I'm going to die [update]


Jul 27, 2022
Yeah I've been eating blocks of raw cheese and buttered eggs as well as meat for days and months on end and my cholesterol is still low, when I was carnivore my cholesterol was so high the doctor almost fainted, my trigs have stayed relatively the same but my HDL and ldl have dropped massively.
I think I might have some bacterial infection going on.
needs to be a decent amount of butter to get a decent effect. like 1/5 of a stick daily 50g. and that alone should help boost your total at least +0.5mmol which will still leave you out of healthy range so would need to find more stuff to help raise it. 20g daily coconut cream might not raise total but should help the low HDL .
i'm still looking for more stuff to help raise it (i don't think adding more butter would give linear effect as 16g butter daily study gave +4% to total cholesterol and 50g butter daily gave +7% so diminishing returns it looks like) , if u find more stuff please post in that cholesterol thread would be useful to know


"I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect." Ray Peat.

Once thiamine deficiency has been addressed the ability to process sugars will be improved

From this article

TTFD was also found to reduce vibratory perception in patients diabetic neuropathy [4]. A combination of riboflavin (7.5mg) and TTFD (75mg) proved effective for reducing neuropathic sensations after 1-3 months. This was also accompanied by improved tolerance of fructose and reduced levels of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate.

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Mar 5, 2017
Very interesting that you also have super low cholesterol numbers. I also have that same exact feeling of "I am going to die" most nights, weird chest and heart palpitation type symptoms, digestion trouble, pain under ribcage which I attributed to backed up bile in the gallblader and congested liver. I seem to be battling a chronic infection myself. Probably as far back as I can remember because I always had weird symptoms ever since being a kid, but its been really bad for the last year. On my blood test 4 years ago I had total cholesterol of 80. Since then I once got it up to 120 like 1.5 years ago, but recently it has been at 80 as well. I suspect this is why I react so bad to anything that boosts thyroid as it further lowers cholesterol. And that is with consuming lots of animal products and fruits. Trialed lots of different approaches, only fruits, no fruits, lots of eggs, butter etc. no results. Doctors arent even willing to look into it.


Jan 15, 2022
Very interesting that you also have super low cholesterol numbers. I also have that same exact feeling of "I am going to die" most nights, weird chest and heart palpitation type symptoms, digestion trouble, pain under ribcage which I attributed to backed up bile in the gallblader and congested liver. I seem to be battling a chronic infection myself. Probably as far back as I can remember because I always had weird symptoms ever since being a kid, but its been really bad for the last year. On my blood test 4 years ago I had total cholesterol of 80. Since then I once got it up to 120 like 1.5 years ago, but recently it has been at 80 as well. I suspect this is why I react so bad to anything that boosts thyroid as it further lowers cholesterol. And that is with consuming lots of animal products and fruits. Trialed lots of different approaches, only fruits, no fruits, lots of eggs, butter etc. no results. Doctors arent even willing to look into it.

How are you feeling at the moment?
It's up and down, sometimes I'm breathless sometimes I'm a bit better, but I fell way more stable after fasting and ditching most sugary and fiberous foods yesterday, I'm basically carnivore today, beside the one tangerine i had in the morning, I'm very aware of the gluconeogenesis and stress hormones that come along with doing this, but I think the possible endotoxemia I am experiencing is overall worse than that, i terms of damage to my system. Also my doctor is out for a couple of days, so I won't be able to go to him, the system here is rightly stuffed and made me realise how important it is to take our health into our own hands


Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire
It's up and down, sometimes I'm breathless sometimes I'm a bit better, but I fell way more stable after fasting and ditching most sugary and fiberous foods yesterday, I'm basically carnivore today, beside the one tangerine i had in the morning, I'm very aware of the gluconeogenesis and stress hormones that come along with doing this, but I think the possible endotoxemia I am experiencing is overall worse than that, i terms of damage to my system. Also my doctor is out for a couple of days, so I won't be able to go to him, the system here is rightly stuffed and made me realise how important it is to take our health into our own hands
How old are you?
Man, I‘d be careful with carnivore. Really unappetizing diet.


Jan 15, 2022
Do you take any supplements? I‘d drop them for a while and see how you feel after.
Don’t worry so much about food, it can really stress you.
Right now the only supplements I'm taking are topically into my scalp, vitamin d3 with olive oil and Thorne vitamin k2


Jan 30, 2021
I'm not up on what happened with you, so my commentary may be off topic. Right off I wonder if you have been "vaccinated," OR have you have taken a fluoroquinolone antibiotic and have been "floxed." My "floxing" actually occurred 15 years after the cipro, with one FLAGYL. I saw flagyl above which is why I posted this. I have not been and will not be "vaccinated" which I'm sure you know is causing severe heart problems in young men, that they will never, EVER admit were due to the jabs.

James IV

You have a gut imbalance (infection.) I had the same thing. I had it internally and externally.

There seems to be a spectrum of gut bacteria in relation to carbohydrate. One end are the ones that thrive on carbohydrates that are refined and simple as possible. Things like table sugar, lactose (milk), honey, HFCS, etc, would be on this end. The other end of the spectrum thrive on complex, long chained carbohydrates, thinks like starchy vegetables, whole grains, etc.

I got very sick trying to stick to simple and refined carbs. Mostly getting my carbs from sugars, milk, fruit, juices, sodas, etc. when I occasionally ate starch, it was white rice, white flour,etc.

I stopped getting sicker and quelled the symptoms by going to a low carb high fat/protein. But I didn’t heal, I was just static as long as I ate that way.
I started healing by eating only complex carbs; whole grains, starchy tubers, select higher energy density vegetables. No simple sugars, even from whole fruit. I think this was needed to bring back balance, as the more shifted you are one way, the harder you need to push in the opposite direction. Now I can eat most foods without problem, but I am sure to maintain a spectrum of carbohydrate types, and I still lean towards complex mainly. I don’t do much milk, mostly yogurt and cheeses for my dairy.

I understand my advice would be considered “anti-peat.” But I don’t believe everyone has the same microbiome, and therefore there is no everyone diet.

I rarely visit the forum, so I likely won’t have any follow up. But I happen to see this thread and I wanted to contribute. I’ve been where you’ve been and thought I would die, enough to write goodbye letters to my parents.

I hope you will find something I shared helpful. Wishing you recovery, mate.


Jan 15, 2022
You have a gut imbalance (infection.) I had the same thing. I had it internally and externally.

There seems to be a spectrum of gut bacteria in relation to carbohydrate. One end are the ones that thrive on carbohydrates that are refined and simple as possible. Things like table sugar, lactose (milk), honey, HFCS, etc, would be on this end. The other end of the spectrum thrive on complex, long chained carbohydrates, thinks like starchy vegetables, whole grains, etc.

I got very sick trying to stick to simple and refined carbs. Mostly getting my carbs from sugars, milk, fruit, juices, sodas, etc. when I occasionally ate starch, it was white rice, white flour,etc.

I stopped getting sicker and quelled the symptoms by going to a low carb high fat/protein. But I didn’t heal, I was just static as long as I ate that way.
I started healing by eating only complex carbs; whole grains, starchy tubers, select higher energy density vegetables. No simple sugars, even from whole fruit. I think this was needed to bring back balance, as the more shifted you are one way, the harder you need to push in the opposite direction. Now I can eat most foods without problem, but I am sure to maintain a spectrum of carbohydrate types, and I still lean towards complex mainly. I don’t do much milk, mostly yogurt and cheeses for my dairy.

I understand my advice would be considered “anti-peat.” But I don’t believe everyone has the same microbiome, and therefore there is no everyone diet.

I rarely visit the forum, so I likely won’t have any follow up. But I happen to see this thread and I wanted to contribute. I’ve been where you’ve been and thought I would die, enough to write goodbye letters to my parents.

I hope you will find something I shared helpful. Wishing you recovery, mate.
thanks for advice, i have an open mind so its all good, i have tried oatbran, which iwould consider a very complex carb source, it really made me feel like ***t, same with raw carrots and such. Im going to get a stool test by my doctor to see exactly what the issue is, i have an autoimmune condition i developed back in 2019 also reaccuring its ugly face now, but the main issues are short of breath and heart palps, sometimes with pressure in the chest, i have noticed that my abdomen feels very tight, i believe my issues are hormonal imbalance from bacterial overgrowth and fermentation creating endotoxin and hypothyroidism making my tissues leaky and susceptible to the damage of endoxemia, i remember having half a penicillin tablet in my bag eat two of those, and i felt instantly better, but yeah thanks for sharing your perspective, i really do appreciate it.


Feb 18, 2018
Raw vegetables are definitely not the way to go. I actually went to the hospital last Thursday also, full on “panic” attack, thought I was gonna die. Of course because I’m young everyone thought it was a panic attack even though my blood pressure was at 160/80 and I was super light headed like I was going to faint at any second. I do believe the anxiety is stemming from a serious health issue, and NOT the other way around, but if you’re young doctors won’t see it that way because young = healthy (never mind I had two friends pass away at 26 and 31 from heart attacks).

I will say that today I had green beans friend in oil and that digested WAY better than anything I’ve been eating lately, and in general boíled potatoes and carrots with salt and some oil really seem to be doing me good as of late, as if they are healing my gut biome and allowing me to actually get nourishment from my food.

Im starting to no longer believe in this whole PUFA thing, as I think my main problem is poor digestion and also arthrogenic plaque buildup in my arteries that are causing poor breathing, heart burn, high blood pressure, and overall just decay in my body. I started watching a guy called nutrition made simple on YouTube and he is very rational. I like how he looks hard at all the evidence and gives a very rational take on things. It seems very established by meta-analysis of RCTs that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat decreases plaque in the arteries and increases cardiovascular health. Well This has been tough for me to swallow as obviously here at RPF everyone believes differently, but something doesn’t sit right to wave off human RCT interventional studies (considered the strongest evidence when determining nutrition and health studies), as compared to mice or Petri dish studies, which is what Ray Peat seems to have made many of his dietary decisions around. Eating a lot of saturated fat and animal protein over the years has only been increasing my blood pressure and likely plaque in my arteries.

Now I’m not saying go crazy with the high PUFA seed oils, but something like frying vegetables in olive oil with some salt may be very health promoting, especially since foods like green beans, carrots, and potatoes provide plenty of micros, macros, and soluble fiber which is healthy for the gut. If still skeptical about olive oil then there’s always frying those same foods in coconut or butter and getting the health benefits of consuming those foods in a more digestible form. Also the evidence seems to suggest that saturated fat isn’t something that needs to be eliminated but kept under 10% of daily calories, so there’s still some room for butter/eggs/meat, but they shouldn’t be made the bulk of the diet from a cardiovascular health POV. Perhaps the complex carbohydrates from cooked vegetation may be the most health promoting foods to be eating…


Dec 28, 2021
Something more general, maybe not applicable to you, so just ignore if it isn't. But what I think is my case, and probably for a lot of us, is that we've been living in a stressful state for a longer period, and when trying to fix our diet we initially feel like we're not going anywhere or even getting worse. My theory is that I've overly relied on stress hormones and have eaten too little for a long time, and my digestion has probably slowed down to maximize nutrient absorption, causing a bacterial overgrowth. Problem then becomes like a catch 22 scenario - I need more nutritious foods - but more food = more burden on digestion. Problem with me is I like to change several things at the same time, making it hard to pinpoint what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. But the point is that maybe the slowed digestion is a motor complex issue from stress and undereating, and when fixing this the bacterial issue won't be as bad. Not saying this is the case, but it's another viewpoint to consider. Bloating is obviously not optimal, but is it a necessary bad to get the nutrients I need? I don't know, but often times I think so.

A few more things to consider:
Cooked bamboo shoots (increase bowel transit time) (obs - heard they lower cholesterol?)
Increase saturated fat (mild anti septic)
Eating sugary foods along with plenty of fat to aid in digestion


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Jul 8, 2014
I had the Johnson and Johnson vaccine back in October of 2021, haven't gotten any vaccine since then, that was when my symptoms of shortness of breath were starting to appear, but I had the heart arrythmias before then, when I got the yellow fever vaccine i think it made my heart arrythmias worse, that was back in 2019
I have slight arrhythmia but I am fine as long as I am taking a supplement called ‘Zeta Aid’ formulated by Dr. T. C. McDaniel. It is based on the formula by Thomas M. Riddick. Basically, the potassium citrate in Riddick’s formula is charging up the blood particles and prevents blood clotting. But it seems to have other benefits. Dr. McDaniel had severe premature ventricular contractions in his late 50s and with his Zeta Aid he lived to almost 102 years.

Riddick’s formulation is mentioned here:

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Jan 15, 2022
Raw vegetables are definitely not the way to go. I actually went to the hospital last Thursday also, full on “panic” attack, thought I was gonna die. Of course because I’m young everyone thought it was a panic attack even though my blood pressure was at 160/80 and I was super light headed like I was going to faint at any second. I do believe the anxiety is stemming from a serious health issue, and NOT the other way around, but if you’re young doctors won’t see it that way because young = healthy (never mind I had two friends pass away at 26 and 31 from heart attacks).

I will say that today I had green beans friend in oil and that digested WAY better than anything I’ve been eating lately, and in general boíled potatoes and carrots with salt and some oil really seem to be doing me good as of late, as if they are healing my gut biome and allowing me to actually get nourishment from my food.

Im starting to no longer believe in this whole PUFA thing, as I think my main problem is poor digestion and also arthrogenic plaque buildup in my arteries that are causing poor breathing, heart burn, high blood pressure, and overall just decay in my body. I started watching a guy called nutrition made simple on YouTube and he is very rational. I like how he looks hard at all the evidence and gives a very rational take on things. It seems very established by meta-analysis of RCTs that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat decreases plaque in the arteries and increases cardiovascular health. Well This has been tough for me to swallow as obviously here at RPF everyone believes differently, but something doesn’t sit right to wave off human RCT interventional studies (considered the strongest evidence when determining nutrition and health studies), as compared to mice or Petri dish studies, which is what Ray Peat seems to have made many of his dietary decisions around. Eating a lot of saturated fat and animal protein over the years has only been increasing my blood pressure and likely plaque in my arteries.

Now I’m not saying go crazy with the high PUFA seed oils, but something like frying vegetables in olive oil with some salt may be very health promoting, especially since foods like green beans, carrots, and potatoes provide plenty of micros, macros, and soluble fiber which is healthy for the gut. If still skeptical about olive oil then there’s always frying those same foods in coconut or butter and getting the health benefits of consuming those foods in a more digestible form. Also the evidence seems to suggest that saturated fat isn’t something that needs to be eliminated but kept under 10% of daily calories, so there’s still some room for butter/eggs/meat, but they shouldn’t be made the bulk of the diet from a cardiovascular health POV. Perhaps the complex carbohydrates from cooked vegetation may be the most health promoting foods to be eating…
I i know that guy, he is very narrow minded because he only looks at research that backs his claims, just because they are rcts doesn't mean they are true.

There's one study showing that polyunsaturates decrease liver fat compared to saturated fat in obese diabetic people, there were two issues with that study, the first is that it only happened for a couple of months, the first few months people eat pufa, they actually get a benefit in their results because they are consuming a TON of vitamin E which is a major anti oxidant, but ray peat is more so talking about long term, like 5+ years.

Also I have a brother who still eats seed oils and he gets burnt so easily, i never get sunburnt ever anymore.
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