having a baby sucked, but not nearly, remotely that bad!"

"I had a dry socket when I was 13. The orthodontist had to pull 2 extra teeth I had before I could get my braces. I dislodged the clot on my left side after drinking my drink through a straw. Oh my goodness that was the worst pain I've ever felt. I'd rather go through an appendectomy before going through a dry socket. The doctor at the emergency room gave me ketamine before he could even get close to fixing the problem."

"I am a periodontal patient. I have experienced dry socket, and it is very painful and the treatment is worse. Take care of your teeth!"

"I had extreme pain in my left ear, shooting up into my head. It's been 2 weeks since I had my tooth out, and it still really hurts. I went back last week, and the pain was incredible. The dentist put a gel in the dry socket, she gave me antibiotics, and now 1 week later, I have extreme pain, I don't know what to do."

"I experienced 2 separate dry sockets with impacted wisdom tooth extractions. I was in my early 20s. The pain was excruciating."

"When I had dry socket I had excruciating throbbing pain and codeine didn't help much. This started the 3rd day after wisdom tooth was taken out. Now day 6, I saw the dentist, had the wound washed out with cold water spray, and then coated to numb it. I have to take antibiotics for 5 days. I do hope this does the trick, never want to have this again as it is so painful. I have not slept for 3 nights, am shattered and depressed."

"By the following day I was almost suicidal with pain. They say with Dry Socket the pain is severe, which is utter bollocks, severe doesnt quite cover the level of agony! I have a fairly high pain threshold, but this had me on my knees. Two Emergency dentist appointments at a cost of £17.50 a go to find out that I had a complication called Dry socket. They packed it with alvegyl which barely took the edge off, and told me to rest up. Oh, after they sucked the gunge out and washed it. 5 DAYS LATER.. still in writhing pain, and no better off, despite practically overdosing on my Dihydracodiene, Tramadol, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. I trawled the t'interweb trying to find ways to help me, and was electronically advised to use Clove oil.. nasty foul tasting stuff. So aside from the usual Opiate cocktails I was using Hydrogen Peroxide to rinse my mouth, Clove oil soaked in gauze to pack my own gaping crater! and yet ANOTHER emergency dentist visit later I was kindly informed that my Dry socket was now infected. Oh joy. Antibiotics."

"I got a tooth pulled and two days later I was experiencing worse pain than when the tooth hurt. Dry socket was diagnosed after going back to the dentist. He cleaned the area up and put in some gel packet and then stitched it up. He gave me Vicodin for the pain. All that did was make me sleep for a little bit but nothing for the pain. My mother suggested naproxen, 1000 mg. I took that and it at least made the pain bearable. It still hurts but at least not so badly that I want to hurt someone. It's going on the second week and I am still hurting just the same. I almost wish I had never gotten the tooth pulled to begin with! I go tomorrow to get the stitches out."

"Pain became excruciating after two days following wisdom tooth extraction. I had lower and upper jaw pain radiating to temple, eye socket, ear, tongue and neck. I had a disgusting smell and smoky taste, and only strong narcotics relieved the pain until the dentist was able to apply a dressing. It felt as though my teeth and jaw had been smashed, wouldn't wish it upon anyone, horrible experience."

"I got dry socket after having my wisdom teeth out several years ago when my 2nd son was a newborn. I had just given birth without any pain meds, and I would have rather gone through that again than have the dry socket. It was so painful. The oral surgeon stuffed the socket with cloves and something else and the pain completely went away for me thankfully."

"Dry socket is horrible pain. I had that once and I thought about shooting myself because it was that painful ."

“I've had 3 wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago, and has developed one dry socket. The pain is the worse thing that happened to me in my entire existence, I barely sleep. I'm an extreme case as I've had the dry socket for 2 weeks already and seem to be recovering at an extremely slow pace. In 2 days I'm going back to the dentist for the 4th time. I've been on prescription medication the whole time. I feel like I'm handicapped. I've also developed a back and back of the head pain. Then again I'm an extreme case of a dry socket, just thought I'd comment because someone is maybe experiencing a severe dry socket too, I've been reading a lot about them and haven't came across a case like mine. My dentist is planning on opening up the wound and then stitching it back up to promote a new blood clot forming. Today I have also started a stronger antibiotics to prevent the jaw bone from betting infected.
So far it's not looking good for me :(

do you think k2 would help with clotting/recovery?


Sep 13, 2012
Case and point leave the clot be! Don't suck on anything! Lay around for a few days and you won't get dry socket!


Sep 13, 2012
im preparing for a third molar extraction. What do i eat and avoid cold or hot food?

what do you mean leave the clot be?
A blood clot forms over the extraction if the blood clot gets removed it can lead to dry socket which is extremely painful and hard to treat.


Aug 10, 2012
im preparing for a third molar extraction. What do i eat and avoid cold or hot food?

what do you mean leave the clot be?
The surgeon usually will give you post op directions. Prior you will avoid chewing on that side. And better if you don't try to eat things that tug at the tooth like prunes. You could easily chew on the extraction side and that will suck the tooth. If you know what I mean. I'd avoid very hot food before.

Will you take amoxicillin before the extraction? My husband was given that the week before to reduce inflammation. My husband took ibuprofen the first day and was careful not to chew on the surgery side for a week or so. He did not get a dry socket. Be bold


Apr 19, 2020
I just had a lower molar extracted 13 days ago. I can still see bone. They didn't put in a stitch or 2 so... . It is just a slight dull ache, general pain, at level 1/10, but really it hurt like hell before (nerve pain) and after. No prescription pain meds given, but I had a few codeine from a year ago. Those few I took were needed. Progesterone drops directly on the gums helped reduce swelling the first few days. I am going back in a week, but... may go in earlier as this view of the bone is still there and is a bit disconcerting.


Apr 19, 2020
im preparing for no antibiotic extraction. Im searching on what to take like manuka honey, aloe vera, saltwater, xylitol.

I also did not take antibiotics. Just had a molar extraction 2 weeks ago. I actually have some for emergencies, and my glands were only slightly swollen, so I didn't. If you have a serious infection, you will probably know it. Besides nerve pain you will have very low energy. This is actually my second extraction in a year unfortunately. The other one I definitely needed antibiotics, which did help with symptoms for a while until I could get the tooth extracted. Saltwater lightly moving for 5 or more times a day. Also I discovered about 5 years ago that original Listerine is great for swelling and infection; it has potent extracts of eucalypt and thyme. Don't drink the ethanol though. Good luck with it all.
Dec 10, 2015
Hi jono,
its nice you did not take antibiotic if its not needed. It should be case to case to basic. Mine now is not inflamed but there is a pain if i made a certain movement but not pain on chewing.

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