Does anybody feel like we got psyoped about the vaxxpocalypse


Feb 22, 2017
Earlier this year there was 1000 excess deaths in the UK for 14 weeks running. Two of my sisters friends had failed pregnancies right after the vax, one short term and one long term, my sister lost her period for 6 months. Think of this happening on a much larger scale. Then the athletes collapsing, football games in the UK having to be stopped 3 times in one game due to either players or fans collapsing with heart or breathing issues... that doesn't sound merely psychological to me. There could be 100 billion dollars on the table and I would not put that in my body.


Apr 19, 2020
As long as we are on stats.. (remember the little voice.... Lies, damn lies, and statistics)...So a few more thousand deaths a month, hardly noticed in a country of 25 million.... unless he/she is your rely or friend.

Anecdote: About 6 months ago I was at an Op shop (St. Vincent de Pauls), and the women in front of me was buying plastic flowers for some graves at the local 'dead centre of Town'. She said sorry to me for the long wait as she was buying these 20 + bunches of them. She said to the cashier that 14 people had died in the last 3 weeks. All Oldies (65 and older... ) and Jabbed no doubt. It was near the coast and yes a lot of people move their to 'retire', but not to die. And it is rural. And not a popular spot. People here where I am got the Jab as many times as possible, for the most part. There are some truly 'conservative folks' like us who didn't, but .... not too many.

From Australia Bureau of Statistics ( And how meaningful is it really the category "All deaths minus Covid deaths"?)

Key statistics​

  • In 2022, there were 92,699 deaths that occurred by 30 June and were registered by 31 August, which is 13,524 (17.1%) more than the historical average.
  • In June there were 16,749 deaths, 2,410 (16.8%) above the historical average.
  • Deaths due to COVID-19 increased in July when compared with May and June (see article).

All deaths, with and without COVID-19, Australia, 28 June 2021 - 26 June 2022 vs baseline ben...jpeg


Feb 22, 2017
Yes I should've mentioned the 1000 excess deaths per week I referred to were all openly admitted by the authorities as 'non covid related' deaths, in other words no positive test. So there is likely even more excess 'covid related' deaths of people who did test positive but actually passed away as a result of something else, including potentially the 'side effects' of the injections.


Aug 4, 2020
So, whether people like Tenpenny and Karen Kingston and Stew Peters and such were getting paid to spread fear from higher ups, or decided to spread fear on their own organically (maybe gaining money and popularity along the way), or were being fed some info that looked bad that they honestly reported, the effect was still to blow the risk waaaaay out of proportion.
I would concur that this is a real possibility, I have become cognizant of the fact that the people that run the cabal, intelligence agencies, etc fund both sides of many campaigns, conflicts and even wars. Apparently this is not a new phenomenon but rather an old strategy. An effective one as well. I am starting to get into the habit of asking myself on anything I now see or hear the questions,”is that really true?” and,” how can you prove that is really true?”
There is an art to learning to read between the lines, with time I hope to gain a stronger ability to see the lies and the truths.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And the precedent to roll out more and more mRNA vaccines under relaxed trail conditions.

This. And I think a few pharma companies said they expect this "relaxed" schedule won't apply to just mRNA vaccines going forward, but all drugs they work on. Why spend $2bil per clinical trials (with a 90% probability of failure) when a company can just test it on some rats and throw it to the market under, say, EUA? If each of those companies can save a few billion a year that way, it would make them flush with cash so stock prices will increase (buybacks) and they can acquire many smaller companies actually working on something promising.


Aug 4, 2020
The Malthusian ideology the Atlanticists follow is real for them. Check out Mathew Ehret on Canadian Patriot or his substack. He is a History professor, writer, etc. Brilliant imo.
I have found Matthew Ehret and his wife Cynthia Chungs work to be extremely helpful in trying to understand the whole geopolitics on COVID-19 and all the other conflicts and psychological operations that have being played upon those of us that live in the five eyes nations.
The brutality that has been shown in Australia is a good example that this may indeed be a Malthusian agenda executed by intelligence agencies.


Thanks @haidut as usual you can see the bigger picture. Your special ups colleague is right, how many of us have been thinking something is not quite right for years? I know I have and it was becoming increasingly obvious to me, before the plandemic, but I couldn’t quite isolate the problem. I regret not trusting my instincts the many times I was faced with a medical decision I was unsure of, such as having contrast dyes. I am in poor health today because of my ignorance about vaccines amongst other things. I’ve been injured by the medical industrial complex more than I have been helped by it. I now see vaccines as part of the biomedical surveillance and depopulation tool. In the UK the MHRA refuses to release the AstraZeneca data – this should ring alarm bells.

@tankasnowgod I can’t fault anything Dr Tenpenny has published about vaccines. I don’t know what her motivation is or who she is politically aligned with but she has been right about her predictions. She published the mechanism of injury by the covid injections in 2021. She has been against vaccines for decades.

All vaccines are linked to heart damage - this has been known for decades. Most people don't realise how deadly the flu vaccine is and the new more improved flu vaccine is probably as dangerous as mRNA injections. No one is going to link dying suddenly to the flu vaccine are they? However, most people don't die they go on to develop chronic illness such as autoimmune diseases.
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Aug 4, 2020
This. And I think a few pharma companies said they expect this "relaxed" schedule won't apply to just mRNA vaccines going forward, but all drugs they work on. Why spend $2bil per clinical trials (with a 90% probability of failure) when a company can just test it on some rats and throw it to the market under, say, EUA? If each of those companies can save a few billion a year that way, it would make them flush with cash so stock prices will increase (buybacks) and they can acquire many smaller companies actually working on something promising.
I think you might have a valid point @haidut and the governments are captured by the pharmaceutical industry. In Canada they are already making overtures to apply coercive pressure to “voluntarily”,take up the new COVID-19 bivalent vaccine.

With masks as well.



Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Both mainstream media and "alternative" media are fearporn based. They seem to tell you to be afraid of different things. Either sharks, the taliban, nukes or a virus from one side and vaccines and government on the other. Its all doom and gloom and the purpose is to generate a low vibratory state in us. Whatever information you listen to - if it makes you fear something - bet your farm its bull**** and not the truth. If the knowledge liberates you from fear and empowers you - its the truth. Very rare these days.


May 31, 2018
Both mainstream media and "alternative" media are fearporn based. They seem to tell you to be afraid of different things. Either sharks, the taliban, nukes or a virus from one side and vaccines and government on the other. Its all doom and gloom and the purpose is to generate a low vibratory state in us. Whatever information you listen to - if it makes you fear something - bet your farm its bull**** and not the truth. If the knowledge liberates you from fear and empowers you - its the truth. Very rare these days.

When you are coerced with a DONUT to get an experimental prick, you know something is fishy. And I will never understand the level of stupidity of anyone who did that, BTW.


May 31, 2018
What makes you think there is some hidden triggered function? Or that such a thing is even possible?

I'm trying to find the clip from the interview, this isn't it, but this CH virologist was on Tucker long ago and at the end of the interview she said the US HAS to talk to the Ch guv because there are hidden things in the virus that we don't know about, and expressed whatever it is, it's dire. Could possibly be the oncoming cancers and such?



Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
Both mainstream media and "alternative" media are fearporn based. They seem to tell you to be afraid of different things. Either sharks, the taliban, nukes or a virus from one side and vaccines and government on the other. Its all doom and gloom and the purpose is to generate a low vibratory state in us. Whatever information you listen to - if it makes you fear something - bet your farm its bull**** and not the truth. If the knowledge liberates you from fear and empowers you - its the truth. Very rare these days.
Thanks for that. Fear or alarmism is easy to fall prey to.


Jan 25, 2014
Then the athletes collapsing, football games in the UK having to be stopped 3 times in one game due to either players or fans collapsing with heart or breathing issues... that doesn't sound merely psychological to me.
Why not? Haven't you ever heard of the placebo effect? You know, the effect that is so powerful that EVERY drug trial has to control for it? And not just in the patients, but in the doctors administering said treatment?

Plus, the effects of mind on health don't have to purely psychological. If you ever read any of John Sarno's books, he suggests that almost all cases of back pain are real, legitimate pain, but they are ultimately caused by something mental. He argues that since the mind controls the body, it can produce real physical symptoms, by altering things like blood flow to a certain part of the body.

Napoleon Hill said "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." This would apply to heart attacks an cancer as much as building a house or creating a successful business.

I think there are many factors that could have lead to such heart attacks (that were happening in sports well before 2019), including the lockdowns and masks and the vaccine, but I wouldn't dismiss the almost 3 year propaganda campaign, plus all the priming for a "pandemic" that has been done in fiction for decades now (think Walking Dead, Outbreak, 28 Days Later, I Am Legend, and hundreds of others- The Best Movies About Disease Outbreaks)
Jun 16, 2022
dont get me wrong, I still think the vaxxes are bad news and I personally know some people that got side effects from them; that being said I do feel like the doom predictions that were flying around earlier this year might have been a psyop. I mean things feel pretty normal these days and its not like theres tons of people dropping on the streets. besides the few vaxx side effects cases I know, most of the other people that got it seem to be doing fine (obviously im aware that they could be having health problems that they dont recognize yet).

to put it in another way:

earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

usually I have a pretty good social antenna, so its unusual for me to feel this kind of self doubt in my own perceptions. did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?
I think you wouldn’t see it happening everywhere around you since it’s not 50% of people dropping dead but just maybe up to 10% which you just wouldn’t see.

As far as things feeling “back to normal” or close to is partly in my opinion because they have to balance out the insanity or else everyone will revolt. Although with climate alarmism, energy issues and Europe and the pending ww3 it doesn’t feel like the calmness will last long…if you call all of that calm lol


Jan 25, 2014
@tankasnowgod I can’t fault anything Dr Tenpenny has published about vaccines. I don’t know what her motivation is or who she is politically aligned with but she has been right about her predictions. She published the mechanism of injury by the covid injections in 2021. She has been against vaccines for decades.
Which predictions specifically?

Also, I'm not sure there is only one mechanism of injury. Tenpenny seems to have accepted the idea of both viruses in general, and the idea that synthetic, recombinant "Spike Protien" is found on this mythical "Novel Corona Virus," and that the mRNA in the vaccines actually work as advertised, and generate the same "Spike Protein" that researchers made in a lab that they claim is the same as on the "virus." That's how I heard her explain it-


Couldn't injury just be caused by injecting 2[(polyethylene glycol (PEG))-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide or ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) into the body? Or the other listed ingredients with equally long and complex names?


Which predictions specifically?

Also, I'm not sure there is only one mechanism of injury. Tenpenny seems to have accepted the idea of both viruses in general, and the idea that synthetic, recombinant "Spike Protien" is found on this mythical "Novel Corona Virus," and that the mRNA in the vaccines actually work as advertised, and generate the same "Spike Protein" that researchers made in a lab that they claim is the same as on the "virus." That's how I heard her explain it-


Couldn't injury just be caused by injecting 2[(polyethylene glycol (PEG))-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide or ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) into the body? Or the other listed ingredients with equally long and complex names?

No one has suggested that these ingredients are safe, in fact, Tenpenny has been vocal about them. As for whether the vaccine work as we are being told they do I say let all governments instruct vaccine manufacturers to release all their data so that they can be independently verified. Meanwhile no one can convince me that excess deaths are not due to the covid injections. There is so much being hidden. Why can't anyone explain the strange clots found in jabbed dead people?
Jul 17, 2021

95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director​

“A funeral director from New Zealand says that 95 percent of the corpses he has been seeing had received a COVID-19 vaccine within two weeks of their passing away.

“Ninety-five percent of the people who have passed away through the work that I’ve done have been vaccinated within two weeks,” Brenton Faithfull said.

Faithfull has been working as a funeral director for the last 41 years and has been running his own mortuary business for the last 26 years. He recently spoke out about the apparent relationship between the COVID-19 vaccines and the deaths he has been observing.

“It’s very obvious, they die within two weeks of receiving the vaccination, a lot of them … almost appear to have died from anaphylaxis, almost a reaction straight away to the booster.”

Anaphylaxis is an acute reaction of the body to an antigen, such as that of a bee sting, or an injection.

“They die the same day, the following day after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. This isn’t a one-off case, this is the majority of cases that have come through our facility,” Faithfull said in an interview.”


Jan 25, 2014
As for whether the vaccine work as we are being told they do I say let all governments instruct vaccine manufacturers to release all their data so that they can be independently verified.
I doubt that will happen. These are the same governments that announced a "Pandemic" despite none of them having an isolated sample of the virus (something that the hundreds of FOIA requests prove). And then gave EUA to PCR tests and such that also weren't accurate.

But even if they were instructed to release such data, that wouldn't change anything if they didn't actually DO the testing to confirm that the mechanism of action works. Which is crazy. Again, no other industry could get away with such nonsense. Toyota couldn't sell you a car where no one could confirm if the mechanism of action of the engine was still unconfirmed, as no one would be able to even drive it off the lot. And yet, billions of mRNA "vaccines" have been distributed without such basic info. But, I guess when you are producing a product where something NOT happening is proof that "it works," you can get away with such nonsense. Vaccines and Pseudo Vaccines are certainly unique, in that sense.


Jan 25, 2014
I think you wouldn’t see it happening everywhere around you since it’s not 50% of people dropping dead but just maybe up to 10% which you just wouldn’t see.
You think 35 Million dead Americans in a year or two wouldn't be noticeable? You think 800 Million dead people worldwide wouldn't be noticeable?

Even if you only know 50 people, that would be about 5 that died. That's utterly massive.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
wow, really great responses so far. thanks @haidut, @canadianboymike, @Ben. and many others

on a side note, I really wish that we had the ability to simply like responses instead of having to formally reply to things; theres so many times when I just want to let people know that I read their response and am grateful for their reply but I have nothing to add otherwise. a simple like option would suffice for this, but I assume there might be an underlying reason why this isnt the case (avoiding potential "like farming" and maintaining quality of debate? idk haha)
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