Raging Arousal Middle Of Night


Mar 2, 2015
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I could not cover the glans soft, 2 years later I can cover the glans fully with a retainer hot and w/o in cold. My glans is more sensitive a lot of keratinazation disappearing and it's showing a glins/ light reflection now.
I'm becoming a shower. I suspect a lot of muscles relaxing(this and ischiocavernosus). But also I'm picking up on other peoples sexual "vibe" or how they flow the energy in lower department? maybe always did but was too numb..

I think this and ischiocavernosus can be trained, if you can control them, you might be more able to manage the erection. I'm curious about how your posture is any flared ribs, hallow abs, pelvic hyper flexion/extension?


Dec 8, 2017
I think you are pathologising something that is completely normal. Men have a series of erections throughout the night and the normal waking up erection is the last in that series.

Your analysis is a little bizarre, frankly. This isn't a run of the mill sexual health problem but a major imbalance that is ruining my sleep. I either ejaculate to end the wired rushy feeling, which causes prolactin release, which makes me tired as hell the next day; or I try to resist and I end up staying awake for hours.

As a temporary solution, OP you could try sexually releasing before bed, maybe that would curtail any sexual urge in the middle of night, at least allowing you to get some quality sleep.

I have almost zero sex drive around bed time and when I'm going to sleep. During the day my sex drive is relatively normal and I rarely masturbate... I just don't feel I need to. Sometimes after the gym I do because of the T increase, but that's it. This night time waking up thing is really intense and does not feel normal.

One recent addition to my nutrient stack in the past month was boron 3mg in the morning. Maybe that is upping my T. It's the only thing I can think of.

It could be a succubus. Are you saved? Being serious...

I do actually believe in spiritual disturbances like psychic vampirism, but I doubt that's at work here. The being saved part made me laugh out loud a bit though.

Do you live in an apartment complex?

I'm restoring foreskin, and wearing a retainer. I wake up with erections and pain due to upstairs neighbors going at it. Appearently I have an open invitation for everyone elses business..

Yeah I do. The neighbour below me has loud sex a lot. I can hear him and his girlfriend at least twice a week, but it's not a turn on. They sound like livestock, lol.

My suspect is something in the diet and have just started to note the foods I eat when this happens. So far either coke, coffee or milk seem to be likely although not sure.

It will be good to see what your diet is like.

My diet is very robust and balanced. It has taken me years to get to this point. My auto-immune condition is finally healing, which I am very thankful for.

Two recent editions... boron in the morning, and desiccated liver pills which I made myself. The liver pills are very energizing but I take them far away from bed time. They are loaded with B vitamins though and maybe that is driving some kind of cycle in my body.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
One recent addition to my nutrient stack in the past month was boron 3mg in the morning. Maybe that is upping my T. It's the only thing I can think of.
I started having sex dreams (menopausal female) after eating more boron from raisins and dates. It could be boron.


Dec 8, 2017
I started having sex dreams (menopausal female) after eating more boron from raisins and dates. It could be boron.

It's my prime suspect right now, though I did only start taking it a few weeks ago and this problem has been happening for a couple months.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It's my prime suspect right now, though I did only start taking it a few weeks ago and this problem has been happening for a couple months.
Keep us posted! It could be intensify the issue.


Jun 19, 2014
I am surprised nobody has mentioned: RP identifies unequivocally the very strong, unpleasant arousal is directly linked to high estrogen.

What could be causing that is uncertain, but I think a Peat-centric investigation should proceed from that point. What could be causing an estrogen surge around 3am?


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I do actually believe in spiritual disturbances like psychic vampirism, but I doubt that's at work here. The being saved part made me laugh out loud a bit though.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

It's no laughing matter. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh that came into the world and voluntarily offered himself up once as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. One must trust and believe in the propitiatory blood sacrifice offered by Jesus on the Cross of Calvary to avoid the wrath of God. (Hell) He took the judgment of YOUR sins (along with the whole worlds) so that you might have eternal life through him. Salvation is the FREE GIFT from God to all those that believe. No WORKS are required. It's the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that saves believers. Jesus Christ is ALIVE and at the right hand of the Father. Why not put your trust into Jesus Christ's finished work on the Cross today while there's still time left!! Eternity in either Heaven or Hell awaits. The choice is yours!!

2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

John 1:12 12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:


Oct 2, 2018
Your analysis is a little bizarre, frankly. This isn't a run of the mill sexual health problem but a major imbalance that is ruining my sleep. I either ejaculate to end the wired rushy feeling, which causes prolactin release, which makes me tired as hell the next day; or I try to resist and I end up staying awake for hours.

My analysis is bizarre. OK that’s a bit rich coming from you who is whining and moaning about waking up with an erection in the middle of the night, which is completely normal. It’s your psychological reaction to your situation you should be looking at. You seem to have a paranoid fear of a bit of prolactin release. Not everyone who masturbates at night or has sex is exhausted the next day by a bit of prolactin. Or you stay awake and fight the urge. You should be asking yourself “why” you are fighting the urge?

But instead you are looking for a hormonal or supplement issue to blame. If you couldn’t get an erection, then I would agree that you may have a physiological reason for what is happening. However as men get several erections during the night and you are waking up while you have one and then “stressing” about what to do about it, that is a psychological issue.

I don’t say it to be mean or anything, am trying to be helpful. But whatever....keep looking for a pill to fix it if you think that is going to make it go away. Good luck.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I am surprised nobody has mentioned: RP identifies unequivocally the very strong, unpleasant arousal is directly linked to high estrogen.

What could be causing that is uncertain, but I think a Peat-centric investigation should proceed from that point. What could be causing an estrogen surge around 3am?
I think it’s been mentioned on this forum that boron can be ‘estrogenic’.


Dec 8, 2017
My analysis is bizarre. OK that’s a bit rich coming from you who is whining and moaning about waking up with an erection in the middle of the night, which is completely normal.

You can stop posting in my thread now and thereby alleviate yourself of my "whining and moaning".

Please don't say anything further. Just leave. Thanks.

I think it’s been mentioned on this forum that boron can be ‘estrogenic’.

boron reduces SHBG.

These two posts might be hinting at the issue. I have prolactin that is in the upper range of normal. When I ejaculate it goes beyond normal range (this has been tested) and I get very tired for a couple of days. A couple of years ago it was so bad that my endocrinologist was about to diagnose me with post-orgasmic illness syndrome, but the problem got better once I started going to the gym and taking supplements to support dopamine.

Normally I am able to avoid hyperprolactinemia by avoiding ejaculation. Recently, the hyper aroused state makes it very uncomfortable to avoid ejaculation, and then I end up very tired. So the issue is the hyper arousal, not the erection and not the normal bodily functions. Oh and of course, the whole waking up in the middle of the night thing.

I'm only taking 3mg of boron though... could that really be enough to change the tide?


Jan 25, 2014
These two posts might be hinting at the issue. I have prolactin that is in the upper range of normal. When I ejaculate it goes beyond normal range (this has been tested) and I get very tired for a couple of days. A couple of years ago it was so bad that my endocrinologist was about to diagnose me with post-orgasmic illness syndrome, but the problem got better once I started going to the gym and taking supplements to support dopamine.

Normally I am able to avoid hyperprolactinemia by avoiding ejaculation. Recently, the hyper aroused state makes it very uncomfortable to avoid ejaculation, and then I end up very tired. So the issue is the hyper arousal, not the erection and not the normal bodily functions. Oh and of course, the whole waking up in the middle of the night thing.

I had never heard of this before. What sort of supplements are you taking to support dopamine? I'm wondering if some of those supplements could be causing issues. Cabergoline, for example, can completely abolish the male refractory period.

EDIT- Also, whatever you are taking for dopamine (even things like Tyrosine).... you aren't taking them later in the day, are you? All the dopamine agonists are most effective in the AM. Taken at night, they can often make conditions worse.

Also, since you mentioned issues with Prolactin specifically, it might be worthwhile to get a Vitamin D and PTH tested. Those three have a lot of interplay. Might have something to do with calcium, magnesium and sodium intake, too.
Last edited:


Dec 8, 2017
I had never heard of this before. What sort of supplements are you taking to support dopamine? I'm wondering if some of those supplements could be causing issues. Cabergoline, for example, can completely abolish the male refractory period.

EDIT- Also, whatever you are taking for dopamine (even things like Tyrosine).... you aren't taking them later in the day, are you? All the dopamine agonists are most effective in the AM. Taken at night, they can often make conditions worse.

Also, since you mentioned issues with Prolactin specifically, it might be worthwhile to get a Vitamin D and PTH tested. Those three have a lot of interplay. Might have something to do with calcium, magnesium and sodium intake, too.

I take all my dopamine support in the morning, but I am on a heavy remineralization regimen right now. I take magnesium by IM injection at night before bed, boron in the morning, potassium cocktails, bioavailable copper, zinc, etc. I get all my stuff from food sources except for mag, which I supplement with injections.

I also take DHEA and pregnenolone. I have for over 6 months. Maybe the cumulative effect is causing hormone imbalance. I originally started taking the hormones to help recover from corticosteroid damage to my adrenals. Prednisone also damaged my skeleton, I have osteopenia if my lumbar spine, sacrum and pelvis... hence the remineralization regimen and hormones. I still feel I need this support. Really, the only recent change has been the boron and it could've been enough to tip the scale.

I don't take synthetic D3. Secosteroid D is an immune suppressant and it has done nothing but harm my body. Instead, I try to get full body sun light when I can. I live in a part of the world that does not get much sun in the winter but when the sun does come out, I sunbathe in my speedos on my balcony.

I've taken cabergoline before... it made me cracked out as hell. I couldn't sleep at all and had to stop taking it. I don't think my prolactin issues are big enough to warrant that drug.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
When I ejaculate it goes beyond normal range (this has been tested) and I get very tired for a couple of days. A couple of years ago it was so bad that my endocrinologist was about to diagnose me with post-orgasmic illness syndrome
You can stop posting in my thread now and thereby alleviate yourself of my "whining and moaning".

Please don't say anything further. Just leave. Thanks.

These two posts might be hinting at the issue. I have prolactin that is in the upper range of normal. When I ejaculate it goes beyond normal range (this has been tested) and I get very tired for a couple of days. A couple of years ago it was so bad that my endocrinologist was about to diagnose me with post-orgasmic illness syndrome, but the problem got better once I started going to the gym and taking supplements to support dopamine.

Normally I am able to avoid hyperprolactinemia by avoiding ejaculation. Recently, the hyper aroused state makes it very uncomfortable to avoid ejaculation, and then I end up very tired. So the issue is the hyper arousal, not the erection and not the normal bodily functions. Oh and of course, the whole waking up in the middle of the night thing.

I'm only taking 3mg of boron though... could that really be enough to change the tide?
I don’t know a lot about boron but it certainly seems powerful. I will continue eating food rich sources because it has been a positive for my menopause symptoms but I don’t think it’s always helpful for everyone.
I can say for prolactin there is a lot a person can do diet and lifestyle wise to help keep it in check. Even though I have a pituitary tumor I have mostly been able to manage my levels by eating enough agreeable carbs and keeping thyroid levels adequate. Stress and lack of sunlight are triggers for a flare in my case.
I hope you are able to get this issue resolved.


Dec 8, 2017
I don’t know a lot about boron but it certainly seems powerful. I will continue eating food rich sources because it has been a positive for my menopause symptoms but I don’t think it’s always helpful for everyone.
I can say for prolactin there is a lot a person can do diet and lifestyle wise to help keep it in check. Even though I have a pituitary tumor I have mostly been able to manage my levels by eating enough agreeable carbs and keeping thyroid levels adequate. Stress and lack of sunlight are triggers for a flare in my case.
I hope you are able to get this issue resolved.

Can I ask what your prolactin diet looks like?

I agree that boron is powerful. I've been seeing that!

Another thing I noticed is that this winter my region has been blessed with more sunny days. I've been able to sit on my balcony around noon with no clothes on to get full vitamin D. I find synthetic D inferior. I've also been taking cod liver oil that contains natural D and vitamin A.

I'm thinking the boron might be too much, but its power makes me wonder if it's better to keep in my life.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Can I ask what your prolactin diet looks like?

I agree that boron is powerful. I've been seeing that!

Another thing I noticed is that this winter my region has been blessed with more sunny days. I've been able to sit on my balcony around noon with no clothes on to get full vitamin D. I find synthetic D inferior. I've also been taking cod liver oil that contains natural D and vitamin A.

I'm thinking the boron might be too much, but its power makes me wonder if it's better to keep in my life.
I’m so glad you are able to get real sunshine!

I personally wouldn’t take cod liver oil due to the pufa alone but that’s just me.

As far as diet I’ve done a lot of adjusting over the years but coming from a low carb background I found adding back carbs made a huge difference. I find carbs from fruit helpful although I still eat some starch. Whole and dried fruits currently work well but early on when I had weak digestion I drank a lot of juice and ate more cooked fruits.

Right now I’m sure my diet isn’t what we typically think of as Peaty but I’ve been at this 5 years so I’ve learned to keep what works for me. I think it’s important to eat enough to support your metabolism (starvation/malnutrition is linked to elevated prolactin) with foods that agree with you personally and give you energy. Beyond that the main Peat inspired diet guideline I follow is minimizing pufa.

I think someone might have mentioned it already but the antimicrobial fibers seem helpful for excess estrogen and keeping the bowels clean/moving. I like cooked mushrooms for this but some eat the raw carrot salad or cooked bamboo shoots. Now that I eat more whole and dried fruits I don’t seem to need mushrooms or other anti microbial fibers everyday.

It’s a journey and everyone’s is slightly different but I think your on the right track. People should be able to recover from a climax induced prolactin spike fairly easily but when you’re in a weakened state I think it’s harder and takes longer to return to baseline.

I honestly agree with Peat and think thyroid is key for prolactin issues.


Jan 5, 2019
do you actually have some sort of disorder that causes your prolactin to rise? if other lifestyle factors and diet were even relatively well balanced and you don't have any sort of illness, there is no reason for why your prolactin should be high and for you to be injecting stuff etc


Jul 18, 2017
sleep in the right side , don't sleep on your back , erections will win you :( , whatever happens sleep in the right side .
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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