Jennifer's Cellular Regeneration Log


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Ah, okay! Thank you for sharing. :) So could the same thing apply to the other poperties of dairy since my stools go white even when it's fat-free? And could this be contributing to its constipating effect? I thought about trying some ox bile from Ancestral Supplements, but worry I'll upset my stomach and it's finally free of pain. The only other thing left that I could think of to try was upping my thyroid dose, but then I risk tanking my cholesterol level again.
Hey Jennifer,

Did your stools stop becoming white after fixing your thyroid which lead to better fat digestion? I find eating meats and fruit “fixes” the stool issue while also causing a lot of other problems. When I eat mostly dairy the hair on the sides of my head stop coming out in clusters which a huge benefit. But i start to deal with aggravated hemorrhoids and white/floating stools.

I believe I need to commit to taking the thyroid for at least 2 weeks to notice any real change. I’m currently visiting my father in the desert and the constant heat here has already allowed me to tolerate dairy without any hot flushes so I’m sure body temperature has a lot to do with these issues.

Thank you.


Apr 6, 2023
Hey Jennifer,

Did your stools stop becoming white after fixing your thyroid which lead to better fat digestion? I find eating meats and fruit “fixes” the stool issue while also causing a lot of other problems. When I eat mostly dairy the hair on the sides of my head stop coming out in clusters which a huge benefit. But i start to deal with aggravated hemorrhoids and white/floating stools.

I believe I need to commit to taking the thyroid for at least 2 weeks to notice any real change. I’m currently visiting my father in the desert and the constant heat here has already allowed me to tolerate dairy without any hot flushes so I’m sure body temperature has a lot to do with these issues.

Thank you.
Hi, I used to have symptoms similar to yours when I was drinking milk of any type such as "hemorrhoids" for months, this is no longer the case, the two main changes associated with the disappearance of these symptoms are that I have consumed much less sugar/honey in the last few weeks, and that I have been exposing myself to intense sunlight from 11am to 3pm since April/May.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Hi, I used to have symptoms similar to yours when I was drinking milk of any type such as "hemorrhoids" for months, this is no longer the case, the two main changes associated with the disappearance of these symptoms are that I have consumed much less sugar/honey in the last few weeks, and that I have been exposing myself to intense sunlight from 11am to 3pm since April/May.
Yes, I noticed the same thing with less sugar. I stopped eating all fruit and the bleeding stopped completely. My biggest issue now is the pain. I’m not even sure if it’s hemorrhoids or not but when I consume dairy my butt hurts very bad, almost like it’s bruised.


Apr 6, 2023
Yes, I noticed the same thing with less sugar. I stopped eating all fruit and the bleeding stopped completely. My biggest issue now is the pain. I’m not even sure if it’s hemorrhoids or not but when I consume dairy my butt hurts very bad, almost like it’s bruised.
I know what kind of pain, like it's torn.


Jul 8, 2014
Hey Jennifer,

Did your stools stop becoming white after fixing your thyroid which lead to better fat digestion? I find eating meats and fruit “fixes” the stool issue while also causing a lot of other problems. When I eat mostly dairy the hair on the sides of my head stop coming out in clusters which a huge benefit. But i start to deal with aggravated hemorrhoids and white/floating stools.

I believe I need to commit to taking the thyroid for at least 2 weeks to notice any real change. I’m currently visiting my father in the desert and the constant heat here has already allowed me to tolerate dairy without any hot flushes so I’m sure body temperature has a lot to do with these issues.

Thank you.

Hi! I only experienced white stools when I consumed A1 dairy, especially fresh cheese such as ricotta. When I switched to raw goat’s milk, my stools darkened and then darkened some more after supplementing thyroid for…I think at least 3 months. I just remember that my stools had darkened once my gallbladder attacks resolved. They were never as dark as when I consume meat/seafood, however, from my research, lighter stools are normal on a dairy-based diet and speaking with some members privately about their issues with milk, one man had contacted Ray about his light stools and Ray confirmed that it’s normal on a dairy-based diet.

Do you do full-fat dairy or reduced-fat? Ray told me that some people have a hard time digesting dairy fat so he recommended low-fat dairy. When you say you experience pain, do you struggle to eliminate or do your stools pass easily? If it’s the former, thyroid should hopefully help improve your peristalsis and enzyme production. I think taking thyroid for at least 2 weeks is an excellent plan. It took months before I started seeing real improvement in my symptoms, though, I was taking NDT at the time and since switching to synthetic (TyroMix) and experiencing immediate improvement on half the dose, I suspect it would have worked sooner.

Yes, I noticed the same thing with less sugar. I stopped eating all fruit and the bleeding stopped completely. My biggest issue now is the pain. I’m not even sure if it’s hemorrhoids or not but when I consume dairy my butt hurts very bad, almost like it’s bruised.

Most fruit inflames my rectum. I suspect it’s related to an allergy, possibly pollen, because I also experience full-body hives, burning intestines, a racing heart, shortness of breath and depression with certain fruit and honey. Have you ever done a skin prick test to rule out a dairy allergy? Or even a blood test to check if you have an intolerance to it? The only other thing I can think of is if you consume fortified milk, could you be reacting to the excipients in the vitamin packs? If I’m not mistaken, Polysorbate 80 and Propylene Glycol are common ones.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Hi! I only experienced white stools when I consumed A1 dairy, especially fresh cheese such as ricotta. When I switched to raw goat’s milk, my stools darkened and then darkened some more after supplementing thyroid for…I think at least 3 months. I just remember that my stools had darkened once my gallbladder attacks resolved. They were never as dark as when I consume meat/seafood, however, from my research, lighter stools are normal on a dairy-based diet and speaking with some members privately about their issues with milk, one man had contacted Ray about his light stools and Ray confirmed that it’s normal on a dairy-based diet.

Do you do full-fat dairy or reduced-fat? Ray told me that some people have a hard time digesting dairy fat so he recommended low-fat dairy. When you say you experience pain, do you struggle to eliminate or do your stools pass easily? If it’s the former, thyroid should hopefully help improve your peristalsis and enzyme production. I think taking thyroid for at least 2 weeks is an excellent plan. It took months before I started seeing real improvement in my symptoms, though, I was taking NDT at the time and since switching to synthetic (TyroMix) and experiencing immediate improvement on half the dose, I suspect it would have worked sooner.
That makes sense. I unfortunately don’t have access to raw milk but I’ve been drinking a2 grass fed low temp pasteurized which makes me feel great and doesn’t cause bloating. My stools aren’t quite white but they are an off white color, almost like the color of milk cream.

I don’t really struggle to eliminate but it’s just much slower than compared to a diet rich in fruit so maybe there’s some straining going on. I think thyroid and vitamin d are most likely the cause of this. Since I have low D I’m most likely not absorbing the all of the calcium and it’s slowing down my transit time.

I think I’m going to experiment with tyromax and lifegivingstores NDT. I believe I’m very sensitive to fillers in supplements so even small amounts of Cynoplus gave me histamine issues.
Most fruit inflames my rectum. I suspect it’s related to an allergy, possibly pollen, because I also experience full-body hives, burning intestines, a racing heart, shortness of breath and depression with certain fruit and honey. Have you ever done a skin prick test to rule out a dairy allergy? Or even a blood test to check if you have an intolerance to it? The only other thing I can think of is if you consume fortified milk, could you be reacting to the excipients in the vitamin packs? If I’m not mistaken, Polysorbate 80 and Propylene Glycol are common ones.
I have the same reaction with pretty much all fruit, honey, sugar, etc. I recently did a 23andme saliva test and found out im a carrier for Hereditary Fructose Intolerance so I think I’ve been causing myself serious harm to my liver with sugar consumption in the last 2 years.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
don’t really struggle to eliminate but it’s just much slower than compared to a diet rich in fruit so maybe there’s some straining going on. I think thyroid and vitamin d are most likely the cause of this. Since I have low D I’m most likely not absorbing the all of the calcium and it’s slowing down my transit time.
It could also be the casomorphins in cow dairy. Travis and others have written a lot about the subject. Here’s one of his many quotes on the topic. I must say I really personally do better on goat dairy although it’s much harder to find where I live.
This is always why I cut the heroin with hydrolyzed casein. (The junkies can never tell the difference!)

Just kidding.

Casomorphin-7 is buried in the sequence for bovine β-casein:


The goat sequence is: YPFTGP I

The goat sequence should digest completely because of the tyrosine-for-proline, which keeps bovine β-casein from breaking-down. Goats also have a more Peat-friendly fatty acid profile. The fatty acids caprylic, capric, and caproic were all named after goats.
Having sufficient vitamin D and thyroid is always good of course!


Jul 8, 2014
That makes sense. I unfortunately don’t have access to raw milk but I’ve been drinking a2 grass fed low temp pasteurized which makes me feel great and doesn’t cause bloating. My stools aren’t quite white but they are an off white color, almost like the color of milk cream.

I don’t really struggle to eliminate but it’s just much slower than compared to a diet rich in fruit so maybe there’s some straining going on. I think thyroid and vitamin d are most likely the cause of this. Since I have low D I’m most likely not absorbing the all of the calcium and it’s slowing down my transit time.

I think I’m going to experiment with tyromax and lifegivingstores NDT. I believe I’m very sensitive to fillers in supplements so even small amounts of Cynoplus gave me histamine issues.

I have the same reaction with pretty much all fruit, honey, sugar, etc. I recently did a 23andme saliva test and found out im a carrier for Hereditary Fructose Intolerance so I think I’ve been causing myself serious harm to my liver with sugar consumption in the last 2 years.

Gotcha. Off white is definitely lighter than normal for a high dairy diet. So your vitamin D level is still low, huh? And this is despite supplementing it and using your UV lamp through the winter and early spring? Do you suspect your thyroid is involved? I may have mentioned this already but prior to thyroid supplementation, I was sunbathing for at least an hour every day it was sunny and I was still deficient. My level was 17 and about 6 months before my spine collapsed, when I was spending 8+ hours outdoors climbing mountains, my level was 6 and I’m extremely fair-skinned, well, my profile pic is me with a tan. lol Within 2 or so months of supplementing thyroid, my vit. D level was up to 50. I understand being sensitive to fillers—I used to take WP Thyroid for that reason—so I really hope TyroMax and LGS’ NDT treat you well. If you weren’t always sensitive to fructose containing foods, it will be interesting to see how you respond to them after you’ve been supplementing thyroid for a bit.


Sep 21, 2014
Thank you for that quote about the goat* sequence by the goat** poster. I miss Travis.

* animal
** greatest of all time

@Jennifer (another goat poster):
Since your journal is already up, how is your mountain climbing training going? Or did you already have your big climb?


Jul 8, 2014
You’re always so kind to me, @-Luke-. Thank you for that. Really. ❤️

Thank you for asking how my training is going. :) I planned on posting an update this weekend. I had my training update already written when I posted my last update, but things have changed since then so I’ve been rewriting it this past week. I’ve been a bit preoccupied so it’s taking longer than I expected.


Sep 21, 2014
You’re always so kind to me, @-Luke-. Thank you for that. Really. ❤️

Thank you for asking how my training is going. :) I planned on posting an update this weekend. I had my training update already written when I posted my last update, but things have changed since then so I’ve been rewriting it this past week. I’ve been a bit preoccupied so it’s taking longer than I expected.
Alright, take your time. Very pretty picture by the way.


Jul 8, 2014

Since my last update, I’ve continued to make so much progress with my training and can now carry a full pack, but only Sapphire, not Ruby. Ruby will have to wait until I get stronger, but she’s for backpacking anyway and we’re a long ways away from that, at this point. For months I trained for a hour in the morning and a hour in the evening—climbing a flight of stairs 10–20 times then doing a lap around the house and repeating the process—but I have since reduced my training to once every other day to prioritize my self-care and mental health. More on that later. Though, my training was going great—I had so much energy and my recovery was excellent—as it progressed, I grew increasingly miserable. I could feel myself slipping back into rigidity, something all too familiar, and I knew I was headed down my old destructive path.

When we were in our early 20s, my bother suggested hiking as something we could do together. We had never climbed a mountain before, let alone the highest peaks in New Hampshire and I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when he mentioned a club that he wanted to join—the Four Thousand Footer Club. He said every year, a patch is awarded at a ceremony to those who hike the 48 highest peaks in New Hampshire and that he wanted to earn it by the next one, which was to be held in September—we were in February. My brother is all or nothing whereas, I’m more go with the flow so I agreed, but was completely unaware of how insane what he was proposing was. What normally takes hikers years to complete, we completed in 7 months. We climbed every week, sometimes multiple mountains in a day, in extreme conditions, and though I’m so proud of what we accomplished together, I wasn’t able to truly enjoy the process because it was literal “ahem” for me. lol

So as I was training and my misery growing, it occurred to me that, like my brother and the patch, I want this climb so badly that I was overtraining. It didn’t feel like it at the time, I couldn’t feel anything at all—but I’ve come to understand that my mum’s rebirthday was my rebirthday, too, and I never want her life to be reduced to one of tragedy, nor mine. There were tragic moments, but they aren’t the totality of our lives, and I need to do this to honor what we worked so hard to overcome, the poor treatment we received from doctors, how we were let down time and again, and left to figure things out on our own. I don’t want what she went through to be in vain. She believed I would climb again and I don’t want to let her down. And I don’t want to let me down, either.

Once the numbness from my mum’s passing wore off four months ago, when I could feel again, all the suppressed pain came out and things got dark. I would wake from night terrors involving my mum sobbing and begging her and God to take me back. I needed to recognize it for what it really was and not Pollyanna it, not silver lining it, not write it off as a beautiful lesson. I’ve been working hard for quite a while now at heightening my instincts and intuition, and I came to the realization that I can’t do that if I don’t allow myself to feel the whole spectrum of feelings. Instincts and intuition depend on us feeling, and I sabotage my efforts when I suppress unpleasant emotions and think that there is something wrong with me if I’m anything but happy.

Because my mum was my emotional support, my best friend, I was afraid of what I might do to myself if I was depressed. For most of my life, I thought that the heavy feelings were some chemical process in my body that I was powerless to, just something I had to manage with diet and suffer through—the mother daughter curse—but it finally occurred to me that I experienced these feelings when faced with heavy situations. I wasn’t an inherently depressed person, but simply unhappy with the circumstances around me. To know that feeling depressed is just a normal response to depressing situations and that I’m unhappy for valid reasons, I’m no longer afraid of the “darker” emotions. To quote my mémé “I’m not wrong, the world is.” Life is messy and crying over spilled expensive raw milk is warranted, in my opinion. 😁

To be able to embrace the less than “positive” emotions without the fear caused by all the shame and guilt surrounding depression, all the treatments, some barbaric, and fake positivity used to suppress feeling our feels because they are uncomfortable, scary even, sometimes more so for others than ourselves, to honor and nurse them with love, has brought to my awareness the inextinguishable light that I’m convinced exists in all of us. In all my effort to feel “normal,” I was overlooking what has always been a part of me even in my darkest moments—pure joy and innocence—and that it’s possible to feel the light, while simultaneously the darkness. It’s so wild, yet so freeing. Most of my adult life, I worried that if I ever had a daughter, she would be cut from the same cloth as my mum and I, but I now think that she should be so lucky. Having experienced the complete opposite, this level of feeling, this intensity of a heart wide open that hitches a ride on my sleeve wherever I go, makes life electrifying.

I spent so much time trying to accept my mum’s death without success, but I came to the realization that I don’t have to come to terms with it—be at peace with what happened—to be at peace in my life. Like emotions, the tragic moments of my life can coexist with the beautiful ones, and knowing this has brought me a lot of peace. I think part of my struggle since my mum’s passing was thinking that I had to be okay with it, see the lesson in it, the beauty even, to move forward with my life, but some things are just senseless to me and I’m learning that it’s okay. With that said, my grief doesn’t care that my mind knows this on an intellectual level. My heart tells a different story. The grief comes on in waves, and all I can do is ride the ocean of emotions.

We have a trail on my family’s property that leads right down to the town lake so I’ve been going there to sit by the water and clear my mind and also, going to my “church” where I can be with my mum. My sacred place was a long drive at night with my best friend. When one of us was having a rough day, we’d go out for a drive at night, sometimes not speaking a word, but there being no need to, no uncomfortable silence between us. When someone can sit with you, hold space for you to feel however you feel in that moment and not try to force positivity or tell you how to feel or worse yet, guilt you for feeling how you feel, you know you have a good friend. A car, with the radio on, under a celestial blanket of stars, is where I feel the spirit of my mum most so in her old art studio, I set up the planetarium projector she gave me for Christmas right before she passed and when I need some time with my best friend, I just pull down the window quilt so it’s total darkness, and stargaze. In this space, I’m completely immersed in stars and feel her presence, and know that I’m unconditionally loved and supported.

Since actively working on releasing the sexual trauma through dance, I realized that my lingering loneliness was really stemming from missing that loving, affectionate energy that I only ever received from my mum and grandmother. As much as I love my boys, for over a year now, I’ve had to embody not only the assertive, action-oriented energy, but also the affectionate, nurturing energy and I really needed some of the latter for myself. Though, I know how to “man up” and get the job done in times of crisis, that is not my natural, healthy state. That is my survival, have no choice state, and prioritizing my self-care was like a mum sweeping in to nurse the wounds that I didn’t want to acknowledge, I felt like I couldn’t acknowledge, and I’ve been living in the mercy of her love, incubated in her womb like the embryonic inspiration of her creation, ever since.

Identifying as our struggles and perceived weaknesses is normal, but what if we are so much more than them? It’s tradition for hikers to be given a hiking name and mine is The Jeneral—the spelling is intentional. I always thought it amusing because I hiked with burly men and saw myself as a meek pipsqueak and really, like the weak link of the group, but I think these past 13 years I may have earned the title, earned my stripes so to speak, and I’ll have my army in spirit with me when I’m standing on the summit, hopefully this summer🤞🏼.

Oh, and here are my ride or dies:

20230329_210804.jpg 20230513_173713.jpg



Nov 21, 2012
As I'm not such a poetical writer as you, I'm just gonna say:

That's wonderful that you're progressing with your training, but even more so that you're able to recognize to take a step back when it's too overwhelming...or becoming rigid in your words.
More so, I'm happy for you that you had so many realizations which made you progress emotionally quite fast.


Jun 2, 2017
2,043 level was 6 and I’m extremely fair-skinned, well, my profile pic is me with a tan. lol Within 2 or so months of supplementing thyroid, my vit. D level was up to 50.
Hello Jennifer. Did I read this correctly: your vitamin D was at 6 ng/mL, but after ~2 months of thyroid (Tyromix?) you're now at 50 ng/mL?


Jul 8, 2014
As I'm not such a poetical writer as you, I'm just gonna say:

That's wonderful that you're progressing with your training, but even more so that you're able to recognize to take a step back when it's too overwhelming...or becoming rigid in your words.
More so, I'm happy for you that you had so many realizations which made you progress emotionally quite fast.

Thank you, Joëlle. :) I think you’re just as poetical a writer, and I bet you’d write killer sci-fi, too. I hope you’re doing well. :)


Jul 8, 2014
Hello Jennifer. Did I read this correctly: your vitamin D was at 6 ng/mL, but after ~2 months of thyroid (Tyromix?) you're now at 50 ng/mL?

Hi Mossy. :) My apologies for not being clear. Back in 2019, when I was transitioning from a fruitarian diet to one with meat/seafood, my vitamin D level rose from 17 ng/mL to 50 ng/mL in roughly 2 months of supplementing thyroid (WP Thyroid). Back in 2010, while following the 80/10/10 fruit-based diet, my level was at 6 ng/mL so the naturopath I had at the time prescribed 50,000 IU once a week for a month and was supposed to recheck my level but never did and not long after I fractured. I got a new doctor who put me on an ancestral style diet and when she checked my vitamin D level, it was 110 ng/mL. This was pre thyroid supplementation.


Sep 21, 2014
I like that nickname, The Jeneral. It's also the most pleasant word with Gen- I can think of for a nickname. Let me guess, you also have a guy named Ed in your hiking group and he is called "The Edmiral"?

I wholeheartedly agree with Dutchie. It's a good quality to be self-aware and open enough with yourself to admit that you might be on the wrong path. I think you are on a good path in jener... uhm general.


Jul 8, 2014
I like that nickname, The Jeneral. It's also the most pleasant word with Gen- I can think of for a nickname. Let me guess, you also have a guy named Ed in your hiking group and he is called "The Edmiral"?

I wholeheartedly agree with Dutchie. It's a good quality to be self-aware and open enough with yourself to admit that you might be on the wrong path. I think you are on a good path in jener... uhm general.

Haha! You have me wishing there had been an Ed, but sadly there wasn’t. I had originally picked a hiking name for myself—Tagalong, because I was tagging along with my brother—but the guys said it was tradition that I be given one.

Thank you. :) Since I had no experience the first time around, I figured all the training I was doing this time around was probably overkill. My main goal of building up strength in my back to carry a full pack I had accomplished a while ago and endurance I already had. Since eliminating most fruit from my diet, my energy levels and health in general have been excellent. All my remaining health issues disappeared, and I’ve since reintroduced shellfish and had to reduce my thyroid dose by half so yep, it seems I’m finally on a good path.


Nov 21, 2012
Thank you, Joëlle. :) I think you’re just as poetical a writer, and I bet you’d write killer sci-fi, too. I hope you’re doing well. :)

Thanks Jennifer :) I'm slowly progressing, one step at a time.
Lol, the 'killer sci-fi" plan is on the backburner for a while.
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