Low Toxin Lifestyle The Low Toxin Lifestyle is About Removing All Toxic Things in Your Life, Including People


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
For healing and Restoration the low toxin lifestyle is about removing all toxic things from your life, including people. Not only does toxic things like poison "vitamin A" and copper bring someone down and make them sick. But people and the energy and spirit they carry can also be extremely toxic. This is why the Ray Peat Forum is going through it's own detox event. I will not allow toxic energy to remain here and will quickly deal with it. We only want people here who are respectful and helping us move forward in this new paradigm. People who are just here to "have fun" with the forum, or play "gotcha's" all the time, will not be tolerated. Only people with high integrity, respect, and honor will remain here.

With that said, anyone who has been banned recently and wants to come back and help us move this new paradigm forward, feel free to drop me an email and let me know why you want to come back and what you can offer to this forum and this new paradigm.

Moving forward, the Restoration continues and the forum is doing better and less toxic then it has ever been while the healing capacity of it rises exponentially.



May 3, 2019
For healing and Restoration the low toxin lifestyle is about removing all toxic things from your life, including people. Not only does toxic things like poison "vitamin A" and copper bring someone down and make them sick. But people and the energy and spirit they carry can also be extremely toxic. This is why the Ray Peat Forum is going through it's own detox event. I will not allow toxic energy to remain here and will quickly deal with it. We only want people here who are respectful and helping us move forward in this new paradigm. People who are just here to "have fun" with the forum, or play "gotcha's" all the time, will not be tolerated. Only people with high integrity, respect, and honor will remain here.

With that said, anyone who has been banned recently and wants to come back and help us move this new paradigm forward, feel free to drop me an email and let me know why you want to come back and what you can offer to this forum and this new paradigm.

Moving forward, the Restoration continues and the forum is doing better and less toxic then it has ever been while the healing capacity of it rises exponentially.

Amen to this Charlie.

In my personal life throughout this process, and even within the past year, I've begun to remove many toxic people, even family members,
and I do not regret it one bit. I think some may genuinely underestimate the negative toll that toxic people can have on our lives and well-being. I tend to not even entertain such types anymore, as I see some with their sole pursuit in life to just bring others down in any way they can. These are extremely sick and toxic people, that have no idea the magnitude of their toxicity for themselves and others.

I remember Dr. Smith mentioning that in traditional Chinese medicine, those with a troubled or burdened liver, tend to act very angry and aggressive, even when unprompted. I see much of this in daily life.


Oct 22, 2018
Cutting off "toxic" people like family members, what does that remind me of, hmm...

I wonder how this forum will be different from the already existing anti-vitamin A forums? Don't Genereaux and Smith already have forums?


May 3, 2019
Cutting off "toxic" people like family members, what does that remind me of, hmm...
Not sure of the point you’re trying to make, honestly.

Are you implying that personal family members cannot be toxic?


May 3, 2019
It's what cults do.
That's a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying.

Having actual abusive family members whether it's emotional, physical, or otherwise in the past, and deciding to no longer be around them or keep contact, is not being a "cult". That's deciding that you want better for yourself, and the environment that you choose to put yourself in.


May 3, 2019
That's a blatant misrepresentation of what I'm saying.

Having actual abusive family members whether it's emotional, physical, or otherwise in the past, and deciding to no longer be around them or keep contact, is not being a "cult". That's deciding that you want better for yourself, and the environment that you choose to put yourself in.
I'd even argue, that that is the exact opposite of cult behavior. Putting up with abuse, being okay with it, and turning a blind eye, is what cults do.


May 10, 2022
@charlie I just want to amass medical knowledge on the forum and I agree that theres no reason to post a bunch of dumb stuff because that dilutes it and makes it so someone has to dig through it longer. But, I was wondering if you could make section on the forum to play werewolf also called mafia on the forum because sometimes people just want to say stuff and argue and then there's a place for that. Because not everybody can contribute to every medical problem all the time but they still want to debate.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I remember Dr. Smith mentioning that in traditional Chinese medicine, those with a troubled or burdened liver, tend to act very angry and aggressive, even when unprompted. I see much of this in daily life.
I see this much in the Ray Peat community.
Having actual abusive family members whether it's emotional, physical, or otherwise in the past, and deciding to no longer be around them or keep contact, is not being a "cult". That's deciding that you want better for yourself, and the environment that you choose to put yourself in.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
If I might say this is the biggest toxin in my life.
Place where I work and people I work with are full of trauma.
I dont know how to get away from that.
I keep going away, but I keep finding myself in the same type of environment, same type of people, but different faces.
It is so annoying, this guy at work constantly wants to be my b****, wants to be owned by me, cannot decide anything without asking me. His washed out drug addict face and slouched postured is making me so depressed...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If I might say this is the biggest toxin in my life.
Place where I work and people I work with are full of trauma.
I dont know how to get away from that.
I keep going away, but I keep finding myself in the same type of environment, same type of people, but different faces.
It is so annoying, this guy at work constantly wants to be my b****, wants to be owned by me, cannot decide anything without asking me. His washed out drug addict face and slouched postured is making me so depressed...
I think we find ourselves in situations (repeatedly) where there’s a lesson in it for us and ultimately it’s for our benefit.
I had a pretty intense one last year with my former boss. I went so far as to switch departments and although she was no longer my boss she actually escalated her behavior and got others involved too. I had to learn that her behavior wasn’t really about me in particular but I just happened to be her current focus at that time. For her it always had to be someone because she needs an enemy to avoid looking at herself. My friend told me to just sincerely pray for her and find a small shred of love for her (not her behavior) in my heart. Prior to that I was always very respectful towards her but she could probably tell I really didn’t like her. I did start praying for her and putting her in God’s hands and it really worked. By the time I left the company she had completely changed towards me.
Your lesson might be different than mine but I think anytime we can get to a place in our heart and mind where we can find some love, compassion and understanding for the toxic person despite less than ideal circumstances it is healing for everyone involved-especially us. When I reflect on things from my own past and I’m completely honest with myself it’s obvious that I’ve been that toxic person before myself so acknowledging that helps me move towards love and forgiveness. It doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse inappropriate behavior but with understanding it keeps me from being drawn back to that darkness.
It is so annoying, this guy at
My initial thought is that you may just despise what his weakness and approval seeking represents. Some people (a lot in today’s world) just truly need built up and encouraged. He’s possibly never had that before in his life. Our whole society seems geared toward making us feel/think we are weak but we can take back ground one interaction at a time by encouraging one another to tackle the issues that keep us miserable and stuck in a cycle of believing lies about ourselves and each other.


Jun 6, 2016
It's what cults do.

It has long been common for authors and psychologists discussing the roots of trauma and psychological issues to recommend severing the connection to extremely toxic family members as a means of self-help and personal progress towards health. So it's really nothing new.

The only new thing is the possible connection of "toxic people" with actual physical toxicity, which opens up interesting directions to think about.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Blossom That was just very annoying to read.
Instead of giving support and encouragement that I will be able to break off of that toxic environment, you tell me I need to love that nonsense. Disgusting 🤮


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Bozidar, sorry, I truly didn’t mean it to annoy you. In the end I still broke out of the toxic work environment. It remained pretty toxic in general even though that particular relationship was improved. We just do our best each day and some things can improve and if they can’t you’ll know. I had hoped to convey some comrade so sorry it didn’t come across that way sir.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Bozidar, sorry, I truly didn’t mean it to annoy you. In the end I still broke out of the toxic work environment. It remained pretty toxic in general even though that particular relationship was improved. We just do our best each day and some things can improve and if they can’t you’ll know. I had hoped to convey some comrade so sorry it didn’t come across that way sir.
That right there, in your previous message, is the most prevalent and toxic attitude there is.
Its understandable, its a defense mechanism, but I am running away ASAP.
When you are not able to escape your toxic surroundings then you close your eyes to what is happening around you.
You pretend that you are sucking on a sweet lollypop, when in fact your are licking ***t on the stick.
Many people choose that option so it is all prevalent.

Please write no more about it.
Thank you


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That right there, in your previous message, is the most prevalent and toxic attitude there is.
Its understandable, its a defense mechanism, but I am running away ASAP.
When you are not able to escape your toxic surroundings then you close your eyes to what is happening around you.
You pretend that you are sucking on a sweet lollypop, when in fact your are licking ***t on the stick.
Many people choose that option so it is all prevalent.

Please write no more about it.
Thank you
I don’t think it’s toxic at all
A. I’m a woman and a traditional one at heart. Athough I’ve had to be in the workforce outside the home for 36 years it’s still not in my nature to act like a man.
B. I prefer not to fight unless it’s absolutely necessary and involves protecting my family, friends and neighbors when no one else is able/willing to do so.
C. I prefer the peaceable route first so it’s my natural instinct to diffuse situations and not make them worse whenever possible.
The problem is ultimately because we have been robbed and forced into roles that don’t fit who we are created to be. The boss I had an issue with literally told me how big her ovaries were like a man would talk about his b***s.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Bozidar, if more real men could put aside loathing and contempt for their weak brothers and try to meet them where they are at and teach them how to be men in this confused world things might start to change. As a woman that’s not my role. I help my husband so he has the time and energy to do those things. So many men do not have any idea how to act and need help and guidance because the family was largely destroyed a long time ago. That’s all.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
wow! what an ***hole response to someone sharing some personal experience and offering some advice and another point of view. Theres probably a good reason you keep end up being surrounded by toxic people no matter where you go. How does the saying go..... the best way to change other people other people is to change yourself. Pretty much what blossom was trying to get across to you with her story which I thought was pretty well put ;)


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
Hi everyone.
I am back from RP forum jail.
@charlie how are you?
Did you ban me?
No warning? Just like that?

I must apologize for me overly emotional reaction
My point still stands, but my reaction was exaggerated.
I have just finished 10 hour shift with dysfunctional people at that time. It was 1am and when I read your message about loving that toxic goo, I lost it so I am sorry about that...

@purple pill no, it's just being complaicant.
When we don't find a way out, we need to make weakness into a virtue so we don't suffer all the time.
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