

Apr 25, 2015
i think it was a little over a week ago when things began to fall into place in my mind and things began to shift in a positive direction. I decided i was just going to hold to three focuses:

(with this focus point, i decided that consistency is something that the body prefers but it is something that the body has to work out completely on its own and you can't ever be in a rigid mindset - you have to go with the flow and be fluid and respond if your body sends you surprising or "inconsistent" cravings in a day)

2. PERCEPTIVE OF THE ABOVE IMPORTANT VARIABLES (not listing them out..for brevity)


With the above focuses, i was planning on taking mental notes throughout the day and being efficient with processing all the variables. i.e. "that was odd, could have been that, but i also did this, that, and also did that so that could explain that." And then sort of letting it all go to the wind or truly putting it on the back burner - not dwelling on problems. TRUSTing the body.

What i discovered in this process was the power of cravings. It was *really* eye-opening to begin to really think in my head what it was i was craving - and sometimes i wouldn't have an exact answer or it could be two things....and the more i listened to these cravings....even cravings like....hmm...a little salt sounds good right now....etc. really minute things. never getting into any specific protocol but underneath it all there is sort of a protocol that is unfolding - only it unfolds via the cravings your body is sending - everything from macronutrients to calories to minerals to water to sugar to this fiber to that fiber to that was too much sunlight or that liver tastes weird i'm done, etc. the protocol ends up unfolding and it's actually pretty consistent but occasionally wanders. And sometimes with these cravings, i would put two and two together and realize "WOW" that craving actually makes a lot of sense even though initially it seemed "unnecessary" in my mind. It was like my first true foray into the world of Clara Davis's baby study. I realized that while i may have had perception skills before, i was not really trusting my cravings.

THE POSITIVE: So much balance. I was coming from a place of extreme imbalance based on many variables and so much has gotten better this week - like stark contrast. I will say that probably the largest and most beneficial change has been getting out of rigid formats. It's more a path of dopamine. More fluid but not detached. Very proactive, but proactive in the sense of joyfulness. It also made me think of this post that Kasra made on peatarian a while back about "becoming the cell". I did not say it's been a "do whatever"....because I found that if i truly listened to my body it did not crave things that we would typically see as unhealthy or such. I am not eating pizza, pasta, ice cream, fried foods, etc. and i don't feel i'm being restrictive at all.

SPECIFIC DIETARY OBSERVATIONS: I am getting a half hour of sunlight a day. I am sweating a lot. I'm drinking apple juice (maybe 2 cups/day).... I'm eating a little less carbs and a little more protein. I am not even trying to do anything with fat at this point.....i don't intentionally put it in my diet, but i also don't intentionally restrict it. Salt! I am salting everything again like i used to - my body must lose salt easily or something as i seem to always crave it. I am eating more pork (whey-fed, small farm)....will not go into detail, but it feels like a miracle meat for my body. I eat pecans occasionally, too. The fiber content of my meals is lower now though i still consume starch and fruit a lot. I discovered that fiber levels play a lot in how i digest a meal. Too little and not well, too much and not well. I've noticed that sometimes my gut says that it doesn't want meat - that it wants something like eggs or yogurt - and other times it wants a lot of meat - like meat with every meal. I buy my fruit now every two days and make sure to get super ripe. My body will turn down even fruit that is only slightly unrripe now. I eat *more* liver now and *more* oysters and don't get lost in grams or cautions from Peat. The only things really surprising craving wise is that i find i don't crave milk like i used to and i don't crave cheese like i used to - it's very intermittent. It seems most appetizing after i've been in the sun. I am also surprised that my body is doing well with table sugar again and specifically craving it sometimes with meals in a way i can't really describe though i feel it must have something to do with the tone of the foods or pH or something. I'm sure i'm tapping into a lot of physiological processe but don't even know what they are...and don't need to. While i have pretty laid out meals, i find that i forage a bit more now and realize i wanted more or less of something - or something completely unexpected. And in the end, if i look back on what was's not chaotic or anxious.

HEALTH CHANGES SO FAR: My skin quality is much better. My bowel movements are still every day but are now more healthy. I no longer have the nagging edema or an uncomfortable feeling in my skin. I feel more invigorated at work.....i don't deal with that lazy feeling as much anymore - it's like i'm able to "tackle" projects much more easily now and stay very focused. My eyes are more clear and the dark circles are slowly going away. Still nose breathing. Body feels comfortably warm even to all extremities. I feel like testosterone must be increasing as well as pregnenolone as i remember this feeling from a year ago when i took pregnenolone. It's like a kind of exuberance. I run up the stairs to work now rather than drag my feet (and i have to run up stairs all day long). It's all also very realistic - as i get tired sometimes, too - and so i settle down.....i don't worry about it. My sleep is not that great (i always have this feeling in the morning like i need a half hour more of sleep) - but just keep plugging away. Sleep is usually one of the latter things to improve.

Sharing this for what it's worth. I've shared some of this thinking in the past, but now it is more fully fleshed out.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sounds like you're in a good place Nicholas. I'm happy for you.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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