Digestive Enzymes For 3 Days


Apr 25, 2015
I have been taking digestive enzymes (with HCL) and colloidal silver now for almost 3 days. Some very significant things have changed but it's hard to say exactly why or what mechanism. i did not suffer from any digestive pain or weirdness before (maybe bloating sometimes). I didn't have constipation, though felt like i should have more bowel movements than i did. I started taking both because of a persistent cough and because i began to develop rosacea symptoms and my face just felt itchy and inflamed all of a sudden (HCL is a common rosacea treatment). My skin was going downhill very fast once the cough started. i suspected perhaps low stomach acid and bacterial infection. Low stomach acid could be encouraging bacteria to thrive.

strange things i've noticed:

1. the inflammation in my skin went away after half a day....no more flushing or uncomfortable feeling/itchiness.
2. feeling of being serene and neither hyper nor hypo consistently the whole day
3. i can go longer between meals
4. sometimes i do almost feel like i'm in a meditative state....it's not brain fog nor is it fatigue - just the ability to be in deep stillness. this is a consistent quality i can tap into. my energy feels very clean and sustained like i'm Bulletproof (TM).
5. my voice is deeper
6. i don't crave cigarettes anymore really....ok, i do....but much less....and i crave them differently....there's not a mild anxiety feeling attached to the idea of smoking now.....it's like it's more casual now. like something from the cigarettes i no longer need....but something else in them that i do.
7. much less anxiety
8. can focus on difficult tasks for long periods of time (like 10hrs. today)
9. better sleep

all of these things have been very noticeable and most certainly relevant to the supplements. i was "hoping" it was a low stomach acid issue, but i'm not sure that's the case....as i do feel a very slight burning sensation at 300mg of HCL....and the low stomach acid tests say you don't have low stomach acid if you feel burning at 1GRAM of HCL. However, there are other ingredients: Pancreatin 5x (amylase, protease, lipase), Pepsin, Diastase, Papain, Ox Bile.

Has anyone else here taken digestive enzymes with HCL before? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to how these enzymes could have such a profound effect? Makes me wonder if my pancreas was struggling (i already take Taurine, which stimulates bile secretion). I doubt the colloidal silver is responsible for even 1/4 of the changes. especially because i feel some of the effects following the enzymes specifically. I was taking the colloidal silver as an antibiotic, but turns out the enzymes are a kind of antibiotic as well.

...it's confusing to me how some people recommend probiotics and some people recommend digestive enzymes - both to increase immune function.


Aug 6, 2015
I've never taken HCL but took some digestive enzymes before Peating and I didn't notice a lot of differences, just a lighter wallet. Lita Lee recommends enzymes but Peat said that it was useless... If you feel better with it, take it but I think that it would be better to understand why you had low enzymes in the first place and how to correct it. :hattip


Mar 29, 2014
Sounds like you are gettig some real benefits. I'd drop the silver and see if the improvements hold, seeing as it's a cummulative poison. My hunch is that that the HCL and digestive enzymes might sometimes be useful for a bit, even if Peat doesn't generally think they are necessary. I imagine that if they help break down your food into useful bits, you'll be getting more nourishment from your food, and teh microbiome will be lleft with less to multiply on.


Apr 25, 2015
Parsifal said:
post 113540 I've never taken HCL but took some digestive enzymes before Peating and I didn't notice a lot of differences, just a lighter wallet. Lita Lee recommends enzymes but Peat said that it was useless... If you feel better with it, take it but I think that it would be better to understand why you had low enzymes in the first place and how to correct it. :hattip

stress. i don't mean run of the mill stress....i've had overwhelming stress in my life over the past year that's really wrecked my health. i know that it's not really nutritional decisions....as i have had seasons where the stress was low and digestion was good. skin was good. at least peat thinks they're useless and not dangerous. : ) if it can halt this horrible inflammation i had then i'm happy to use it for a time, but i feel it would be irresponsible to use long term.
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Apr 25, 2015
tara said:
post 113551 Sounds like you are gettig some real benefits. I'd drop the silver and see if the improvements hold, seeing as it's a cummulative poison. My hunch is that that the HCL and digestive enzymes might sometimes be useful for a bit, even if Peat doesn't generally think they are necessary. I imagine that if they help break down your food into useful bits, you'll be getting more nourishment from your food, and teh microbiome will be lleft with less to multiply on.

thank you. nice to hear that our hunches are the same. i think that stress and some other factors cumulatively brought my digestive system to where it is now over the past month. somehow i got this bacterial thing and this rosacea thing and it's one route in lowering that burden. i ordered some hcl by itself to see if it has anything to do with stomach acid. stress, of course, has major effects on stomach acid secretions....and hopefully it's only temporary.
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Apr 25, 2015
BobbyDukez said:
post 114809 What is the brand of HCL/Digestive enzymes you're taking?

it's a cheap store brand. i am looking into maybe getting a better quality one as i rest up and heal from all the stress i've been under.
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Oct 5, 2014
Nicholas said:
post 114812
BobbyDukez said:
post 114809 What is the brand of HCL/Digestive enzymes you're taking?

it's a cheap store brand. i am looking into maybe getting a better quality one as i rest up and heal from all the stress i've been under.

Do you think using digestive enzymes can supress your body own ability to create them ?
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Apr 25, 2015
Makrosky said:
post 115212
Nicholas said:
post 114812
BobbyDukez said:
post 114809 What is the brand of HCL/Digestive enzymes you're taking?

it's a cheap store brand. i am looking into maybe getting a better quality one as i rest up and heal from all the stress i've been under.

Do you think using digestive enzymes can supress your body own ability to create them ?

yes, there's also no way to really properly supplement them as you have no idea what types of enzymes you need on a day to day basis with every unique meal. this is why i used them in an emergency. i used them very sparingly for about 2 weeks. When the positive effects were not as noticeable, i quit using them. i believe that they did help me to recover quicker. i can tell my stomach is secreting a good amount of stomach acid now and i am digesting foods better. i also left a high-stress job at the same time so this could have a lot to do with my recovery. i have been eating more greens than i usually did and i've noticed feeling better because of it. also chewing my food a lot more.

pancreatic function is definitely something to be aware of in the sterotypical peat diet. feeling the need to restrict muscle meats or protein in general (yes, i know Peat recommends 100-150g/day but a lot of people come from paleo developing a kind of meat trauma and then go heavy to the other extreme of excess carbs), overdo calcium, and overdo fructose are all three variables that can have very specific negative effects on the liver, pancreas, and kidneys for certain individuals.
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Oct 5, 2014
Nicholas said:
post 115512
Makrosky said:
post 115212
Nicholas said:
post 114812
BobbyDukez said:
post 114809 What is the brand of HCL/Digestive enzymes you're taking?

it's a cheap store brand. i am looking into maybe getting a better quality one as i rest up and heal from all the stress i've been under.

Do you think using digestive enzymes can supress your body own ability to create them ?

yes, there's also no way to really properly supplement them as you have no idea what types of enzymes you need on a day to day basis with every unique meal. this is why i used them in an emergency. i used them very sparingly for about 2 weeks. When the positive effects were not as noticeable, i quit using them. i believe that they did help me to recover quicker. i can tell my stomach is secreting a good amount of stomach acid now and i am digesting foods better. i also left a high-stress job at the same time so this could have a lot to do with my recovery. i have been eating more greens than i usually did and i've noticed feeling better because of it. also chewing my food a lot more.

pancreatic function is definitely something to be aware of in the sterotypical peat diet. feeling the need to restrict muscle meats or protein in general (yes, i know Peat recommends 100-150g/day but a lot of people come from paleo developing a kind of meat trauma and then go heavy to the other extreme of excess carbs), overdo calcium, and overdo fructose are all three variables that can have very specific negative effects on the liver, pancreas, and kidneys for certain individuals.

Regarding your last pragraph... I agree. People don't seem to understand the concept of "balance". All the way to one extreme, then back to the other, like a bouncing ball. Or demonizing certain things (you name it : starch, sugar, pufa, whatever). I think it's mostly because of hollywood movies : They insuflated in our brains the maniqueism of "good vs bad" instead of balance things with equanimity. I think also general society way of compulsively do things help to create this kind of unbalances.

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Mar 5, 2018
I have been taking digestive enzymes (with HCL) and colloidal silver now for almost 3 days. Some very significant things have changed but it's hard to say exactly why or what mechanism. i did not suffer from any digestive pain or weirdness before (maybe bloating sometimes). I didn't have constipation, though felt like i should have more bowel movements than i did. I started taking both because of a persistent cough and because i began to develop rosacea symptoms and my face just felt itchy and inflamed all of a sudden (HCL is a common rosacea treatment). My skin was going downhill very fast once the cough started. i suspected perhaps low stomach acid and bacterial infection. Low stomach acid could be encouraging bacteria to thrive.

strange things i've noticed:

1. the inflammation in my skin went away after half a day....no more flushing or uncomfortable feeling/itchiness.
2. feeling of being serene and neither hyper nor hypo consistently the whole day
3. i can go longer between meals
4. sometimes i do almost feel like i'm in a meditative state....it's not brain fog nor is it fatigue - just the ability to be in deep stillness. this is a consistent quality i can tap into. my energy feels very clean and sustained like i'm Bulletproof (TM).
5. my voice is deeper
6. i don't crave cigarettes anymore really....ok, i do....but much less....and i crave them differently....there's not a mild anxiety feeling attached to the idea of smoking now.....it's like it's more casual now. like something from the cigarettes i no longer need....but something else in them that i do.
7. much less anxiety
8. can focus on difficult tasks for long periods of time (like 10hrs. today)
9. better sleep

all of these things have been very noticeable and most certainly relevant to the supplements. i was "hoping" it was a low stomach acid issue, but i'm not sure that's the case....as i do feel a very slight burning sensation at 300mg of HCL....and the low stomach acid tests say you don't have low stomach acid if you feel burning at 1GRAM of HCL. However, there are other ingredients: Pancreatin 5x (amylase, protease, lipase), Pepsin, Diastase, Papain, Ox Bile.

Has anyone else here taken digestive enzymes with HCL before? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to how these enzymes could have such a profound effect? Makes me wonder if my pancreas was struggling (i already take Taurine, which stimulates bile secretion). I doubt the colloidal silver is responsible for even 1/4 of the changes. especially because i feel some of the effects following the enzymes specifically. I was taking the colloidal silver as an antibiotic, but turns out the enzymes are a kind of antibiotic as well.

...it's confusing to me how some people recommend probiotics and some people recommend digestive enzymes - both to increase immune function.
Nicholas, are you still taking HCL ?


Jun 20, 2021
I have been taking digestive enzymes (with HCL) and colloidal silver now for almost 3 days. Some very significant things have changed but it's hard to say exactly why or what mechanism. i did not suffer from any digestive pain or weirdness before (maybe bloating sometimes). I didn't have constipation, though felt like i should have more bowel movements than i did. I started taking both because of a persistent cough and because i began to develop rosacea symptoms and my face just felt itchy and inflamed all of a sudden (HCL is a common rosacea treatment). My skin was going downhill very fast once the cough started. i suspected perhaps low stomach acid and bacterial infection. Low stomach acid could be encouraging bacteria to thrive.

strange things i've noticed:

1. the inflammation in my skin went away after half a day....no more flushing or uncomfortable feeling/itchiness.
2. feeling of being serene and neither hyper nor hypo consistently the whole day
3. i can go longer between meals
4. sometimes i do almost feel like i'm in a meditative state....it's not brain fog nor is it fatigue - just the ability to be in deep stillness. this is a consistent quality i can tap into. my energy feels very clean and sustained like i'm Bulletproof (TM).
5. my voice is deeper
6. i don't crave cigarettes anymore really....ok, i do....but much less....and i crave them differently....there's not a mild anxiety feeling attached to the idea of smoking now.....it's like it's more casual now. like something from the cigarettes i no longer need....but something else in them that i do.
7. much less anxiety
8. can focus on difficult tasks for long periods of time (like 10hrs. today)
9. better sleep

all of these things have been very noticeable and most certainly relevant to the supplements. i was "hoping" it was a low stomach acid issue, but i'm not sure that's the case....as i do feel a very slight burning sensation at 300mg of HCL....and the low stomach acid tests say you don't have low stomach acid if you feel burning at 1GRAM of HCL. However, there are other ingredients: Pancreatin 5x (amylase, protease, lipase), Pepsin, Diastase, Papain, Ox Bile.

Has anyone else here taken digestive enzymes with HCL before? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to how these enzymes could have such a profound effect? Makes me wonder if my pancreas was struggling (i already take Taurine, which stimulates bile secretion). I doubt the colloidal silver is responsible for even 1/4 of the changes. especially because i feel some of the effects following the enzymes specifically. I was taking the colloidal silver as an antibiotic, but turns out the enzymes are a kind of antibiotic as well.

...it's confusing to me how some people recommend probiotics and some people recommend digestive enzymes - both to increase immune function.
I take sporadically(only when I happen to eat outside- very rarely) Full spectrum enzymes from dr. Mercola, no HCL.
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