Low Iodine Levels In Vast Majority Of Population?

Apr 17, 2017
I've been taking 2mg iodine from kelp for over 1 year (along with 100mcg selenium) but this seems to be low according iodine experts. I was already fine when started and Im fine now, didn't really notice any mayor change (tsh went down from 3 to 1 though). I take it for general maintenance and well being, but I decided to go with kelp instead high synthetic form doses (12mg the recommended dose) for caution.


Jul 13, 2014
I've been taking 2mg iodine from kelp for over 1 year (along with 100mcg selenium) but this seems to be low according iodine experts. I was already fine when started and Im fine now, didn't really notice any mayor change (tsh went down from 3 to 1 though). I take it for general maintenance and well being, but I decided to go with kelp instead high synthetic form doses (12mg the recommended dose) for caution.
Heavy metals, especially arsenic, are present in kelp and radioactive isotopes,flourines and bromine can also be present. Sea veggies sponge up various things in the sea, which is why they are so nutritious and potentially dangerous.
Apr 17, 2017
Heavy metals, especially arsenic, are present in kelp and radioactive isotopes,flourines and bromine can also be present. Sea veggies sponge up various things in the sea, which is why they are so nutritious and potentially dangerous.

Yeah I know, the only guarantee I have is to have passed the california proposition 65 test for heavy metals. The kelp is supposely to be harvested on ocean waters close to Canada and Ireland (Atlantic). But at the end nothing is perfect I guess...
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Mar 17, 2018
View attachment 8340

My thyroid labs from today. TSH is the same as one year ago (sadly no improvement there), but the thyroid hormones have all plummeted (TT4 was 103 a year ago). I blame it on taking selenium without iodine in the past few weeks ( I had to quit iodine for other reasons).


Here is Jaminet's article where he shows T4 levels of iodine deficient kids receiving selenium supplementation, their hormones become way worse, and this happened to me too:
Iodine and selenium Archives - Perfect Health Diet | Perfect Health Diet

I'm now taking 2.5 mg of iodine again.
have you been diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition by your doctor? You have normal labs, since the numbers are in range. What makes you think that your thyroid is not performing correctly? Are you taking medication for thyroid disease?

I don't think it's accurate to say you have a hypothyroid condition if your thyroid levels are okay.

I have a thyroid condition. If I don't take medication, I will not have sufficient thyroid levels to function. My TSH will skyrocket and my T3/T4 levels will plummet.

Energy levels are not related to thyroid levels only. There are other factors to take in consideration when trying to have good energy levels.
Nov 16, 2012
have you been diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition by your doctor? You have normal labs, since the numbers are in range. What makes you think that your thyroid is not performing correctly? Are you taking medication for thyroid disease?

I don't think it's accurate to say you have a hypothyroid condition if your thyroid levels are okay.

I have a thyroid condition. If I don't take medication, I will not have sufficient thyroid levels to function. My TSH will skyrocket and my T3/T4 levels will plummet.

Energy levels are not related to thyroid levels only. There are other factors to take in consideration when trying to have good energy levels.

Symptoms. And my TSH was as high as 8. I gave up on taking thyroid hormones a long time ago. Dead end road if I ever saw one.


Mar 17, 2018
Symptoms. And my TSH was as high as 8. I gave up on taking thyroid hormones a long time ago. Dead end road if I ever saw one.
TSH of 8 isn't very high. I've had TSH of 43 and still managed to function and not realize my thryoid levels were low.

Is it consistently at 8? Did you try medication? Sounds like taking a little thyroid medication would put your labs in the normal range. Taking medication is a dead end, but it will make your body feel better perhaps.

You can work out your thyroid issues while taking medication. You can at least let your body get in the normal range so it functions well while exploring other options.

If you aren't seeing a doctor for hypothyroidism, I would say your hypothyroidism is very mild compared to people who need thyroid medication to live, like me.
Nov 16, 2012
TSH of 8 isn't very high. I've had TSH of 43 and still managed to function and not realize my thryoid levels were low.

Is it consistently at 8? Did you try medication? Sounds like taking a little thyroid medication would put your labs in the normal range. Taking medication is a dead end, but it will make your body feel better perhaps.

You can work out your thyroid issues while taking medication. You can at least let your body get in the normal range so it functions well while exploring other options.

If you aren't seeing a doctor for hypothyroidism, I would say your hypothyroidism is very mild compared to people who need thyroid medication to live, like me.

I felt like complete ***t and wanted to kill myself. It doesn't matter the number. Now at 3.57 I feel somewhat better but it won't be good until it's below 1.0.

Yeah I tried medication both synthetic and natural. At best is made me hyperactive and at worst it did nothing. And it didn't give any kind of permanent improvement, plus I didn't want to be a slave to pills at 20-something years old. To hell with that. I've been working on restoring my own gland ever since. Between red light, sleeping warm, coffee and other hacks I get by well enough to not even think about taking pills. I'm not healthy yet, but I am doing a hell of a lot better.

There are more than enough things to juggle between even without throwing thyroid into the mix. That would be my last resort if I was really certain that I can no longer improve anything. But even if I fail to do that, I've already improved enough to the point that I wouldn't want to be on them just to feel a little bit better - even if they did work for me.

The difference between how I felt at TSH 8 and flat out dying due to not making any thyroid hormones is not as great as you may think. "Mild", heh. You wouldn't say that if you have felt the way I do. I don't know what you have but you don't need to lack a thyroid gland or have a completely non functional one in order to feel so bad that you can barely function. Even if the gland is perfectly healthy, if the body isn't making it produce hormones, it's damn near useless.


Mar 17, 2018
I felt like complete ***t and wanted to kill myself. It doesn't matter the number. Now at 3.57 I feel somewhat better but it won't be good until it's below 1.0.

Yeah I tried medication both synthetic and natural. At best is made me hyperactive and at worst it did nothing. And it didn't give any kind of permanent improvement, plus I didn't want to be a slave to pills at 20-something years old. To hell with that. I've been working on restoring my own gland ever since. Between red light, sleeping warm, coffee and other hacks I get by well enough to not even think about taking pills. I'm not healthy yet, but I am doing a hell of a lot better.

There are more than enough things to juggle between even without throwing thyroid into the mix. That would be my last resort if I was really certain that I can no longer improve anything. But even if I fail to do that, I've already improved enough to the point that I wouldn't want to be on them just to feel a little bit better - even if they did work for me.

The difference between how I felt at TSH 8 and flat out dying due to not making any thyroid hormones is not as great as you may think. "Mild", heh. You wouldn't say that if you have felt the way I do. I don't know what you have but you don't need to lack a thyroid gland or have a completely non functional one in order to feel so bad that you can barely function. Even if the gland is perfectly healthy, if the body isn't making it produce hormones, it's damn near useless.
if the body isn't producing hormones, the gland isn't healthy. So yeah, if your TSH is high, it means you do have hypothyroidism. I guess your labs aren't that normal, and there is more to the picture than just lab numbers anyways.

Do you understand why the hacks are working though and how this affects your TSH? I guess this affects how your thyroid is working which affects the TSH to go lower when your hacks are working. I just don't know much about the connection between thyroid and coffee and warmth, etc.

If you are having problems functioning, then it's a bad problem. So yeah, you are on the course that you are trying to find a solution that can last a lifetime instead of popping pills that don't really address the issue in your case anyways.

The last time I stopped taking thyroid medication (because I thought I was cured by the way), my TSH was 43 after a month of stopping cold turkey. If I had continued, it would just get worse and worse until my thyroid levels would make me literally unable to function.
Feb 26, 2018
(4) Iodine rapidly associates with unsaturated fatty acids. The more unsaturated the fatty acid, the more iodine it will attract. Once the double bonds of the fatty acids have been iodinated their capacity to cause oxidative damage is diminished. This entails, moreover, that consuming large quantities of PUFA would tend to soak up and deplete the body of iodine. This is probably one reason so many people benefit from taking iodine in our PUFA-laden culture. It would also explain, in conjunction with bromide and fluoride accumulation, why people benefit from massive doses of iodine that would never have been necessary in pre-industrial times.

This makes a lot of sense as the Japanese diet must be high-ish in PUFA via frequent fish consumption, yet somehow they seem to be less messed up from PUFA than us westerners, regardless of seaweed - fish on its own is relatively high in iodine, particularly lean fish and using all edible parts of the fish (not just the filet)... On another note, Chloride also displaces bromide and fluoride, Japan has always kept a pretty high salt diet - though they do get less now than 50 years ago. I think iodine, aside from being needed in small amounts to create thyroid hormone - is largely useful as protective supplement in that it pushes out the other halides our body has zero use for, and also protects ones thyroid from environmental radioactive iodine.
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Jan 1, 2013
I don’t have source right now, but when I was reading the literature/studies, I recall that thyroid issues were more prevalent in the coastal areas of Japan where more iodine was naturally consumed. I’ll try to find the source later since I might have misunderstood.

I believe Dr Abraham has adressed the issue in this article:

"It was not conclusively proven that iodine was the cause of the reported seaweed-induced goiter with normal thyroid functions 40 years ago in Hokkaido, Japan.15

This seaweed-induced goiter eventually disappeared.23
Suzuki, et al,15 questioned whether seaweed itself was the cause of this goiter, since much larger amounts of iodide in pulmonary patients did not induce goiter.

Suzuki, et al, commented: “Considering the paucity of reported cases of iodine goiter with the widespread usage of iodine medication, we cannot exclude factors other than excessive intake of dietary iodine as a cause of the goiter.”
Feb 26, 2018
Today I have a personal anecdotal iodine success story to share! I have been suffering from a seemingly impossible to heal bout of costochondritis, it has been tormenting me for about 8 months, a steady and faint internally bruised feeling on my right side mainly around my 4th and 5th rib. The pain travels around and affects the ease of movement in my right shoulder and arm, especially when reaching. I had this once before in my twenties but it went away on its own after a couple of weeks. I grew frustrated with not making any improvement despite various attempts, so about a week ago I decided to start doing some intense deep stretches in desperation that it would help to clear it up,,, unfortunately that didn't help as I woke up the next day with it feeling a lot worse than usual. After several days the pain induced from stretching was not diminishing. Having recalled my recent success of using iodine in nasal irrigation, I decided to slather on a dropper full of Lugol's all over my right upper torso. I was not expecting much, but figured it couldn't hurt to try. I was surprised to wake up this morning with the pain at the lowest it has been all month, and most impressively my range of motion is better than it has been in 6 months. Just yesterday I could hear various pops and clicks - and feel a grinding - this has deminished about 50% overnight. Nothing was making a difference until the topical iodine. I am convinced there really is something special about iodine. My understanding is only about 10% of iodine is absorbed through the skin, I put on about 100mg, so I roughly delivered 10mg to the site of my pain. I have been supplementing with iodine a few days a week usually around 3mg, that dose has never really done much noticeably for me - but I always considered it a good hedge, after today's success I am planning on slowly scaling up my dose in hopes that it will finally fully heal my ribs.
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Mar 27, 2018
When I was taking iodine I had the most physical mental and spiritual energy I’ve ever experienced in my life and I got very lean and muscular for the first time in my life from just pushups and pull-ups. I only stopped taking it after reading peats work on it. I haven’t really felt good like I did since stopping it so I’m thinking about taking it again. It had some strong anti depressive effects.

(UPDATE) I just took some iodine for the first time in a year and I’ve been feeling depressed for about 6 months and wow I feel amazing no more lethargy and I have a more positive outlook!
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Jul 7, 2017
I am using topical iodine lugols solution 5% for 2 weaks now and i have good effects (better sleep, more energy).
I put the iodine on my skin (wrists, abdomen, scrotum).
The first weak i didnt see anything left of the iodine on my skin, now it remains a little bit.
I also used different doses from 20mg to 100mg and the staining depends on the dose.
The bioavailability according to this link (The Bioavailability of Iodine Applied to the Skin, by Guy E. Abraham, MD) should be from 8 to nearly 12 percent, depending on the ambient temperature.
So you get with 100mg (16 drops) 8 to 12 mg iodine gradual.

Regarding to the co-factors i only use magnesium chloride orally (~200mg) and 240mg of Vitamin C, which is already in my daily Aspirin tablet.
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Aug 6, 2017
It is very simple to know if you need more or less iodine, simply take a urine test. Then start taking ~1mg iodine for a few days and then go have your urine iodine and bromine measured. If you excrete 90% of the iodine you take in and next to no bromine you are good. Otherwise you are either iodine deficient or bromine detoxing. In this situation you need to increase the dose to ~6-12mg + multivitamin selenium and redo the urine test weekly until 90% is excreted and next to no bromine is coming out. Even higher doses are possible to speed things up, but these need a little bit of care and cannot be blindly recommended.

Iodine deficiency is probably becoming ever more prevalent due to increased PUFA and pollutants like bromine. The official recommendation is probably way too small for anything but preventing acute deficiency symptoms.

Personally i take 4-6 drops lugols for 2-3 days, and then have a week of 0-1 drop supplementation. One drop is 2.5mg iodine and 3.75mg iodide. The rise in body temperature is noticeable with 6 drops and unless you have been supplementing previously you are almost certain to start noticeable bromine detox.
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Sep 24, 2016
Optima Pharmazeutische GmbH - LentoNit® K

There is a eyedrop product available in Germany which' main active is potassium-iodate. It is described to aid to prevent (!) cataract and treat dry eye. According to the manufacturer, iodine eye bath are a traditional method fr patients with dry eye in traditional spa-locations / therapeutic bath


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri

I found this an informative read. It helps to explain the background of how and why iodophobia was formed. PS - I take RP's 70 studies on the "negative effects of Iodine" and 1 up him - this has over 120 studies =) I value almost all of RP's views, but I still think he's wrong here.

Reports of experience with KI (1.6-6.4 g/day) in large series of pulmonary patients revealed no hyperthyroidism in 2,404 and 502 patients.” Nevertheless, when iodine is incorporated into drugs, inorganic iodide is blamed for the side effects. “Hyperthyroidism occurring after administration of iodine-containing drugs has been ascribed to iodide.”79 The thyrotoxicosis induced by iodine-containing drugs is blamed on inorganic iodide even though the use of inorganic iodide alone was not associated with thyrotoxicosis in the two studies referred to. Does that make any sense? Iodophobia, induced by whatever motivation, causes an altered state of consciousness, which makes doublespeak and contradictory statements acceptable.

There are many forms of iodine, some safer than others, and how a specific form or two of iodine is actually harmful, and how its effects were then attributed to ALL forms of iodine unfairly. (In particular, the infamous WC effect)

It was all interesting, but here's one part I find interesting too, and yet another reason why sometimes I wonder if our government is TRYING to kill/poison us:

For example, disinfection of water for human consumption and in swimming pools is far superior, safer, and less expensive with the use of iodine at 1 to 2 ppm, than with the use of chlorine and its derivatives at the same concentrations.16-19 However, unfounded concern about the adverse effects of iodine at these levels on the thyroid gland,20-22 and vide infra has prevented the widespread use of iodine for these applications, with toxic chlorine and its derivatives used by default. All studies published so far favor iodine over chlorine for treatment of municipal waters and swimming pools, “Because of the increasing difficulty experienced by many communities in achieving satisfactory disinfection of public water supplies with acceptable concentrations of chlorine, a feasibility study on the use of iodine for this purpose was undertaken.”19 “The effectiveness, ease of administration and palatability were prime reasons for considering iodine as a disinfectant of community water supplies… effective bacteriological control of the water was maintained by all concentrations of iodine used in this study.”17 “At an iodine concentration of 1 mg/liter (1 ppm), the water met all standards for safety and palatability (1962 USPHS Drinking Water Standards)… During the five years in which this study was conducted no instances of urticaria or iodism were observed.”19 “No evidence of iodineinduced allergic phenomena was detected during this study.”17 “Comparative data indicate that disinfection of an Olympic-size swimming pool can be accomplished with iodine at half the dose of chlorination… Use of the iodinated swimming pool caused no significant changes in either the RAI uptakes or PBI concentrations.”19 The advantage of iodine over chlorine as a disinfectant in the treatment of municipal waters is that it could be used as a disinfectant and also as a source of a very important essential element. It is obvious that the benefits of such an approach would outweigh the risks, based on the studies mentioned above. When different groups of competitive swimmers were asked about their preference between chlorine and iodine as a disinfectant of swimming pools,19 they overwhelmingly chose iodine. None preferred chlorine. “All members of the swimming teams of five universities who participated in AAWU swimming championships that were held in the Stanford pools were asked to express their opinions of iodine-treated water as compared with chlorine-treated water… Seventeen of the 20 freshmen and varsity swimming team members expressed a preference for the iodine-treated pool in respect to eye irritation. The other three had no preference, but none preferred the chlorine treatment. Of the championship swimming contestants, 48 preferred the iodine-treated pool, five had no preference, but none preferred the chlorine-treated pool... Twenty-eight of the subjects who had been exposed to the iodine-treated water for one month were examined by the three physicians of the research staff, each of whom made his observations independently of the others. Twenty-seven of the swimmers examined received a completely negative rating for eye irritation. In only one student was a mild conjunctivitis found on medical examination. This student wears contact lenses and stated that his eye irritation had improved in a miraculous way since the pool had been treated with iodine.”

The TL;DR of the quote

Currently use chlorine for swimming pools. Iodine has been shown to be better in every way - more cost effective and swimmers UNANIMOUSLY PREFER IODINE. Not ONE person interviewed preferred chlorine. Not ONE.

More conspiracy theory stuff

The interest of thyroidologists could not have been aroused so quickly by the publication of Wolff and Chaikoff in The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 27 a journal involved in publishing research in the basic sciences, not clinical medicine. The thyroidologist with aroused inter- (Continued on next page) 18 THE ORIGINAL INTERNIST March 2004 est was Stanley himself who obviously had insider information in order to publish his manuscript within a year following the Wolff-Chaikoff publication, considering the fact that it takes several months for the review process in peer review journals, and that it would have required several months for him to design and perform his experiments after reading the Wolff-Chaikoff paper. During the year Stanley published his “extension of the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect to man,” he co-authored a paper with Astwood on using goitrogens to manage patients with Graves’ disease as an alternative to using inorganic iodine/iodide. It is a strange coincidence that the investigators who authored the iodophobic publications regarding the so-called inhibition of organic binding of radioactive iodide in the thyroid gland by the administration of inorganic, non-radioactive iodide, were also involved in testing goitrogens in laboratory animals and in normal human subjects and in implementing the use of these goitrogens as an alternative to inorganic iodine/iodide in patients with Graves’ disease (See Section IV).

He talks then about how Iodine was replaced with Bromine (a known goitrogen), chlorine in the swimming pools (as discussed) ETC ETC...
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