Add on to regimen from Idea Labs? to attempt to address remaining issues - temperature dips at times and allergies and severe chemical sensitivities

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Your diets sounds good, and fluoride and your external environment may be playing into your issues. I can’t believe the life l have led with so many issues, never knowing it played a big part in it all. I got rid most of my clothes and switched to cotton cause the chemicals in them against my skin, especially when I was warm and my pores were open welcoming them in. I would soak in fluoride and god knows what else taking long baths or hanging out in my jacuzzi, which I got rid of earlier this year. I eliminated toothpaste, cause even fluoride free ones have chemicals in them, which I realized because on the nights I used them I had extra issues sleeping at night. I have removed so much from my everyday living and am still seeking out and finding enemies.
what are you doing with no toothpaste now? what kind of regimen for teeth and gums?
what about soaps, shampoos, lotions or moisturizers? toilet paper?
you can get organic toilet paper. im not sure how important toilet paper is since I imagine the amount of anything absorbed is small?
same with soaps for the body and hands, you wash it off quickly, so is any significant amount being absorbed? definitely much safer than eating those same substances.


Dec 11, 2020
Where do you get the mexican coke?
Found it at whole foods! had it this morning when i started sneezing- good stuff! wonder if it has the cocaine component like actual coke- not seeing it in the ingredients.


Dec 11, 2020
update: I just posted the below in a thermometer thread and think its a good update here as well.

Thank you everyone!! i am warming a new digital thermometer under my arm and then in mouth and wow readings are much higher! Makes sense because ive been baffled at what were seemingly low temps when everything else pulse, energy , warm hands and feet, etc are great. made no sense. my last lingering issue is extreme chemical hypersensitvity and allergies and Dr. Peat advised that body temp regulates chemicals so ive been obsessed with my temperature. Still pretty chemically sensitive. Seems my temps are now getting up to where they need to be during day when im awake (occasional dips but monitoring). however, morning temp is never up to 97.8 or above. im even now sleeping with my red lights on all night- going well. Yet i still wake up a couple times per night to urinate and not sleeping a full 8 hours as i would like; so sleep still off even with all the tricks- sugar gelatin, salt, baking soda, t4/t3 dose close to bedtime, cyproheptadine etc.

how can i get my temp good in the morning and not reverse during the night everything i do during the day? seems there needs to be a time release solution so we dont have to get up during night and snack or take stuff. hmmmm.


Dec 11, 2020
i know thats the traditional way but not sure accurate with a regular digital thermometer? A lot of people here do oral but if a digital will be accurate that way will do it- have found it doesnt work in the past.


Dec 11, 2020
You're supposed to measure under-arm temperature, smh.
i know thats the traditional way but not sure accurate with a regular digital thermometer? A lot of people here do oral but if a digital will be accurate that way will do it- have found it doesnt work in the past. just tried it a couple times and does not work- ridiculously low readings . i dont think you can do auxilary with a digital thermometer- readings are completely ridicuous- unless im doing something wrong - feel like i really nestled it in there and warmed it up first under arm


Dec 11, 2020
i know thats the traditional way but not sure accurate with a regular digital thermometer? A lot of people here do oral but if a digital will be accurate that way will do it- have found it doesnt work in the past. just tried it a couple times and does not work- ridiculously low readings . i dont think you can do auxilary with a digital thermometer- readings are completely ridicuous- unless im doing something wrong - feel like i really nestled it in there and warmed it up first under arm
i know thats the traditional way but not sure accurate with a regular digital thermometer? A lot of people here do oral but if a digital will be accurate that way will do it- have found it doesnt work in the past. just tried it a couple times and does not work- ridiculously low readings . i dont think you can do auxilary with a digital thermometer- readings are completely ridicuous- unless im doing something wrong - feel like i really nestled it in there and warmed it up first under arm
You're supposed to measure under-arm temperature, smh.


Dec 11, 2020


Aug 9, 2019
i know thats the traditional way but not sure accurate with a regular digital thermometer? A lot of people here do oral but if a digital will be accurate that way will do it- have found it doesnt work in the past. just tried it a couple times and does not work- ridiculously low readings . i dont think you can do auxilary with a digital thermometer- readings are completely ridicuous- unless im doing something wrong - feel like i really nestled it in there and warmed it up first under arm
Are you keeping it up under-arm for 4 to 5 min for the temperature to stabilize?


Dec 11, 2020
Are you keeping it up under-arm for 4 to 5 min for the temperature to stabilize?
Admittedly no. im now using a 30 sec digital. it seems pretty accurate so far., When i do the right things temp is good. when i get low blood sugar its lower. my main issue is over night- cannot figure out how to get my temp high enough in the morning. My only health issue that has not resolved in sever chemical sensitivity as i have shared in this thread and Dr. Peat said temperature is the primary determinant so working like hell on it. its definitely related. Im nomadic and staying in an extended stay and had to do laundry for a trip and have been sick all day due to the reaction to the toxic smells in the laundry room. and noticed my temp dip after the reaction. So baffling.


Aug 17, 2018
For me the temperature is always dependent on what I eat. If I eat quality meat, fruit etc. temperature goes up. Then, recently I got rice cakes (made out of just rice and salt) and bammm temperature dropped right away.


Dec 11, 2020
For me the temperature is always dependent on what I eat. If I eat quality meat, fruit etc. temperature goes up. Then, recently I got rice cakes (made out of just rice and salt) and bammm temperature dropped right away.
because sugar is what allows t4 to convert to t3 the active form. thats why when i was really sick back in my late 30's Dr. Peat told me to eat marshmallow and i immediately got better and all my hypothyroid symptoms would resolve but longterm was more practical to take thyroid as i couldnt keep up with the amount of sugar required to alleviate my symptoms and when i added the thyroid i didnt need as much sugar and it was easier to manage life. its a balancing act but i do believe in a balanced approach including some supplemental thyroid for people who need it to be ok. i think im one of those people as suffered 30 years without it and have been amazing with it other than the chemical sensitivity which i still dont understand. Although Dr. Peat himself is very sensitive and reacts to things quite intensely. sometimes i think when you are very healthy and pure and avoid toxins, your body picks up on the slighest toxin and its not a health problem - i dont know anymore- still an engima to me. and if thyroid is stable shouldnt temperature be stable even between meals?


Dec 11, 2020
So, is it acceptable during the night while sleeping lfor temp to be low- is that normal even for the most thyroid balanced person? Wish i wasnt waking up before actual wake up time and maybe if i could go to sleep closer to 10 when im already tired in winter instead of 11:30, this would help and im going to try; but since i do get up during the night a couple times, i took my temp- at 5am - it was below 97. so i had a medool date, milk, gelatin, salt and honey and took my 1/4 cynoplus dose at that time. Went back to sleep. Got up at 7am, meditated and took temperature and it was 97.8 so yay. had a horrific chemical sensitivity day yesterday so not sure if temperature is the only factor; but good to be getting it up.

per someone on this forum, i also have been sleeping "in the light" the last week or two with my red light shining directly on me while i sleep (brooder with 250 heat lamp clear) and this may be having effect as well. i wear an eye mask and sleep is actually better since ive been doing this. i will continue to monitor my temp today. just would love to fine tune so that i sleep straight through night and dont have to get up to urinate and eat- i think there must be a way.


Dec 11, 2020
Holy crap ive reached a new level of health- I feel amazing today!!! So grateful to the sisters here Peatful and Rinse & RePeat who imparted such care and wisdom to me here!! |I had all the raw materials all these years but was missing some simplicity and voila!!! Never have felt and looked better in my life as I do right now!!!!Setting an intention for A Peat sister retreat and a Peat Retreat!!!


Dec 11, 2020
Holy crap ive reached a new level of health- I feel amazing today!!! So grateful to the sisters here Peatful and Rinse & RePeat who imparted such care and wisdom to me here!! |I had all the raw materials all these years but was missing some simplicity and voila!!! Never have felt and looked better in my life as I do right now!!!!Setting an intention for A Peat sister retreat and a Peat Retreat!!!
and also want to add: I started a parasite cleanse 5 days ago and am feeling a lot better- its real. There is a pharmacist i met in Sarasots who owns Natural Apothecary Shoppe- best ive ever found- using his products and protocol- highly recommend looking it up and ordering. His enzymes are excellent too-= getting results with the digestive and the protease- opening all capsules. very high quality and pure.


Dec 8, 2016
and also want to add: I started a parasite cleanse 5 days ago and am feeling a lot better- its real. There is a pharmacist i met in Sarasots who owns Natural Apothecary Shoppe- best ive ever found- using his products and protocol- highly recommend looking it up and ordering. His enzymes are excellent too-= getting results with the digestive and the protease- opening all capsules. very high quality and pure.
Happy for you


Dec 11, 2020
Just tested my chemical sensitivity though as I went down to the reception desk where I'm staying and behind the counter they run these machines and I guess they put all kinds of bleach and chemicals and I opened the door the outside and should between the two door ways completely open and horrible reaction I ran upstairs and chug a Mexican coke I don't know but I still taste it my mouth and I'm still quite reactive so I don't know it was it me as there something wrong with me or such a said it's just not pic and I'm healthy I'm still baffled by this one thing even though I don't take anything back I said above I still feel really good but this in them is no different any input it is greatly appreciated because I do not understand it is touching them big mess when everything else is so good


Dec 11, 2020
Just tested my chemical sensitivity though as I went down to the reception desk where I'm staying and behind the counter they run these machines and I guess they put all kinds of bleach and chemicals and I opened the door the outside and should between the two door ways completely open and horrible reaction I ran upstairs and chug a Mexican coke I don't know but I still taste it my mouth and I'm still quite reactive so I don't know it was it me as there something wrong with me or such a said it's just not pic and I'm healthy I'm still baffled by this one thing even though I don't take anything back I said above I still feel really good but this in them is no different any input it is greatly appreciated because I do not understand it is touching them big mess when everything else is so good
Sorry for the bad verbiage up there I was dictating I hope you guys understand it


Dec 11, 2020
So basically what I was saying in the first post was that my chemical sensitivity does not seem to be responding at all even though almost everything else is good with me so I don't know if there's a relationship but I guess my question is is it possible there's nothing wrong with me and I'm just very healthy and pure and that toxic chemicals are very bad and because I'm so healthy I am sensitive to them whereas other people just breathe them in and they all have illnesses but I don't have any illnesses ? is that possible? I just I'm at a loss because I feel like I've tried pretty much everything except for taking more supplements which some people have recommended here and I'm trying to be simple and not take a lot of stuff but if anyone has any idea based on all of this please let me know I just feel like I've tried almost everything at this point or maybe it's just going to take more time. I've been like this for over 30 years it seems like it's going on forever.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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