James Sloane - Ozone Therapy At Home, Hydrogen Peroxide, Most Cancer's Have A Viral Origin


Dec 17, 2017
I drink ozonated water from time to time, it’s good, it feels a lot like how going for a nice short walk in a thriving park makes you feel. If you mix some white distilled vinegar in the water - the ozone absorbs much better and remains stable longer in the water, this also allows it to reach deeper in to the gut.

Great tip about the white vinegar! I added 2ml to 400ml of distilled water in my ozone beaker and immediately the bubbler's output dispersed into much finer swirling clouds of micro bubbles. That dramatic increase in surface area of the O3/H2O interface proves your assertion. Thanks!

I then experiemented with MgCl and malic acid but they did not have that effect. How did you hit on the white vinegar optimization?
Feb 26, 2018
Great tip about the white vinegar! I added 2ml to 400ml of distilled water in my ozone beaker and immediately the bubbler's output dispersed into much finer swirling clouds of micro bubbles. That dramatic increase in surface area of the O3/H2O interface proves your assertion. Thanks!

I then experiemented with MgCl and malic acid but they did not have that effect. How did you hit on the white vinegar optimization?

A couple years ago I was researching ways to increase the solubility / prolong the decomposition. I didn't like going through all the hassle with ice water. I found this: ozone decomposition I think I found another paper specifically referencing white vinegar and ozone for gut biofilm application, but I can't find it anymore. It definitely works to boost the levels, ozone has a very identifiable taste, reminds me of how watermelon rind tastes.


Nov 29, 2017
slightly off topic (and i apologize) but James had this to say about phytoestrogens. Thoughts??

“Phytoestrogens are greatly misunderstood. Phytoestrogens are weak estrogenic compounds that average 200 to 400 times weaker than the body's own estrogens. They lock up estrogen receptors giving their weak estrogenic effect while blocking stronger estrogenic compounds such as xenoestrogens from latching on. If they cannot latch on these stronger xenoestrogens have no effect on the body. This is important as xenoestrogens can be 30,000 to 100,000 times stronger than the body's own estrogens. Therefore phytoestrogens help to balance the hormones by helping to regulate the action of stronger estrogens
Feb 26, 2018
slightly off topic (and i apologize) but James had this to say about phytoestrogens. Thoughts??

“Phytoestrogens are greatly misunderstood. Phytoestrogens are weak estrogenic compounds that average 200 to 400 times weaker than the body's own estrogens. They lock up estrogen receptors giving their weak estrogenic effect while blocking stronger estrogenic compounds such as xenoestrogens from latching on. If they cannot latch on these stronger xenoestrogens have no effect on the body. This is important as xenoestrogens can be 30,000 to 100,000 times stronger than the body's own estrogens. Therefore phytoestrogens help to balance the hormones by helping to regulate the action of stronger estrogens

Interesting. I'm not so sure, just because xenoestrogens are being blocked, does not necessitate that they would not be taken up by the receptors at some later time, I'm not sure how long xenoestrogens typically hang around in the body. I think if what you referenced about phytoestrogens were to be true, I'd presume that heavy consumers of soy milk would be less estrogenic than those who generally avoid soy products, but I thought there was a good deal of science now backing up the feminizing effects of a soy heavy diet vs a diet lacking in soy.


Nov 29, 2017
Interesting. I'm not so sure, just because xenoestrogens are being blocked, does not necessitate that they would not be taken up by the receptors at some later time, I'm not sure how long xenoestrogens typically hang around in the body. I think if what you referenced about phytoestrogens were to be true, I'd presume that heavy consumers of soy milk would be less estrogenic than those who generally avoid soy products, but I thought there was a good deal of science now backing up the feminizing effects of a soy heavy diet vs a diet lacking in soy.

Good point with the soy...I have no idea. Here was a question in response to the above.

“So you are saying that phytoestrogens lock up estrogen receptors, thus preventing the body's stronger estrogens(estradiol) from latching on, correct?”

Correct. But, you are not going to lock up every receptor in the body. So phytoestrogens are not going to block the action of all your estrogens. They just help prevent an "overload" of estrogen in the system. It is like using gymnema sylvestre to block sugar absorption. It will not block all the sugar you ingest from being absorbed, only about 70 to 80% of the sugar you ingest


Jul 3, 2016
What do you guys think of James saying progesterone creams are dangerous?

"Would using the short term progesterone cream in your protocol (waiting for the vitex to kick in) give me the answer?

Progesterone creams are too dangerous to fool with except in rare cases such as severe endometriosis. So I recommend avoiding them."

Source: Hormone Balance at The Truth in Medicine, topic 1682470

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Generally, I think Sloane is pretty knowledgable, but one time I heard him say on an interview with Rothkranz that taking enzymes(digestive) would slow/stop your body's production of enzymes. I e-mailed him and said that to my knowledge the enzymes are part of the exocrine system, not the endocrine system and therefore would not be down regulated. Tears, saliva, etc. are part of the exocrine system, your eyes don't down regulate tears because you put water in them (shower, etc.), and your mouth doesn't down regulate saliva because you put water in it, etc. Therefore, your body doesn't down regulate enzyme production beacause you eat foods high in enzymes, or take enzyme supplements. He never replied to me. Now, assuming what I am saying is correct, I think this is a very basic academic mistake on his part, and shows why you have to double check everything that is said by experts.


Jun 19, 2014
What do you guys think of James saying progesterone creams are dangerous?

"Would using the short term progesterone cream in your protocol (waiting for the vitex to kick in) give me the answer?

Progesterone creams are too dangerous to fool with except in rare cases such as severe endometriosis. So I recommend avoiding them."

Source: Hormone Balance at The Truth in Medicine, topic 1682470
Is it possible he is referencing the synthetic progesterone found in the pharmacopia?


Jul 3, 2016
Does anybody here have experience with ozone ear insufflation?

I have significant idiopathic hearing loss. So this interests me. But I am also a serious skeptic. :):

Maybe check the ozone health facebook groups too for experiences with ear insufflation, as the first video mentions one in the thumbnail.


Nov 29, 2017
A couple years ago I was researching ways to increase the solubility / prolong the decomposition. I didn't like going through all the hassle with ice water. I found this: ozone decomposition I think I found another paper specifically referencing white vinegar and ozone for gut biofilm application, but I can't find it anymore. It definitely works to boost the levels, ozone has a very identifiable taste, reminds me of how watermelon rind tastes.

very good suggestion captain. thanks!

https://phys.org/news/2009-11-h1n1-virus-acidic-ozone.html not vinegar but hcl
Feb 26, 2018
very good suggestion captain. thanks!

https://phys.org/news/2009-11-h1n1-virus-acidic-ozone.html not vinegar but hcl

Thanks for the link! I have some betaine HCL, will have to try with that some time, perhaps it works differently than vinegar. I have also used grapefruit seed extract with ozone, I can confirm it also increases the absorption in the water and extends the degradation.

P.s. is your profile pic of young Terence McKenna?


Nov 29, 2017
it is indeed young Terence.

another question which may be hard to answer..... would reacting acv+baking soda and then adding cold water to ozonate be a good or bad idea? wondering if it could be a super energy cocktail or just a really idea.....:)

@Travis @Obi-wan thoughts?


Jun 19, 2014
it is indeed young Terence.

another question which may be hard to answer..... would reacting acv+baking soda and then adding cold water to ozonate be a good or bad idea? wondering if it could be a super energy cocktail or just a really idea.....:)

@Travis @Obi-wan thoughts?
Depends. If the pH of the vinegar (low) is the magic that makes ozone better, then no. Sodium acetate (the primary product of acv reacted with NaCO3) is near neutral.

However, NaH3CO supposedly converts rapidly to CO2 in the bloodstream. If the O3 interacts meaningfully with it in this context, there could possibly be some oxygen-carbon dioxide magic happening.

Only one way to find out . . .


Nov 24, 2017
I was taking hydrogen peroxide for a few weeks and my dermatitis and eczema disappeared completely while I was taking it.

I stopped because i didn't know if it's safe.

But the effect was awesome.
Breathing (hyperventilating) helps also a bit.
No idea what's wrong with me


Jun 19, 2014
So if I am understanding that correctly, ozonating NaH3CO would saturate it with oxygen by cleaving -CO groups.

This would deprive the NaH3CO of a substantial amount of its ability to produce CO2 in the bloodstream while also depriving the the O3 of its oxygen giving and/or oxidizing properties.

Thus you would not want to administer them together.

Am I reading this right?


Nov 29, 2017
So if I am understanding that correctly, ozonating NaH3CO would saturate it with oxygen by cleaving -CO groups.

This would deprive the NaH3CO of a substantial amount of its ability to produce CO2 in the bloodstream while also depriving the the O3 of its oxygen giving and/or oxidizing properties.

Thus you would not want to administer them together.

Am I reading this right?

That was my take when I read it.


Nov 29, 2017
"The ozone decay rate is slow at low pH and the reaction order n for ozone is found to be unity in the presence of nitric, acetic, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Only in the latter case the order m for the hydroxyl concentration is zero as the reaction between O3 and Cl- is the fastest destruction process. For the other acids the order m ≤ 0.1 indicating that the ozone decay at low pH is almost independent of [OH- ]. Increasing the pH to values of about 5.5-7.5 leads to a faster ozone decomposition rate with the order n equal to 1.5."

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