Only eat what you crave, lose weight and gain health, with caveats.


Jan 9, 2019
This principle applies to me involuntarily and because I try to be very in tune with my body, it's more of an instinct than an actual decision.
When I try to calorically restrict my body determines what calories are sufficient and it will drive me next to insane to ignore it.
Same with food cravings that I try to ignore or replace.
I think this subconscious manipulation is a failsafe mechanism for our heady nature as humans.

My method (for a majority of the diet) goes as such;
I follow Peat principles as much as feels good, for example vegetable oils never feel, smell or look good to me, so that principle matches my instincts. Some others are up for interpretation.

Second, I try my best to keep foods minimally/ naturally and traditionally processed. Mass produced packaged foods are usually out unless the ingredients are super clean. Foods are sourced as clean as possible, organic, grass fed, wild caught etc

I almost never eat out, instead I try and determine what it is about the craving I'm missing. French fries or fried chicken for example is usually a craving of protein, salt and crunch which (for me) usually happens at times of fatigue. So I either try to make it myself or find an equivalent food. This method helps me save money, use better ingredients, feel much better and avoid a possible addiction to the vice food and convenience.

As far as macros, I have a general idea of what I want more or less that day, it's usually more carbs, some protein and some fat. The rest I let my body determine and some days I eat a whole stick of butter and other days I crave almost no fat. There is so much complexity to what our body craves and the influence of every aspect of our life (and the environment) that giving into its wisdom almost never fails me.

Some reasons for failure/ obstacles;
This rather simple diet does take more effort than just giving in to cravings and eating whatever.

Effort. One will likely have to cook quite often. Try not to be ravenous to the point where you have no patience to cook and as a result eat whatever is around.

Uneducated palate. Experiment with what the body is actually craving, this could be testing tastes, taking a moment to interpret the signals the body is sending and recognizing your state for the day.

Unable to fulfill a craving. Ask yourself am I actually hungry? Is there a flavor profile/ food I'm not aware of? Should I try ethnic cuisine of "unusual" combination? Am I eating enough? Is the food too complex? Is the food too simple? Lastly consider getting bloodwork done if the craving is insatiable.

Low quality food. Lets say you really want pineapple, but the pineapples available to you are unripe, GMO or whatever, that may be a case where you try and determine what other higher quality food can replace the craving, considering both taste, nutrients and feel.

What I'm not saying;
Eat whatever you want.
Pay no mind to dietary philosophy.
Eat to your detriment.
Ignore symptoms of intolerance.
Don't try elimination diets.
Do exactly as I do.

Some thoughts that go along with this diet:
Kits like this (BodyBio Liquid Minerals Deficiency Test) exist, which rely on taste to determine mineral requirement. Could be a good tool for getting more specific.

Focusing on good tasting, very fresh food is key, even if that may mean non-organic produce depending on how accessible things are to you. The taste and smell usually indicate the nutrient profile of the food, and subsequently its ability to satiate. The more time the food spends in the grocery store, the more nutrients it will lose, frozen may be a better option for some things.
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Sep 22, 2012
This principle applies to me involuntarily and because I try to be very in tune with my body, it's more of an instinct than an actual decision.
When I try to calorically restrict my body determines what calories are sufficient and it will drive me next to insane to ignore it.
Same with food cravings that I try to ignore or replace.
I think this subconscious manipulation is a failsafe mechanism for our heady nature as humans.

My method (for a majority of the diet) goes as such;
I follow Peat principles as much as feels good, for example vegetable oils never feel, smell or look good to me, so that principle matches my instincts. Some others are up for interpretation.

Second, I try my best to keep foods minimally/ naturally and traditionally processed. Mass produced packaged foods are usually out unless the ingredients are super clean. Foods are sourced as clean as possible, organic, grass fed, wild caught etc

I almost never eat out, instead I try and determine what it is about the craving I'm missing. French fries or fried chicken for example is usually a craving of protein, salt and crunch which (for me) usually happens at times of fatigue. So I either try to make it myself or find an equivalent food. This method helps me save money, use better ingredients, feel much better and avoid a possible addiction to the vice food and convenience.

As far as macros, I have a general idea of what I want more or less that day, it's usually more carbs, some protein and some fat. The rest I let my body determine and some days I eat a whole stick of butter and other days I crave almost no fat. There is so much complexity to what our body craves and the influence of every aspect of our life (and the environment) that giving into its wisdom almost never fails me.

Some reasons for failure/ obstacles;
This rather simple diet does take more effort than just giving in to cravings and eating whatever.

Effort. One will likely have to cook quite often. Try not to be ravenous to the point where you have no patience to cook and as a result eat whatever is around.

Uneducated palate. Experiment with what the body is actually craving, this could be testing tastes, taking a moment to interpret the signals the body is sending and recognizing your state for the day.

Unable to fulfill a craving. Ask yourself am I actually hungry? Is there a flavor profile/ food I'm not aware of? Should I try ethnic cuisine of "unusual" combination? Am I eating enough? Is the food too complex? Is the food too simple? Lastly consider getting bloodwork done if the craving is insatiable.

Low quality food. Lets say you really want pineapple, but the pineapples available to you are unripe, GMO or whatever, that may be a case where you try and determine what other higher quality food can replace the craving, considering both taste, nutrients and feel.

What I'm not saying;
Eat whatever you want.
Pay no mind to dietary philosophy.
Eat to your detriment.
Ignore symptoms of intolerance.
Don't try elimination diets.
Do exactly as I do.

Some thoughts that go along with this diet:
Kits like this (BodyBio Liquid Minerals Deficiency Test) exist, which rely on taste to determine mineral requirement. Could be a good tool for getting more specific.

Focusing on good tasting, very fresh food is key, even if that may mean non-organic produce depending on how accessible things are to you. The taste and smell usually indicate the nutrient profile of the food, and subsequently its ability to satiate. The more time the food spends in the grocery store, the more nutrients it will lose, frozen may be a better option for some things.
This is very much how I eat too. Some days I will eat a heap of mango, other days I want loads of meat or weirdly, I crave liver, but I don't actually love the taste, but I eat it when I crave it. I used to be much more of a believer in the importance of routine especially as an athlete, trying to theoretically match calories and macros to workload. But there is so much more going on. When you think about it too, humans would not always have had the same selection of foods day in day out, year round.


May 28, 2022
What about mind controlling toxoplasmosis? J/k

But in all seriousness, I did read certain parasites can influence our cravings. Maybe because they consume a certain element before it gets to be used by the body? Thus creating a continuous craving

Also, why do I crave chocolate so much?and ice-cream. I'm in a no dairy diet though


Jan 9, 2019
This is very much how I eat too. Some days I will eat a heap of mango, other days I want loads of meat or weirdly, I crave liver, but I don't actually love the taste, but I eat it when I crave it. I used to be much more of a believer in the importance of routine especially as an athlete, trying to theoretically match calories and macros to workload. But there is so much more going on. When you think about it too, humans would not always have had the same selection of foods day in day out, year round.
I think thinking too much about what ones eats confuses instinct and becomes a mind game, but trying to use your mind to eat is like trying to set the cadence for your breathing.


Jan 9, 2019
What about mind controlling toxoplasmosis? J/k

But in all seriousness, I did read certain parasites can influence our cravings. Maybe because they consume a certain element before it gets to be used by the body? Thus creating a continuous craving

Also, why do I crave chocolate so much?and ice-cream. I'm in a no dairy diet though
I think that’s possible, I’ve read a few parasite/ worm books describing this, I think it’s import to distinguish the organism because some of these people can live with, some are transient and some, true parasites, need immediate medical attention.

I think the terrain always matters and that if one craves a nutrient rich food they should eat it as the parasite is likely transient and will get its fill and move on.

I have many doubts of these theories however and think they need a fresh new lens. Many times people have demonized things that they understand very little about and cause harm to a delicate balance, and symbiosis. More of my thoughts on this on page two of this thread Kill Toxoplasmosis for good

I think I listed the reasons people may have cravings in my OP, it’ll be up to the person to understand why they may crave something.
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Dec 4, 2021
Also, why do I crave chocolate so much?and ice-cream. I'm in a no dairy diet though
Chocolate is loaded with copper.


May 28, 2022
Chocolate is loaded with copper.
I did a trial with solgar’s copper glycinate. 1 tablet made me trow up minutes after. But taking a fourth of a tablet twice a day (about 0.7 mg x2) gave me massive amounts of both mental and physical energy. I’m borderline CFS so this was massive for me. However, further researching revealed that copper 2 is dangerous so i stopped. I did a trial of Mitosynergy copper 1 but didnt felt much of anything. Eventually the pills turned blue so i can no longer try them.

My wife on the other hand (crps, lyme, bartonella, me/cfs(?)) feels terrible with any form of copper. It really flares up her pain levels
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May 28, 2022
I think that’s possible, I’ve read a few parasite/ worm books describing this, I think it’s import to distinguish the organism because some of these people can live with, some are transient and some, true parasites, need immediate medical attention.

I think the terrain always matters and that if one craves a nutrient rich food they should eat it as the parasite is likely transient and will get its fill and move on.

I have many doubts of these theories however and think they need a fresh new lens. Many times people have demonized things that they understand very little about and cause harm to a delicate balance, and symbiosis. More of my thoughts on this on page two of this thread Kill Toxoplasmosis for good

I think I listed the reasons people may have cravings in my OP, it’ll be up to the person to understand why they may crave something.
Now that you mention that, i do recall having read that the parasite will get what it wants, whether he gets it from your diet, or from your body. Lyme makes your immune system destroy your tissues so it can eat your collagen, for example


Jan 6, 2019
100% agree. Appropriate food also does not merely make you crave it in your mind, it makes you yearn for it in your stomach. Eating it will cause a nourishing feeling of wellbeing in the core of your being. I recently had this experience from eating a bunch of cooked vegetables. They made me feel so good and I yearned for them so much that for a while I was eating almost nothing else. I stopped only because the diet was triggering a gigantic elimination reaction (but that's another story). I still crave them. Raw beef is another such food towards which an endless amount of craving seems to exist. Another example: my HTMA results suggested that I have been eating too many carbs. I realized that for a while now I've been craving fats much more than carbs. I've only been eating carbs in fear of anxiety-inducing blood sugar crashes, as well as due to the dogmatic apprehension towards insufficient carb intake. So my diet had been guided by fear more than bodily intuition! No wonder my health was not improving for a while.


Dec 4, 2021
I did a trial with solgar’s copper glycinate. 1 tablet made me trow up minutes after. But taking a fourth of a tablet twice a day (about 0.7 mg x2) gave me massive amounts of both mental and physical energy. I’m borderline CFS so this was massive for me. However, further researching revealed that copper 2 is dangerous so i stopped. I did a trial of Mitosynergy copper 1 but didnt felt much of anything. Eventually the pills turned blue so i can no longer try them.

My wife on the other hand (crps, lyme, bartonella, me/cfs(?)) feels terrible with any form of copper. It really flares up her pain levels
Remember there are cofactors needed to use copper we'll, like magnesium.

But you could just focus on copper from food sources, nature typically puts everything together as it should be.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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