Life Changes Thanks to Peat


Oct 3, 2014
If there is one thing I could say to Ray Peat if I ever met him, it would THANK YOU. As someone who feels like they have tried every WOE out there, I have never had results that made me so hopeful for the future. Peat has completely changed my approach to nutrition and life, and I am completely in his debt.

A little background...before Peat, I was following a PHD/5:2 style diet where I only drank black coffee until about 5 and then would have a meal. Before that, I was Paleo and had gained over 20 unwanted pounds on the diet. I lost weight on 5:2, but it made me obsessive and miserable. There were far too many days where all I would have was carrots, broth, and black coffee, and then I would go crazy on the weekends. It worked, but I was always tired, and it was extremely unsustainable. Once I stopped 5:2, I gained weight back and was unhappy about, but I knew that extreme calorie restriction would just lead to losing and then regaining all over again. I wanted to find something else.

I first heard about Peat on the MDA boards, and like most people I was extremely skeptical and even a little shocked when i heard what these "sugar freaks" ate. It took me long time, but slowly I started to read more about the Peat diet and it began to make more sense. I slooowly incorporated Peat elements into my diet-I stopped eating poultry or pork ( don't think I've eaten either of those in over a year now), nuts, and reduced foods with PUFAs, and started eating smoked oysters. Didn't touch much sugar or fruit, though. Finally, this summer I decided I didn't have anything left to lose and that I would go full Peat and see what happened.

I definitely gained a little weight initially, but I told myself to trust the process and I am so glad that I did. Over the past few months, everything has seemed to slowly be falling into place. I feel better than I have in YEARS, maybe even since I was a kid. I'm full of energy all the time and am never tired anymore. Mornings are a breeze-I wake up excited and ready for the day. It's wonderful.

I'm losing weight eating thousands of calories-I look better than I feel like I ever have. I lost and gained weight in all the right places, and effortlessly. I eat all day long and am hungrier than I have been in a longtime, which I take as a good sign that my metabolism is firing. I can almost feel it burning through food.

Digestion is awesome. Even when I eat non-Peat foods, I digest them quickly. But unlike previous WOEs, where I craved bad foods all day long and then would go crazy on them, I rarely want to eat junk food. I am just so satisfied by the carbs and would rather eat them, knowing I will wake up leaner. I eat Peat about 95% of the time, and allow myself junk food when I really want it and feel no guilt/stress about it, which is amazing for me. No cravings or bingey feelings, either, which in itself is enough to keep me on this diet.

On a typical day, I eat very very low starch and fat. Someone on the MDA board talked about their basic fat loss diet a while ago and that is what I generally follow. Mostly lots of liquids in the form of OJ&milk and coffee with lots of milk and honey until about 3 or 4 PM, after which I will have lots of fruit and dairy. Typical meals are grapes and lowfat cheese or dates and lowfat milk. Then every night before bed I have hot cocoa with coconut oil, lots of honey and maple sugar. Potatoes, eggs, seafood a couple times a week. I usually eat a pint of good quality ice cream once a week. Don't eat much meat at all-I was raised vegetarian, tried eating meat during my primal time but didn't like it and am back to mostly eggs and dairy. Best diet I have ever been on, hands down. People probably think I'm crazy as I dump honey in my coffee and chug OJ, but I feel so great. Funny how going against the norm can work better...

I'm 21 years old-so I figure my metabolism was not too damaged and I was able to turn things around fairly quickly. I don't take any medications, no thyroid supplement, etc., not even aspirin. No gelatin because I can only get powdered and I don't want the endotoxins. So, my results may not be typical. But-I think everyone can benefit from Ray Peat in some way. I just wanted to share my experience and my happiness. I've never been on a WOE that made me feel so great and also made me look great, effortlessly. Peat has been magical for me and I cannot express how glad I am that I stuck to my instincts when I was gaining weight and felt unsure of myself.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing, taylor108. :hattip


Feb 7, 2013
Great testimony. I'm very happy for you!
:carrot2 :carrot2 :carrot2


Sep 17, 2014
So happy for you and wishing the same for myself and everyone else who's struggling! I lost all hope but maybe things can turn around!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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