Jennifer's Cellular Regeneration Log


Nov 21, 2012
Melanin, the chemical in our our skin responsible for a tan, is also an agent that increases the ability of our cells to absorb sunlight. So the obvious way is to just get more tan.

It might absorb sunlight,but apparently it does nothing for vit.D. There are many articles out there that speak of black people being more prone for vit.D deficiency because of the high rates of melanin in their skin...


Jul 8, 2014
Thanks for sharing, @Tzheng2012! Very informative! I read something similar years ago about not bathing after sun exposure to optimize D production so ever since, I've been bathing beforehand, around 10am, and like you, only wash my "pits and bits" with a cleanser made from soapnuts, however, I do exfoliate with a coconut oil and vanilla bean sugar scrub so I'm not sure if that's an issue. I'll definitely give some of your hacks a try. Thanks again for sharing your experience. :)


Jul 8, 2014
I've recently been thinking about the crystals I saw in my urine when I first began checking for sediment. I'm almost sure I wrote about it here. At the time, I questioned if they were some kind of calcium crystal so maybe they were oxalates?
I just came across a site that describes different types of crystals in urine. Cloudy urine is even mentioned. In case anyone is interested:

Crystals In Urine: Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment


Jul 30, 2017
It might absorb sunlight,but apparently it does nothing for vit.D. There are many articles out there that speak of black people being more prone for vit.D deficiency because of the high rates of melanin in their skin...
Yeah sorry I didn’t clarify; I mentioned melanin for “human photosynthesis” to increase cellular ATP production and not vit D


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer, how are things going for you?

It looks like New Hampshire has a warm week ahead!

I was recently having issues with fruit fibre! It looked a bit like SIBO so I put 3 heaped teaspoons of desiccated coconut back into my banana, OJ and raspberry smoothies! The gut issues seemed to clear up in a couple of days. I think the fruit fibre may lead to excessive bacteria, but the coconut oil in the dried coconut kills off much of it!

Similarly if I have some lettuce or other low oxalate salad ingredient I have it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar to stop the bacteria from growing out of control!

Do you still strain out a lot of your fibre?

I think you said you sometimes cook your bananas. Does that turn some of the starchy fibre into sugar?

Is strained fruit and seafood still your main food sources?

All the best.


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie! :wave:

Things are going really well! Thank you for asking. :)

My mum had a biopsy this past July and was diagnosed with stage 1 uterine cancer so she upped her thyroid dose a grain, high dosed Progest-E, and started eating old school Peaty (cheese, eggs, milk, liverwurst, gelatinous meat, fruit juice, coffee and sourdough bread for cravings). A week later, in preparation for her upcoming surgery, an ultrasound was performed and the doctor said the cancer was worse than the biopsy revealed — it was in the surrounding walls too — and that she would likely need chemo and radiation. My mum continued high dosing Progest-E, the extra grain of thyroid (the doctors kept trying to scare her into dropping her dose) and the diet and when the surgeon went to remove her uterus 6 weeks later, she was shocked to find my mum’s walls were clean with no trace of cancer and that my mum wouldn’t need any extra interventions.

As for me, my health continues to improve. I reintroduced dairy in May, unleashed a fierce craving and have been feeding it ever since. My diet is currently 2 L of goat milk, 2 oz of goat cheese, 2 L of fresh pressed honeydew, watermelon and grape juice, 6 tbsp of raw honey, 3 oz of white chocolate, and coconut water. My digestion, food satisfaction/satiation, blood sugar regulation and mental health are the best they’ve ever been, my body composition (I lost inches in my stomach and built muscle despite a decreased activity level), dental health and vision improved, I no longer have migraines, night terrors or desperately crave the sun — for the first time in a decade I’ve stayed out of the sun and my vitamin D level actually improved — and my skin is looking as healthy as it did pre-illness when I used to pamper the heck out of it, except now all I use on it are the floral extracts in coconut oil, and the rest is diet. Porcelain skin isn’t exactly in fashion these days, but I’m learning to embrace my casperish look. lol

Yeah, it’s crazy the temps we’re having. What have the temps been like in Melbourne?

That’s great that the coconut worked so well and so fast at clearing the SIBO! It’s certainly a tasty way of doing it. Haha! And your salad dressing sounds delicious! How is the low oxalate diet treating you? Last we chatted you were transitioning to carnivore —did you end up going full carni and if so, how did it go?

Yep, I still strain out most of the fiber, mainly because I use the nut milk bag to juice, but I no longer do a second straining with the coffee filter.

I always ate bananas raw (extra ripe/spotty like a leopard). I don’t think cooking breaks fibers down into sugars we can digest, but I could be totally wrong. I do think it makes starch easier to digest and releases sugars trapped in the cell walls, though. Freezing and thawing should have a similar effect as the latter.

I haven’t had bananas in so long but a huge Asian market just opened up in the city and sells Thai bananas, something I’ve wanted to try for ages now, so I’ll be picking some up next week, along with some soursop, dragon fruit, purple flesh sweet potatoes and kabocha squash for Thanksgiving. I’m super excited!

Take care!
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May 3, 2015
Wow @Jennifer, that’s great news for both you and your mum. It sounds like you’ve both cracked the diet code!

Do you attribute your mum’s healing to general health improvements and reduction in PUFA? Otto Warburg recommended B vitamins and iron to aid aerobic metabolism / cellular respiration. He found all cancer uses anaerobic fermentation which provides too little energy. The cell loses its sense of tissue and becomes single minded. Does the thyroid help the mitochondria burn sugar correctly?

Has your dad been influenced in his diet by your and your mum’s success?

Are you drinking raw or pasteurised goat milk? It’s good you can tolerate that so much better than cow milk... or did it just take time to adapt? I love coffee milkshakes / iced coffee at the moment, but I am restricting it to 500ml per day!

I do like the tang of goat feta. There was a popular dish in France when we visited in 2009 with a cute name called chèvre chaud (sounds like ‘shevra show’). Toasted goat cheese on a slice of toasted baguette with salad. Your mum might like that on her sourdough bread! Actually I’m beginning to drool thinking about it!

How is your physical fitness? Are you hiking again, or just powering through the day at and near home?

Are you still eating seafood?

Are you taking vitamin D supplements or does that come from your food? Your grandma would be pleased your skin is doing so well! It’s good you won’t have to worry about tanning over winter. Maybe Hawaii and Georgia would be too sunny for you after all? I try to keep indoors in the middle of the day here as the uv can get pretty extreme!

We are coming in to summer so the days are pretty long but things are generally cooler this side of the solstice. We do have 4 warm days ahead so I will transfer from jeans to shorts!

COVID finally seems to be pretty low which fits in with the general observation of Ivor Cummins that coronaviruses disappear in the summer. We have just been allowed to travel throughout our state. For a few months we were confined to 5km from our homes for 1 hour a day unless we had a special excuse!

I never got into full carnivore unfortunately. Instead I have reduced beef / lamb down to 200g per day. I like my fruit juice too much! I will consider it an option for the future though as there are so many miracle stories out there.

I am still avoiding spinach, silver beet and other oxalates and haven’t had any mouth ulcers! I was eating prunes for vitamin k but now I’m concerned about the fibre so I might stick with romaine lettuce and dressing!

That’s great news about the Asian fruit market. They may also have some nice canned fruit you could try.

I’m glad everything’s coming together for you and your mum!
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Jul 8, 2014
Wow @Jennifer, that’s great news for both you and your mum. It sounds like you’ve both cracked the diet code!

Do you attribute your mum’s healing to general health improvements and reduction in PUFA? Otto Warburg recommended B vitamins and iron to aid aerobic metabolism / cellular respiration. He found all cancer uses anaerobic fermentation which provides too little energy. The cell loses its sense of tissue and becomes single minded. Does the thyroid help the mitochondria burn sugar correctly?

Has your dad been influenced in his diet by your and your mum’s success?

Are you drinking raw or pasteurised goat milk? It’s good you can tolerate that so much better than cow milk... or did it just take time to adapt? I love coffee milkshakes / iced coffee at the moment, but I am restricting it to 500ml per day!

I do like the tang of goat feta. There was a popular dish in France when we visited in 2009 with a cute name called chèvre chaud (sounds like ‘shevra show’). Toasted goat cheese on a slice of toasted baguette with salad. Your mum might like that on her sourdough bread! Actually I’m beginning to drool thinking about it!

How is your physical fitness? Are you hiking again, or just powering through the day at and near home?

Are you still eating seafood?

Are you taking vitamin D supplements or does that come from your food? Your grandma would be pleased your skin is doing so well! It’s good you won’t have to worry about tanning over winter. Maybe Hawaii and Georgia would be too sunny for you after all? I try to keep indoors in the middle of the day here as the uv can get pretty extreme!

We are coming in to summer so the days are pretty long but things are generally cooler this side of the solstice. We do have 4 warm days ahead so I will transfer from jeans to shorts!

COVID finally seems to be pretty low which fits in with the general observation of Ivor Cummins that coronaviruses disappear in the summer. We have just been allowed to travel throughout our state. For a few months we were confined to 5km from our homes for 1 hour a day unless we had a special excuse!

I never got into full carnivore unfortunately. Instead I have reduced beef / lamb down to 200g per day. I like my fruit juice too much! I will consider it an option for the future though as there are so many miracle stories out there.

I am still avoiding spinach, silver beet and other oxalates and haven’t had any mouth ulcers! I was eating prunes for vitamin k but now I’m concerned about the fibre so I might stick with romaine lettuce and dressing!

That’s great news about the Asian fruit market. They may also have some nice canned fruit you could try.

I’m glad everything’s coming together for you and your mum!

And to think it only took a decade to achieve. lol It’s all good. I’m just happy my mum is doing so well and I’m finally able to eat the foods I enjoy most, that satiate me without having to eat an obscene amount of fiber, and fulfill my nutritional needs — I was so over the supplement graveyard occupying prime real estate in my pantry.

I believe it was a combination of dietary intervention and a healthy dose of self-love — the women in my family are self-sacrificing and I think cancer not only was a wake up call for my mum to take better care of herself, but gave her permission to do so. And yep, from my understanding, thyroid, and the adrenals, are the key players involved in sugar and cellular metabolism.

Yep, he has though I’d say it was part our success and part my wearing him down. lol Ever since his surgery, he’d say how his dietitian and surgeon told him to avoid saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar and I’d respond “How many repeat customers does your surgeon have?” and bore him with biochemistry and our family’s health history. We have him off the statin — his cholesterol was 93 — and on NDT — his pulse was 45 — and now consuming saturated fats, cholesterol and sugar without guilt. The moment he realized he could have homemade egg salad for lunch instead of his staple vegan burrito, I saw pure joy wash over his face.

I tolerate pasteurized and raw goat’s milk the same, but consume raw because I know the farm and they practice humanely (calf at foot), which is really important to me. Within the first day of switching to goat’s milk, the chronic constipation I had had the entire 6 months I was on cow’s milk vanished so I think it has more to do with curd tension than adaption.

Coffee milkshakes and chèvre chaud sound delicious! I’ll definitely make some chèvre chaud for my mum. Thank you for the suggestion! I have some low acid decaf coffee saved in the freezer — would you mind sharing your coffee milkshake recipe?

I’ve been hiking flat trails with ease for years now but with the still present kyphosis putting pressure on my lower spine, I know I would throw my back out attempting a 4,000 footer, especially with the added weight of my pack and gear. It’s frustrating.

I lost my desire for seafood and found I felt better without it so I’m not currently eating any. I still supplement D since my only dietary source comes from the cheese (I skim the goat’s milk), but I’m needing half the amount I did last year. Funny, not that long ago I was thinking how glad I am that I stayed here. The heat would have been too much for me now that I’m healthier.

Oh, wow! You had it much rougher with COVID restrictions than we had here, though, we’ll see what happens come winter.

I can understand that. I like my juice too much to give it up too. Hopefully, you never have to but it’s good that you have an intervention like carnivore to try if needed. And it’s great to hear you haven’t had any lip ulcers! YAY! That’s too bad about the prunes. I have a love hate relationship with them, personally. The ones I was getting were so squishy and sweet, but were guaranteed to have me running to the bathroom all day and night. No lie!

Thank you, Rich! I appreciate that! :)
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

That is a shame about your kyphosis. Your back was the first thing that went wrong all those years ago wasn’t it? That may mean it will be the last thing to heal. Do you feel your back has improved any since May?

Ok, so your diet is mainly goat milk, filtered fruit juice, white chocolate and supplemental vitamin D.

Are you still taking Dr Morse’s herbs and teas? I wonder if they are high in oxalates? I think regular black tea is...!

That would be a shame if Heal All Tea was really Hike No More Tea!

Sorry if that sounds blasphemous! I should go and write 100 times, There are only two sides to chemistry! There are only two sides to chemistry...

The lady at our cake shop makes the coffee milk shakes from fresh hot espresso coffee, milk and ice cream. The ice cream probably has carrageenan in it though. :(

Otherwise I buy prepackaged iced coffee from the supermarket. Here are the ingredients. It is not perfect, but it is the only brand without carrageenan!

Dare Iced Coffee

My wheezing has just come back in the night. Melbourne has the worst pollen / asthma problems in Australia, particularly during Spring, but I might need to see if my iced coffee habit is exacerbating it!

Yes, Melbourne had some of the most Draconian COVID laws on the planet. We had an 8pm to 5am curfew for a couple of months and Matt had to sneak out at night just so little Tess could go to the toilet!

Our state premier is in love with Communist China and has signed a lot of secret contracts with them that probably defy Australian law.

The New World Order is using George Orwell’s horror novel 1984 as an instruction manual!

All the best!
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Oct 16, 2017
And to think it only took a decade to achieve. lol It’s all good. I’m just happy my mum is doing so well and I’m finally able to eat the foods I enjoy most, that satiate me without having to eat an obscene amount of fiber, and fulfill my nutritional needs — I was so over the supplement graveyard occupying prime real estate in my pantry.

I believe it was a combination of dietary intervention and a healthy dose of self-love — the women in my family are self-sacrificing and I think cancer not only was a wake up call for my mum to take better care of herself, but gave her permission to do so. And yep, from my understanding, thyroid, and the adrenals, are the key players involved in sugar and cellular metabolism.

Yep, he has though I’d say it was part our success and part my wearing him down. lol Ever since his surgery, he’d say how his dietitian and surgeon told him to avoid saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar and I’d respond “How many repeat customers does your surgeon have?” and bore him with biochemistry and our family’s health history. We have him off the statin — his cholesterol was 93 — and on NDT — his pulse was 45 — and now consuming saturated fats, cholesterol and sugar without guilt. The moment he realized he could have homemade egg salad for lunch instead of his staple vegan burrito, I saw pure joy wash over his face.

I tolerate pasteurized and raw goat’s milk the same, but consume raw because I know the farm and they practice humanely (calf at foot), which is really important to me. Within the first day of switching to goat’s milk, the chronic constipation I had had the entire 6 months I was on cow’s milk vanished so I think it has more to do with curd tension than adaption.

Coffee milkshakes and chèvre chaud sound delicious! I’ll definitely make some chèvre chaud for my mum. Thank you for the suggestion! I have some low acid decaf coffee saved in the freezer — would you mind sharing your coffee milkshake recipe?

I’ve been hiking flat trails with ease for years now but with the still present kyphosis putting pressure on my lower spine, I know I would throw my back out attempting a 4,000 footer, especially with the added weight of my pack and gear. It’s frustrating.

I lost my desire for seafood and found I felt better without it so I’m not currently eating any. I still supplement D since my only dietary source comes from the cheese (I skim the goat’s milk), but I’m needing half the amount I did last year. Funny, not that long ago I was thinking how glad I am that I stayed here. The heat would have been too much for me now that I’m healthier.

Oh, wow! You had it much rougher with COVID restrictions than we had here, though, we’ll see what happens come winter.

I can understand that. I like my juice too much to give it up too. Hopefully, you never have to but it’s good that you have an intervention like carnivore to try if needed. And it’s great to hear you haven’t had any lip ulcers! YAY! That’s too bad about the prunes. I have a love hate relationship with them, personally. The ones I was getting were so squishy and sweet, but were guaranteed to have me running to the bathroom all day and night. No lie!

Thank you, Rich! I appreciate that! :)
Wow, Jennifer :/
You already prospered a lot and this step seems easier to conquer.

Posture is very important, there are lots of debates about what constitutes a good one, there's one which to me seems very promising and practical, The Gokhale Method, she analysis ancestral cultures, realize commonalities between them and find out the J shaped spine as the ideal, not the S way, J shaped not surprisingly is the ones also used by babies. Some good sources to learn more: Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain
How to Correct Your Posture | Goop

My posture was always praised and talked about, people say I walk different and stand very upright, and I didn't payed attention and was unrelated to exercises, so as @Hans also affirm, muscles/ hormones are central in relation to posture.
The best exercise and safest I know is the facepull to better the posture (you can do at home), the erector spinae muscle is also very important but its exercises are considered risky by some.

Have nice adventures, Jennifer ;)
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Looking back, my spine was already developing a kyphosis as far back as grade school, but all “ahem” broke loose when my weight plummeted and I fractured my spine, yes. I believe you’re right, especially given the severity of the vertebral damage. I’ve gained back 1 inch of the 4 inches I lost, most of it during my time following Dr. Shanahan’s recommendations (dairy-based WAPF diet high in vitamins A, D and K2) — that’s when I had a 50% improvement in my bone density.

With my weak peristalsis and poor enzyme and stomach acid production leading to endotoxin and excess serotonin easily, and my squished midsection making me prone to excess serotonin when surpassing even a minimal volume of food — I get why I feel best on my diet. Except for the juice and honey, my diet while under Dr. Shanahan’s care was based on the same foods I’m consuming now. I suspect that not only did the calcium and fat soluble vitamins contribute to the growth, but also reduced gut irritation keeping serotonin low — Ray said serotonin (and cortisol and high PTH) causes osteoporosis.

I also take TyroMax. I had previously been taking WP Thyroid, but it was recalled at the end of August so I’m very thankful that Georgi makes a clean/low allergenic NDT. My parents are taking it as well. We’ve been very happy with IdeaLabs.

LOL No worries! No, I’m not currently taking Dr. Morse’s herbs but if they are high in oxalates, I’m thinking oxalates aren’t an issue for me since I experienced improvements with his herbs, as well as Bee? Bee’s gums regenerated taking Heal All Tea.

Speaking of Dr. Morse, I just came across some info a few days ago on Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Morse’s mentor and friend, and apparently he was a huge advocate of goat’s milk up until his death and even wrote a book about it:

Goat Milk Magic: One of Life's Greatest Healing Foods by Bernard Jensen

Perfect! Thank you! I have some vanilla bean Häagen-Dazs in the freezer so I can make it tomorrow.

Aww...that stinks! I’m sorry to hear the wheezing is back. Do you find antihistamines helpful during pollen season?

Ah, okay, I questioned if COVID restrictions may have made things extra difficult for Matt and Tess since I recall you saying she goes everywhere with him. That’s insane that he had to sneak out at night so she could do her business.

You have my sympathy. I may have to move to another planet. Ugh...Biden.
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Jul 8, 2014
Wow, Jennifer :/
You already prospered a lot and this step seems easier to conquer.

Posture is very important, there are lots of debates about what constitutes a good one, there's one which to me seems very promising and practical, The Gokhale Method, she analysis ancestral cultures, realize commonalities between them and find out the J shaped spine as the ideal, not the S way, J shaped not surprisingly is the ones also used by babies. Some good sources to learn more: Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain
How to Correct Your Posture | Goop

My posture was always praised and talked about, people say I walk different and stand very upright, and I didn't payed attention and was unrelated to exercises, so as @Hans also affirm, muscles/ hormones are central in relation to posture.
The best exercise and safest I know is the facepull to better the posture (you can do at home), the erector spinae muscle is also very important but its exercises are considered risky by some.

Have nice adventures, Jennifer ;)

Thank you so much for the info and words of encouragement, Matheus. Ballet hasn’t made a dent in it — good posture is a must with ballet — but I’ll give the face pull a try. Honestly though, I don’t think it will improve the kyphosis much given mine is structural due to 12 vertebrae fracturing and 8 of the 12 compressing — the compressed vertebrae wedged, forming the exaggerated curve, if that makes sense? The osteoporosis was so advanced that my spinal column collapsed, essentially. The only way I know of to truly reverse my kyphosis is through proper bone remodeling. My doctors and specialists said it isn’t possible, but I’ve been living with the belief that it is, and I hope my improvements thus far means it actually is. And I agree with Hans! :)
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Oct 16, 2017
Thank you so much for the info and words of encouragement, Matheus. Ballet hasn’t made a dent in it — good posture is a must with ballet — but I’ll give the face pull a try. Honestly though, I don’t think it will improve the kyphosis much given mine is structural due to 12 vertebrae fracturing and 8 of the 12 compressing — the compressed vertebrae wedged, forming the exaggerated curve, if that makes sense? The osteoporosis was so advanced that my spinal column collapsed, essentially. The only way I know of to truly reverse my kyphosis is through proper bone remodeling. My doctors and specialists said it isn’t possible, but I’ve been living with the belief that it is, and I hope my improvements thus far means it actually is. And I agree with Hans! :)

:): You're welcome ;)
Hormones are paramount to posture, even more to the spine, to posture especially since muscles, fascia, and connective tissue quality are very dependent on it. Some huge guys probably have poor posture probably because of low progesterone (most AAS affect badly it), bad metabolism, or sleeping in terrible positions and alike. I like to sleep without a pillow, with face up, arms up in the position you do the face pull and sometimes alike but facing down...

Muscles like the inner abdominals (vacuum train them) and the erector spinae are responsible to stabilize and maintain in the right place the spine. Every vertebrae is interconnected, a undeveloped superior back will push the others in bad positions, forcing them to hold much more pressure, this is why I think the J shaped way is very important and promising.

Serotonin is known through Ray that it mobilizes calcium away from bones, progesterone is anti-catabolic and close to or the best bone promoter, CO2 is extremely important for bone density, if I remember right, DHEA is very anabolic in females (It can be androgenic, but nonetheless its a youth steroid). I believe you know all that rsrsrs

So you can do,
CO2: vitamin b1 is as potent as acetazolamide in increasing and retaining CO2, which is very important for bones and health, thyroid also increases it.
Progesterone is the anti-catabolic, DHEA as the anabolic hormone. Haidut has Cortinon plus (8Prog:1DHEA).
Cascara sagrada, carrots, coal, B3 etc.

And I think if you don't feel energized, exercise isn't good and won't make you more muscular, principally in women. You can start slow with the face pulls, like doing firstly one set, then later go by feeling, I recommend not going to failure, only doing the concentric part, and resting at least 3 minutes between sets.
There's a study on the safest erector spinae muscle, I will post here later...

Doing a post thinking you know all that :confused:

I also believe it is! I know nothing about kyphosis... But do you know the guys, Georgi Dinkov, Zeus, cited? Those ppl had extremely dense bones, so much that they don't float and one discovered it after being hit by a car, knocked down unconscious and was unscathed; AFAIK. All that thanks to high CO2 retention, which B1 helps.

@Jennifer edited to expand...
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer.

I’m glad Dr Morse’s products are healing after all!

That is interesting that Morse’s mentor loved goat milk. Perhaps that is missing in Dr Morse’s diet. He might be a little more trim if he consumed some goat milk and goat cheese!

It sounds like a picky digestive system may have robbed you of your health all those years ago. It might have been better if the first thing to go wrong was your foot or leg giving out, rather than your spine, but the collapsing vertebrae certainly let you know something was amiss.

Patience, research, trial and error, hope and faith has finally rewarded you with a diet that delivers all the nutrients you need efficiently, without too many anti-nutrients!

Maybe your body has been storing up energy and nutrients since May, and some of your vertebrae will undergo a spontaneous healing when you least expect it! Certainly the fact that you are feeling better than you have in a long time is a good sign.

While I’m feeling optimistic, maybe even Biden will fade away over the next month...

Steve Bannon has been removed from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, but his website remains, and he has some uplifting content to share:

War Room: Pandemic

All the best!


Jul 8, 2014
:): You're welcome ;)
Hormones are paramount to posture, even more to the spine, to posture especially since muscles, fascia, and connective tissue quality are very dependent on it. Some huge guys probably have poor posture probably because of low progesterone (most AAS affect badly it), bad metabolism, or sleeping in terrible positions and alike. I like to sleep without a pillow, with face up, arms up in the position you do the face pull and sometimes alike but facing down...

Muscles like the inner abdominals (vacuum train them) and the erector spinae are responsible to stabilize and maintain in the right place the spine. Every vertebrae is interconnected, a undeveloped superior back will push the others in bad positions, forcing them to hold much more pressure, this is why I think the J shaped way is very important and promising.

Serotonin is known through Ray that it mobilizes calcium away from bones, progesterone is anti-catabolic and close to or the best bone promoter, CO2 is extremely important for bone density, if I remember right, DHEA is very anabolic in females (It can be androgenic, but nonetheless its a youth steroid). I believe you know all that rsrsrs

So you can do,
CO2: vitamin b1 is as potent as acetazolamide in increasing and retaining CO2, which is very important for bones and health, thyroid also increases it.
Progesterone is the anti-catabolic, DHEA as the anabolic hormone. Haidut has Cortinon plus (8Prog:1DHEA).
Cascara sagrada, carrots, coal, B3 etc.

And I think if you don't feel energized, exercise isn't good and won't make you more muscular, principally in women. You can start slow with the face pulls, like doing firstly one set, then later go by feeling, I recommend not going to failure, only doing the concentric part, and resting at least 3 minutes between sets.
There's a study on the safest erector spinae muscle, I will post here later...

Doing a post thinking you know all that :confused:

I also believe it is! I know nothing about kyphosis... But do you know the guys, Georgi Dinkov, Zeus, cited? Those ppl had extremely dense bones, so much that they don't float and one discovered it after being hit by a car, knocked down unconscious and was unscathed; AFAIK. All that thanks to high CO2 retention, which B1 helps.

@Jennifer edited to expand...
No, this is all very helpful! Thank you, Matheus! :)

I totally agree about CO2. I had a friend here who stressed to me the importance of it and had a brilliant CO2 mask setup but looking back, I don’t think I ever really felt comfortable trying it out without supervision from someone experienced like him.

Ever since you mentioned B1 in one of our conversations, I’ve been keeping track of it in cronometer and I’m averaging 200% of the RDA. I’m also averaging over 400 grams of carbs (helps CO2 production?) and 240% of the RDA for B3. Do you think these are adequate intakes?

Thank you for mentioning DHEA. I’ve never tried supplementing with it before, only because my level has always come back in a good range, but I’ll consider trying some CortiNon.

And I appreciate your advice to not go to failure when doing the face pulls. Knowing me, I likely would have. lol


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie!

Well, given Dr. Morse said he needed cookies in his diet to deal with stress and has “a weakness for vegetable korma” and consumes it weekly despite it containing yogurt, it seems to me his body is telling him a 100% fruit and veggie diet isn’t adequate for him.

Very True! Honestly, I’m glad things played out the way they have. Despite my frustration with having been benched, I have no regrets. I believe what happened, happened for me and I gained far more from it than I lost. It’s eyes wide open now.

Yes, absolutely! And I now have another food to add to my diet thanks to you. :) Wow, are coffee milkshakes good! I’m going to pick up some natural sodas at the store today and try out old-fashioned floats. That should complete my Wonka diet nicely. lol

Given my experience following Dr. Shanahan’s diet, I do believe my body is likely storing up nutrition and that a miracle is possible, for sure!

I hope so. I don’t wish ill will toward him or anything, but he did something to a family member of mine that is proof to me that he needs help with overcoming his false sense of power, not that I’m naive enough to believe he’s the only one.

Take care, Rich!
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Jun 10, 2020
Hi @Jennifer! I’ve really enjoyed this thread and learned a lot from it—thank you for your explanatory posts and writing style!

I’ve recently been getting into honeydew and can totally tell the difference in effect between a very ripe one and an unripe one—the latter will wreck me, while the former will give me my life back.

I keep having spikes of high adrenaline throughout the day, often waking up in a very anxious and nervous state. Throughout the day I will have a high heart rate and low temperature. I recall in another thread that you mentioned having high adrenaline in the past. What worked in helping you resolve the high adrenaline symptoms?

Edit: I just saw your response to jet9 back in June, where you mention it happened to you because of gut irritation, or because of going too long without sugar, or having too much sugar at once. I will give these a shot :)
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Oct 16, 2017
No, this is all very helpful! Thank you, Matheus! :)

I totally agree about CO2. I had a friend here who stressed to me the importance of it and had a brilliant CO2 mask setup but looking back, I don’t think I ever really felt comfortable trying it out without supervision from someone experienced like him.

Ever since you mentioned B1 in one of our conversations, I’ve been keeping track of it in cronometer and I’m averaging 200% of the RDA. I’m also averaging over 400 grams of carbs (helps CO2 production?) and 240% of the RDA for B3. Do you think these are adequate intakes?

Thank you for mentioning DHEA. I’ve never tried supplementing with it before, only because my level has always come back in a good range, but I’ll consider trying some CortiNon.

And I appreciate your advice to not go to failure when doing the face pulls. Knowing me, I likely would have. lol
Nice then, I like it!
You had a friend... I am certain that this guy was VOS. You still has contact with him?? I hope so.

DHEA is androgenic, for women its as anabolic as Testosterone. The balance is what matters. I read a quote from Haidut saying something like: "DHEA is essential to libido and to the sexual function of women, it even helps lubricate the vagina."

About B1: I would start at the lower dosages to know how my body reacts and slowly up the dose. Thiamine Is A Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor As Effective As Acetazolamide
"The highest concentration of thiamine is required to inhibit hCA I and it is 380nM/L. This figure from a human study on the pharmacokinetics of thiamine shows that this concentration is achievable using a 1,500mg dose."

About niacinamide, its important that it is niacinamide not niacin, based on 2 studies, a dosage of 6 to 8mg/ kg seems to be the best!
Low-dose (but Not High) Niacinamide Reverses Reproductive Decline In Old Females
"The HED of the effective regimen was 6mg/kg daily and duration of treatment was 4 weeks. That means a daily dosage of 250mg-500mg for a month should be able to replicate the design (and hopefully findings) of the study for most humans."

Niacinamide Retards/Reverses Aging And Physiological Decline
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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