Does anybody feel like we got psyoped about the vaxxpocalypse


Mar 29, 2022
united states
dont get me wrong, I still think the vaxxes are bad news and I personally know some people that got side effects from them; that being said I do feel like the doom predictions that were flying around earlier this year might have been a psyop. I mean things feel pretty normal these days and its not like theres tons of people dropping on the streets. besides the few vaxx side effects cases I know, most of the other people that got it seem to be doing fine (obviously im aware that they could be having health problems that they dont recognize yet).

to put it in another way:

earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

usually I have a pretty good social antenna, so its unusual for me to feel this kind of self doubt in my own perceptions. did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?
Nov 21, 2015
It’s a statistical thing. hard to detect. But real. I never expected a zombie movie. This is bad though.


May 10, 2022
I think it will still take time for things to pan out, either way. Still a lot of unanswered questions…


Mar 29, 2022
united states
It’s a statistical thing. hard to detect. But real. I never expected a zombie movie. This is bad though.
I think it will still take time for things to pan out, either way. Still a lot of unanswered questions…
I agree, now I think its more of a long haul, slow decline type thing. still, it feels like im living in a different, less shitty reality now. I think maybe the removal of mask mandates might have played a role too (seeing everyone walking around in masks really contributes to the disaster feeling)


I think it's both. My wife and I had a horrific near death experience the first night of our shot. I was in the ER 10 days later with all the symptoms of a heart attack. So the danger is seriously real. All cause mortality has increased by 10-20% in many countries. Some of that would be due to the harsh lockdowns and restrictions and the severe storm of stress and fear perpetrated by legacy media. Suicide has surged too. But the vaccine is 100% doing damage to people.

However the reason I think it's both real and a psy-op is the world-wide 'pandemic' conveniently hit us very shortly after the Epstein sex slave trafficking business went global. I believe the trafficking issue to be on par or even worse than World War 2. We can't even begin to guess how many children and women have been kidnapped, raped and tortured of the decades that this has been in operation. It involves the worlds richest people, celebrities and world leaders and government officials etc.

To say the pandemic was manufactured is indeed a conspiracy theory, most who believe it, believe it to be a depopulation agenda. This could be true as well, there's so many patterns to suggest it is, but I believe also the purpose of the pandemic was to distract from the trafficking issue.

Every country of the world should be holding mass protests demanding to see all the Epstein data be released to the public, demanding thorough military investigation, and demanding to see heads on pikes of any and all involved in trafficking children. This issue is significantly worse than Osama Bin Laden or any other terrorist organization. Instead the people of the world have been protesting vaccines and lockdowns. They gave us a different reason to hate them, in hopes we would forget they are trafficking hundreds of thousand of children worldwide. For the general populace, it worked.

Perhaps they also want to kill us off or dumb us down with vaccines so we can't use our numbers to hunt and kill them all for the mass trafficking and torture of children.

Whatever the reason is, terrifying things are happening.
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Apr 19, 2020
Depop Agenda for sure. Do deep dives into pre WW1, then WW1 and League of Nations, then Brits and American capitalists supporting Hitler in the 30s, then they cant control him, etc... . The Malthusian ideology the Atlanticists follow is real for them. Check out Mathew Ehret on Canadian Patriot or his substack. He is a History professor, writer, etc. Brilliant imo. You can search on your own. Also as above, very large increases in All-Cause Mortality in many countries. They won't show honestly the breakdown of deaths cause, or if they do it isn not necessarily accurate. Just today another 24 year old Aussie athlete died.... in a nightclub in Spain. Hmmmm .... These ill effects from the shots will take years off of peoples' life - if they weren't given a saline shot. How many years we don't know. My current neighbour's brother died as a result of the AZ jab. This was one of the few Autopsy proven deaths FROM the SHOT in Australia. He was 42 yo, died of exploded blood vessel in the brain just about a week after the jab. In hospital a few days then died. He had 3 kids under 7 y/o and a wife. Remember that if the MSM is not reporting then one might not 'hear ' about it. I suggest 'alt news' that doesn't give air time to flat earth or alien technology. UK column , 21st Century wire, zero hedge, martin armstrong (armstrong economics), and more. What is evident to me is the more purely financial peeps are confident - and have been since 2020 - that the jabs were kill shots. (Repeat of WW1 and WW2 plan). Where I live the people and society are totally oblivious, even my neighbour whose brother died. I am not a fear monger-er, and do see the negative and positive in people and events. But this is a whole new level of psyops.
to put it in another way:

earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

usually I have a pretty good social antenna, so its unusual for me to feel this kind of self doubt in my own perceptions. did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?


Mar 20, 2021
I never got vaccinated, but my husband got that j&j vaccine in the spring of 2021. 2 days after his jab, I started a really weird 11 day period, even though I was only in the middle of my cycle... And it took several months for everything to even back out.

Just my n of 1, but still.

By the way, my husband who has always been a trim individual, put on about 15 lbs since he got that injection without changing anything else in his life.


Jan 25, 2014
dont get me wrong, I still think the vaxxes are bad news and I personally know some people that got side effects from them; that being said I do feel like the doom predictions that were flying around earlier this year might have been a psyop. I mean things feel pretty normal these days and its not like theres tons of people dropping on the streets. besides the few vaxx side effects cases I know, most of the other people that got it seem to be doing fine (obviously im aware that they could be having health problems that they dont recognize yet).

to put it in another way:

earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

usually I have a pretty good social antenna, so its unusual for me to feel this kind of self doubt in my own perceptions. did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?
Oh yeah, no doubt it was overblown (just like the threats of Covid were). I think part of the "game" was to get people to believe in doom predictions, on "both sides" of the Covid nonsense. If you really thought there was a "Deadly Novel Corona Virus," you became a doomer cause you thought the virus was gonna kill us all. If you were on the other side, you thought "Shedding and Vaccines and the Spike Protein" are gonna kill us all.

There seems to be a theme in the more conspiratorial literature of doomsday type predictions that don't come to pass. And they might even sound justified at the time. "Invisible Contracts" by George Mercier was written in 1985, and while it's an excellent read, he talks of a limited Nuclear War that was supposed to hit New York in the 70s, which didn't happen by the time he wrote the book, and a Russian invasion of the US soon, which obviously hasn't happened, either.

In "Behold a Pale Horse" from 1992, William Cooper predicts a rounding up of patriots by the government soon, likely on a holiday like Christmas. Also didn't happen. And in the Matrix series by Val Valerian, there are predictions that AIDS will kill 90% of the World Population by the year 2000. Again, didn't happen, and didn't even come remotely close. Isn't even in the top ten causes of death.

So, whether people like Tenpenny and Karen Kingston and Stew Peters and such were getting paid to spread fear from higher ups, or decided to spread fear on their own organically (maybe gaining money and popularity along the way), or were being fed some info that looked bad that they honestly reported, the effect was still to blow the risk waaaaay out of proportion.


Jul 25, 2013
There was no pandemic. This is clear as could be. And this means the vaccine was not for covid. So why did they want everyone to take it?
Nobody can confidently answer this question, but whatever the true purpose of the vaccine is, it can't be good. It could easily have nanotech in it at "contamination" levels (1 ppm 'contamination' would still be trillions of molecules), or some other unknown technology. It may be something that can be "activated" when exposed to certain frequencies ... which may be why all major tech platforms immediately censor you if you mention 5g.
Not trying to scare anybody, but personally, I would be very worried if I injected this substance. There's definitely a plan unfolding here. And I don't think we've seen the true purpose of the vaccine yet.


Dec 8, 2016
did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?
So you are saying your corner of society is cool?

Generally where in the US are you?

Im in a large southern city- and it’s still a constant narrative here.

-Increase in a masked shoppers (the unmasked are a minority in any store i go to)
-Although our state has no mandate in place- we still have public places that “require” masks.
-Still a hot topic in our kid’s schools. Parents fearful. Kids getting their school pictures WITH THEIR MASK ON. Heartbreaking stuff.
- People not only masked but gloved.

Not to mention our grocery bill…

But- no.
I still aware the world is ending; and im grateful every minute that i know the Truth.

Addendum: just saw that the CDC just passed the first step into making the vxx a requirement for children!
This is devastating and life changing news for families.
Certainly not psyops.

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May 11, 2022
I think the covid vaccines absolutely come with their own health damaging effects, but I also think it's may also be getting used as smokescreen to cover something else that's been implemented recently and harming the entire human populace.

I have a large group of unvaccinated people in my circle and everyone seems to be worse for wear: insomnia, aging faster, fatigue, brain fog, fat gain etc.

My theory is it has something to do with an increase in EMF's, 5G implementation, Starlink satellite rollout and potentially a new or more intense geo-engineering program.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Im in a large southern city- and it’s still a constant narrative here.

-Increase in a masked shoppers (the unmasked are a minority in any store i go to)
-Although our state has no mandate in place- we still have public places that “require” masks.
-Still a hot topic in our kid’s schools. Parents fearful. Kids getting their school pictures WITH THEIR MASK ON. Heartbreaking stuff.
- People not only masked but gloved.

In the South?! Wholly moly. Must be a democrat stronghold. Except for a few phobic old geezers at the stores wearing masks, I've forgotten covid even existed.


Dec 8, 2016
In the South?! Wholly moly. Must be a democrat stronghold. Except for a few phobic old geezers at the stores wearing masks, I've forgotten covid even existed.
You’re in Tennessee? Or the NC mountains iirc.

I’m in Charlotte.
No bueno.

It’s maddening.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
You’re in Tennessee? Or the NC mountains iirc.

I’m in Charlotte.
No bueno.

It’s maddening.

I keep forgetting how Charlotte has changed. My impression from living/working there many moons ago was it being a working-class city. Now it's the 2nd largest banking center in the US


Dec 8, 2016
I keep forgetting how Charlotte has changed. My impression from living/working there many moons ago was it being a working-class city. Now it's the 2nd largest banking center in the US
Too affluent.

Too many educated fools.


If you are not following the vaccine injury data closely it's easy to imagine nothing is happening. I know triple jabbed people who are getting very sick and calling it Covid. Be reminded that vaccine damage is still being censored. Recently the BBC was boasting that it managed to get a vaccine injury face book group shut down. Doctors mostly don’t report vaccine injury and that’s presuming the recipient makes the connection. I developed an autoimmune disease after my yellow fever vaccine many years ago. I made that connection this year – many years later. When I found out about the dangers of vaccines I was outraged (I am still outraged) because I can see how it shaped my life and the lives of many people I know. Those of use already injured with tradition jabs will be further damaged by radiation and the poisoning of our foods. As for the child trafficking issues, please don’t think people are not investigating this but the level of censorship and threats to life scares people from being actively involved. I don’t think vaccines are a cover for anything. I think vaccines are a vital means to manage the world’s population, according to the parasites. Some people think this is a good thing when it’s happening in places far away without realising it’s happening at ‘home’ too. I haven’t even mentioned the transhuman agenda. I believe we will see unimaginable illness and suffering including death because of the Covid jabs.


Feb 20, 2021
Psyop suggests a level of sophistication. Outright lies and cover-up instead, I call it a crude global scam.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
We are more than 2 years into the psychology operation and people think we have to wait 5 years to see what is going on. The CDC is disinterested in tracking and connecting vaccine injuries. They are content to dismissing the injuries and deaths as due to the virus itself.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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