Hair Loss Is Really Getting Me Down, Advice Needed


Dec 2, 2020
I honestly don't know where to start with all this, but I'll try and keep it short. I appreciate any one who takes their time to read and offer any advice they can.

I'm 30 years old, I've noticed my hair loss way back when I was 18, little did I know that it was really slow and mild to begin with, and to be honest, I've done pretty well with it until the last two years where I have noticed it getting thinner and thinner, to the point I can sometimes see my scalp under harsh lighting. I've always had a widows peak hairline, in the shape of a V and this is how it's been for years, slowly receding into more of U shape (it's pretty depressing and soul destroying)

I've managed to get by and I've been able to keep hairloss in the back of my mind and from time to time I'd browse some of hair loss forums, hoping for some cure or even the odd thing to try, but I've never found anything that has worked for me, most of the internet just directs you to minoxidil, finasteride etc and in my opinion, that stuff is just like putting a plaster over a wound, I honestly don't think the mainstream views of hair loss are correct.

I've reached out to this forum because I'm honestly just lost and feel alone when it comes to hair loss, I've never spoken to anyone about it before, I've just battled with it for the past 12 years alone. Now I'm 30 and it seems to be progressing faster I'm wanting to understand and try out some things that will improve the look and quality of my hair, maybe even re-grow some but I'm going to be realistic, I'm not expecting to be a NW1 but if I can get back to been a healthy NW2 I'll be happy.

I've recently tried minoxidil at a last ditch attempt in hope of seeing some results but all I can say is that it just made me shed a load of hair and depressed me even more. I've also tried Finasteride when I was about 19, and that stuff just made my seaman watery and gave me ball ache, I put the rest in the bin after 2 weeks of taking it.

I do have a 0.5mm dermaroller that I'm willing to get in to a routine of using, as well as some topical oils like Rosemary, Lavender, Castor Oil, Emu Oil etc as well as some supplements taurine, MSM, Niacin and a hair, skin nails multivitamin which contains D3, E, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, B6, Folic acid, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Primrose oil. I also have a red light mini from Red Light Man that I have been using, but in all honesty, I don't know if I'm using it correctly.

This year, I've been working indoors way more due covid, the gyms have shut etc and I'll be honest, I've just gotten really lazy and I've not got the best of diets at the moment. This is probably the reason for the condition of my hair and possibly a wake up call regarding my health. Some of the things I notice is cold feet and hands. I sometimes get a really bad and sore itch around my anus, my doctor gave me fusidic acid for this which cleared it up but it soon came back 4 weeks later. I also have some grey hair around the sides of my head, hair seems thinner and my left temple has receded more than the right. I also suffer from heart burn/acid reflux but since having covid-19 this has strangely subsided a lot, but it still comes back now and again. I also notice some dandruff every now and then but I usually manage this with the oils. Another thing I've noticed is low energy, and even loss of erection when having sex in certain positions. I'm not sure if this information is of any use to shed more light on my situation but I thought I would include it anyway even if it is irrelevant, there may be more odd signs of poor health but I can't think any more right now.

What I'm hoping for is for someone to take the time in reading this and offering some advice or help in anyway they can, like I said, I'm no expert in this field and the logic on this forum seems more sensible compared to others who would just tell me to take the big three and get on with it. If you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Thank you, this means a lot.
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Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
Recently I have read something to the effect that hair loss is a biological marker meant to remind one of death, and to not be afraid of mortality — which is pretty damn profound when you objectively examine the facts, but I do not expect this to offer you much comfort.

Mileage will vary, but it will be advantageous to cut trash oils (PUFAs) and up nutritiously dense meals. This should be done in combination with paying attention to your overall gut health and/ or digestion. (This will take care to learn, and there are many suggestions here for repairing bad gut health, including simply eating carrot salads everyday.) If you’re experiencing agitation in this area, it seems evident that you have digestive issues going on. Potentially look into taking an antibiotic to reverse it.

Off the bat, I would recommend taking b2/ riboflavin to stop the damage and potentially look into something like cyproheptadine in low doses, which will disrupt the stress response and desiccate the scalp. Care should be taken to increase energy levels responsibly — if you’re recovering from COVID, look at the posts regarding aspirin, which will be hugely beneficial in repairing a viral and low energy state. It may be worthwhile to investigate high quality vitamin e oil to meet the same end. The goal here is to promote cellular respiration.

Moreover, read everything you can, but try not to be blinded by the posts encouraging taking 1 gram of aspirin or excess of anything which does not register with common sense, as you see it. Start slow and see where it gets you. My sense is that not one cure will work the same for all people experiencing the same symptoms.


May 8, 2017
My advice is to focus more on your overall health and energy levels vs. your hair loss (and view hair loss as a symptom from some underlying metabolic issue). I would read as many posts as you can from Hans and also his website Home » MENELITE (and especially take a look at all the articles related to Digestion, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Hormones). I think you need to focus on fixing any stressors in your life and figure out a diet that gives you enough of the right kinds of calories and nutrition (ie., full of vitamins and minerals and doesn't cause digestive issues...use Once you fix your metabolism, your hair health should hopefully improve as well (be aware that this obviously takes time).

I would be skeptical of any quick hair loss remedies and think you are better off saving your money. There are red light helmets made specifically for hair loss that people seem to have success with. Same with PRP injections but both of these options are pricey.


Apr 18, 2018
Hey, welcome to the forum.
If you search through you will find plenty of info on hairloss. If you arent familiar with Danny Roddy I'd watch his videos. Starting with the older stuff right through to the new streams.

If you haven't read Rays articles thats a good place to start too. Its a plethora of info but you gotta start somewhere.

Might be worth posting a chronometer of your daily food intake. The usual stuff recommended here applies. Eat more calcium than phosphorus, get a good amount of calories for your body size, low pufa, cut the processed foods, eat nutrient dense foods.

The big 3 things to work on I'd recommend would be:
1. Clean the gut. How is your gut function? Any problems with digestion? This is no.1. Fixing the gut is paramount to health and stopping hairloss. Sounds like this is an issue for you.
2. Clean the liver. Is your skin clear? Are your eyes clear, shiny and white? Do you sleep well?
3. Maximise respiratory function. Your breathing should be completely unrestricted and should feel very free, deep and easy. This is thyroid driven and again plenty of information available here on the forum. The cold feet and hands are a giveaway here. Might be as simple as eating regularly through the day and cutting out pufa. Might require a supplemental approach.

Perhaps start with a blood test. It would be good to at least know where your vit D and prolactin are at.

There is the hormone route to consider but I'd further my understanding of those before going anywhere near them. Wise to do some bloods first too.

A few of the more helpful supplements I've found for hair and general health are getting plenty of calcium, b vitamins, magnesium, zinc, vit D, vit E, vit K. Glycine and taurine can also be helpful.

Perhaps consider small amounts of methylene blue, cascara and aspirin if things dont improve with diet and supplements alone.

Focus on fundamentals. Diet, sleep, sunlight. Exercise is good just dont flog yourself. Find something you enjoy, preferably with friends involved.

There is no one way of dealing with this and no guarantee of success. But if you push your health far enough back into the black then good things should follow and your outlook on life will improve tremendously. Pat yourself on the back and dont be so hard on yourself. You are here, asking questions. So you've taken the first step away from learned helplessness and toward taking control of your health.


Oct 6, 2020
2. Clean the liver. Is your skin clear? Are your eyes clear, shiny and white? Do you sleep well?
3. Maximise respiratory function. Your breathing should be completely unrestricted and should feel very free, deep and easy. This is thyroid driven and again plenty of information available here on the forum. The cold feet and hands are a giveaway here. Might be as simple as eating regularly through the day and cutting out pufa. Might require a supplemental approach.

Great suggestions!
I wonder what cleaning the liver means and how to go about that. Way to many "liver detox" trash supplements/diets out there.
Coffe enemas to skyrocket enzyme production? Karen Hurd who is all about the bean protocoll said that beans would help with the liver and bile but not an recommended food at all here ofcourse . I actually tested that bean protocol the past weeks and my eyes got "whiter" kind of but that progress stagnated unfortunately.

What supplement would allow for improved respiratory function specifically? Or are you pointing towards thyroid supplementation in that sentence? Sorry, not an native english speaker.


Jun 25, 2017
Meet all RDAs with just a variety of whole quality foods. 2 : 2 : 1-2 calcium:phosphorus:magnesium. Ensure sufficient quality sleep. Last meal 3-4 hours before bed or earlier.

Sustained-release melatonin (eg, REMfresh; though I've never tried it). Vitamin D3 (+ K2) in the morning.

Iodine protocol.

Iodine/SSKI, capsaicin, caffeine, etc on the scalp a few times per week.

One sign of progesterone deficiency is male-pattern balding.

Lower stress and inflammation.


Aug 9, 2015
OP u are not alone, i feel your pain, 33 and way worse then u


May 23, 2020
I honestly don't know where to start with all this, but I'll try and keep it short. I appreciate any one who takes their time to read and offer any advice they can.

I'm 30 years old, I've noticed my hair loss way back when I was 18, little did I know that it was really slow and mild to begin with, and to be honest, I've done pretty well with it until the last two years where I have noticed it getting thinner and thinner, to the point I can sometimes see my scalp under harsh lighting. I've always had a widows peak hairline, in the shape of a V and this is how it's been for years, slowly receding into more of U shape (it's pretty depressing and soul destroying)

I've managed to get by and I've been able to keep hairloss in the back of my mind and from time to time I'd browse some of hair loss forums, hoping for some cure or even the odd thing to try, but I've never found anything that has worked for me, most of the internet just directs you to minoxidil, finasteride etc and in my opinion, that stuff is just like putting a plaster over a wound, I honestly don't think the mainstream views of hair loss are correct.

I've reached out to this forum because I'm honestly just lost and feel alone when it comes to hair loss, I've never spoken to anyone about it before, I've just battled with it for the past 12 years alone. Now I'm 30 and it seems to be progressing faster I'm wanting to understand and try out some things that will improve the look and quality of my hair, maybe even re-grow some but I'm going to be realistic, I'm not expecting to be a NW1 but if I can get back to been a healthy NW2 I'll be happy.

I've recently tried minoxidil at a last ditch attempt in hope of seeing some results but all I can say is that it just made me shed a load of hair and depressed me even more. I've also tried Finasteride when I was about 19, and that stuff just made my seaman watery and gave me ball ache, I put the rest in the bin after 2 weeks of taking it.

I do have a 0.5mm dermaroller that I'm willing to get in to a routine of using, as well as some topical oils like Rosemary, Lavender, Castor Oil, Emu Oil etc as well as some supplements taurine, MSM, Niacin and a hair, skin nails multivitamin which contains D3, E, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, B6, Folic acid, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Primrose oil. I also have a red light mini from Red Light Man that I have been using, but in all honesty, I don't know if I'm using it correctly.

This year, I've been working indoors way more due covid, the gyms have shut etc and I'll be honest, I've just gotten really lazy and I've not got the best of diets at the moment. This is probably the reason for the condition of my hair and possibly a wake up call regarding my health. Some of the things I notice is cold feet and hands. I sometimes get a really bad and sore itch around my anus, my doctor gave me fusidic acid for this which cleared it up but it soon came back 4 weeks later. I also have some grey hair around the sides of my head, hair seems thinner and my left temple has receded more than the right. I also suffer from heart burn/acid reflux but since having covid-19 this has strangely subsided a lot, but it still comes back now and again. I also notice some dandruff every now and then but I usually manage this with the oils. Another thing I've noticed is low energy, and even loss of erection when having sex in certain positions. I'm not sure if this information is of any use to shed more light on my situation but I thought I would include it anyway even if it is irrelevant, there may be more odd signs of poor health but I can't think any more right now.

What I'm hoping for is for someone to take the time in reading this and offering some advice or help in anyway they can, like I said, I'm no expert in this field and the logic on this forum seems more sensible compared to others who would just tell me to take the big three and get on with it. If you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Thank you, this means a lot.

do you have arguments for that or is it just something that you want to believe in?


May 23, 2020
do you have any evidence for the dht theory, or is it just something you want to believe in?

Finasteride studies
Dutasteride studies
RU588 studies
Fluridil studies
Clascoterone studies

Estradiol works against MPB
Anti-androgens work against MPB
Androgen-receptor antagonists work agianst MPB
Study showing that people wth MPB have less amount of natural anti-androgens in follicles.

Aromatase inhibitors boosting T and causing hair loss.


Apr 18, 2018
Great suggestions!
I wonder what cleaning the liver means and how to go about that. Way to many "liver detox" trash supplements/diets out there.
Coffe enemas to skyrocket enzyme production? Karen Hurd who is all about the bean protocoll said that beans would help with the liver and bile but not an recommended food at all here ofcourse . I actually tested that bean protocol the past weeks and my eyes got "whiter" kind of but that progress stagnated unfortunately.

What supplement would allow for improved respiratory function specifically? Or are you pointing towards thyroid supplementation in that sentence? Sorry, not an native english speaker.
The gut is the big one. Reduce endotoxin and harmful bacteria. This over time will allow the liver to improve and shift the bacteria populations towards thos which help respiration rather than hinder it.

Alot of the things recommended on the forum can help with with endotoxin. Aspirin, methylene blue, thyroid, progesterone, pregnenolone, cypro, cascara, carrot salad, mushrooms. Forum member Hans recently wrote an article about improving transit time. Worth a read. Taurine and glycine both help with liver function. As do b vitamins. Keeping pufa low is a big part of the puzzle too.

The above supplements also improve respiration. The gut, liver and thyroid are directly linked so that isnt a surprise. Im also a big fan of lactoferrin for gut health. Unhomogenised milk and/ or colostrum can help.


Dec 2, 2020
Thanks for the responses, I really appreciate it. I spoke with a doctor over the phone today regarding hair loss and she wanted to do some blood tests for thyroid, testosterone, zinc and magnesium etc cant remember exactly what but I mentioned about testing for cortisol and prolactin but that wasn't included.

I've seen that here in the UK they do home tests where they send you out a kit and they test for specific things, I was wondering is any of the following will be any help in understanding whats going on below the surface...

Active B12
Iron Panel
Calcium/Corrected Calcium
Creatine Kinase
Free Androgen
FSH follicle stimulation hormone
Full blood count
Kidney function
LIPID panel
Liver function
Thyroglobulin antibodies
Vitamin D

Would any one know which of those tests would be useful to look in to?

Thanks again
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Aug 6, 2015
I honestly don't know where to start with all this, but I'll try and keep it short. I appreciate any one who takes their time to read and offer any advice they can.

I'm 30 years old, I've noticed my hair loss way back when I was 18, little did I know that it was really slow and mild to begin with, and to be honest, I've done pretty well with it until the last two years where I have noticed it getting thinner and thinner, to the point I can sometimes see my scalp under harsh lighting. I've always had a widows peak hairline, in the shape of a V and this is how it's been for years, slowly receding into more of U shape (it's pretty depressing and soul destroying)

I've managed to get by and I've been able to keep hairloss in the back of my mind and from time to time I'd browse some of hair loss forums, hoping for some cure or even the odd thing to try, but I've never found anything that has worked for me, most of the internet just directs you to minoxidil, finasteride etc and in my opinion, that stuff is just like putting a plaster over a wound, I honestly don't think the mainstream views of hair loss are correct.

I've reached out to this forum because I'm honestly just lost and feel alone when it comes to hair loss, I've never spoken to anyone about it before, I've just battled with it for the past 12 years alone. Now I'm 30 and it seems to be progressing faster I'm wanting to understand and try out some things that will improve the look and quality of my hair, maybe even re-grow some but I'm going to be realistic, I'm not expecting to be a NW1 but if I can get back to been a healthy NW2 I'll be happy.

I've recently tried minoxidil at a last ditch attempt in hope of seeing some results but all I can say is that it just made me shed a load of hair and depressed me even more. I've also tried Finasteride when I was about 19, and that stuff just made my seaman watery and gave me ball ache, I put the rest in the bin after 2 weeks of taking it.

I do have a 0.5mm dermaroller that I'm willing to get in to a routine of using, as well as some topical oils like Rosemary, Lavender, Castor Oil, Emu Oil etc as well as some supplements taurine, MSM, Niacin and a hair, skin nails multivitamin which contains D3, E, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, B6, Folic acid, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Primrose oil. I also have a red light mini from Red Light Man that I have been using, but in all honesty, I don't know if I'm using it correctly.

This year, I've been working indoors way more due covid, the gyms have shut etc and I'll be honest, I've just gotten really lazy and I've not got the best of diets at the moment. This is probably the reason for the condition of my hair and possibly a wake up call regarding my health. Some of the things I notice is cold feet and hands. I sometimes get a really bad and sore itch around my anus, my doctor gave me fusidic acid for this which cleared it up but it soon came back 4 weeks later. I also have some grey hair around the sides of my head, hair seems thinner and my left temple has receded more than the right. I also suffer from heart burn/acid reflux but since having covid-19 this has strangely subsided a lot, but it still comes back now and again. I also notice some dandruff every now and then but I usually manage this with the oils. Another thing I've noticed is low energy, and even loss of erection when having sex in certain positions. I'm not sure if this information is of any use to shed more light on my situation but I thought I would include it anyway even if it is irrelevant, there may be more odd signs of poor health but I can't think any more right now.

What I'm hoping for is for someone to take the time in reading this and offering some advice or help in anyway they can, like I said, I'm no expert in this field and the logic on this forum seems more sensible compared to others who would just tell me to take the big three and get on with it. If you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Thank you, this means a lot.

stephan on youtube regrew his hair with apple cider vinegar/onion/garlic juice, - antifungals

there's a theory that fungus cause baldness

a much better alternative would be piroctone olamine powder in 50/50 alcohol water, it's even better than nizoral

Does Fungal Infection Cause Male Pattern Baldness and Heart Disease? - Rogue Health and Fitness


Feb 13, 2016
Man this forum has changed a lot... I don't think there were many posts a few years ago saying hair loss is just a part of life. Probably more crazier posts like rubbing research chemicals in out of sight places on your body (and my crazy recommendations of things like 15 cups of coffee a day)... but not just accepting hair loss.

Anyway OP, high calcium to phosphate ratio, lots of sugars, strict PUFA avoidance, ample fat soluble vitamins and protein, coffee, aspirin, and red light should help.

I think avoidance of alcohol and orgasm is also necessary when you are trying to rekindle regenerative processes like hair growth.

And if you can move to a high altitude that should also help, but that's easier said than done.


Jun 7, 2013
I honestly don't know where to start with all this, but I'll try and keep it short. I appreciate any one who takes their time to read and offer any advice they can.

I'm 30 years old, I've noticed my hair loss way back when I was 18, little did I know that it was really slow and mild to begin with, and to be honest, I've done pretty well with it until the last two years where I have noticed it getting thinner and thinner, to the point I can sometimes see my scalp under harsh lighting. I've always had a widows peak hairline, in the shape of a V and this is how it's been for years, slowly receding into more of U shape (it's pretty depressing and soul destroying)

I've managed to get by and I've been able to keep hairloss in the back of my mind and from time to time I'd browse some of hair loss forums, hoping for some cure or even the odd thing to try, but I've never found anything that has worked for me, most of the internet just directs you to minoxidil, finasteride etc and in my opinion, that stuff is just like putting a plaster over a wound, I honestly don't think the mainstream views of hair loss are correct.

I've reached out to this forum because I'm honestly just lost and feel alone when it comes to hair loss, I've never spoken to anyone about it before, I've just battled with it for the past 12 years alone. Now I'm 30 and it seems to be progressing faster I'm wanting to understand and try out some things that will improve the look and quality of my hair, maybe even re-grow some but I'm going to be realistic, I'm not expecting to be a NW1 but if I can get back to been a healthy NW2 I'll be happy.

I've recently tried minoxidil at a last ditch attempt in hope of seeing some results but all I can say is that it just made me shed a load of hair and depressed me even more. I've also tried Finasteride when I was about 19, and that stuff just made my seaman watery and gave me ball ache, I put the rest in the bin after 2 weeks of taking it.

I do have a 0.5mm dermaroller that I'm willing to get in to a routine of using, as well as some topical oils like Rosemary, Lavender, Castor Oil, Emu Oil etc as well as some supplements taurine, MSM, Niacin and a hair, skin nails multivitamin which contains D3, E, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, B6, Folic acid, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Primrose oil. I also have a red light mini from Red Light Man that I have been using, but in all honesty, I don't know if I'm using it correctly.

This year, I've been working indoors way more due covid, the gyms have shut etc and I'll be honest, I've just gotten really lazy and I've not got the best of diets at the moment. This is probably the reason for the condition of my hair and possibly a wake up call regarding my health. Some of the things I notice is cold feet and hands. I sometimes get a really bad and sore itch around my anus, my doctor gave me fusidic acid for this which cleared it up but it soon came back 4 weeks later. I also have some grey hair around the sides of my head, hair seems thinner and my left temple has receded more than the right. I also suffer from heart burn/acid reflux but since having covid-19 this has strangely subsided a lot, but it still comes back now and again. I also notice some dandruff every now and then but I usually manage this with the oils. Another thing I've noticed is low energy, and even loss of erection when having sex in certain positions. I'm not sure if this information is of any use to shed more light on my situation but I thought I would include it anyway even if it is irrelevant, there may be more odd signs of poor health but I can't think any more right now.

What I'm hoping for is for someone to take the time in reading this and offering some advice or help in anyway they can, like I said, I'm no expert in this field and the logic on this forum seems more sensible compared to others who would just tell me to take the big three and get on with it. If you have any further questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Thank you, this means a lot.

A diet of only low-fat milk, OJ, a few eggs a week, 5-6oz of liver a week, and weekly oysters coupled with 4 drops morning and night of Tyromix with 10 minutes of daily sunlight on body completely halted my aggressive hairloss. Daily raw carrot salad as well and 500mg aspirin daily. I think no-fap helps as well. If you have the money get a red light helmet from and use it 20minutes 3x a week.

Also. Read Hair Like a Fox by Danny Roddy.


Apr 17, 2019
I'm 43 and my hair loss has been pretty aggressive the past year and a half or so. Especially the last 4 months roughly. Coincidentally I started using magnesium and d3 around 4 months ago and I feel like one of those is contributing to making my hair loss accelerate. Considering most advice I've seen says to include magnesium and d3 to help the state of your hair, this is really frustrating.

This is completely non scientific, but when taking d3 and magnesium (also K2 and vitamin A) I put on muscle much more easily and that alone seems to go hand in hand with hair loss in my experience. I would expect that from something like creatine which increases DHT, but not sure about what correlation with magnesium and d3.

I know calcium is also highly recommended for fighting hairloss and general health, but lately I get very little calcium in my diet because even small amounts seem to worsen my ongoing constipation. So maybe that's the cause. Idk. I cant imagine magically figuring all of this out. Calcium also seems to hurt my libido (again seems to be the opposite of what most people say), maybe because of the lactic acid?

I think whether or not a man can just accept hairloss is highly dependent on a number of factors like height, skin tone, shape of face/head, etc. So I would never recommend that anyone just accept it. Sure it's a good look for many, but also a terrible look for many others.


Nov 24, 2020
I will offer an alternative view. High chance that by end of this century reversing hair loss isn't going to be hard, so wait 80 years or so. Most people of our generation aren't going to ever die. If you will not be able to fix your hair then wait for 22nd century.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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