38 Male UK. Tired Of Being Like The Walking Dead



Aug 6, 2015
What is your digestive enzyme status? Do you have reflux, bloating or other digestion problems? have you ever try pancreatin or digestive enzymes?

I have no real digestive issues. Usually fine. It’s a bit on the slow side. I don’t go every day. My stomach is normally silent and doesn’t make much noise.

I did try ox bile and digestive enzymes once before but no real impact.
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Aug 6, 2015
I’ve been taking mildronate for a few days it doesn’t seem to do anything for me as yet. Still having the same fatigue lethargy when eating carbs.

given that asprin niacinamide and so far mildronate isn’t helping I assume raised fatty acids isn’t my issue.

I must focus on just keep eating more and more and not get distracted. I’m working on the assumption that I’m running on stress hormones and when they are lowered after eating carbs I’m left with a useless metabolism.

cortisol inactivated t3, so I guess some transition period is expected.

it’s tough as eating enough leaves me unable to function, zero appetite and staring at walls - all I want to do is lie in bed and close me eyes.

I’ve been eating more carbs for a while now. It’s hard to get enough calories when my cognition and appetite is so low.

I’ve been relying on readymade mass shakes made from oats , whey and egg white powder. It’s reliably bringing up my temperature so I assume it’s a ok choice at the minute.

stats are perfect atm temp 37.1, 80 bpm. I am going to work out how much I need to keep me at that all day long.

I feel best in the evenings. Carbs affect me less the later in the day I eat them. Seems to follow the cortisol pattern. I guess I am more reliant on stress for energy earlier in the day. Guess it is quite hard wired from a lifetime of low carb. Will take time to improve it.

I will try eating well before sleep and also when I wake early morning as I usually do I will eat well and go back to bed and sleep so my day isn’t effected by the worst symptoms that I get from the first meal of the day.

it’s 7pm, I’ve held my temp of 37.1 for about a couple of hours since I last eat so that is good. I’m just resting watching tv though.
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Nov 18, 2018

I’m starting a log here, hopefully I’ll keep it up, apologies in advance if I go awol. I do keep a paper diary but it makes more sense to keep a log here and maybe get help from or help others.

I’m a successful financially free 38 year old 6ft 80kg male. My whole life I’ve struggled with depression, low energy, no libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, anhedonia etc etc.

I sleep easily and long but wake up regularly to urinate regularly. Voice is nasal and weak. I suspect estrogen dominance being my major issue.

I’ve taken roaccutane for acne and ssri for depression in the past but both over ten years ago.

thyroid function seems good. Bloods are fine 1.5tsh.

Waking temp this morning was 36.5c 68bpm.
I eat a portion of minced beef/salt and a apple and quickly I am now up to 36.8c.

My temps seem to come up better in the evening and I often see 37C+ after a decent evening meal if I have been eating plenty in the day.

It is UK Winter time atm and despite being a mild winter its cold, so I am pretty satisfied with my temps as a starting point. I dont think my thyroid is in two bad shape.

I have a athletic heart rate which at times has been as low as 40bm.

I have been dabbling with Peats ideas for years on and off, but I am here to have a decent attempt to correct my issues. Ive always suspected diet to having a large part of how I feel. Ive done all the usual low carb, no carb, paleo, primal diets in the past, but nothing extreme for years. I am borderline ortherexic probably, and often consider I am going mental focusing on my health so much.

Generally speaking I feel best when I eat nothing! The more I eat the worse I feel in general. I have zero appetite, could go days without eating if I let my appetite control. Occasionally when I force down massive amounts I feel amazing for a day or two and then crash to even lower than when I started.

Caffeine an make me feel great after the first dose, but after a few days of a few cups it leaves in in complete HELL. Headache depression nausea etc.

I am a muscular lean build, you can see all my abs. I have been my whole life. I used to lift weights but haven’t done in years and I maintain an impressive physique for a 38 year old. I dont do any exercise accept for the physical work I do running my carpet cleaning business part time.

I suspect a estrogen problem. I have no gut issues, I just tried two weeks of strong tetracycline and it didnt do anything for me at all.

I never get strong stress feelings from not eating. I am focusing now on a high protein adequate sugar, a little fat diet. Ive done this for a few days and my morning temp come up from 36.3. My theory at the moment is I haven’t been eating enough protein for my liver to detox estrogen, and I have some what of a build up of it. Anything that increases metabolism like eating a lot, caffeine, exercise leaves me feeling like ***t. Since Ive been eating high protein for 4 days (about 150grams) Ive been feeling like ***t despite my waking temp going up.

Is this a possibility? Pushing metabolism whilst estrogen dominant makes you feel worse? I guess I need to keep going focusing on the protein/carrots/charcoal and hope my estrogen lowers.

I have extremely high SHBG (120nmol!) , decent total T levels, low free testosterone. I have tried injection Testosterone for 6 months, with my levels going from normal to sky high and everything in between. I can honestly say that I could feel no effect from injecting T! It might as well been water I was injecting. This despite my higher test levels being confirmed by blood tests.

Currently sat in bed feeling like ***t, waiting to feel some reprieve. I’m force myself to go on a walk though as the sun is out.

I’ve taking aspirin, have tried almost all peat supplements but no success. Going to focus on consistency with diet.
Good luck sir!

I’m post Accutane as well. I think what @Kingpinguin said about raising dopamine is true we need to have enough in the first place to really be healthy.

How you go about doing that is different for everyone. I personally had great success with lifting weights 3-4 times a week but not to exhaustion, fruit smoothies with creatine every morning, zinc, sunlight, walking on rest days and eating at least 3,000 calories. The basics worked best for me and I really should take my own advice as I’ve gained 15 pounds of fat.

keep us updated man


Aug 6, 2015
Did not sleep much at all last night, similar to previous few nights. Not sure if the mildronate is causing that or extra food. I think it’s the food. I think I’m gonna drop mildronate for that as I can’t see any positives. I’ll try it again after I’ve been eating more for a while and things have settled down.

I may have a virus, throat is scratchy. My temps have been very good, was 37.1 all evening yestarday.

Had a shake at 4am and then woke at 730. Feel pretty crappy but morning temps was 36.7 72bpm. Had another shake some juice and some milk for breakfast. So already have eaten 1200 calories today. 30 mins after eating and my temp dropped to 36.5. It maybe I was all wrapped up warm in bed and got cold getting out, perhaps I was a bit dehydrated and drinking cool fluids chilled me.

hoping that my temps aren’t because I have a virus atm...

have to be patient. The only results I’m working on atm is to be able to eat in the morning without it making me feel disabled.

11am now, my first meal of the day did make me a little depressed but no fatigue no yawning. I went and did 2 hours cleaning work and I was just about ok. Home now had another milkshake (about 2k cals so far). Now resting in bed and temp is 37c. Having a virus is a good excuse for bed rest atm.
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Did not sleep much at all last night, similar to previous few nights. Not sure if the mildronate is causing that or extra food. I think it’s the food. I think I’m gonna drop mildronate for that as I can’t see any positives. I’ll try it again after I’ve been eating more for a while and things have settled down.

I may have a virus, throat is scratchy. My temps have been very good, was 37.1 all evening yestarday.

Had a shake at 4am and then woke at 730. Feel pretty crappy but morning temps was 36.7 72bpm. Had another shake some juice and some milk for breakfast. So already have eaten 1200 calories today. 30 mins after eating and my temp dropped to 36.5. It maybe I was all wrapped up warm in bed and got cold getting out, perhaps I was a bit dehydrated and drinking cool fluids chilled me.

hoping that my temps aren’t because I have a virus atm...

have to be patient. The only results I’m working on atm is to be able to eat in the morning without it making me feel disabled.
How much of Mildronate were you taking?


Aug 6, 2015
How much of Mildronate were you taking?
Yestarday I took 750mg just in the morning. I did this to try and avoid it interfering my sleep.

not 100% sure it is the mildronate stopping me sleeping. It might be that I’m eating tons of carbs.

not getting any obvious benefit from mildronate after 4days so I’ll put it to one side for now.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Yestarday I took 750mg just in the morning. I did this to try and avoid it interfering my sleep.

not 100% sure it is the mildronate stopping me sleeping. It might be that I’m eating tons of carbs.

not getting any obvious benefit from mildronate after 4days so I’ll put it to one side for now.
I tried it recently at 500 mg for fat loss and it did nothing, nor it affected me in any noticable positive way.

Am following ur thread. Wish you all the best luck sorting ur issues out. God bless!


Aug 6, 2015
Slept a fair bit better not perfect. Woke feeling a bit brighter. Virus symptoms still evident but a littke better (coughing, sniffing).

Waking temp is 36.7! 84bpm. That’s probably the best I’ve ever recorded. I had bedroom window open also to try and help me sleep, so icy air was coming into room. I woke at 630 and had a milkshake however, before waking at 8.

eat over 4K calories yestarday! Apples, milk, juice, potatoes with salt and butter and several low fat protein shakes. It was a little easier than the day before to eat that much. Still not ever hungry but easier to stomach.

short term goals are to keep cals near 4K, rest and recover from virus. I have to work 4 odd hours to day so I will make sure I have food on the van.


Aug 6, 2015
Eat pretty much the same - about 4K calories.

I think I will stop reporting my temps until I’m over this virus. I’m pretty sure I have a temperature so it’s flattering me. I got up to 37.3 in evening. This morning I’m 37c 88bpm. Which is a bit too good to be true so I’m be patient till I’m over virus.

Eating 4K calories isn’t too hard even when sick and I have no appetite.


Aug 6, 2015
I’m definately on the mend and at points felt really good today. I felt a strange calm but happy warm energy feeling at points so I’m very pleased.

still coughing and sniffing somewhat so hoping for more improvements as I recover short term.

temp is 37.1c 80bpm as I sit and write this at 2pm. It is cold and winter here atm. I’m uncomfortable in anything more than a t shirt and start to sweat easily if I wear a coat!

still no appetite and I have to remind myself and force feed myself. But it is pretty easy to down a milk shake.

I’ve not weighed myself but I’ve put on some weight which is obviously not fat. Muscles look fuller.

most of my diet is a milkshake made from oats and egg/dairy protein. I’m also having strong coffees with loads of sugar and chocolate. Lots of potatoes butter and salt for dinner. The odd spoon of liver pate.

had a coffe with three heaped tsp of instant coffee (150mg - 200mg caffeine) and didn’t feel any different. So I think I have good caffeine tolerance.

things looking good atm.


Aug 6, 2015
Feel a bit rubbish today, tired and less ability to eat. No idea why. Gut transit feels slow.. not been toilet much despite eating a lot.

I did hit coffee hard yestarday and had none today.

guess I’ll just avoid coffee and push through. It probably was what made me have a good day yestarday.


Aug 6, 2015
Feel awful - my worst symptoms.

eating loads but feel tired headache weak low, mild headache, mild nausea

it’s been about a week of big eating. My gut transit initially was good and regular with all the food but it has been getting slower and slower as I feel worse and worse.

is this estrogen building up? My metabolism is improving and I guess I’ll be creating more hormones but too much estrogen?

can barely function atm. Just had some cascara, charcoal, magnesium and a littke arimidex to see if I can save myself from this hell.

Looking back two weeks ago I felt exactly like this after going heavy on the coffee which I did day before yestarday. So it’s probably that.


ive ordered some not haiduts kuinone to replace my interest in improving the liver and ignore coffee.
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Mar 8, 2015
You are an IT worker, but no longer need to work (correct ?)

Do you notice any difference between winter and summer. Do you feel worse in winter. You are writing this blog right at the time we all feel crappy in the UK. For me the crappy weather kicks in around late November. February is going to be the worst time and then we start to get Vitamin D from March.

It will be interesting to see how your blog reads in May, say.

Have you tried any small doses of T3. Could be worth a try. 5mcg is a good start.


Aug 6, 2015
You are an IT worker, but no longer need to work (correct ?)

Do you notice any difference between winter and summer. Do you feel worse in winter. You are writing this blog right at the time we all feel crappy in the UK. For me the crappy weather kicks in around late November. February is going to be the worst time and then we start to get Vitamin D from March.

It will be interesting to see how your blog reads in May, say.

Have you tried any small doses of T3. Could be worth a try. 5mcg is a good start.

yes ex IT. Don’t need to work but I run a floor cleaning business part time to give me something to do.

I don’t think I notice any difference from summer to winter. I cycled around Los Angeles for a month in the sun in Feb the other year to try and get sun. Felt awful.

tried t3 lots, it generally does nothing at all. Tried up to 300mcg and nothing happened. Was a legit brand ray mentioned.


Aug 6, 2015
Night was a little better, sleep a bit better, had dreams, notice an erection in the night. Woke feeling a little brightness.

headache and nausea gone, I think that’s caffeine.

eating tons of carbs.

Thoughts going to estrogen again. Took 0.25mg arimidex yestarday. I suspected an improvement from it in the past.

although I’m not crashing when I eat carbs any more. I feel similar to eating low carb but without that stress focusing motivation. No carb is still better lifestyle atm.
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Aug 6, 2015
Might of broke up with girlfriend today. Great!

Had to do a job this evening felt tired shitty depressed.

Feeling desperate I knocked back a whole gram of pregnenolone, 25mg DHEA, and 0.25mg arimidex.

plus 2-3 hours and just laying in bed on phone and I’m getting mild waves of pleasure, feel very relaxed, breathing slowed, my voice has quickly gone from nasally to more throaty. Perhaps most notably my belly is alive, usually dead. I feel an massive hunger in my stomach. Not had hunger in weeks.

mild euphoria running in my body. Have to go eat, empty stomach is getting painful!?

what the hell happened....?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Might of broke up with girlfriend today. Great!

Had to do a job this evening felt tired shitty depressed.

Feeling desperate I knocked back a whole gram of pregnenolone, 25mg DHEA, and 0.25mg arimidex.

plus 2-3 hours and just laying in bed on phone and I’m getting mild waves of pleasure, feel very relaxed, breathing slowed, my voice has quickly gone from nasally to more throaty. Perhaps most notably my belly is alive, usually dead. I feel an massive hunger in my stomach. Not had hunger in weeks.

mild euphoria running in my body. Have to go eat, empty stomach is getting painful!?

what the hell happened....?


Aug 6, 2015
Slept well last night. Woke up feeling relaxed. I decided to take another gram of pregnenolone and 25mg and not the arimidex.

went to do a few hours work and didn’t feel any change - I was just ok. Got home about 1400. Decided to take about .25mg arimidex. I laid down and watched a film, I started to get that emotional energy in certain points in film. Like I normal person does but I never do. It’s +1.5 hours after arimidex, film is over and I think I can feel that emotional energy what i described as mild euphoria slowly build as a baseline. At the same time my hunger is building and stomach gurgling. About the same amount of time I felt it last night. Both times I’ve had empty stomach.

So I assume from my very unscientific observations it is the arimidex that it causing these feelings.

Haven’t eaten much yet so gonna go stuff my face. Promising....


Aug 6, 2015
After eating I went back to feeling pretty normal and rubbish. I tried another 0.25mg arimidex and it seemed to have no effect.... I’ll try it again in the morning with preg on a empty stomach.

have ordered some generic cabergoline to trial as my prolactin is on the high side.


Aug 6, 2015
Slept pretty well and had some good vivid dreams. Took 0.5mg arimidex, 25mg DHEA, 300mg preg. Plus two hours and I have the same lightness energy and hunger building.

it also makes my crotch feel fuller and a slight energy rather than dead. Had some sex thoughts in bed and a sex dream, wanted to masturbate. Usually I have no desire and a dead shrunken cold crotch.

very subtle feeling but it’s definitely a positive one. A little scared of crashing e2, but for now it’s giving me slight relief.

I guess I’ll continue with it and see if it develops over time. I guess estrogen could be chronically in my tissues and might take a while to eliminate. Then there is my high prolactin, maybe the drop in estrogen has lowered that. Looking forward to trying carbogoline.

must keep up with the big eating. Have been eating plenty but my focus has drifted somewhat.
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