Nasa's Moon Landing Hoax


Jun 11, 2018
I've already watched the film.
And just pointing out that the EU is not a country show reveals a weakness on your end. If you really have some proof, then present. What is not proof is saying "go watch this youtube video".
You must know the EU is not a country, this shows a lack in basic knowledge. Also lying seven countries went to the moon isn´t right. I already pointed out the evidence in my previous post. If you had seen the film you would point out what was wrong with it and provide correct information. You can´t even tell why the pictures „on the moon“ are fake.


Jun 11, 2018
What physics? You mean the van allen belts? What's the evidence those would have killed the astronauts? Not just a vague theory of lethality, but actual radiation doses accounting for trajectory, time, shielding and those exposure levels being severely dangerous to human beings. From what I can tell, the official explanation is that the total energy dose absorbed by the astronauts was below the yearly radiation safety standard dose. It makes no sense to parade out a huge fraud, literally a historical achievment of never before seen scale, broadcasting it around the world and building your space shuttle out of aluminum foil and broomsticks. Everyone from russians to europeans to normal physics professors is watching, you'd think they would try to make it look convincing and accurate to reality.
Radiation on the moon also damages humans and equipment. The radio responses from the moon were impossibly quick. With physics you can also prove the footage and pictures were fake. You need a rocket to escape from the moon. All in all the whole body of evidence shows man landing on the moon is unklikely. Pluss a lot of big events in the near history of the USA are fake, so moon landing being it makes perfect sense. USA´s goverment agencies love stuff like that and propaganda. The moon landing supports Russian propaganda, it shows governments more powerful than they are, even if it is done by their so called opponents. The russians didn´t do it because it wasn´t possible. The europeans? Who listens to the europeans? The American propaganda is much much stronger


Mar 10, 2021
Radiation on the moon also damages humans and equipment. The radio responses from the moon were impossibly quick. With physics you can also prove the footage and pictures were fake. You need a rocket to escape from the moon. All in all the whole body of evidence shows man landing on the moon is unklikely. Pluss a lot of big events in the near history of the USA are fake, so moon landing being it makes perfect sense. USA´s goverment agencies love stuff like that and propaganda. The moon landing supports Russian propaganda, it shows governments more powerful than they are, even if it is done by their so called opponents. The russians didn´t do it because it wasn´t possible. The europeans? Who listens to the europeans? The American propaganda is much much stronger
The footage is perfectly consistant with real life physics. What do you mean you need a rocket to escape from the moon. Lem had enough deltav to make it back to lunar orbit and rezendovous with the service module, Apollo 10 tested that.
If you understand the basics of rocket science and orbital mechanics you know that LEM is more than capable. And how does the Apollo program support russian propaganda? By making Americans look better. Im sure you are being oppressed by all world governmemts equally.
Also the radiation on the moon was shown to be tolerable for the short duration that astronauts were on the moon.


Mar 10, 2021
No, it wouldn't have to be 500,000. It could be less than 100. No one disputes that there were rocket launches. From there, it's only a handful of astronauts that saw the surface of the moon "first hand." Everyone else is relying on second hand reports and video footage. The Manhattan Project employed over 130,000 people, and that was kept secret through techniques like compartmentalization. Just because a NASA engineer crunched some numbers and made a piece of a rocket doesn't mean he would know all details of the project.

The insane use of hairspray and holograms on the ISS certainly makes me think there is something fishy going on there.
There had to be that many people involved, because all parts of the rocket, guidance program, telemetry, commands were made with intent to deliever the 3rd stage into orbit. If you make a bunch of faulty components not intended for the ral design of the rocket, the chamces of failure go up exponentialy. You can only claim that saturn V was launched and that they chilled in orbit for thr whole time. At that point you already spent basically most of the money needed to go to the moom because delivering the third stage to the orbit is the most expensive. Also that would mean that all the flight controlers were in on it, who wouldve definitely picked up something fishy from telemetry.
And if you think ISS is fake, you have to debunk this 50min candid video:
No bull****, no made up strings or cgi, the video is real. They were 50 mins in a zero g plane? How do you fake the tablet perfectly at the beginning.
And as I said, how do you exactly control people with moon landings?


Jan 1, 2020
Lol, where do you get "trillion billion" from? NASA's budget was around $5 Billion a year in the late 60s-

With a budget of that size, why wouldn't you spend a million or two mocking up some "Moon Footage" in case you didn't get there, or you had no way to broadcast video to Earth in a Maiden Voyage to (basically) another planet? Or had no way to get there in the first place?

And as far as working with Kubrik...... how do you know NASA didn't? Kubrik consulted with Harry Lange, who worked for NASA, while he was doing 2001. If Kubrik did secretly shoot Moon Landing footage, you think you would simply find this as a credit on his IMDB page?

Okay. So some physics professors talk with their friends and family about the Moon Landing being fake in 1971. How do you know if this did or did not happen? How many people would believe them? It's not like they could go back and watch their VHS copy of the Moon Landing, seeing as VCRs wouldn't become common until the 1980s.
So now NASA is the one doing the scam? And the US government, if it is aware, is letting them half **** this point of national pride? Regarding my kubrick comment, I wasn't talking about him specifically, it was just a way to ask why they didn't get a diligent cinematic master to make their fake video be irreproachable. Regarding the physics professors, it's just something you would think to pre-emptively account for, and get your own much smarter physics professors to triple check every aspect of filming so it's consistent with the laws of physics.


Jan 1, 2020
Radiation on the moon also damages humans and equipment. The radio responses from the moon were impossibly quick. With physics you can also prove the footage and pictures were fake. You need a rocket to escape from the moon. All in all the whole body of evidence shows man landing on the moon is unklikely. Pluss a lot of big events in the near history of the USA are fake, so moon landing being it makes perfect sense. USA´s goverment agencies love stuff like that and propaganda. The moon landing supports Russian propaganda, it shows governments more powerful than they are, even if it is done by their so called opponents. The russians didn´t do it because it wasn´t possible. The europeans? Who listens to the europeans? The American propaganda is much much stronger
Radiation in space also damages satellites, but we can still maintain a long term fleet of them, it's just wear and tear rather than immediate physical danger. Could you elaborate on the argument of the radio response time? And again, why would they not just maintain accurate physics here?
And well, given that europe has more people than america, and are the foremost important ally to the USA, you would think they would just CONSIDER the fact that they should try to convince the significantly more impartial population there. I doubt the US government had the balls to try and pass off a shitty fake to russia either, at least make it a good fake. And if the soviet party wouldn't call out the fake moon landing to bolster the image of the government (even though it's an achievement by an ideologically opposed government), why did they basically end the space race? Why not try to fake a mars mission?


Feb 18, 2018
Non manned missions was the term im looking for.
The issue is people today arent really enterained by space missions, it is just a niche for the nerds today. Most people dont give a **** about moon landings or PUFAs.
Anyway, if you think literally all world governments are working to fool regular people then I have bad news, they are coming for you right now as you are reading this cause you found out the truth and you wont be posting on this forum anymore.
But in all seriousness do yoi believe in a flat earth. If they can coverup the apollo why not the shape of the earth.
No they are not after me because I'm not important I can't actually prove anything lol they don't go searching for conspiracy theorists. Lots of people love space but that's not the only reason anyway it's just 1 . Most people don't give a ***t about pufas? Like literally everyone around the world eat them and are recommended them go to any doctor and ask them about taking fish oil ... Explain why pufas are seen as good.


Mar 10, 2021
I'm convinced that if one day in the far future, civilians will be able to go to the moon, have the ability to get to the Apollo landing sites and then still deny that moon landing happened back in '69, right as they will be standing right there, they will be saying it was all a hoax.


Jan 25, 2014
There had to be that many people involved, because all parts of the rocket, guidance program, telemetry, commands were made with intent to deliever the 3rd stage into orbit. If you make a bunch of faulty components not intended for the ral design of the rocket, the chamces of failure go up exponentialy. You can only claim that saturn V was launched and that they chilled in orbit for thr whole time. At that point you already spent basically most of the money needed to go to the moom because delivering the third stage to the orbit is the most expensive. Also that would mean that all the flight controlers were in on it, who wouldve definitely picked up something fishy from telemetry.
Clearly, there wouldn't have to be that many people. You are just listing people who did work on Earth. So the government spent money and some people built some stuff. So what? That doesn't prove they went to the moon.
And if you think ISS is fake, you have to debunk this 50min candid video:
No bull****, no made up strings or cgi, the video is real. They were 50 mins in a zero g plane? How do you fake the tablet perfectly at the beginning.
And as I said, how do you exactly control people with moon landings?

You didn't like any video.


Mar 10, 2021
We would have this already if they went to the moon in 1969.
Yeah sure thing bud, that is not how rocket science progressed in the last 50 years. Rocket engineering is extremely hard and needs a bunch of RnD and funding. Then there is the whole issue about NASA funding and the motivation to go back to the moon. Last 40 years of LEO research were crucial to see how humans can endure living in space for prolonged amounts of time. Nasa has been successfully sending automated rovers to mars, fully automated crafts to explore the rest of the planets.
Why do you think we should have civilians on the moon already, just because a space agency did 6 moon landings? You dont even understand the complexity of the saturn V rocket and the price which is needed to launch it. Can you please explain in detail why your statement is false, I know you wont but just saying it without reasoning makes it have no meaning. Are you up to date with history of space exploration and engineering in the last 50 years? I dont think so, so it sort of an argument from ignorance. You can easily educate yourself on this subject just by reading for a few hours.
Those plans are completely irrelevant to whether the Moon Landing was staged.
Oh are they? Russia and China are still selling the space lie so it is absolutely relevant.
You also dont belive in the iss:

The link didnt post for some reason in my previous post. You have to debunk this whole 50 minute continuous video, I dont think you can fraud something like this without absolutely any cuts. If this isnt authentic then we live in a science fiction world where I am an advanced AI government bot who writes organic posts like these.
And another one

Continuous video with even sporadic dual camera angles which is even harder to fake, and the video is from ESA now, not NASA. Almost every government in the world is in on it at this point.


Feb 18, 2018
Yeah sure thing bud, that is not how rocket science progressed in the last 50 years. Rocket engineering is extremely hard and needs a bunch of RnD and funding. Then there is the whole issue about NASA funding and the motivation to go back to the moon. Last 40 years of LEO research were crucial to see how humans can endure living in space for prolonged amounts of time. Nasa has been successfully sending automated rovers to mars, fully automated crafts to explore the rest of the planets.
Why do you think we should have civilians on the moon already, just because a space agency did 6 moon landings? You dont even understand the complexity of the saturn V rocket and the price which is needed to launch it. Can you please explain in detail why your statement is false, I know you wont but just saying it without reasoning makes it have no meaning. Are you up to date with history of space exploration and engineering in the last 50 years? I dont think so, so it sort of an argument from ignorance. You can easily educate yourself on this subject just by reading for a few hours.
They already have the technology and know how to get to the moon apparently you tell me not one rich person would want to go the moon?


Feb 18, 2018
Continuous video with even sporadic dual camera angles which is even harder to fake, and the video is from ESA now, not NASA. Almost every government in the world is in on it at this point.
What do you mean even harder to fake? They could pretty much fake anything these days. I notice how you keep avoiding my question about pufas ....


Mar 10, 2021
What do you mean even harder to fake? They could pretty much fake anything these days. I notice how you keep avoiding my question about pufas ....
Pufas have nothing to with this discussion.
Yeah faking this is impossible even today, you claim it was fake without even pointing out it is fake, you cant fake a continous 1 hour clip, you just cant, not even films are made like this even 1917 had obvious cuts. There is no way to make this without a cut, literally impossible. Flat earther are yet to touch these videos.

They already have the technology and know how to get to the moon apparently you tell me not one rich person would want to go the moon?
Apparently, what is your source, the technology is in development over the last 10 years and it is not yet proven to work, we will see soon, sls is close to completion.

And you are not being specific about it, you only claim it is fake without presenting convincing arguments that it is fake.


Feb 18, 2018
Pufas have nothing to with this discussion.
Yeah faking this is impossible even today, you claim it was fake without even pointing out it is fake, you cant fake a continous 1 hour clip, you just cant, not even films are made like this even 1917 had obvious cuts. There is no way to make this without a cut, literally impossible. Flat earther are yet to touch these videos.
Pufas show that lies can be kept secret on a big scale you just don't want to admit it , from your logic pufa are good for you because surely it can't be kept a secret that they are actually bad for you?

Apparently, what is your source, the technology is in development over the last 10 years and it is not yet proven to work, we will see soon, sls is close to completion.
Not yet proven to work but you are saying we went there already in 1969?


Mar 2, 2021
These kind of fake-conspiracies do not help matters much when it comes to looking for the truth in other actual-conspiracies.

There have been many cover-ups that have been investigated and shown to be full of lies.

The notion that AIDS is caused by HIV is an actual-conspiracy and some brilliant men have shown the whole thing to be a big lie. Peter Duesberg is one of those men and he was deplatformed long before there was a Youtube.

"Germ theory" is another actual-conspiracy and there are numerous researchers showing it to have never been proven.

However, the idea that the moon landing never happened or that the earth is flat are two fake-conspiracies that are nothing more than distraction to those that have never fully developed the ability to reason.
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