Nasa's Moon Landing Hoax


Mar 2, 2021
He's an insider, I don't think he was joking.

Strawman. If Kaysing published a book in 1976, why would he have to "anonymously" leak the same information to an organization that didn't even exist until 1 year after his death?

Supposedly, 6. All by the US from 1969-1972. All under Richard Nixon, clearly, the greatest world leader of all time. And yes, all the glory should go to Tricky ****, as NASA is one of the agencies under the executive branch, even though it operates more independently than something like The Department of Justice, or the Department of Health and Human Services. All other US Presidents have gone 0-0. In fact, all other world leaders in history have gone 0-0. And somehow, just like the pyramids, we can't replicate the same feat today, despite another 5 decades of practice in space travel, and (supposedly) better tech.

He got men 234,000 miles from the surface of the Earth. Everyone since has gone no further than 400 miles.

Why did we lose all that amazing 60's space tech?

Ridiculous. These are two separate issues.

Anyway, I wasn't debating you, with the most recent comment. Just answering your question as to why there weren't insider types claiming that the Moon Landing was fake. Clearly, there have been since 1976. And remember, there was no internet, no Alex Jones, No Coast to Coast, No BBSs, and not even really Cable Access where he could have spread his message in those days.
At the end of the day, you have yet to come forth with cogent material for this hoax.

The much more likely hoax is the one played on you.

You were tricked into believing that the moon LANDINGS never happened.

Show us how it is more likely that YOU got duped.


Feb 18, 2018
At the end of the day, you have yet to come forth with cogent material for this hoax.

The much more likely hoax is the one played on you.

You were tricked into believing that the moon LANDINGS never happened.

Show us how it is more likely that YOU got duped.
Again no substance to the conversation just meh I'm right you are wrong how about you prove us wrong it should be easy because you should have plenty of evidence


Jan 25, 2014
You were tricked into believing that the moon LANDINGS never happened.

Nah, I wasn't "tricked" into it. There's several good issues/questions that no one can answer if it was "real."

First, the "official" pictures of the Lunar Lander look beyond ridiculous.


Wouldn't the Gold Foil have come off in the decent from the main ship? How did the cardboard looking stuff at the top, looking like it's held in place by a few nails, provide adequate protection from the vacuum of space? How was it not ripped off in the decent? How is this the most sophisticated piece of transportation equipment ever made? Where are the stars on the moon? With no atmosphere to scatter the light, they should be amazing, not pitch black.

I've been on soundstages and movie sets, and this certainly looks like a movie prop.

Also, it's lucky they happened to land on such a smooth portion of the moon. It's supposedly getting pelted with meteors of all shapes and sizes all the time, and flat surface like this has to be hard to come by. There are man made roads on Earth that look rougher than this surface.

There's also the technical aspect. How did they manage to take such an amazing, professional looking photo while wearing bulky spacesuits and helmets? With only a single light source, in the sun? And do all this in the 250 degree heat of the blazing sun? How did the film even survive the extreme temperatures and 500 degree temperature swings, and radiation of space to even get developed in the first place?


Sep 10, 2019
LOOOOL! Yeah look at the amazing technology that they just happened to lose. Looks like they got the blueprint from inside a box of cereal.


Aug 22, 2019
The Soviets must've known about the moon hoax but said nothing. That's because they have their own space fakery.


Mar 2, 2021
so @Jing and @tankasnowgod
Would have us believe that not only is this fake, China launching yet another satellite, but all those space shuttle launches that happened in Florida and Texas were also faked. And they see no logical reason to supply any solid cogent proof? (Tankasnowgod even thinks he knows the meaning of the term strawman. )
And what about all the investors in Elon Musk's company that is supposedly launching 40 thousand satellites? Are we just to accept tankasnowgod and jing's word that this is all staged in a movie studio?

Furthermore, Jing has clearly showed that he does not know where he is in this hand. He seems to think that the space program has to be proven, and not the other way around.

So the real issue is the understanding of which party has the burden of proof. Jing has granted himself an illegit allowance here.


Feb 18, 2018
so @Jing and @tankasnowgod
Would have us believe that not only is this fake, China launching yet another satellite, but all those space shuttle launches that happened in Florida and Texas were also faked. And they see no logical reason to supply any solid cogent proof? (Tankasnowgod even thinks he knows the meaning of the term strawman. )
And what about all the investors in Elon Musk's company that is supposedly launching 40 thousand satellites? Are we just to accept tankasnowgod and jing's word that this is all staged in a movie studio?

Furthermore, Jing has clearly showed that he does not know where he is in this hand. He seems to think that the space program has to be proven, and not the other way around.

So the real issue is the understanding of which party has the burden of proof. Jing has granted himself an illegit allowance here.
Well where is the actual footage of the satellite in space? And anyway something in the skies doesn't mean we landed on the moon.
The space programme does need to be proven by the people who claimed it happened , going by your logic is it reasonable to say God exists without a doubt? Is it reasonable to say superman is real? Is it reasonable to say the flying spaghetti monster is real? Can I say I flew to Venus without evidence? Do you believe I flew to Venus if not why?


Feb 18, 2018
Live feed from the ISS

Omg what amazing evidence we landed on the moon thank you so much Jon for opening my eyes I now see the truth that was hidden from me something flying in the sky wow amazing evidence we landed on the moon.


Mar 2, 2021
Omg what amazing evidence we landed on the moon thank you so much Jon for opening my eyes I now see the truth that was hidden from me something flying in the sky wow amazing evidence we landed on the moon.
Your issue is not space exploration, its a personal problem that you have. You have a chip on your shoulder, angry at the world.


Feb 18, 2018
Your issue is not space exploration, its a personal problem that you have. You have a chip on your shoulder, angry at the world.
I'm really not sure if you're serious lol do you actually think that footage from iss proves we went to the moon ? Im serious I'm curious if you actually think that's evidence for moon landings.


Mar 2, 2021
I'm really not sure if you're serious lol do you actually think that footage from iss proves we went to the moon ? Im serious I'm curious if you actually think that's evidence for moon landings.
Its not evidence for. Its evidence against your phony ideas. You claim that the earth is flat and space exploration has not happened. But not only have there been folks going into space and landing on the moon all the way back to the 1960s, they are still going into space. Thousands of satellites have been launched. so many that space debris is an actual real problem.

Its not about evidence FOR. Its about evidence AGAINST your cartoonish "COAST TO COAST AM" dogman bigfoot alien reptilian nonsense.


Feb 18, 2018
Its not evidence for. Its evidence against your phony ideas. You claim that the earth is flat and space exploration has not happened. But not only have there been folks going into space and landing on the moon all the way back to the 1960s, they are still going into space. Thousands of satellites have been launched. so many that space debris is an actual real problem.

Its not about evidence FOR. Its about evidence AGAINST your cartoonish "COAST TO COAST AM" dogman bigfoot alien reptilian nonsense.
How comes I can't see one off these thousands of satellites through a telescope? Also how is something in the skies evidence against my claims?


Mar 2, 2021
How comes I can't see one off these thousands of satellites through a telescope? Also how is something in the skies evidence against my claims?
You must have a telescope from a cereal box.
Satellites orbit around the spherical earth.


Jan 25, 2014
so @Jing and @tankasnowgod
Would have us believe that not only is this fake, China launching yet another satellite, but all those space shuttle launches that happened in Florida and Texas were also faked. And they see no logical reason to supply any solid cogent proof? (Tankasnowgod even thinks he knows the meaning of the term strawman. )
And what about all the investors in Elon Musk's company that is supposedly launching 40 thousand satellites? Are we just to accept tankasnowgod and jing's word that this is all staged in a movie studio?
I do know the definition of "Straw Man." It means " a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.[1] "

You engaged in it yourself in the above paragraph. My only contention or belief is that the Moon Landing itself is staged, not all satellite launches, or even all other space exploration that has taken place in low earth orbit (though some of it might be suspect). I never stated that there weren't manmade satellite's orbiting Earth, either.

And as far a a Space Shuttle LAUNCH from Earth, how in the world does that prove that Men LANDED on the Moon, and then RETURNED to Earth? If I claim to have driven from California to Hawaii, is a witness that saw me leave my garage in California proof that the entire trip happened as I claim? Or is it simply proof that, you know, I left my garage?

Also, I wouldn't lump me in with Jing. I am not a "Flat Earther," especially since "Flat" isn't even a shape. I do think the Earth is roughly spherical in shape, and have never seriously suggested that it's "Flat."


Mar 2, 2021
@tankasnowgod How can you expect to separate yourself from the rest and anyone take you seriously?

I try to read your words about space shuttle launch and how does that prove, blah blah blah and all i see is this:



Jan 25, 2014
@tankasnowgod How can you expect to separate yourself from the rest and anyone take you seriously?

I try to read your words about space shuttle launch and how does that prove, blah blah blah and all i see is this:

View attachment 29480View attachment 29481

Lol, okay. Another great Strawman! I know the Iron Maiden song is about a "Wicker Man," but it seems about as relevant as you not addressing anything I said, so enjoy.


And, of course, you got me, here is the TRUE shape of the Earth, finally revealed!


(note that I stole this joke from @DaveFoster )
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