Dried / Desiccated Organ Meats - Is there a way to create a process that doesn't throw off the balance of the real deal?


New Member
Feb 20, 2024
Been peat-curious for a while now, and a friend recently showed me a post from a peat'er on instagram where he mentions Ray's thoughts on desiccated organ meat supplements. I've gone on to see some of those same thoughts posted across many of the threads on this forum. There's one thread where a discussion around powdered milk and the similar drying process for that product type comes up, and I believe it was mentioned that Ray actually ended up cutting out powdered milk from his diet (protein pancakes) after someone bringing this to his attention.

Now, obviously fresh and locally sourced foods are the way to go, whenever that option is available. Finding ways to bridge the gap when something like organ meats in particular aren't an option seems pretty straight-forward, too.

BUT it does seem that there are times where a more travel-friendly version would be appropriate and even beneficial. No doubt we have all seen the many testimonials from folks who swear by products from Ancestral Supplements, Heart and Soil Supplements, etc etc. The product mix is ever expanding and the space continues to saturate.

As a raw-feeding dog owner I am always looking for ways to keep up with the dietary demands of my pooch, and when we travel I've started resorting to a 'cleaner' premium kibble for at least a part of his meals. For my own purposes, when I'm on the go I've found a lot of value in having a lightweight and shelf-stable form of organ meats to keep me nourished when time or options are scarce. There are times when I swear I feel a boost in energy, libido, focus, and overall clarity from these types of products. But, I've also all but stopped taking them the past month or so and hardly notice a difference this time around.

So, that makes me curious. If the man, the myth and the legend is onto something with his thoughts around desiccated organ meats, shouldn't there be a way to tweak the freeze-dry process so that the balance of nutrients remains unfettered? Specifically I am referring to comments like the one below:

“Desiccated liver contains oxidized tryptophan, cysteine, vitamin A, ubiquinone, and many other harmful things.”

...which would seem to have implications for all dried/processed foods. But there has to be a way to 'do it right'... right? Organ supplements, pet food, infant formula, could all benefit from a process that prevents oxidation.

Happy to be here and look forward to discussing with all!

Edit: Also - why would this not be applicable to gelatin and collagen products, which undergo the same processing step? In many cases freeze-drying, in which no heat is involved.
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