Iron Tablets temporarily relieve my hypothyroidism even with good iron stores


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
Hello all,

I’ve been dealing with subclinical hypothyroidism for a number of years, I’ve used Armour thyroid previously, Levothyroxine and T3 now and I’d say 90% of the time I still feel hypothyroid despite having great bloodwork (reverse t3 is always high though), dose changes have done nothing to me, in fact I can take 50mcg of T3 and not feel anything, not even a rise in body temp

I infrequently take iron tablets (ferrous sulfate) and it seems to alleviate all my symptoms within a few hours, trouble is after about 4-5 days of taking iron tablets the benefits wear off and I’m back to a hypo state. This isn’t placebo or anything, I almost immediately lose all my brain fog, my temperature rises, my glycogen stores replenish and my muscles become noticeably full again. The trouble is, I don’t actually have low iron, I’m mid range iron with 45% saturation, ferritin consistently around 150, TIBC is low though (which I believe means I’m storing iron because I have plenty).

Why could ferrous sulfate be having this immediate positive impact on me when absolutely nothing else does, and my iron status is actually quite good? Is the iron having an impact on my gut? Im aware that taking iron when I don’t require it is not good, but it intermittently provides me relief I haven’t found anywhere else in the form of supplements

For reference I’m on 75mcg of T4, 10mcg of T3 daily, taken at least 4hrs away from iron tablets to avoid any issues with absorption


Sep 12, 2020
Maybe consider finding one of the iron groups on facebook(i know I know) and see if you can find some answers there.
Here is one of them below.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
You could try vitamin A. It might solve your problem, as it has a lot to do with iron metabolism. You need a large dose, I suggest reading some of the studies haidut has posted about it here.

Peat wrote about hemoglobin and heat. It may be that your body temperature is too low. If it's below 37C during the day, look up temperature reset. There is a thread about it somewhere here.

Also read what Peat wrote about iron and anemia.

Experiment is the true method of knowledge, so try out safe solutions. Taking iron is not very safe, so a better solu


Forum Supporter
Jul 30, 2023
Central Europe
You could try vitamin A. It might solve your problem, as it has a lot to do with iron metabolism. You need a large dose, I suggest reading some of the studies haidut has posted about it here.

Peat wrote about hemoglobin and heat. It may be that your body temperature is too low. If it's below 37C during the day, look up temperature reset. There is a thread about it somewhere here.

Also read what Peat wrote about iron and anemia.

Experiment is the true method of knowledge, so try out safe solutions. Taking iron is not very safe, so a better solu
I think you didn´t finish your post, or am I mistaken? Would be interested in the rest. Thank you and merry Christmas! :)
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