Have people here successfully chelated heavy metals to get lasting improvements?


Jul 27, 2022
If you did this successfully following a protocol:

1. What was the issue(s) chelating solved and how big were the improvements?

2. What strategy did you use to successfully chelate? and how long did it take you to notice improvements?

3. What were your blood work / hair / nail levels of the metal / metals before and what did they lower to after?


Dec 15, 2016
Yes, still in the process but have made significant progress. I plan to write more about this. I think metals are a commonly overlooked treatable source of illness. Many things posted on the forum here can be incredibly useful, and have been for me. But for people who experience symptoms from clinical heavy metal toxicity, it is almost impossible to fully heal without removing the metals.

Chelating can be dangerous if done incorrectly, i.e. it should be done continuously in low doses at intervals equal to or more frequent than the half life of the active metabolite of the chelating agent. This is the key idea of Andy Cutler low dose chelation protocol. Cutler was a chemist/scientist/engineer with a phd in chemistry and metallurgy from Princeton. He was strongly empirical and realized that the standard of care treatment, which includes IV chelation, was dangerous for chronicly poisoned people, such as himself. The doctors he saw were not equipped to understand why so he read the literature and derived a safe and effective way to chelate. It just takes a long time.

It's taken me a while (two years so far) but as I've chelated I've gotten consistently better, symptoms have completely disappeared or greatly improved, and I've regained a general sense of wellness, calm, and vitality. I will post more later, but to answer your questions specifically:

1. To varying degress at different times - chronic fatigue, brain fog, poor verbal fluency, ADHD, insomnia, depression, anxiety, depersonalization/derealization, frequent nightime urination, occasional night sweats, skin isses (eczema, dandruff), gut issues (pain, constipation), sore/tight muscles, muscle and eye twitches, frequent cramping of feet, light headed when standing up, feeling/sound of loud heartbeat, cold hands and feet, low body temps (+ other hypo symptoms). I was too young to be experiencing all these symptoms (mid twenties).

2. Andy Cutler low dose chelation protocol. ALA for central nervous system and total body chelation. Noticed improvements after the first couple of months, and have noticed steady improvements ever since. It's been 2 years and most of the symptoms above are completely gone. Many have been around for as long as i can remember, some appeared together at the same time - possibly due to a sudden unknown exposure at one specific point in time, adding on to an already high body burden ("the straw that broke the camel's back"). I continue to improve noticeably after every few rounds and will continue to chelate for as long as this is the case.

3. I took a hair test which showed mercury 5x above the upper 95th percentile range. Hair tests can be misleading and are tricky to interpret. Mercury present in the hair is a true positive indication of high levels in the body and CNS. Low levels in the hair are not a true negative indication of high levels in the body and CNS. Further the combined probabilities of extreme values for the trace minerals are actually often more indicative than the levels of the metals themselves. One symptom of mercury poisoning is broad "derangement" of mineral transport across cellular and organ-system membranes. There is no other disease known to do this for many of the minerals simultaneously. So, for example one would expect in 20 minerals to find 1 mineral to be present in the lower OR upper 2.5th percentile (extreme value). The probability of having an extreme value for 5 out of 20 simultaneously is extremely low, assuming no "mineral transport derangement". So you can construct a statistical hypothesis test with the null hypothesis of "normal mineral transport" by looking at trace mineral levels and get a very very good idea of if mercury is present or not. Cutler derives the test in one of his books. The hair test + overall clinical picture is the best way to determine if chelation should be tried.


Jul 27, 2022
Yes, still in the process but have made significant progress. I plan to write more about this. I think metals are a commonly overlooked treatable source of illness. Many things posted on the forum here can be incredibly useful, and have been for me. But for people who experience symptoms from clinical heavy metal toxicity, it is almost impossible to fully heal without removing the metals.

Chelating can be dangerous if done incorrectly, i.e. it should be done continuously in low doses at intervals equal to or more frequent than the half life of the active metabolite of the chelating agent. This is the key idea of Andy Cutler low dose chelation protocol. Cutler was a chemist/scientist/engineer with a phd in chemistry and metallurgy from Princeton. He was strongly empirical and realized that the standard of care treatment, which includes IV chelation, was dangerous for chronicly poisoned people, such as himself. The doctors he saw were not equipped to understand why so he read the literature and derived a safe and effective way to chelate. It just takes a long time.

It's taken me a while (two years so far) but as I've chelated I've gotten consistently better, symptoms have completely disappeared or greatly improved, and I've regained a general sense of wellness, calm, and vitality. I will post more later, but to answer your questions specifically:

1. To varying degress at different times - chronic fatigue, brain fog, poor verbal fluency, ADHD, insomnia, depression, anxiety, depersonalization/derealization, frequent nightime urination, occasional night sweats, skin isses (eczema, dandruff), gut issues (pain, constipation), sore/tight muscles, muscle and eye twitches, frequent cramping of feet, light headed when standing up, feeling/sound of loud heartbeat, cold hands and feet, low body temps (+ other hypo symptoms). I was too young to be experiencing all these symptoms (mid twenties).

2. Andy Cutler low dose chelation protocol. ALA for central nervous system and total body chelation. Noticed improvements after the first couple of months, and have noticed steady improvements ever since. It's been 2 years and most of the symptoms above are completely gone. Many have been around for as long as i can remember, some appeared together at the same time - possibly due to a sudden unknown exposure at one specific point in time, adding on to an already high body burden ("the straw that broke the camel's back"). I continue to improve noticeably after every few rounds and will continue to chelate for as long as this is the case.

3. I took a hair test which showed mercury 5x above the upper 95th percentile range. Hair tests can be misleading and are tricky to interpret. Mercury present in the hair is a true positive indication of high levels in the body and CNS. Low levels in the hair are not a true negative indication of high levels in the body and CNS. Further the combined probabilities of extreme values for the trace minerals are actually often more indicative than the levels of the metals themselves. One symptom of mercury poisoning is broad "derangement" of mineral transport across cellular and organ-system membranes. There is no other disease known to do this for many of the minerals simultaneously. So, for example one would expect in 20 minerals to find 1 mineral to be present in the lower OR upper 2.5th percentile (extreme value). The probability of having an extreme value for 5 out of 20 simultaneously is extremely low, assuming no "mineral transport derangement". So you can construct a statistical hypothesis test with the null hypothesis of "normal mineral transport" by looking at trace mineral levels and get a very very good idea of if mercury is present or not. Cutler derives the test in one of his books. The hair test + overall clinical picture is the best way to determine if chelation should be tried.
Great post thanks, so its night and day difference for you
woah any idea why you were exposed to such high amounts of mercury, mostly metal fillings? How many rounds did you do in those first couple months to see improvements (obviously varies based on individual but curious)? were you doing 3 days on 3 days off then again back to back like this week to week?
interesting stuff about the extra mineral indicator ty will have a look.

yeah these metals seem way overlooked for the damage they bring, mainly just passing legislation to lower environmental levels and assuming everyone is automatically free from metals that wreck havoc in the body / brain. i've been taking notes on the cutler stuff. no "health guru" bs he's been backing stuff up with science making sense so far anyway (old content so maybe occasional outdated stuff)

I have 12/19 of the things you mentioned. it's interesting you mentioned muscle & eye twitches because i've been trying to figure this ***t out for ages.
i get muscle twitches all over including eyelid/face and foot cramps/sudden jolts of movement, just know it relates to vitamin D/sunlight after a while and magnesium doesn't help. one angle i thought about is the vitamin D link to toxic metals. which is what led me to looking into this stuff.
it's understudied but vitamin D causes increased heavy metal absorption / retention in tissues in chickens (and also shown in another study below) [The metabolism of heavy metals depends on the vitamin-D status of the body] - PubMed , & if on caloric deficit with fat breakdown releasing more metals, or have bone breakdown releasing more or have high environmental intake, well for people who get a bad response to Vitamin D this could be another indicator of heavy metals being high with this increasing it further & tipping it over into new symptoms. so becomes one angle worth looking in to.

https://www.researchgate.net/public..._Nutrients_and_Toxicants_in_Clinical_Medicine According to this vitamin D increases absorption of all the toxic metals (not just increased absorption of calcium), apart from mercury that it doesn't increase or decrease absorption of. arsenic unknown. other mineral interactions too with iron selenium zinc etc.

toxic metals minerals.png
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Dec 15, 2016
Great post thanks, so its night and day difference for you
woah any idea why you were exposed to such high amounts of mercury? How many rounds did you do in those first couple months to see improvements (obviously varies based on individual but curious)? were you doing 3 days on 3 days off then again back to back like this week to week?
interesting stuff about the extra mineral indicator ty will have a look.

yeah these metals seem way overlooked for the damage they bring, mainly just passing legislation to lower environmental levels and assuming everyone is automatically free from metals that wreck havoc in the body / brain. i've been taking notes on the cutler stuff. no "health guru" bs he's been backing stuff up with science making sense so far anyway

I have 12/19 of the things you mentioned. it's interesting you mentioned muscle & eye twitches because i've been trying to figure this ***t out for ages.
i get muscle twitches all over including eyelid/face and foot cramps/sudden jolts of movement, just know it relates to vitamin D/sunlight after a while and magnesium doesn't help. one angle i thought about is the vitamin D link to toxic metals. which is what led me to looking into this stuff.
it's understudied but vitamin D causes increased heavy metal absorption / retention in tissues in chickens (and also shown in another study below) [The metabolism of heavy metals depends on the vitamin-D status of the body] - PubMed , & if on caloric deficit with fat breakdown releasing more metals, or have bone breakdown releasing more or have high environmental intake, well for people who get a bad response to Vitamin D this could be another indicator of heavy metals being high with this increasing it further & tipping it over into new symptoms. so becomes one angle worth looking in to.

https://www.researchgate.net/public..._Nutrients_and_Toxicants_in_Clinical_Medicine According to this vitamin D increases absorption of all the toxic metals (not just increased absorption of calcium), apart from mercury that it doesn't increase or decrease absorption of. arsenic unknown. other mineral interactions too with iron selenium zinc etc.

View attachment 41307
Yeah I do 3.5 days (like 80-90 hours) on and 3.5 days off. That constitutes 1 full round. When I first started did 1 round per week, so it took maybe 8 rounds or so to start feeling noticable improvements. For some people it can take much longer, for some it's quicker. I started at a low dose of ALA, I think 5 mg. Now I'm at 200 mg. Starting with too high of a dose can cause extreme symptoms so it's better to start somewhere between 5 - 25mg then increase as rounds become more tolerable and you get less symptom flare ups at a specific dose.

Not sure of exposure, but I think it's a combination of sources. The most common sources are amalgam fillings, vaccines (less so these days as many no longer have mercury, but still have aluminum), seafood (especially larger fish higher up in the food chain). Fetal exposure can be significant source especially if the mother has amalgam fillings. CFL, which are touted as "environmental" bulbs can also be a very dangerous source. If the bulbs break the mercury in them can poison people in the vicinity. I was around a pretty large CFL bulb break for a while. Many countries in europe take this source more seriously than America does. So I think it's a combination of various environmental sources plus a predisposition to be highly sensitive.

Cutler is legit. Everything is backed by significant research and sound biochemistry, kinetics, and dynamics. He is correct about heavy metals being under diagnosed and, is correct about a low dose frequent schedule of dosing being the safe way to remove heavy metals. Tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of people have been cured of symptoms via the low dose frequent chelation method.

Similar to Peat, he doesn't sell any products or supplements or services. He just wants the information to get out there. He has written 2 books and sold both at cost. There is another one called mercury detox manual I think which he wrote most of, but passed before it was finished. There's a lot of info but the essence is quite simple. For 3 days take ALA every 3 hours including at night. Can also take DMSA for lead along with ALA. Then take 4 days off. Repeat until better. He also does recommend supplementing with zinc, vitamin e, magnesium, and vitamin c. Mercury is a strong oxidative catalyst so e and c help with that in the water-soluble and fat-soluble parts of the body. And the zinc and magnesium are the two most important minerals that get "wasted" by the body under a heavy mercury burden.

Cutler recommended against oral viatmin d supplementation for the reasons you noted, especially if someone is lead toxic. In the gut it greatly increases the absorption of most metals not just calcium/magnesium. But I take vitamin d personally as it helps me more than it hurts (if it hurts at all). But topical is probably safer.

The facebook group is a good resource for more info. Also the old yahoo group and wiki often have more technical details if you're interested in that as well (Cutler protocol - OnibasuWiki)
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If you did this successfully following a protocol:

1. What was the issue(s) chelating solved and how big were the improvements?

2. What strategy did you use to successfully chelate? and how long did it take you to notice improvements?

3. What were your blood work / hair / nail levels of the metal / metals before and what did they lower to after?

May be helpful.


May 5, 2022
Hello, I've been studying this topic for a year non-stop now.

I would suggest reading the following resource:
Biological Replacement of Elements Theory — Mineral Balancing

It took me a while to study his work completely and he seems to have solid bases. One very important thing: he helped MANY people in their healing journey, which is very important. At present, many people like to talk/write about everything and anything but few have really helped people, on a consistent basis.

Btw, I am under his guidance and I am now waiting for the results of my 2nd Hair Test.

So far:
- Tinnitus, GONE.
- Solid deposits accumulation behind teeth, GONE (No dentist, just normal brushing. I used to go once every 6 months to the dentist to clean up)
- Feet/Calf fasciculations, almost gone (I've been searching for a solution for 7 years now)

and much more but a bit out of scope.

Good luck!


Jan 30, 2021
On topic, I did IV EDTA chelation for lead and cadmium levels that were literally off the scale with a challenge. The symptoms I was trying to fix turned out to be due to living in a water damaged building, and although I'm sure I'm better off without those heavy metals, I didn't at the time notice any improvement.

Hijacking the thread -- what I need to get rid of is fluorine (FQAD) and silver (argyria.) I have had some success with iodine for the fluorine (large percentage recovery from the FQAD) but have found absolutely nothing that will get the silver out.
If anyone knows of how to remove silver, let me know. I have clogged femoral veins from topical colloidal silver used in an attempt to get rid of toenail bed fungus that I never, EVER had before the mold exposure, and which I've now had for more than a decade. Colloidal silver is supposed to be the cure-all but you know, mercury used to be the cure-all.

I know I have mercury because I become a "mad hatter" if I ingest chlorella (clearly stirs it up) but have never felt I would survive having to wake every three hours to do cutler. I'm 73 now and pretty much just accepting that I'll live with a level of disability for the rest of my life. I'd love to get to where I could ski again but don't see a path open to that.


Oct 6, 2020
Hello, I've been studying this topic for a year non-stop now.

I would suggest reading the following resource:
Biological Replacement of Elements Theory — Mineral Balancing

It took me a while to study his work completely and he seems to have solid bases. One very important thing: he helped MANY people in their healing journey, which is very important. At present, many people like to talk/write about everything and anything but few have really helped people, on a consistent basis.

Btw, I am under his guidance and I am now waiting for the results of my 2nd Hair Test.

So far:
- Tinnitus, GONE.
- Solid deposits accumulation behind teeth, GONE (No dentist, just normal brushing. I used to go once every 6 months to the dentist to clean up)
- Feet/Calf fasciculations, almost gone (I've been searching for a solution for 7 years now)

and much more but a bit out of scope.

Good luck!

Tinnitus gone? You have my attention good man. I#ll check that link out, thank you for sharing.


May 13, 2015
If you did this successfully following a protocol:

1. What was the issue(s) chelating solved and how big were the improvements?

2. What strategy did you use to successfully chelate? and how long did it take you to notice improvements?

3. What were your blood work / hair / nail levels of the metal / metals before and what did they lower to after?
I've been chelated multiple times since 1994. The first time was when I was poisoned by fire ant poison (organo-phosphate insecticide). I didn't exactly plan that remedy. I came to, wrapped in a blanket like an enchilada with an IV stuck in my arm. Lucky for me, my husband had made some calls around the state and found a detox specialist in San Antonio and delivered me there. This doctor practiced Orthomolecular medicine and he saved my life. I had around 100 IV chelations (EDTA) over two years. In addition, the doctor put me on the "if it tastes good, spit it out" diet and had me taking great handfuls of vitamins, including 16 big b-complex pills/day. I also had hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments and other various treatments. My improvement was not linear. I remember having a lot of severe bone pain in my face for a week or so early on in the treatment. I remember about 6 months into the treatment, my mental state deteriorated to the point that I had to get help at the grocery store filling out my check. I also could not remember my home phone number or my home address. My physical body recovered after several months; my brain recovery took several years and my mental function finally returned after I spent 2 years teaching myself how to marble fabric (the old book bindery art form), which required the use of the right side of my brain. I think my brain did some rewiring.

The second time I was chelated was around 2002(?). Because I had become loopy and side swiped the carport support when parking my car, I had done an EDTA chelation challenge test (3 hour IV, then a 24 hour urine test) which showed my mercury level was through the roof. Since the chelation treatment wasn't geared to chelate mercury, the test results were pretty alarming. So I had 20 treatments with a DMSA pill followed by EDTA IV chelation. I don't know how well this technique works but it did make me able to function again.

The third time I was chelated was in 2014. I suspected that I had been heavily exposed to environmental lead and was very symptomatic so I had another chelation challenge test and 24 hour urine test. This test showed that my lead was all the way off the chart; it was the highest reading that chelation doctor had ever seen. So I started on the prescribed 40 IV chelation treatments. However, this time I did not tolerate the treatment and developed crippling rheumatoid arthritis so I quit the chelation treatments after 20 IVs (about 7-8 months).

I found Ray Peat's website and started reading. I got the endocrinologist to change the brand of my desiccated thyroid and double the dose. I started taking several supplements, including 100mg thiamine 2Xday. The pain in my joints resolved a week after my thyroid med was doubled.

I got into trouble with a thiamine functional blockage (via Bactrim antibiotic) summer of 2020. It took months to recover via high dose thiamine. I've done a lot of reading about thiamine and have learned that I am probably more susceptible to heavy metal accumulation than average because I have probably had a thiamine deficiency most of my adult life. Heavy metal poisoning and thiamine deficiency are tied together; if you are deficient in thiamine, you are not able to clear heavy metals as well. Lead bonds to thiamine. I suspect other heavy metals do too.

Please note that if you decide to go the IV chelation route that the doctor is supposed to test your thiamine status and address a deficiency first because chelating a thiamine deficient patient can be fatal.

link to recent post about this subject: Low acetylcholine? Dysautonomia?

also this: Low acetylcholine? Dysautonomia?

Chelating can be dangerous if done incorrectly,
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Jul 27, 2022
On topic, I did IV EDTA chelation for lead and cadmium levels that were literally off the scale with a challenge. The symptoms I was trying to fix turned out to be due to living in a water damaged building, and although I'm sure I'm better off without those heavy metals, I didn't at the time notice any improvement.

Hijacking the thread -- what I need to get rid of is fluorine (FQAD) and silver (argyria.) I have had some success with iodine for the fluorine (large percentage recovery from the FQAD) but have found absolutely nothing that will get the silver out.
If anyone knows of how to remove silver, let me know. I have clogged femoral veins from topical colloidal silver used in an attempt to get rid of toenail bed fungus that I never, EVER had before the mold exposure, and which I've now had for more than a decade. Colloidal silver is supposed to be the cure-all but you know, mercury used to be the cure-all.

I know I have mercury because I become a "mad hatter" if I ingest chlorella (clearly stirs it up) but have never felt I would survive having to wake every three hours to do cutler. I'm 73 now and pretty much just accepting that I'll live with a level of disability for the rest of my life. I'd love to get to where I could ski again but don't see a path open to that.
haven't come across anything to do with silver yet but if i do will post. not sure about excretion but taurine gives protection from flouride i wonder if that would apply to flourine also - Fluoride to be added to all UK Tap Water and also applies to mercury even at low doses. also for the cutler protocol the sleep interruption is an annoyance but needed it seems, if just doing DMPS i think it can be 4 hours. most people do 3 days on 4 days off to recover. i guess 2 days on 5 days off could work for weekends i saw someone do this for their autistic child which helped significantly over time. but cant do it with existing mercury fillings

alternatively maybe things like daily taurine vit C/E protecting from the toxic effects without removal could be good enough for the most part?

seems knowledgeable ty
thanks for the post that's some journey. i heard EDTA is not recommended anymore, compared to DMPS it excretes way more essential minerals not as safe. in studies DMPS orally just mainly excretes some extra copper and zinc. thiamine does sound good for lead. can be a long process to figure out the thing that works right, good u finally found a breakthrough


May 13, 2015
haven't come across anything to do with silver yet but if i do will post. not sure about excretion but taurine gives protection from flouride i wonder if that would apply to flourine also - Fluoride to be added to all UK Tap Water and also applies to mercury even at low doses. also for the cutler protocol the sleep interruption is an annoyance but needed it seems, if just doing DMPS i think it can be 4 hours. most people do 3 days on 4 days off to recover. i guess 2 days on 5 days off could work for weekends i saw someone do this for their autistic child which helped significantly over time. but cant do it with existing mercury fillings

alternatively maybe things like daily taurine vit C/E protecting from the toxic effects without removal could be good enough for the most part?

seems knowledgeable ty

thanks for the post that's some journey. i heard EDTA is not recommended anymore, compared to DMPS it excretes way more essential minerals not as safe. in studies DMPS orally just mainly excretes some extra copper and zinc. thiamine does sound good for lead. can be a long process to figure out the thing that works right, good u finally found a breakthrough
I was told DMPS is dangerous by multiple doctors. The doctor who saved my life used EDTA by IV on a LOT of sick patients; we all got well. You get to hear a lot of people's health journeys when you're hooked up to an IV for 3-4 hours with a roomful of them.

A quick search for "DMPS dangers" resulted in multiple hits. Here's one: DMPSbackfire.com - DMPS Facts and Patient Reports
here's a quote from that website:

"Since launching this website I have received a number of messages from physicians. Each of them thanked me for providing information which was new to them, or for publicizing what they knew to be true.

Dr. Thomas Levy is a cardiologist who co-authored Uninformed Consent with Hal Huggins. In the book, Drs. Levy and Huggins discourage the use of synthetic chelators in general, and DMPS in particular. At page 252 they state:

"Heavy metal chelators almost always overaccelerate the detoxification of the post-TDR (total dental revision) patient. DMSA, DMPS, and EDTA can all do this. DMPS is consistently the greatest offender here. Immune declines and clinical illness can result for weeks and sometimes even months after only one injection of DMPS".

Dr. Levy has given me permission to repeat what he has told me directly. In his words, "DMPS is an unqualified sledge hammer to the immune system". He referred to the administration of DMPS as an "assault". Dr. Levy believes that synthetic chelators should just plain be avoided most of the time. Most patients simply don't need them."


DMPS is billed as able to chelate mercury, I think. Mercury is tough to chelate.

You could look into Emeramide (NBMI). It looks promising, if the FDA would just get out of the way....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCWA8kQqJ3M
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May 13, 2015
thiamine does sound good for lead. can be a long process to figure out the thing that works right, good u finally found a breakthrough
I'd like to add that along with my heavy metal poisoning history is my long history (20+ years) of being very low/deficient in glutathione. Heavy metals cause this problem. When I started taking high dose thiamine hcl, my glutathione blood test showed that I was very low. After taking high dose thiamine hcl for 6-9 months, my glutathione blood test showed as being in the normal range.


Jul 27, 2022
I was told DMPS is dangerous by multiple doctors. The doctor who saved my life used EDTA by IV on a LOT of sick patients; we all got well. You get to hear a lot of people's health journeys when you're hooked up to an IV for 3-4 hours with a roomful of them.

A quick search for "DMPS dangers" resulted in multiple hits. Here's one: DMPSbackfire.com - DMPS Facts and Patient Reports
here's a quote from that website:

"Since launching this website I have received a number of messages from physicians. Each of them thanked me for providing information which was new to them, or for publicizing what they knew to be true.

Dr. Thomas Levy is a cardiologist who co-authored Uninformed Consent with Hal Huggins. In the book, Drs. Levy and Huggins discourage the use of synthetic chelators in general, and DMPS in particular. At page 252 they state:

"Heavy metal chelators almost always overaccelerate the detoxification of the post-TDR (total dental revision) patient. DMSA, DMPS, and EDTA can all do this. DMPS is consistently the greatest offender here. Immune declines and clinical illness can result for weeks and sometimes even months after only one injection of DMPS".

Dr. Levy has given me permission to repeat what he has told me directly. In his words, "DMPS is an unqualified sledge hammer to the immune system". He referred to the administration of DMPS as an "assault". Dr. Levy believes that synthetic chelators should just plain be avoided most of the time. Most patients simply don't need them."


DMPS is billed as able to chelate mercury, I think. Mercury is tough to chelate.

You could look into Emeramide (NBMI). It looks promising, if the FDA would just get out of the way....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCWA8kQqJ3M

right right meant DMSA not DMPS - typo

DMSA is the "safer" one out of the 3 from the essentials its mainly just known to cause some elevated zinc & copper loss (which if dosing reasonably can probably be made up for on rest days) - human study https://www.researchgate.net/public...nosis_and_treatment_of_chronic_metal_exposure

another human study - did not cause neutropenia at 30 mg/kg/day total taken orally. just 1 person got itchy skin and had to discontinue which settled over a few days. transient increase in liver burden for 14% of the people which resolved, in most of them resolved during the therapy still

edta causes more essential mineral loss (zinc excretion i saw especially went through the roof) which can cause harm Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review also some magnesium loss, massive iron loss, calcium loss, https://chelationmedicalcenter.com/!_articles/Mineral Excretion Associated with EDTA Chelation Therapy.pdf
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May 13, 2015
right right meant DMSA not DMPS - typo

DMSA is the "safer" one out of the 3 from the essentials its mainly just known to cause some elevated zinc & copper loss (which if dosing reasonably can probably be made up for on rest days) - human study https://www.researchgate.net/public...nosis_and_treatment_of_chronic_metal_exposure

another human study - did not cause neutropenia at 30 mg/kg/day total taken orally. just 1 person got itchy skin and had to discontinue which settled over a few days. transient increase in liver burden for 14% of the people which resolved, in most of them resolved during the therapy still

edta causes more essential mineral loss (zinc excretion i saw especially went through the roof) which can cause harm Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review also some magnesium loss, massive iron loss, calcium loss, https://chelationmedicalcenter.com/!_articles/Mineral Excretion Associated with EDTA Chelation Therapy.pdf
I agree with you that edta can be dangerous. This is why it is important to research the doctor AND to learn as much as possible about the possible pitfalls so that you can protect yourself. My first chelation was done by a 65 year old orthomolecular physician who knew his stuff. My last chelation was done by people without that knowledge. They didn't evaluate my thiamine status before treatment and nearly killed me. The first doctor always gave a vitamin-mineral iv after the chelation. The last chelation experience never included that. No additional supplements were recommended/prescribed either.


Mar 24, 2018
If you did this successfully following a protocol:

1. What was the issue(s) chelating solved and how big were the improvements?

2. What strategy did you use to successfully chelate? and how long did it take you to notice improvements?

3. What were your blood work / hair / nail levels of the metal / metals before and what did they lower to after?
A somewhat similar story to @imcoconut - A quick deterioration in health around mid-twenties.

1&2: Memory loss, impaired speech, inability to perform simple tasks (I’m an Engineer and work became impossible), loss of motor skills (tremors/shake/ticks), Raynaud's & circularity problems (total loss of finger movement), insomnia, anxiety (obsessive behaviours appeared).. To name a few. All accompanied by a sense of doom that everything was shutting down fast. Figuring out what was going on was a mission in itself.

This process was a long one and goes back a few years. On amalgam removal I felt a sense of relief in ‘turning off the tap’. I started out with the Andrew Cutler protocol and had some initial success but redistribution issues impaired my memory too much to function - even at low doses. I searched other methods/protocols and found Field Control Therapy (FCT) and there was a practitioner within a reasonable distance. I was sceptical to some degree (a homeopathic based therapy) but willing to try. The first weekend protocol resulted in similar redistribution issues (that gave me confidence it was working) but symptoms were less severe and felt more sustainable/holistic (muscle testing is used to determine which parts of the body in sequence will be stimulated to release mercury). I committed to this process for about 2 years - doing a minimum of one weekend a month on protocol (the issues being locked away with homeopathic drops to take at certain times while limiting EMF exposure).

I had significant improvements in within a few months. Raynaud's disappeared about half way through treatment and my overall functionality was consistently getting better. The memory improvement was the biggest motivating factor.

I’m not sure this protocol can be classed as chelating but the end result is a positive one. I’ve mentioned in another post about my sensitivity to Alpha Lipoic Acid. Now I can take large doses with no effects.

3: At this time my grandad was suffering from early onset Alzheimer's and some of his symptoms looked to cross over (highly) with mercury toxicity. So I decided to get both our hair tested in accordance with the Cutler hair test (as per mentioned in previous post) and showed ‘mineral transport derangement’ in both – and both very similar to look at. I now believe my grandad had mercury induced dementia (since concluding we both share APOE4 variant making it difficult to detoxify heavy metals).

I must admit I’ve not carried out another hair test as I’ve been content with recovery. I'm also not against other protocols.


May 8, 2017
I bought this ebook on detoxification of heavy metals and re-mineralization and have found it to be extremely helpful.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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