Covid Vaccine may be neurologically/cognitively breaking me. How do I fix it?


New Member
Mar 10, 2024
A Bit of Backstory Info [You can skip this if you want]:

Spent early years in a catholic private school, if I'm not mistaken, they tended to make joke(s) that the public school was one year behind them and if I'm not mistaken, in the 4th grade (maybe it was 3rd - idrk) I think I tested 8th grade level for reading and math (maybe there were more subject(s) and/or maybe that was the average level of my scores). If I'm not mistaken, I was allowed to skip a grade but my mom said that they said I was too immature (which is fair - I was a trouble maker and fairly bored with the work as I maybe didn't find it challenging enough). If I'm not mistaken, reading books was fun and if I'm not mistaken, I read a 500 page book in a day in I think the 4th grade (I think I was grounded maybe and/or might have been in trouble that day - idrk). Fast forward to high school mile time is 4:56, 3200m time is 10:48, 5K is 17:48 and if I'm not mistaken the most miles I've done in a week is 86.4 miles.

Personality is probably aggressively similar to Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast and/or The Tim Dillon Show.

So I would like to think that I might be characterized as fairly stable both cognitively and physically.

Now fast forward to college when the college and my mother required/had me to take the vaccine (I got the vaccine and two boosters and no it was not my idea)


If I'm not mistaken, since taking the vaccine and two boosters I have been in an aggressive cognitive decline. I don't mean decline as in forgetting how to implement the product rule in calculus - I mean cognitive decline as in forgetting how to add / multiply / remembering to take a shower even if I'm standing right next to the shower / struggling and/or scared to hold and/or be around boiling water / forgetting the names of people I know and/or don't know / forgetting the words to prayers and/or stumbling over prayers (e.g. not knowing what comes next in the Lord's Prayer or looking up the words to the Apostles' Creed even though I've said it in mass for years) / having a talk with my mother on the phone the night before and not remembering what we talked about / struggling to read/retain information in a book that I probably could have easily breezed through when I was a kid (I'm talking young adult level book like "House of Hades" by Rick Riordan <- this was the book by the way), struggling to read articles, stuggling to even watch/listen to podcast(s) on YouTube / having an issue where I forget where I'm at in a prayer when other people say the prayer next to me (I guess it might be too much stimulation for me to handle at the moment). If I bang the back of my head it might clear up my mind a bit to push through (maybe it's an andrenaline thing) / I think I've been experiencing OCD like habit(s) like repeating stuff like word(s)/action(s) if I don't do them right and/or a certain amount of times. / getting paranoid-like

It used to be that day(s) and/or week(s) would go by and I barely remembered any of it. I'd wake up on something like the 2nd, go to sleep, check the calendar again and see it's already the 9th or close to the end of the month.

I'd like to think I'm pretty sure the problem isn't discipline but that's it's a health issue and that it's becoming a more aggressive health issue for me.

I thought I was too distracted and tried keeping myself in quiet rooms by myself (even if YouTube may have been distracting me if may have helped me in whatever it is I'm going through). I tried taking amphetamine salts (I think around 20-60mg per day) but that pretty much just made me more anxious-like (not saying I have anxiety but more like what I would assume someone with anxiety feels like - in a panicked and/or worried state when there's pretty much nothing to panic over and/or be worried about). It may be that my mind may push me to get distracted and/or drunk off of my thoughts, possibly, to lower/remove cortisol and/or reduce/remove inflammation (I think it may be similar to maladaptive daydreaming).

I thought it may have been a depression issue so I tried zoloft (I think about 20 mg per day) for 6 weeks but I felt it kind of sucked - as in wasn't really fixing the problem and I also didn't like that it was affecting my erection size

If I'm not mistaken, I've stopped amphetamine salts and zoloft months ago.

What I've tried supplementing:

Zinc (a f*** ton) - like 200mg to 2 grams per day (average was probably like 500mg per day) over the course of 4 months [If I'm not mistaken it was gluconate and some picolinate] and I think it maybe might have helped me feel a bit better - maybe better enough to start searching for other supplement(s).

Vitamin D - about 50,000 IU per day for a farly significant amount of time - I forget maybe around 3-4 months in total.

Vitamin C - I think for a fairly short time it wsa around 3,000 mg of Vitamin C as absorbic acid and about 30mg of Rose Hips as Rosa canina (fruit)

Magnesium (I think it was a complex so like citrate, aspartate, and I think a third one)

K-2 MK-7 - was taking about 1000 mcg per day with about 50,000 IU od D3 (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Boron (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Selenium - was taking about 800 mcg per day but I think this may have helped me out along with Boron regarding talking to people again - I don't think I'm fully back to how I was pre-college but I'd like to think I'm getting there socially.

Copper - at the time I think it was 2mg copper gluconate and 52mg calcium per tablet (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Iron - I forget but at the time I think it was around 650 mg per day (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Melatonin - at the time I was maybe taking 240mg per night but I don't really take them anymore

Fish Oil - at the time it was maybe around 10,000 mg per day (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

B6 (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Niacin - at the time I was probably taking 1.2g of Niacin as Inositol Hexanicotinate and about 300 mg of inositol as inositol hexanicotinate (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

B12 - at the time I was probably taking 20,000 mcg of Vitamin B-12 as Cyanocobalamin and about 400 mcg of Coenzyme B-12 as Dibencozide (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)

Aspirin - this I felt was signficantly helping me out and it's what I'm currently taking - if I'm not mistaken I'm taking around 3,250 mg per day - I feel like it's maybe reducing inflammation that might be in the brain and/our around the body

Pregnenolone - this I'm on like day 4 with but I feel like it's a fairly significant cortisol inhibitor but I feel that a signficant amount of this stuff may only be masking the problem and not actually fixing it.

I might also add that I've maybe been taking about 2 grams of pregnenolone per day (that may be my average so far) and I ordered L-theanine but I don't think it has been delivered to me, yet.

Question: How do I fix this? I feel like I'm two years away from becoming the man at the bus stop screaming when no one's there. This sucks and I felt like my time in college has been significantly wasted and I'm about to graduate. I guess this experience may give me a new sense of sympathy/empathy for those they may be dealing with bigger neurological issue(s) and/or for those that may be disabled. Someone please help me - I feel like my mind is like a house/building and the foundation is continuing to rot until my mind collapses in on itself. I feel like I might acutally go insane (not figuratively - I mean literally) if I don't fix and/or attempt to fix this.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hi @FallingApart?, welcome to the forum. :welcome

Niacin as Nicotinic Acid fixes vaccine injury. Kelsey over at Niasources has done much work on this and she has shown that Nicotinic Acid is what is needed to turn things around.

Also, a low toxin and low "vitamin A" diet and lifestyle will seal the deal and bring it home for you.

Zinc (a f*** ton) - like 200mg to 2 grams per day (average was probably like 500mg per day) over the course of 4 months [If I'm not mistaken it was gluconate and some picolinate] and I think it maybe might have helped me feel a bit better - maybe better enough to start searching for other supplement(s).
Careful, you can hurt yourself with zinc. Zinc is super important but that is too much you are/were taking.

Vitamin D - about 50,000 IU per day for a farly significant amount of time - I forget maybe around 3-4 months in total.
I would drop that like a hot rock, vitamin D supplementation is toxic and will turn a person into stone.
Vitamin C - I think for a fairly short time it wsa around 3,000 mg of Vitamin C as absorbic acid and about 30mg of Rose Hips as Rosa canina (fruit)
It's not needed.
Magnesium (I think it was a complex so like citrate, aspartate, and I think a third one)
Magnesium chloride topically is found to work the best for many.
Boron (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)
Selenium - was taking about 800 mcg per day but I think this may have helped me out along with Boron regarding talking to people again - I don't think I'm fully back to how I was pre-college but I'd like to think I'm getting there socially.
That's quite a hefty dose.
Copper - at the time I think it was 2mg copper gluconate and 52mg calcium per tablet (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)
Run as fast as you can, this will kill you fast.
Iron - I forget but at the time I think it was around 650 mg per day (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)
Ouch. The liver regulates iron, get the liver working right and iron is not an issue.
Fish Oil - at the time it was maybe around 10,000 mg per day (If I'm not mistaken, I emptied the bottle/ran out)
Again, run fast. Toxic.
Pregnenolone - this I'm on like day 4 with but I feel like it's a fairly significant cortisol inhibitor but I feel that a signficant amount of this stuff may only be masking the problem and not actually fixing it.
Pregnenolone is a burden on the liver. Your liver has to process it so while it is processing the toxins are building up.
Question: How do I fix this?
With a low toxin and low "vitamin A" diet and lifestyle. Replete the Big 5 minerals, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum and also Nicotinic Acid. Base your diet off the "cowboy diet" of beef, beans and high quality bread. Fill in around that diet with other approved low toxins foods to keep it doable. Drink absolutely pure water, reverse osmosis or distilled water. Remove all the toxins out of your life like washing powders, soaps, anything with a perfumy smell, etc.... including people. Get the proper EMF mitigation in place which will take an incredible amount of stress of the body. Get plenty of sunlight and if not then supplement with tanning beds. Get sauna treatments and also ozone therapy treatments. And let the healing begin....


New Member
Mar 10, 2024
Hi @FallingApart?, welcome to the forum. :welcome

Niacin as Nicotinic Acid fixes vaccine injury. Kelsey over at Niasources has done much work on this and she has shown that Nicotinic Acid is what is needed to turn things around.

Also, a low toxin and low "vitamin A" diet and lifestyle will seal the deal and bring it home for you.

Careful, you can hurt yourself with zinc. Zinc is super important but that is too much you are/were taking.

I would drop that like a hot rock, vitamin D supplementation is toxic and will turn a person into stone.

It's not needed.

Magnesium chloride topically is found to work the best for many.


That's quite a hefty dose.

Run as fast as you can, this will kill you fast.

Ouch. The liver regulates iron, get the liver working right and iron is not an issue.

Again, run fast. Toxic.

Pregnenolone is a burden on the liver. Your liver has to process it so while it is processing the toxins are building up.

With a low toxin and low "vitamin A" diet and lifestyle. Replete the Big 5 minerals, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum and also Nicotinic Acid. Base your diet off the "cowboy diet" of beef, beans and high quality bread. Fill in around that diet with other approved low toxins foods to keep it doable. Drink absolutely pure water, reverse osmosis or distilled water. Remove all the toxins out of your life like washing powders, soaps, anything with a perfumy smell, etc.... including people. Get the proper EMF mitigation in place which will take an incredible amount of stress of the body. Get plenty of sunlight and if not then supplement with tanning beds. Get sauna treatments and also ozone therapy treatments. And let the healing begin....
Didn't Ray say something about him taking 1-4 grams of pregnenolone a day - after all the supplements I have tried this one (along with Aspiring, Selenium, and Zinc) seem to be assisting the most regaring cognitive performance and/or socially).

I'm not sure how these points are supposed to fix a cognitive issue/cognitive issues. No disrespect but it sounds like a fluffy psychology suggestion (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy).
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Jun 24, 2023
1. I've gone through something very similar. I was barely alive, barely able to talk for years due to severely low energy and major cognitive decline (in my late teens and early twenties)

2. Lifestyle Factors
Long walks
Try to find someone in your life that you can talk to about this. Even a psychologist (NOT a psychiatrist).
The point isn't that this is going to fix you, but will help lessen the psychological toll of this.

3. Memory Improvement
Try bacopa monnieri. An alcohol extract may be most potent. It is fat-soluble so take with meals.

4. Testing
Have you had an MRI or CT scan?
If getting a CT scan, remember that you can take niacin and INOSINE and other radioprotectors before and after. Haidut has mentioned this.
For MRI, try avoiding Gadolinium-based contrast agents. I've heard of people asking for scans without the agents and it has been fine.
Blood work?
Metabolomics testing?
Full genome sequencing?

5. Supplements
You say selenium helps you. Too much selenium can actually be bad though. Too much will lower testosterone and thyroid among other effect.
It may be helping due to increasing glutathione and or counteracting heavy metals which it is one of the top things for.

Thiamine is generally protective for the organism and is another top thing addressing heavy metals.

Exploring the glutathione hypothesis, maybe try high dose gelatin (50+ grams).
And although it isn't Peaty, try NAC, CYSTINE, and plain oral glutathione. --these are not thing to take longterm!

You mention OCD-like problems. NAC helps many miraculously for that.
For me, it had no effect but cystine and GSH help.

For sure a good trial of cyproheptadine and T3 would be worthwhile.

The IHN niacin is inferior to niacin. Pure plain niacin can be very powerful for people. You need to try 500 mg for at least a few days in a row. In many disease states the NAD is low. Niacin will correct this at least.

The high dose of aspirin is risky. Hopefully you are reducing the risks of it.

6. How is your appetite and eating?
Temperatures? Do your pupils respond normally to a flashlight shone onto them in a mirror?

This is not to be taken as medical advice.


Jun 21, 2015
Didn't Ray say something about him taking 1-4 grams of pregnenolone a day - after all the supplements I have tried this one (along with Aspiring, Selenium, and Zinc) seem to be assisting the most regaring cognitive performance and/or socially).

I'm not sure how these points are supposed to fix a cognitive issue/cognitive issues. No disrespect but it sounds like a fluffy psychology suggestion (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy).
The vaccine damage you experience is caused by the toxins that are added to it and giving your liver a hard time.
Charlies advice is to help your body to be able to detox the liver so the body can regulate itself


Feb 3, 2020
These are outright dangerous and toxic doses… that likely cause more issues than the vaccine itself.

I‘d immediately get labs for serum zinc, selenium, copper, ceruloplasmin, serum B6 + full iron panel (ferritin, serum iron, iron-saturation index, hemoglobin), vitamin D (25OHD) and liver panel (AST, ALT, bilirubin), electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium)

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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