Jennifer's Cellular Regeneration Log



Jul 8, 2014
Congratulations Jennifer on your amazing testresults! :)

Your healing testimony sounds a bit (whether or not you consciously did this) like you've manifested your recovery.
I decided to put effort and time into manifesting health and the life I'd want instead of spending it on research. What I struggle the most with is fully believing and feeling that this is 'effortlesly' going to bring me the results I want.
It's hard to let go and reprogram some pesky persistent subconscious beliefs/fears.

To us only moving up from here!

Thank you, Joëlle. :)

Oh, yes, I do think manifestation was involved, and it absolutely was done consciously, though, not by thinking it into reality, but actually living it. You know, heart over matter, not mind over matter. No doubt it’s difficult to let go, especially for people like us where life got real at a very young age so I applaud you for even attempting it. It takes a lot of courage to believe in something before seeing actual proof of it. Just that fact that you’re spending time on your dreams instead of researching is huge. Research is just so darn temping, but not as tempting as ice cream. 😄

To us! 🥂


Nov 21, 2012
not by thinking it into reality, but actually living it. You know, heart over matter, not mind over matter
Exactly! This is the missing point of why many people don't succeed in their manifestation, bc just visualizing and thinking about it is basically daydreaming, but one must feel and embody their visualisation.
Lol....if it just would be case of visualizing (daydreaming) I would've had the best life and never ended up here to begin with!
Research is just so darn temping, but not as tempting as ice cream.
Not to mention that it tastes much better,than taking a big bite of paper😅


Jul 8, 2014
Exactly! This is the missing point of why many people don't succeed in their manifestation, bc just visualizing and thinking about it is basically daydreaming, but one must feel and embody their visualisation.
Lol....if it just would be case of visualizing (daydreaming) I would've had the best life and never ended up here to begin with!

Yes, exactly! Not just visualizing, but taking action toward manifesting our dreams, which can sometimes be scary. It’s like when I dreamt of thriving on a diet comprised of all my favorite foods—this is actually what led me to look deeper into Ray’s work—it was never going to happen while on the naturopath’s merry-go-round of plant-based diets and fearing animal foods because of some vegan doctors’ twisted “science.” I don’t like beans, nuts, most grains, and kale is proof to me that even nature gets some things wrong so the heaviness of fear that had me forcing down foods I find gross, while trying to embody the lightness of joy that comes from thriving on my favorite foods was counterproductive to achieving my dream. And as you know, I have the palate of a toddler so trying to increase my weight on a diet I find unpalatable only added to the burden I felt. Fighting against my nature was always going to end poorly. Nurture I can change, nature absolutely not. And really, I wouldn’t want to change my nature. I like it just fine. To quote my grandmother “I’m not wrong, the world is.” lol

Not to mention that it tastes much better,than taking a big bite of paper😅

Hehe…yeah, that.


Nov 21, 2012
Yes, definitely the food fears instilled by all kinds of gurus and communities is the worst to overcome and to 'reprogram' the brain that it is possible to be healthy.
Honestly, dietwise I don't feel a need to have total freedom. I'd be very happy with a full choice Primal Diet. I don't feel any need for grains, legumes, seeds/nuts.

I’m not wrong, the world is.”
Haha....I think she's actually very right.


Jul 8, 2014
Honestly, dietwise I don't feel a need to have total freedom. I'd be very happy with a full choice Primal Diet. I don't feel any need for grains, legumes, seeds/nuts.

You did say you wished you could eat Peaty foods and they fall under Primal so I can see you being very happy with the PD, sure.


Nov 21, 2012
You did say you wished you could eat Peaty foods and they fall under Primal so I can see you being very happy with the PD, sure.
Yeah, at the time I meant it in relation to sweets&fruits, but I don't feel cravings for them anymore.
Not much craving for anything really, but I'd be content with unrestricted meats/fish/dairy and root veg (occasionally).

How is your training going? :)


Jul 8, 2014
Yeah, at the time I meant it in relation to sweets&fruits, but I don't feel cravings for them anymore.
Not much craving for anything really, but I'd be content with unrestricted meats/fish/dairy and root veg (occasionally).

How is your training going? :)

I understand. There were times I didn’t crave anything. In my case, it was the product of mainly thyroid suppression in combination with my trauma surrounding food. This might sound crazy but at one point, I no longer knew what foods I actually liked because of all the diet dogma I had ingested over the years and the subsequent food intolerances and pain I developed. I actually had to taste a food to know if I wanted it. It made grocery shopping a nightmare. lol Once I ate foods I hadn’t in a long time, cravings came back and I realized I did want foods that I thought I hadn’t. The hard part was trusting my cravings, not only because of the theories attached to the foods, but whenever I tried reintroducing them, I suffered reactions, particularly migraines so bad I was vomiting for days, and in my mind it signaled the food was toxic, reaffirming what the experts I believed had claimed. It took up to 2 weeks to tolerate a food I hadn’t had in a long time so my bailing before that, though understandable, was premature.

My training, well, more like maintenance now, is going good, thank you for asking. :) Apparently, my manifesting this normally frozen tundra into the tropics is working (lol) because we’ve had unseasonably warm weather and only one light snowstorm so I haven’t been able to snowshoe much without risking damaging my snowshoes’ crampons. I’ve mostly been climbing the stairs and dancing. How about you? Have you been able to get out more?


Nov 21, 2012
I understand. There were times I didn’t crave anything. In my case, it was the product of mainly thyroid suppression in combination with my trauma surrounding food. This might sound crazy but at one point, I no longer knew what foods I actually liked because of all the diet dogma I had ingested over the years and the subsequent food intolerances and pain I developed. I actually had to taste a food to know if I wanted it. It made grocery shopping a nightmare. lol Once I ate foods I hadn’t in a long time, cravings came back and I realized I did want foods that I thought I hadn’t. The hard part was trusting my cravings, not only because of the theories attached to the foods, but whenever I tried reintroducing them, I suffered reactions, particularly migraines so bad I was vomiting for days, and in my mind it signaled the food was toxic, reaffirming what the experts I believed had claimed. It took up to 2 weeks to tolerate a food I hadn’t had in a long time so my bailing before that, though understandable, was premature.
It doesn't sound crazy at all. I've had bouts of not being interested in food anymore, bc it gave so much issues. So, not knowing anymore what you like bc of all the pain it caused isn't a far stretch. 🙂
Lol....did you sneak around the store and take a nibble off everything?😉
I didn't mean having no appetite when I said no cravings, I'm always happy to eat the foods I have. I meant that other foods hardly interest me anymore as in occupy my mind and tantalize me like they could in the past.

My training, well, more like maintenance now, is going good, thank you for asking. :) Apparently, my manifesting this normally frozen tundra into the tropics is working (lol) because we’ve had unseasonably warm weather and only one light snowstorm so I haven’t been able to snowshoe much without risking damaging my snowshoes’ crampons. I’ve mostly been climbing the stairs and dancing. How about you? Have you been able to get out more?
That's great that your training is going well.
Lol....keep at the manifesting, this time next year you'll be walking in a tshirt🤭
Currently, everything is covered in snow here, but the forecast said at the beginning of next week it'll be 12Celsius(ofcourse with rain)..... lol, borderline weather.
No, I haven't been out much but that's bc before the snow, it had rained a lot.....which isn't really inviting to go outside. (I find with the cold and wet weather I'm a real somebody, though this is actually the part of the year where I'd have to suffer the least from the sun/UV index).


Jul 8, 2014
It doesn't sound crazy at all. I've had bouts of not being interested in food anymore, bc it gave so much issues. So, not knowing anymore what you like bc of all the pain it caused isn't a far stretch. 🙂
Lol....did you sneak around the store and take a nibble off everything?😉
I didn't mean having no appetite when I said no cravings, I'm always happy to eat the foods I have. I meant that other foods hardly interest me anymore as in occupy my mind and tantalize me like they could in the past.

Ah, gotcha. It sounds like your diet fulfills your body’s needs. :) Since switching to animal-based 5 years ago, the only time food occupies my mind now is a few days before my period. I don’t crave food I don’t typically consume, I just want a lot more of it. But nope, no sneaking around the store and nibbling, however, the animals coming to my yard were treated with quite the buffet. 😁

That's great that your training is going well.
Lol....keep at the manifesting, this time next year you'll be walking in a tshirt🤭
Currently, everything is covered in snow here, but the forecast said at the beginning of next week it'll be 12Celsius(ofcourse with rain)..... lol, borderline weather.
No, I haven't been out much but that's bc before the snow, it had rained a lot.....which isn't really inviting to go outside. (I find with the cold and wet weather I'm a real somebody, though this is actually the part of the year where I'd have to suffer the least from the sun/UV index).

Hehe. I already walk around in a t-shirt….and flip flops. I refuse to give in to the winter. 😝 I’m really sorry to hear you weren’t able to get out much because of the rain. :( I can understand being a homebody when the weather is cold and wet. I am too. I don’t mind the cold, but cold and wet is a miserable combination. It sounds like we’ve had similar weather because it rained a lot here too. It even rained a few days after the snowstorm, which melted much of the snow we got.


Nov 21, 2012
Ah, gotcha. It sounds like your diet fulfills your body’s needs. :) Since switching to animal-based 5 years ago, the only time food occupies my mind now is a few days before my period. I don’t crave food I don’t typically consume, I just want a lot more of it. But nope, no sneaking around the store and nibbling, however, the animals coming to my yard were treated with quite the buffet. 😁
Lol....lucky yard animals.

Hehe. I already walk around in a t-shirt….and flip flops. I refuse to give in to the winter. 😝 I’m really sorry to hear you weren’t able to get out much because of the rain. :( I can understand being a homebody when the weather is cold and wet. I am too. I don’t mind the cold, but cold and wet is a miserable combination. It sounds like we’ve had similar weather because it rained a lot here too. It even rained a few days after the snowstorm, which melted much of the snow we got.
Haha.... that's really hardcore living in the state of desired manifested 'wish fullfilled' .
Brr....I can't even think about currently walking around in my apartment in a tshirt! I just sit/stand with the IR heatlamp on me all the time. That's probably why I've become a home body, bc the warmth of the lamp feels so I'm outside in the sun without the negative effects. 😉
Yeah, I find the humidity in combination with temperature (whether cold or hot) is killing.


Jul 8, 2014
Haha.... that's really hardcore living in the state of desired manifested 'wish fullfilled' .
Brr....I can't even think about currently walking around in my apartment in a tshirt! I just sit/stand with the IR heatlamp on me all the time. That's probably why I've become a home body, bc the warmth of the lamp feels so I'm outside in the sun without the negative effects. 😉
Yeah, I find the humidity in combination with temperature (whether cold or hot) is killing.

I’m not sure how hardcore it is with my temp so high. Even after mild exertion, I’m eating ice cream in a t-shirt and flip flops on my back deck just so I don’t self-combust. Studies are needed to confirm it, but I’m almost certain the heat radiating off my body is the cause of global warming. 🥵 But yeah, I can understand not wanting to leave the house when the lamp feels so comfortable to you and you don’t have to worry about the negative effects you experience in the sun. Hmm 🤔…cold, sun intolerant, garlic intolerant and needs an iron-rich diet to thrive. How do you feel about the Twilight Saga?


Nov 21, 2012
I’m not sure how hardcore it is with my temp so high. Even after mild exertion, I’m eating ice cream in a t-shirt and flip flops on my back deck just so I don’t self-combust. Studies are needed to confirm it, but I’m almost certain the heat radiating off my body is the cause of global warming. 🥵 But yeah, I can understand not wanting to leave the house when the lamp feels so comfortable to you and you don’t have to worry about the negative effects you experience in the sun. Hmm 🤔…cold, sun intolerant, garlic intolerant and needs an iron-rich diet to thrive. How do you feel about the Twilight Saga?
Wow....your thyroid and the rest of your body must've really picked up its pace if you've turned into a human furnace, but feeling too warm also is unpleasant.
Better keep quiet🤫, so the Climate-activists wont try to eradicatie you.
I remember this classmate in high school, he always wore a tshirt year round. I wonder if he even owned a sweater or a vest🤔

Well, I'm still clueless whether my iron-rich diet is doing me any favours.
Lol.....I always felt like an Alien..but you make a good point, maybe I'm from vampire descent 🤔😂


Jul 8, 2014
Wow....your thyroid and the rest of your body must've really picked up its pace if you've turned into a human furnace, but feeling too warm also is unpleasant.

They definitely did because I was able to discontinue thyroid supplementation. The only supplement I take now is vitamin D3.

Better keep quiet, so the Climate-activists wont try to eradicatie you.

Hehe…I’m not worried. The gaseous plant-based diet produces far more noise and global warming than I do. 🤭

Well, I'm still clueless whether my iron-rich diet is doing me any favours.
Lol.....I always felt like an Alien..but you make a good point, maybe I'm from vampire descent

Just think how fabulous you’ll still look when you’re 1000. 😁 Yours is so much better than my old man baby, Benji Button gene. I started out in diapers and I’m guaranteed finishing in diapers. Kidding aside, do you notice improvements when you reduce your iron intake and/or increase your calcium intake?


Nov 21, 2012
They definitely did because I was able to discontinue thyroid supplementation. The only supplement I take now is vitamin D3.
Wow..nice! Talking about a positive shift in health. 🙂

Hehe…I’m not worried. The gaseous plant-based diet produces far more noise and global warming than I do. 🤭
🤣....I didn't even think of that, but they make a great cover!

Just think how fabulous you’ll still look when you’re 1000. 😁 Yours is so much better than my old man baby, Benji Button gene. I started out in diapers and I’m guaranteed finishing in diapers. Kidding aside, do you notice improvements when you reduce your iron intake and/or increase your calcium intake?
(The quote function isn't working)

Great..... another 1000years of living to see the world in turmoil🙄
Hopefully, the Mothership will have intervened and picked me up by then....I talk them into saving you from your diaper ending😉
Calcium (citrate) doesn't seem to make a difference. Magnesium, especially topical, seems to make more of a difference at times.
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2014
Wow..nice! Talking about a positive shift in health. 🙂

Yeah, for sure. I was able to discontinue thyroid after increasing my dairy fat intake last year. The true test comes next month. In previous years, I had to up my thyroid dose in February so if I still don’t need thyroid come next month, I can do a final update and close out my log and from there on out, it’s all about living health.

Great..... another 1000years of living to see the world in turmoil🙄
Hopefully, the Mothership will have intervened and picked me up by then....I talk them into saving you from your diaper ending😉
Calcium (citrate) doesn't seem to make a difference. Magnesium, especially topical, seems to make more of a difference at times.

Haha! I appreciate you talking them into sparing me from my diaper destiny. Sure, there’s a lot of darkness in the world but there’s also a lot of light, and what a brighter place this world would be if only it had you for another 1000 years radiating yours. :) I’m glad that the magnesium makes a difference. It makes sense.


Nov 21, 2012
Yeah, for sure. I was able to discontinue thyroid after increasing my dairy fat intake last year. The true test comes next month. In previous years, I had to up my thyroid dose in February so if I still don’t need thyroid come next month, I can do a final update and close out my log and from there on out, it’s all about living health.
🤞🤞...even if you find you would have to take thyroid for a short while next month, you've still immense progress.🙂

Haha! I appreciate you talking them into sparing me from my diaper destiny. Sure, there’s a lot of darkness in the world but there’s also a lot of light, and what a brighter place this world would be if only it had you for another 1000 years radiating yours. :) I’m glad that the magnesium makes a difference. It makes sense.
Oh, for sure there are also a lot of good things going on. It's just sad they usually fly under the radar of attention.
Thank you Jennifer...I just don't know how much I'm radiating onto the world as a recluse from my appartement. 😉
...but as I persistently keep manifesting (against my minds better judgement) that "I'm healthy", I'm counting on the fact that I'll be able to effortlessly move around again.


Jul 8, 2014
🤞🤞...even if you find you would have to take thyroid for a short while next month, you've still immense progress.🙂

That’s true. Considering I didn’t get much direct sunlight during the summer and it’s been dark here most days since, it’s quite the feat I’ve gone this long without supplementing.

Thank you Jennifer...I just don't know how much I'm radiating onto the world as a recluse from my appartement. 😉
...but as I persistently keep manifesting (against my minds better judgement) that "I'm healthy", I'm counting on the fact that I'll be able to effortlessly move around again.

I have no doubt that you’ll be moving around effortlessly again but in the meantime, know that you most certainly have radiated your light even from your apartment, Joëlle. Even though I needed a break from debating theories to move passed fear so I could get healthy, our communication over the years has meant a lot to me and I mean it when I say that the world is a better place because you’re in it. And I think this forum is a better forum because you’re a member. You always show members here respect and kindness, something desperately needed more than ever, so never underestimate the light you shine even when housebound. ❤️


Nov 21, 2012
That’s true. Considering I didn’t get much direct sunlight during the summer and it’s been dark here most days since, it’s quite the feat I’ve gone this long without supplementing
Exactly! and even if you'll find you need to supplement thyroid for a little while (no shame in doing that), what's 1 or 2 months in the course of a year....

I have no doubt that you’ll be moving around effortlessly again but in the meantime, know that you most certainly have radiated your light even from your apartment, Joëlle. Even though I needed a break from debating theories to move passed fear so I could get healthy, our communication over the years has meant a lot to me and I mean it when I say that the world is a better place because you’re in it. And I think this forum is a better forum because you’re a member. You always show members here respect and kindness, something desperately needed more than ever, so never underestimate the light you shine even when housebound. ❤️
Aww thanks Jennifer, you are certainly a light as well. I'm glad I got the privilege in getting to know you🙂
I'm convinced this forum thinks the same about it, seeing how so many people felt helped by your logs and your replies in threads.
Although initially I wasn't really amused about what happened, I'm glad you did what you needed to do bc when reflecting upon myself I saw that I was spiralling and it did neither of us any good.
So, thank you for the digital kick in the butt, I needed that. 😉❤️


Jul 8, 2014
Exactly! and even if you'll find you need to supplement thyroid for a little while (no shame in doing that), what's 1 or 2 months in the course of a year....

Exactly. Or I could always retreat to Yuma, Arizona every February. ☀️

Aww thanks Jennifer, you are certainly a light as well. I'm glad I got the privilege in getting to know you🙂
I'm convinced this forum thinks the same about it, seeing how so many people felt helped by your logs and your replies in threads.
Although initially I wasn't really amused about what happened, I'm glad you did what you needed to do bc when reflecting upon myself I saw that I was spiralling and it did neither of us any good.
So, thank you for the digital kick in the butt, I needed that. 😉❤️

Thank you, Joëlle. 😊❤️ I love you dearly so the decision to take a break was a difficult one to make, but I want better for us and I’m just so happy you’ve been freeing yourself, too. We’re such intuitive women and to let that part of ourselves atrophy would be such a shame, don’t you think?
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