Millennials Will Likely Die Earlier Than Gen X Due To Poor(er) Health

Nov 21, 2015
Is it difficult to go and look into basic TCM principles under your own steam lol?
I swear people lack proactive intuitive approach skills or something lol

It isn’t difficult. But it isn’t difficult to say what a day’s eating is like for you either, but you won’t. I am not that interested because you have spelled out TCM and I am not that interested in it. I am interested in what tweaks someone is making specifically rather than general references to something else.


Feb 13, 2016
Going to be pretty blunt but I think some of the botanicals you are taking may be acting like SSRIs, increasing confidence by making you less perceptive as to where you may be wrong.


May 17, 2018
Going to be pretty blunt but I think some of the botanicals you are taking may be acting like SSRIs, increasing confidence by making you less perceptive as to where you may be wrong.
as I said, most people only know how to think - usually, but not limited to, men.
Women have a naturally more intuitive capacity.


May 17, 2018
But it isn’t difficult to say what a day’s eating is like for you either, but you won’t.
I already said what i eat every day.
Perhaps you simply missed it in my prior posts.
Perhaps you simply find it difficult to properly read and digest things.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I already said what i eat every day.
Perhaps you simply missed it in my prior posts. Perhaps you simply find it difficult to properly read and digest things.


May 17, 2018
re TCM - and I am not that interested in it
A proper understanding & application of TCM core/basic principles requires a certain degree of abstract reasoning skills.
It would be more upfront of you to simply say that your abstract reasoning skills do not meet the requirements for an understanding/application of TCM principles, instead of saying you are simply 'not that interested in it'.
I am interested in what tweaks someone is making specifically rather than general references to something else.
If you took the time & effort to understand the basic/core TCM principles, you would know exactly how to modify your current approach in order to improve, enhance & make it more sustainable.

The main issue you have overlooked is that TCM 'tweaks' are inherently subjective in nature, since they depend entirely on the individuals personal condition.

You claim to be 'interested in what tweaks someone is making specifically' - well, here's one for you - I have removed/minimized all foods with pro-damp/phlegm/mucus characteristics; I take note of my inner state, as well as that of my environment, in order to most appropriately formulate a strategic meal, which mitigates any internal or external factors.
This is bog-standard TCM practice.

How more specific do you wish me to express the tweaks?

If i were to try and express my tweaks in more intellectually simple terms, I seriously risk coming across as patronizing. Considering charlie's attention, I would rather not risk further discord tbh.
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I can't help but note a few observations:

- It wasn't until the mid-80s that meat was meat, and milk was milk in processed foods. Lobbying made government allow the redefinition of what's meat and what's milk, for example. To the point that meat and milk are now seen as bad by a lot of people. They used to be just meat and milk. Now meat can have all sorts of extenders, texture and taste modifiers, a lot of which is a trade secret and you don't really know what toxins they put in it. And most regular milk would come from industrial milking of sick cows, where pus is normal, and pasteurizing the milk hides the poor quality of milk.
- There was more outdoor activity for sure. Growing up playing with neighbors. Out the whole day. More physical activity. More accidents as well. Had two stitches. Broke my arm jumping from a swing. Played cops and robbers in a whole field. This shows my age. I'm a tail-end boomer.
-Then, there were few vaccine shots. Measles and mumps vaccine was optional. Measles and mumps were a rite of passage. So was chicken pox. The body's adaptive immune system got developed well.
-There were few gyms to work out then. People just did their thing. Ray calls this meaningful work. People now eat terribly, and exercise a lot not knowing having a good nutritional lifestyle trumps eating terribly and exercising a lot.
-Doctors paid house calls. I guess then there were less people, and there was less heavy traffic. Now, doctors are saddled with long lines of patients. Hospital parking is always full.
-Milk was delivered in glass bottles, cold and they weren't UHT milk. I'm pretty sure the milk was more nutritious then.
-Soda was made with cane sugar, and there were no sugar taxes. There were no diet soda.
-Soy milk tasted like soy milk, which takes getting used to. I had it in my pre-school years, as my body got used to drinking milk. Milk substitutes were scarce, and they didn't have irritants such as carageenan, guar gum, and locust bean in them.
-The lawyers weren't that sophisticated yet. Doctors could do what's best for the patient, and have more trust in patients not suing them, and are more likely to do what's best for the patient, and not do what's least likely to get them sued.
-Medical services were a lot more affordable, without the need for health insurance to cover for the bloated cost of medical services these days.
- I could still find both alternative Chinese and Filipino folk doctors who knew how to adjust my dislocated elbows and knees I had a play accident
- I ate more fruits where the seed can be replanted. These days, plenty of fruits came from hybridized seeds, and the seeds of these fruits can't be replanted.
-It was common to find bydrogenated coconut fat in groceries then, now I'd have to go to a wholesaler or the factory to purchase it.
-MacDonald's fries were fried in beef tallow, not in PUFA oils.
-There were no GMO's then. Now I can't avoid eating poultry and livestock that's fed GMO feed.
-Farm-raised atlantic salmon weren't that common. Now sold as health food where in fact they not only are high in PUFAs but also high in PCBs and other toxins from the very polluted Baltic Sea, where industrial pollutants go from the heavy industries of Russia and Germany.

I don't know if I'm observing this correctly, but I don't know if the current crop of basketball players in the NBA are getting injured more often than the players in the past. Are there bodies less robust now? Is there body structure more fragile these days?

This, coupled with the fact that EDCs don't allow androgens to properly work at the receptor site.
Hence why everyone is looking so frail and childish these days. A simple picture comparison of men back then and "men" today suffices


Mar 3, 2016
EMF causes calcium overload and apparently nicotine is a calcium channel blocker. Supports the effect of magnesium, progesterone, and CO2. RP wrote about it in an article on calcium on his site.

A few months ago there was a power outage for a few min where I live and I felt so relaxed, like I hadn't felt in several years. EMF is having horrible effects on people in urban areas (especially young women) but no one suspects it because we are told it's safe.
I've experienced this as well...


Sep 15, 2017
This, coupled with the fact that EDCs don't allow androgens to properly work at the receptor site.
Hence why everyone is looking so frail and childish these days. A simple picture comparison of men back then and "men" today suffices



Mar 29, 2016
due to digestive issues and the lengthy time egg shells take to dissolve in pure acetic acid, i've got some Calcium Chloride.
Please don't.

It's high acidic load. Just next to magnesium chloride. Creating a state of acid-base imbalance by supplementation is gonna get you off track.


Sep 13, 2012
Wow I must be a dampness factory then because my diet is bananas, sugar, ice cream, white flour, cheese, juice, soda and various other foods. But no I'm not, no excess mucous or phlegm at all.


Mar 3, 2016
Wow I must be a dampness factory then because my diet is bananas, sugar, ice cream, white flour, cheese, juice, soda and various other foods. But no I'm not, no excess mucous or phlegm at all.
"dampness factory" :lol:

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
@Sativa...... I am sorry that I started this wave but I really do want to understand you. The reason for my curiosity is that I see it impossible to avoid all things you wrote before so I wanted know which food is good for you.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Any way to completely avoid EDCs? Seems very hard to significantly minimize their effects consistently when they're in almost anything usually from foods, soaps, furniture, outside air to even your phone/electronic devices too.


Isn't this obvious? I have stated exactly what i'm doing in nearly all my prior posts.

I have simply gained a personal understanding of the core Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, which I have fused with Peat's core biological principles; thus resulting in an approach that far out-performs the individual components.

The conventional application of Peat's dietary principles used on this forum, is direly imbalanced, since from what i have seen, it fails to account for everything that the TCM core principles consider central to a balanced, sustainable & coherent approach.

What you write is not uninteresting, but it's delivered in such a contemptuous way that it gets irritating.
You write like you've discovered an approach that is so elaborate that it has to remain vague and theoretical, you can't even chill out for one second and list actual foods you eat in a day.


May 10, 2017
I worked at an elementary school a few years back and we had to close off the monkey bars for kids until they were in 2nd grade, because so many were breaking their arms simply hanging on the bars. they are growing up drinking oat, nut, soy milks. one little boy had low iron and his parents were making him eat coconut yogurt for it??? Give him some red meat. lots of irrational ideologies going on.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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