Millennials Will Likely Die Earlier Than Gen X Due To Poor(er) Health


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
TlSince adrenaline/cortisol induce glutamate excitotoxicity, which kills neurons, salicylic acid come to the rescue, acting as an NMDA antagonist / glutamate 'blocker'

Aspirin has been shown to protect against glutamate neurotoxicity via the nuclear factor kappaB pathway.
Aspirin protects cells against NMDA-induced apoptosis
by means of a novel mechanism targeting PKCzeta, a key molecule in inflammatory responses and neurodegeneration.​
Interesting, since aspirin causes the same kind of agitation as calcium does for me.



May 17, 2018
since aspirin causes the same kind of agitation as calcium does for me.
Well, the pharmacology links are not that straightforward or directly related lol... there are always nuances.

Salicylic acid aka aspirin lowers cortisol (which might, for some people = blood sugar drop?), lowers serotonin, also raises dopamine ... and Calcium stimulates endocannabinoid production, which can stimulate the dopamine system, and also increase histamine...which itself is a stimulating pro-wakefulness substance
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May 17, 2018
This explains perfectly why calcium makes me agitated. Though only from supplementing. Milk however causes digestion issues for me so I need to keep its intake limited. Any alternatives?
Milk is far more than just calcium ofc...
Personally I avoid all dairy products because it does not possess desirable properties/ characteristics. It's consumption would lead to things which I look to avoid. For me, I don't consider dairy as worth using, except in dire situations, or where dairy's unique characteristics make it the ideal option.

By incorporating traditional medicinal systems into my application of Peat principles, I have significantly improved the application of Peat's principles (that seem prevalent on this forum, eg dairy, OJ, sugar etc) - this has made them more coherent & sustainable, thanks to the wisdom from traditional systems, which seems direly lacking in most peoples application of Peat principles. It's no wonder so many people experience issues. That's what happens when you remain ignorant of the dynamics that form the foundation of your bodies biological function.
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Apr 15, 2013
Birth control has a lot to do with it, especially since its acceptable for teenagers to be on birth control for a while now. Women are having hysterectomies and parts of their uterus removed in their 30's and even 20's now because of fibroids.

Dr Peat said a patient came to him who was trying to get pregnant with a large fibroid and her doctor said she could not have any more pregnancies. Dr Peat advised her progesterone and the fibroid disappeared in 3 months and she went on to have a healthy pregnancy.

It just saddens me that these women go through these operations because of their doctors advice when there is a much simpler solution.


May 8, 2017
Milk is far more than just calcium ofc...
Personally I avoid all dairy products because it does not possess desirable properties/ characteristics. It's consumption would lead to things which I look to avoid. For me, I don't consider dairy as worth using, except in dire situations, or where dairy's unique characteristics make it the ideal option.

By incorporating traditional medicinal systems into my application of Peat principles, I have significantly improved the application of Peat's principles (that seem prevalent on this forum, eg dairy, OJ, sugar etc) - this has made them more coherent & sustainable, thanks to the wisdom from traditional systems, which seems direly lacking in most peoples application of Peat principles. It's no wonder so many people experience issues. That's what happens when you remain ignorant of the dynamics that form the foundation of your bodies biological function.

What types of things does dairy lead to?

Also, what's your diet like? Thanks.


May 17, 2018
What types of things does dairy lead to?
Also, what's your diet like? Thanks.
Dairy is notoriously well-known in the traditional Chinese medicine perspective...
I have used the basic TCM principles to significantly improve the application of Peat's core principles, making them much more sustainable, coherent, & truly respectful of the bodies fundamental dynamics.

Pretty much anyone who experiences issues with Dairy (or any known damp food; see list below) is simply experiencing damp symptoms. I've experienced dampness issues at least three times, and each were seriously not pleasant.
Hence why I made severe amends to ensure I never created that dynamic ever again.

tldr: - Dairy is just a characteristically damp food, so consumption can have it's consequences -

btw, it's considered common sense in TCM to minimize damp, since TCM strives for a balanced coherent organism. Since most people only consider the physical aspects of the diet & lifestyle, they remain ignorant of the non-physical aspects, which can lead to problematic consequences. (Personally, I go for an approach that takes everything into account, not just the physical)

Foods which promote dampness are:
  • Dairy – milk, cheese, yogurts, ice cream – Sheep & Goats products are less dampening
  • White Wheat flour
  • Pork & rich meat
  • Processed foods, sugar & sweeteners
  • Concentrated juice’s especially Orange & Tomato
  • Beer
  • Bananas
I eat simple Peat-y foods that are balanced according to TCM principles.
No dairy, OJ or sugar though... also, no grains, nightshades or pesticide/herbicide contaminated foods & ofc - no phytoestrogens / synthetic estrogens (eg teflon, BPA food containers & receipt papers etc). My diet also includes the entire spectrum of TCM botanicals, since they each possess useful properties to modulate any aspect of the organism.

Like i said, i've upgraded & improved the conventional Peat approach.

Insight re: how dampness can manifest via physical symptoms.
Dampness can be divided into three kinds:
This is the generalised condition of dampness associated with weakness of the Spleen, it may manifest in such ways as tiredness/aches in the limbs, digestive weakness or muzzy head. How it manifests depends on our individual constitution.


This describes a condition of edema where dampness is retained as water; this may be specific or general in location. It causes us to swell, be become waterlogged.

This describes a more sticky manifestation of dampness. It often lodges in particular organs and combines easily with heat or cold. Phlegm or mucus congeals and obstructs our functioning.​
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Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Dairy is notoriously well-known in the traditional Chinese medicine perspective...
I have used the basic TCM principles to significantly improve the application of Peat's core principles, making them much more sustainable, coherent, & truly respectful of the bodies fundamental dynamics.

Pretty much anyone who experiences issues with Dairy (or any known damp food; see list below) is simply experiencing damp symptoms. I've experienced dampness issues at least three times, and each were seriously not pleasant.
Hence why I made severe amends to ensure I never created that dynamic ever again.

tldr: - Dairy is just a characteristically damp food, so consumption can have it's consequences -

btw, it's considered common sense in TCM to minimize damp, since TCM strives for a balanced coherent organism. Since most people only consider the physical aspects of the diet & lifestyle, they remain ignorant of the non-physical aspects, which can lead to problematic consequences. (Personally, I go for an approach that takes everything into account, not just the physical)

Foods which promote dampness are:
  • Dairy – milk, cheese, yogurts, ice cream – Sheep & Goats products are less dampening
  • White Wheat flour
  • Pork & rich meat
  • Processed foods, sugar & sweeteners
  • Concentrated juice’s especially Orange & Tomato
  • Beer
  • Bananas
I eat simple Peat-y foods that are balanced according to TCM principles.
No dairy, OJ or sugar though... also, no grains, nightshades or pesticide/herbicide contaminated foods & ofc - no phytoestrogens / synthetic estrogens (eg teflon, BPA food containers & receipt papers etc). My diet also includes the entire spectrum of TCM botanicals, since they each possess useful properties to modulate any aspect of the organism.

Like i said, i've upgraded & improved the conventional Peat approach.

Insight re: how dampness can manifest via physical symptoms.
Dampness can be divided into three kinds:
This is the generalised condition of dampness associated with weakness of the Spleen, it may manifest in such ways as tiredness/aches in the limbs, digestive weakness or muzzy head. How it manifests depends on our individual constitution.


This describes a condition of edema where dampness is retained as water; this may be specific or general in location. It causes us to swell, be become waterlogged.

This describes a more sticky manifestation of dampness. It often lodges in particular organs and combines easily with heat or cold. Phlegm or mucus congeals and obstructs our functioning.​
I would like to know what Are you eating :D


Feb 13, 2016
If dampness = mucus, RP has said that excess TSH is the cause of excess mucus, so dampness = excess TSH.

Nourishing foods lower cortisol (sugar, calcium), so the way to get around excess dampness could be to just eat more salt and take more thyroid hormone instead of removing fruit and milk from the diet for less nourishing foods.

For example I think sheep dairy has much more salt relative to calcium compared to cow dairy, which is why it is less damp promoting, but that also means it is less nourishing.


May 17, 2018
I would like to know what Are you eating :D
pretty basic tbh, clean carbs, clean protein (yolk - no egg white, gelatin), EVOO/squalane, & clean veg (no nightshades) ... organic where possible.
Accompanied by a full assortment of TCM botanicals, since they possess valuable useful biological modulating properties. Oh, and water.


May 17, 2018
so the way to get around excess dampness could be to just eat more salt and take more thyroid hormone instead of removing fruit and milk
its a nice approach, in theory... but with a firmer grasp of TCM principles, it would be evident that eating damp foods, whilst attempting to negate the dampness using your aforementioned intellectualized 'solution' would entail some self-sabotage. Based on your logic, your're still thinking in a purely physical way, aka only factoring in the physical aspects.

Perhaps, you could look up the ways that TCM negates dampness. There are many well-used approaches for this.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
pretty basic tbh, clean carbs, clean protein (yolk - no egg white, gelatin), EVOO/squalane, & clean veg (no nightshades) ... organic where possible.
Accompanied by a full assortment of TCM botanicals, since they possess valuable useful biological modulating properties. Oh, and water.
Can you write food for one day of eating? I think potatoes And bananas Are superfood....


May 17, 2018
Can you write food for one day of eating? I think potatoes And bananas Are superfood....
No I can't. People are fit to make up their own minds lol.
Chosen beliefs are only relevant to the person themselves.
People generally only know how to think, which alone is quite limiting and leads to self-sabotage.
Nov 21, 2015
Milk is far more than just calcium ofc...
Personally I avoid all dairy products because it does not possess desirable properties/ characteristics. It's consumption would lead to things which I look to avoid. For me, I don't consider dairy as worth using, except in dire situations, or where dairy's unique characteristics make it the ideal option.

By incorporating traditional medicinal systems into my application of Peat principles, I have significantly improved the application of Peat's principles (that seem prevalent on this forum, eg dairy, OJ, sugar etc) - this has made them more coherent & sustainable, thanks to the wisdom from traditional systems, which seems direly lacking in most peoples application of Peat principles. It's no wonder so many people experience issues. That's what happens when you remain ignorant of the dynamics that form the foundation of your bodies biological function.

I’m interested in what you mean. Can you point me to somewhere here, or post, what you are doing differently? Thank you.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
pretty basic tbh, clean carbs, clean protein (yolk - no egg white, gelatin), EVOO/squalane, & clean veg (no nightshades) ... organic where possible.
Accompanied by a full assortment of TCM botanicals, since they possess valuable useful biological modulating properties. Oh, and water.

How are you getting decent calcium then? Without dairy or supplementation (unless you supplement) it's pretty hard to get even decent quality calcium from natural sources without introducing other potential downsides since you're only left with things like beans, some vegetables/seafood, and very few other choices.

I'm just wondering because Peat recommends lots of calcium (especially in relation to phosphate), but removing milk/dairy and not supplementing on top of that will leave you in a rough spot. In fact the main reason I drink milk/have cheese is for the calcium since I do not supplement it/get much anywhere else.


May 17, 2018
I’m interested in what you mean. Can you point me to somewhere here, or post, what you are doing differently? Thank you.
Isn't this obvious? I have stated exactly what i'm doing in nearly all my prior posts.

I have simply gained a personal understanding of the core Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, which I have fused with Peat's core biological principles; thus resulting in an approach that far out-performs the individual components.

The conventional application of Peat's dietary principles used on this forum, is direly imbalanced, since from what i have seen, it fails to account for everything that the TCM core principles consider central to a balanced, sustainable & coherent approach.


May 17, 2018
How are you getting decent calcium then? Without dairy or supplementation (unless you supplement)
Yeah, thats the next area of focus - initially egg shells were my goto, but due to digestive issues and the lengthy time egg shells take to dissolve in pure acetic acid, i've got some Calcium Chloride.
Ofc, I'm aiming to minimise Phosphorous intake.
There are some neat OTC salts, like sodium acetate, that reduce Calcium excretion, amongst other things. I mentioned them in my thread "Caffeine Salicylate" - A Novel Compound?
Nov 21, 2015
Isn't this obvious? I have stated exactly what i'm doing in nearly all my prior posts.

I have simply gained a personal understanding of the core Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, which I have fused with Peat's core biological principles; thus resulting in an approach that far out-performs the individual components.

The conventional application of Peat's dietary principles used on this forum, is direly imbalanced, since from what i have seen, it fails to account for everything that the TCM core principles consider central to a balanced, sustainable & coherent approach.

Very general and doesn’t tell me anything. But thanks anyway.
Nov 21, 2015
Dr. Peat has talked about getting things from real food. I can’t imagine that a diet that requires something like supplementation of any kind in the long run is helpful, barring something like thyroid that can be convincingly argued should be part of our food anyway but is removed (e.g. chicken necks, fish heads).

He has mentioned getting calcium and magnesium from cooking greens briefly and drinking the water. I would do this if I wasn’t consuming dairy products.


May 17, 2018
Very general and doesn’t tell me anything. But thanks anyway.
Is it difficult to go and look into basic TCM principles under your own steam lol?
I swear people lack proactive intuitive approach skills or something lol
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