Record High Number Of People Are Not Having Sex, The Young Lead The Pack


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yet another study that corroborates the striking decline of health in Western nations, except that this time it is not physiological disease.
The "Young" Have Now Become The Old
This new study found that a record high number of people is not having ANY sex, with the most pronounced "sex drought" seen in the youngest cohorts. That makes the findings even more worrying as typically this is the age group that is most sexually active. But not any more, and judging by the numbers before long the millenials and people even younger than them will soon catch up with the senior citizens in terms of "sexual drought". The "young" have now indeed become the old.
"...The share of U.S. adults reporting no sex in the past year reached an all-time high in 2018, underscoring a three-decade trend line marked by an aging population and higher numbers of unattached people. But among the 23 percent of adults — or nearly 1 in 4 — who spent the year in a celibate state, a much larger than expected number of them were 20-something men, according to the latest data from the General Social Survey. Experts who study Americans’ bedroom habits say there are a number of factors driving the Great American Sex Drought. Age is one of them: The 60-and-older demographic climbed from 18 percent of the population in 1996 to 26 percent in 2018, according to the survey. The share reporting no sex has consistently hovered around 50 percent, and because that age group is growing relative to everyone else, it has the net effect of reducing the overall population’s likelihood of having sex."

"...But changes at the other end of the age spectrum may be playing an even bigger role. The portion of Americans 18 to 29 reporting no sex in the past year more than doubled between 2008 and 2018, to 23 percent. For most of the past three decades, 20-something men and women reported similar rates of sexlessness. But that has changed in recent years. Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That’s a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers."


Sep 28, 2016
An obvious factor is porn use. People won't actively pursue meaningful relationships (or even just short term relationships) when constantly sexually satisfied and emotionally numb.


Feb 14, 2017
An obvious factor is porn use. People won't actively pursue meaningful relationships (or even just short term relationships) when constantly sexually satisfied and emotionally numb.

People seem to be generally more anti-social in this time from phone/internet addictions as well. Porn definitely comes into play there.


Aug 6, 2015
Many of them have chronic anxiety/OCD/fear/panic/autistic/schizoid features combined with screen addiction

It's no way to live.

Social media will promote an inferiority or superiority complex too.


Jan 25, 2014
All human relationships are in peril. Nowadays,when a mother feeds her child,mother is peddling with the smartphone n the child's eyes are fixed on the cartoon network. No human interactions


Oct 16, 2017
I see recurrently, many commentators, saying how porn is bad for you
This way of thinking will be distracting for some people of their real problem (hormonal imbalance, lifestyle, among others)

Without porn industry people can have their imagination, some strange behaviors, voyeurism etc
Porn can be a perfect couple, to your imagination, with some girl... Or something else

Health people are very likely to benefit from the industry, especially from the good porn
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Jan 25, 2014
People, especially young people, seem to be drastically altering their appearance permanently in really unattractive ways. Where I live, I see people with crazy amounts of tattoos all the time, on places you can't easily cover up, including hands, lower arms, neck and face. I've also seen crazy piercings (still don't know why the pierced septum in the style of a bull is so popular, especially among women), and even body modification.

When I see these things, I wonder what those people would do for jobs, business relationships, and personal relationships. Maybe they haven't thought that far ahead in life.


Feb 13, 2016
I see recurrently, many commentators, saying how porn is bad for you
This way of thinking will be distracting for some people of their real problem (hormonal imbalance, lifestyle, among others)

Without porn industry people can have their imagination, some strange behaviors, voyeurism etc
Porn can be a perfect couple, to your imagination, with some girl... Or something else

Yeah. I don't view porn in a positive light, but I do think porn use is a symptom of poor health rather than a cause.


Feb 13, 2016
Blue light from screens probably plays a major role in this (in addition to EMF, PUFA, etc.). Animals are infertile in the winter. Peat has mentioned it is the increase of sunlight in the spring which stimulates mitochondrial regeneration and hormone production (especially progesterone) and reduces the hormones of torpor (serotonin, estrogen) and stimulates sex drive. We barely get sunlight as it is by staying indoors, but the blue light from screens is probably a powerful additional signal to our bodies that it is winter.


Oct 16, 2017
Yeah. I don't view porn in a positive light, but I do think porn use is a symptom of poor health rather than a cause.

A beautiful nude women, can be a treasure for you, very rewarding for your brain
Alive? Wonderfully better
For sure this can be seen in a very powerful red light, very positive


Oct 16, 2017
Blue light from screens probably plays a major role in this (in addition to EMF, PUFA, etc.). Animals are infertile in the winter. Peat has mentioned it is the increase of sunlight in the spring which stimulates mitochondrial regeneration and hormone production (especially progesterone) and reduces the hormones of torpor (serotonin, estrogen) and stimulates sex drive. We barely get sunlight as it is by staying indoors, but the blue light from screens is probably a powerful additional signal to our bodies that it is winter.

I agree, very well said, thanks

The sun is gone, the powerful red light energy is expensive, better to sleep, good night
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Jun 16, 2015
People, especially young people, seem to be drastically altering their appearance permanently in really unattractive ways. Where I live, I see people with crazy amounts of tattoos all the time, on places you can't easily cover up, including hands, lower arms, neck and face. I've also seen crazy piercings (still don't know why the pierced septum in the style of a bull is so popular, especially among women), and even body modification.

When I see these things, I wonder what those people would do for jobs, business relationships, and personal relationships. Maybe they haven't thought that far ahead in life.

Agree. The number of affable and effable people I see seems to be decreasing. Bom Chicka Wow Wow -> Bom Chicka Womp Womp :(


Sep 13, 2012
No tattoos or weird piercings here. I have a very healthy sex drive about 7 months a year when the days are longer.

I just posted in the FB about a vegan who identified as asexual get a sex drive after eating animal protein. I wouldn't blame porn. I blame unhealthy lifestyles.


May 7, 2017
Life between 18-29 now is completely different from 10 years ago. Tech advancements along with the maturation of social media sites has completely changed the game.

Still, the stats presented say that 72% of men and 82% of women are having sex in that age group. If I walked into a college class and you told me 7 of the 10 men are having sex with 8 of the 10 women in there, I'd think nothing of it. Everyone's not owed sex lol. And with the profoundly increased accessibility in today's age, I'd imagine men higher on the attraction scale sort of "horde" more women. Ten years ago you had a fair shot at the attractive girl in class. Today, she has 100k followers and pays you no mind while she waits to get flown out somewhere for "promotional" purposes. :lol:

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
People, especially young people, seem to be drastically altering their appearance permanently in really unattractive ways. Where I live, I see people with crazy amounts of tattoos all the time, on places you can't easily cover up, including hands, lower arms, neck and face. I've also seen crazy piercings (still don't know why the pierced septum in the style of a bull is so popular, especially among women), and even body modification.

When I see these things, I wonder what those people would do for jobs, business relationships, and personal relationships. Maybe they haven't thought that far ahead in life.

'We have gone sick by following a path of untrammelled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, bottom-line-ism. We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body, when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies, or strategies for overcoming the condition of dis-ease. And the 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing. Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behaviour, I applaud all of this; because it's an impulse to return to what is felt by the body -- what is authentic, what is archaic -- and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very centre of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling.' - Terence McKenna


Aug 6, 2017
The INCEL culture is growing strong. I believe this statistic is easily explained by a cultural shift of women adopting the one night stand attitude that previously were only normal for men. If a man can share 10 women then on average 9 men will remain celibate.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I would like to comment this too, as a 22 years old boy. I see it that there are more factors. Today, girls want a boy with nice hair, alot of money, good car and to be a submissive to her. Unreal. Not to mention the fact that about 60% of girls here (EU) are unnatractive, overweight and emotionally unstable. When you add the fact that boys are hypothyroid thus have low amounts of androgens, its good recipe for disaster. My solution ? I am having sex once per month with a girl that is not attractive to me and watching porn once per week to satiety my appetite.
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