Add on to regimen from Idea Labs? to attempt to address remaining issues - temperature dips at times and allergies and severe chemical sensitivities



Dec 11, 2020
Im glad you feel good.

I disagree.
Being dependent on thyroid vs being healed are different.
You’re on 3 grains - which is a lot.

I would consider:
- upping your daily protein intake to help your liver
- making sure your blood sugar is stable.
I found 40/30/30 c/p/f worked best for me

Basic but very therapeutic things.

Addendum: Peat says a weak or low thyroid can simply be from protein deficiency. And since you have chemical sensitivity issues- i am thinking there is liver involvement.
And just wanted to clarify my thyroid dose was pretty consistent all these years at 2.5 grains. i only raised it and modified the ratio about a month ago after conversation with Dr. Peat about temperature controlling chemical detox so i raised it to get my temp up- it is better - just not perfect and i cant go any higher with thyroid as disrupts my sleep and dont think i need to. i am thinking of modifying again because my sleep is not as good as it was when i was on 90 mcg t4 and 47.5 mcg of t3 and i think reversing my schedule for a good 4-5 months really threw me off and that i might have had to do what i have just done to get back to balance and can now re-adjust. I was in Florida and hated it and couldnt handle the weather during day so basically ended up on a reverse schedule- horrible i know and i lost my period druingthat time and know it was terrible. i got back on a normal rhythm and got my period back september and october on 28 to 30 day cycles so know im pretty much back and since my sleep admittedly is not as good the last month - i think starting to morrow i will taper down the extra t3 and add a little more t4- will be more the 2 to 1 ratio Dr. Peat recommends. however, i do not regret what i did this month as it did get my temp up and also addressed the carotenemia i had had again after eating too much beta carotene in july and august with fruits and carrots- i do not handle beta carotene at all - basically have to keep it completely out of my diet- that definitely did a number on me too.
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you yes I used to get the Mexican Coke do you get the Mexican Coke the one that's made without corn syrup I have to see if I can find that and otherwise I do quite a bit of salt sugar and caffeine in my diet for sure I know those things are antihistamines and that's why I do a bunch of them yet I'm still pretty allergic but yeah I'd love to find that Mexican Coke you don't drink the regular American one do you
I have been drinking this Mexican Coke. I also have been using this fresh ginger soda as an antihistamine.


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Jun 19, 2016
And just wanted to clarify my thyroid dose was pretty consistent all these years at 2.5 grains. i only raised it and modified the ratio about a month ago after conversation with Dr. Peat about temperature controlling chemical detox so i raised it to get my temp up- it is better - just not perfect and i cant go any higher with thyroid as disrupts my sleep and dont think i need to. i am thinking of modifying again because my sleep is not as good as it was when i was on 90 mcg t4 and 47.5 mcg of t3 and i think reversing my schedule for a good 4-5 months really threw me off and that i might have had to do what i have just done to get back to balance and can now re-adjust. I was in Florida and hated it and couldnt handle the weather during day so basically ended up on a reverse schedule- horrible i know and i lost my period druingthat time and know it was terrible. i got back on a normal rhythm and got my period back september and october on 28 to 30 day cycles so know im pretty much back and since my sleep admittedly is not as good the last month - i think starting to morrow i will taper down the extra t3 and add a little more t4- will be more the 2 to 1 ratio Dr. Peat recommends. however, i do not regret what i did this month as it did get my temp up and also addressed the carotenemia i had had again after eating too much beta carotene in july and august with fruits and carrots- i do not handle beta carotene at all - basically have to keep it completely out of my diet- that definitely did a number on me too.
Have you tested your b12 levels? I know that is needed along with thyroid to clear up carotenemia.


Dec 11, 2020
Have you tested your b12 levels? I know that is needed along with thyroid to clear up carotenemia.
ive always eaten meat, liver, etc so never been an issue. whenever tested its ample. yet carotonemia an issue.


Dec 11, 2020
Experienced temperature dip again this morning upon rising- hunkering on 97/971.1. one time it even said 96.8- these thermometers seem unreliable When i was writing here last night at 5:30 CST i was getting 98.4. i did work out last night and am trying to be conscious of not doing things to disrupt system like to intense on cardio or too intense or stressful on weight training- seemed fine although i dont like to work out late- started too late around 7 30 so wonder if that is part of it.

20 -30 minutes after grapes and cheese and a quarter cynoplus its 97.8. ill update with temps later. i think the issue is over night when we are not eating sugar etc. i do wake up a few times and in the past have done snacks and even taken thyroid; but would prefer to not wake up and get better sleep- so that not optimal either and i know all the tricks sugar salt gelatin antihistamines baking soda , etc. i think what is happening is im getting wrecked during the night and it takes me all day to get my temp up to a decent number and then it gets wrecked again over night and i have to start all over again. im also going to look into getting some blood work done for all the relevant items- probably would be helpful.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Hmm I wonder if that is why Taurine pairs so well with Potassium Bi-carb then? Bicarbonate neutralizes excess stomach acid which may offset issues with increased bile production.

This write-up suggests most excess Taurine is simply excreted via the kidneys. Taurine depleting beta alanine is news to me. I just did a quick google and all I could find was the opposite, Beta alanine depletes Taurine levels. However it seems that they have a relationship akin to Potassium and Sodium where they compete for the same receptors/channels.. So a balance of the two seems important. For myself, the primary symptoms of Beta alanine deficiency (below) go away when I consume K-water..
  • Fatigue.
  • Poor endurance and strength.
  • Weakness and muscle atrophy (shrinkage)
  • Dizziness and faintness due to fluctuating blood sugar levels.
  • Moodiness.
  • Changes in appetite.
All of those sound like your own symptoms you said you get with Taurine supplementation. Perhaps adding Beta alanine and Potassium bi-carb might eliminate your issues with Taurine.

As for B vitamins, I don't ever feel much from them. Whether its a standard B complex, or megadosing Thiamine, I felt no different other than the smelly B Vit urine. I also have no issues (or benefits) felt with NAC either. So cysteine doesn't seem to be an issue (or aid) for me.

I think I will add some beta alanine to my next bulk purchase of Taurine Potassium bicarb and do some more experimenting. Thanks for sharing your information.

some of the sites do mention taurine depleting beta alanine.
maybe the cofactors for beta alanine are easier to obtain from most diets, compared to taurine?
I think taurine supposedly is reduced a lot when foods are cooked or pasteurized, this may be why for the average person it could be harder to get. B6 is also tough to get from food, and i think its also reduced from heat and cooking.
beta alanine raises appetite for me, I think because of it being somewhat laxative and clearing the stomach faster. taurine reduces appetite.
maybe if I took beta alanine and taurine together, maybe there wouldnt be issues with taurine.
and maybe its because of the synthetic process used to make taurine now, whereas before it was made with bull testicle or bull semen.


Dec 11, 2020
This video is about vitamin A supplements and thyroid together backfiring….


all of your input really is very helpful - thank you so much. ive been on a good dose of vitamin d for a while so not in any danger of deficiency- had upped it based upon blood work last january but time to get tested so think i will stop it until i get tested as my levels are most built up enough and could take a break for a couple weeks. Also The A on my skin was new addition a couple years ago and take breaks- just have used a few drops on my skin but think im going to stop that too until i get bloodwork and in no danger of deficiency plus i rotate liver and eat eggs, cheese and milk with it so getting plenty-= maybe too much. if my temp responds to the abstinence of those will be a big clue. i would love to simplify my routine for sure- i dont like supplements but thyroid changed my life at 38 and after 30 years of suffering and experimenting even after than with not taking it, i dont think thats one to eliminate- i think its in my life for good. But i really like the idea of getting my nutrition as much as possible from diet and using supplements only when absolutely needed. This will be an interesting experiment.
Mar 10, 2021
all of your input really is very helpful - thank you so much. ive been on a good dose of vitamin d for a while so not in any danger of deficiency- had upped it based upon blood work last january but time to get tested so think i will stop it until i get tested as my levels are most built up enough and could take a break for a couple weeks. Also The A on my skin was new addition a couple years ago and take breaks- just have used a few drops on my skin but think im going to stop that too until i get bloodwork and in no danger of deficiency plus i rotate liver and eat eggs, cheese and milk with it so getting plenty-= maybe too much. if my temp responds to the abstinence of those will be a big clue. i would love to simplify my routine for sure- i dont like supplements but thyroid changed my life at 38 and after 30 years of suffering and experimenting even after than with not taking it, i dont think thats one to eliminate- i think its in my life for good. But i really like the idea of getting my nutrition as much as possible from diet and using supplements only when absolutely needed. This will be an interesting experiment.
I hope we can turn this around for you. I am not saying go cold turkey and give your suppliments up all at once, but take one out ever few days, and if it were me I would start with that D and then the A. I bought, what I thought was a good vitamin D, and was using it topically because of the MCT oil in it, and even wrote RP about it, but was getting reactions from it earlier this year. I don’t remember now what the reactions were, but now all the bottles are just sitting on a shelf.


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Dec 11, 2020
I hope we can turn this around for you. I am not saying go cold turkey and give your suppliments up all at once, but take one out ever few days, and if it were me I would start with that D and then the A. I bought, what I thought was a good vitamin D, and was using it topically because of the MCT oil in it, and even wrote RP about it, but was getting reactions from it earlier this year. I don’t remember now what the reactions were, but now all the bottles are just sitting on a shelf.
How do you get your vitamin D requirement- sunshine? my issue is that i am very very fair and hard for me to get sun with no protection; thus the supplementation.
Mar 10, 2021
How do you get your vitamin D requirement- sunshine? my issue is that i am very very fair and hard for me to get sun with no protection; thus the supplementation.
Yeah sunshine, you only need a little of it. I get some from egg yolks, sometimes mushrooms, and this clam juice is really high in it too!


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Mar 10, 2021
How do you get your vitamin D requirement- sunshine? my issue is that i am very very fair and hard for me to get sun with no protection; thus the supplementation.
When I got strict and determined to eliminate PUFA’s from my body I quit burning from the sun. I can attest to the rabbit study being true.


Dec 11, 2020
When I got strict and determined to eliminate PUFA’s from my body I quit burning from the sun. I can attest to the rabbit study being true.
i havent eaten pufa for 20 plus years- except one experiment i mentioned when i was 39/40 working with an indoctrinated practitioner proving that this philosophy is the truth. So i dont think that causes it. i just feel i cant go in the sun without zinc oxide on my face at least. perhaps i will make a more concerted effort to go out and expose other bare areas like legs and arms. I even asked dr peat about this as he knows what i look like and he said that with enough vitamin D sunscreen should not be needed but when i moved to high altitude in Colorado and asked him if he really thought i could go without sunscreen in light of how fair and freckled i am , he said best for me to wear it so im not going to go in the sun with nothing on my face even for a few minutes but will do with other areas. but also, in winter even dr. peat says to supplement 5,000 Iu's so there is that. but maybe the supplement can be food like you are doing with the clam juice. ive heard mushrooms also can be a source. i really love this idea of ditching all the vitamin and mineral supplements and getting it all from food. What about thiamine and niacinamide from food?
Mar 10, 2021
i havent eaten pufa for 20 plus years- except one experiment i mentioned when i was 39/40 working with an indoctrinated practitioner proving that this philosophy is the truth. So i dont think that causes it. i just feel i cant go in the sun without zinc oxide on my face at least. perhaps i will make a more concerted effort to go out and expose other bare areas like legs and arms. I even asked dr peat about this as he knows what i look like and he said that with enough vitamin D sunscreen should not be needed but when i moved to high altitude in Colorado and asked him if he really thought i could go without sunscreen in light of how fair and freckled i am , he said best for me to wear it so im not going to go in the sun with nothing on my face even for a few minutes but will do with other areas. but also, in winter even dr. peat says to supplement 5,000 Iu's so there is that. but maybe the supplement can be food like you are doing with the clam juice. ive heard mushrooms also can be a source. i really love this idea of ditching all the vitamin and mineral supplements and getting it all from food. What about thiamine and niacinamide from food?
Since our bodies are a chain reaction and the needs for different vitamins change from day to you can’t possibly know how much your body needs each day, yet you keeping giving it the same amount day after day. Like giving a baby the same bowl of food and when the baby doesn’t want it one day cause it isn’t hungry or it isn’t hungry for that same bowl of food you pry open it’s mouth and force it in any way and keep doing it each day. If you feel the need to still suppliment, do each one randomly, maybe 3 days a week and alternate and mix and match and see how you feel. Give the baby a break. Our bodies store vitamins and don’t always have to have that guesstimated 100% RDA of each thing to function well. I quit worrying about it and choose my foods well and let my body do it’s job. I think about if I were stuck on an island and there was no cow in sight to get my milk and cheese, and all I had was some occasional foraged fruit and boiled greens and some seafood, and I realized I would be fine, and probably even healthier. Being so reliant on lab derived substances is not what your body prefers. You say you haven’t eaten PUFA’s for 20+ years, so you only eat grass fed meat? Do you eat chicken or pork? What does your usual list of foods look like?


Dec 11, 2020
Since our bodies are a chain reaction and the needs for different vitamins change from day to you can’t possibly know how much your body needs each day, yet you keeping giving it the same amount day after day. Like giving a baby the same bowl of food and when the baby doesn’t want it one day cause it isn’t hungry or it isn’t hungry for that same bowl of food you pry open it’s mouth and force it in any way and keep doing it each day. If you feel the need to still suppliment, do each one randomly, maybe 3 days a week and alternate and mix and match and see how you feel. Give the baby a break. Our bodies store vitamins and don’t always have to have that guesstimated 100% RDA of each thing to function well. I quit worrying about it and choose my foods well and let my body do it’s job. I think about if I were stuck on an island and there was no cow in sight to get my milk and cheese, and all I had was some occasional foraged fruit and boiled greens and some seafood, and I realized I would be fine, and probably even healthier. Being so reliant on lab derived substances is not what your body prefers. You say you haven’t eaten PUFA’s for 20+ years, so you only eat grass fed meat? Do you eat chicken or pork? What does your usual list of foods look like?
not doing beef right now but yes always has been grass fed. no chicken no pork. and i qualify that as even dr. peat says its impossible to have a completely pufa free diet outside of a lab. but i basically dont eat pufa although eggs, milk oysters and even liver have some. when iasked dr. peat about that with respect to oysters which he recommends of course, he said the nutritional content is so high that it cancels it out basically, he recommends cod too and it has some pufa. So im not 0 pufa but dr peat style no pufa. i have also shared that i eat applegate farms sliced turkey which says 0 fat grams per serving so any pufa is negligible. and even dr peat eats bacon and chicken wings and chicaronnes all of which contain pufa. I will say i basically have no wrinkles at 52 and attribute this to the lack of pufa from my mid twenties onward but even more so the last 12 -15 years. I have also never had cellulite which i think is also caused by pufa. +
Mar 10, 2021
not doing beef right now but yes always has been grass fed. no chicken no pork. and i qualify that as even dr. peat says its impossible to have a completely pufa free diet outside of a lab. but i basically dont eat pufa although eggs, milk oysters and even liver have some. when iasked dr. peat about that with respect to oysters which he recommends of course, he said the nutritional content is so high that it cancels it out basically, he recommends cod too and it has some pufa. So im not 0 pufa but dr peat style no pufa. i have also shared that i eat applegate farms sliced turkey which says 0 fat grams per serving so any pufa is negligible. and even dr peat eats bacon and chicken wings and chicaronnes all of which contain pufa. I will say i basically have no wrinkles at 52 and attribute this to the lack of pufa from my mid twenties onward but even more so the last 12 -15 years. I have also never had cellulite which i think is also caused by pufa. +
Your diets sounds good, and fluoride and your external environment may be playing into your issues. I can’t believe the life l have led with so many issues, never knowing it played a big part in it all. I got rid most of my clothes and switched to cotton cause the chemicals in them against my skin, especially when I was warm and my pores were open welcoming them in. I would soak in fluoride and god knows what else taking long baths or hanging out in my jacuzzi, which I got rid of earlier this year. I eliminated toothpaste, cause even fluoride free ones have chemicals in them, which I realized because on the nights I used them I had extra issues sleeping at night. I have removed so much from my everyday living and am still seeking out and finding enemies.


Dec 11, 2020
Your diets sounds good, and fluoride and your external environment may be playing into your issues. I can’t believe the life l have led with so many issues, never knowing it played a big part in it all. I got rid most of my clothes and switched to cotton cause the chemicals in them against my skin, especially when I was warm and my pores were open welcoming them in. I would soak in fluoride and god knows what else taking long baths or hanging out in my jacuzzi, which I got rid of earlier this year. I eliminated toothpaste, cause even fluoride free ones have chemicals in them, which I realized because on the nights I used them I had extra issues sleeping at night. I have removed so much from my everyday living and am still seeking out and finding enemies
The only fluroide exposure i get is due to being nomadic and getting it in shower and dish and face and hand washing. shower can be eliminated with this Chrome Fluoride Shower Filter W/ Massage Head

i have a shower filter system ive been using for years from home depot but it does not filter fluoride so im going to get the one linked above. when i have ahome i will do whole house filter but while nomadic i just try to minimize my skin contact with tap water. i hvent used toothpast in over 20 years - baking soda - but been trying charcoal powder the last few months but concerned about purity. i just switched to all cotton underwear but good point- sports bras and clothing generally arghhh! A lot of effort in our current world to avoid toxins. which is why becoming super human seems the best answer.
Mar 10, 2021
The only fluroide exposure i get is due to being nomadic and getting it in shower and dish and face and hand washing. shower can be eliminated with this Chrome Fluoride Shower Filter W/ Massage Head

i have a shower filter system ive been using for years from home depot but it does not filter fluoride so im going to get the one linked above. when i have ahome i will do whole house filter but while nomadic i just try to minimize my skin contact with tap water. i hvent used toothpast in over 20 years - baking soda - but been trying charcoal powder the last few months but concerned about purity. i just switched to all cotton underwear but good point- sports bras and clothing generally arghhh! A lot of effort in our current world to avoid toxins. which is why becoming super human seems the best answer.
I have even read how people growing their own food were not better off, and to the contrary, because of their contaminated soil that they weren’t aware of. Health hinderers are lurking everywhere, so we have to do what we can, but don’t be fooled into supplements, or the “tell-lie- vision” watching it’s “programs” (I just read that one a bit ago) because, at the end of the day, supplement companies are out to make a buck just like big pharma. There was an article in another thread a couple months ago about the supplement companies that big pharma owns. It was surprising. It now makes me wonder about the huge blocks of free cheese the government use to hand out in the 70’s. I remember my grandma coming home with them.


Dec 8, 2016
You’re hypothyroid.

- your energy needs arent being met. Which can also be exasperated when taking thyroid and not having resources to support it. Ie: rev the engine but no gas in the tank
- your adrenals are high and in turn your thyroid is low. Its relational.
- your PTH is high. Needing more calcium. More sunlight. More salt.

Or probably a combo of the three.



Dec 11, 2020
You’re hypothyroid.

- your energy needs arent being met. Which can also be exasperated when taking thyroid and not having resources to support it. Ie: rev the engine but no gas in the tank
- your adrenals are high and in turn your thyroid is low. Its relational.
- your PTH is high. Needing more calcium. More sunlight. More salt.

Or probably a combo of the three.

very precise and insightful thank you. My pth has always been good but last blood work was at last annual January 2022. going to make an appt for bloodwork as thats really the only way to get more definitive. But in line with all this and input from Rinse & RePeat, i am stopping my A and D for now, going to readjust my thyroid supplement back to 2:1 ratio of T4 to T3 at my longstanding maintenance of 2.5 grain equivalent and keep my diet which is already excellent with ample calcium the same. I will update with my results. Thank you so so much- so grateful for all of this wisdom, time and care!!! Excited to fine tune.


Dec 8, 2016
very precise and insightful thank you. My pth has always been good but last blood work was at last annual January 2022. going to make an appt for bloodwork as thats really the only way to get more definitive. But in line with all this and input from Rinse & RePeat, i am stopping my A and D for now, going to readjust my thyroid supplement back to 2:1 ratio of T4 to T3 at my longstanding maintenance of 2.5 grain equivalent and keep my diet which is already excellent with ample calcium the same. I will update with my results. Thank you so so much- so grateful for all of this wisdom, time and care!!! Excited to fine tune.

Great plan.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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