What Is Everyone Doing For Minerals?


Sep 30, 2016
I know oysters and I use topical mag, but I'm still slacking on the remaining minerals. What do you guys take? I was thinking about this before bed seems to be the best quality (ZMA) I could find. I used to use ZMA, but I don't like the aspartate form.

This products seems to have a decent profile with good mineral forms.

Millennium Sport ZMK at Bodybuilding.com


Apr 30, 2015
I use zinc before bed and egg shell calcium and selenium in the morning. Oysters obviously. I think I do about 12 a week. I have never reacted well to mag so I don't take it other then in coffee and chocolate. I think I am pretty covered, but how would I know if I needed more in a reliable way? Hair testing maybe?


Dec 10, 2016
I think I am pretty covered, but how would I know if I needed more in a reliable way? Hair testing maybe?
I read the best test for magnesium is an EXA test Magnesium Test: Intracellular Analysis for Heart Disease, A Fib, Arrhythmia, Stroke: EXA Test because it measures intracellular magnesium which is what really matters. Next best is a magnesium white blood cell or magnesium red blood cell test.

Here is a good (fully referenced) write up describing the different tests Magnesium: Most Overlooked Mineral for Improving Health - Part 1


Sep 30, 2016
I use zinc before bed and egg shell calcium and selenium in the morning. Oysters obviously. I think I do about 12 a week. I have never reacted well to mag so I don't take it other then in coffee and chocolate. I think I am pretty covered, but how would I know if I needed more in a reliable way? Hair testing maybe?

What type of zinc do you use? picolinate? Yeah possibly. When I first tried magnesium I got a huge response, then as my cells and deficiency started to come back the effect is less noticeable. I think mag deficiency is way more common than zinc.


Apr 30, 2015
What type of zinc do you use? picolinate? Yeah possibly. When I first tried magnesium I got a huge response, then as my cells and deficiency started to come back the effect is less noticeable. I think mag deficiency is way more common than zinc.

I am using Zinc Lactate-Gluconate. I have wondered a bit about that Lactate, but it is such a small amount I cannot imagine it causing many problems but I am not sure. I have just never had good times with Magnesium, I think it depletes my sodium too much or something; can't sleep, can't relax on it. What makes you think you need more minerals?
Nov 21, 2015
i do a little minerals but mostly eggshell calcium and some magnesium glycinate now and then. I feel that one thing causes an imbalance of another so I think it's prudent to be really careful.


May 28, 2016
I think the best minerals come in through oysters, liver and greens/nettle/root broth


Sep 30, 2016
I am using Zinc Lactate-Gluconate. I have wondered a bit about that Lactate, but it is such a small amount I cannot imagine it causing many problems but I am not sure. I have just never had good times with Magnesium, I think it depletes my sodium too much or something; can't sleep, can't relax on it. What makes you think you need more minerals?

I never tried that versiob. I guess your right it's hard to officially pinpoint deficiency. I think mainly zinc though, because I notice a big difference from taking 15mg of picolinate. I workout 5-6 times a week too. Yeah, I do notice after a mag chloride bath my water retention drops significantly, sometimes I feel worse if I don't have a meal around the time I do it too, probably from lack of sodium?


Sep 30, 2016
i do a little minerals but mostly eggshell calcium and some magnesium glycinate now and then. I feel that one thing causes an imbalance of another so I think it's prudent to be really careful.

Yeah..good point. Oysters are my go to once a week usually a dozen or so fresh, I haven't dived into doing eggshells yet, I'm lazy lol.


Apr 4, 2016
I just took an Epsom salt and Coffee bath! Really rejuvenating!


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
As Peat warns many commercial supps are tainted with allergens as a result of the manufacturing process. I actually think this si still the case even with the more reputable extra pure brands. Best to get all of your nutrients and minerals from diet. I feel good when I eat half a can of oysters with parmesan cheese and nuka-cola, or 4oz liver with barbeque sauce. Also shrimp and halibut are good.


May 21, 2015
Nice find, thanks. Reminds me of going back on the daily low-dose Niacinamide I used to take as opposed to high dose once a month, and I do strongly believe in net benefits of chromium sufficiency despite its classification as a metalloestrogen. Imo nothing else explains Peat's dad reversal of diabetes with an exclusive diet of brewer's yeast which is one of the most important sources of Chromium. If it was from the B vitamins we surely should expect as dramatic results from many other substances.


May 30, 2017
As Peat warns many commercial supps are tainted with allergens as a result of the manufacturing process.

I've heard Peat say this many times, but I always wonder if he's aware of the many new online vendors that have emerged in recent times that seem to offer purer products as compared to days of old when you could only get stuff in stores that usually had a ton of crap in them. Ray doesn't strike me as searching online very often so I wonder if he's aware of this.

Edit: Rereading your comment it seems it is not a matter of excipients added to the products but the manufacturing process itself? Does this mean dirty facilities or just letting things get inside what should be otherwise pure products?


May 21, 2015
I've heard Peat say this many times, but I always wonder if he's aware of the many new online vendors that have emerged in recent times that seem to offer purer products as compared to days of old when you could only get stuff in stores that usually had a ton of crap in them. Ray doesn't strike me as searching online very often so I wonder if he's aware of this.

Edit: Rereading your comment it seems it is not a matter of excipients added to the products but the manufacturing process itself? Does this mean dirty facilities or just letting things get inside what should be otherwise pure products?

The food he mentions probably contributes to a greater accumulation of contaminants than what a few capsules a day could do. Seafood is usually high in metalloestrogens/heavy metals and nowadays, likely to be high in microplastics and other endocrine disruptors. HFCS has been often found to be high in Mercury and cane sugar isn't much better in terms of purity. Organs like liver and kidneys are where metalloestrogens concentrate the most in meat. As such a lactovegetarian diet found a 40% decrease in Lead concentrations in humans, compared to an omnivorous diet. I'm almost certain that most Vit A supps are purer than eating liver. I don't understand the rationality that food should be cleaner/safer sources, any food is just as likely to be contaminated and they are taken in much greater quantity than supps which could reflect a greater potential for amount of contaminants. And I personally never had a bad reaction with a supp that could be explained by contaminants. Only stuff like taking too much Mag Citrate at once since citric acid is harsh on the gut; a similar effect I got with lemon water. That said, I do avoid Vit C supps because of Peat's comment, though I'm also not interested in high doses since it potentiates Nitric Oxide release. Certain substances/supps can also mitigate this by optimizing our ways of detoxification, and I've found from experience that a lot of substances give just as much benefits when taken once a week or so compared to daily; I don't think the RDA is an objective truth.
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May 30, 2017
The food he mentions probably contributes to a greater accumulation of contaminants than what a few capsules a day could do. Seafood is usually high in metalloestrogens/heavy metals and nowadays, likely to be high in microplastics and other endocrine disruptors. HFCS has been often found to be high in Mercury and cane sugar isn't much better in terms of purity. Organs like liver and kidneys are where metalloestrogens concentrate the most in meat. As such a lactovegetarian diet found a 40% decrease in Lead concentrations in humans, compared to an omnivorous diet. I'm almost certain that most Vit A supps are purer than eating liver. I don't understand the rationality that food should be cleaner/safer sources, any food is just as likely to be contaminated and they are taken in much greater quantity than supps which could reflect a greater potential for amount of contaminants. And I personally never had a bad reaction with a supp that could be explained by contaminants. Only stuff like taking too much Mag Citrate at once since citric acid is harsh on the gut; a similar effect I got with lemon water. That said, I do avoid Vit C supps because of Peat's comment, though I'm also not interested in high doses since it potentiates Nitric Oxide release. Certain substances/supps can also mitigate this by optimizing our ways of detoxification, and I've found from experience that a lot of substances give just as much benefits when taken once a week or so compared to daily; I don't think the RDA is an objective truth.

Good points. I think Ray has said actual foods always comes with many other beneficial things and supplements its easier to throw yourself out of balance, but as far as contaminants go it seems hard to argue with what your saying.


Aug 28, 2012
The food he mentions probably contributes to a greater accumulation of contaminants than what a few capsules a day could do. Seafood is usually high in metalloestrogens/heavy metals and nowadays, likely to be high in microplastics and other endocrine disruptors. HFCS has been often found to be high in Mercury and cane sugar isn't much better in terms of purity. Organs like liver and kidneys are where metalloestrogens concentrate the most in meat. As such a lactovegetarian diet found a 40% decrease in Lead concentrations in humans, compared to an omnivorous diet. I'm almost certain that most Vit A supps are purer than eating liver. I don't understand the rationality that food should be cleaner/safer sources, any food is just as likely to be contaminated and they are taken in much greater quantity than supps which could reflect a greater potential for amount of contaminants. And I personally never had a bad reaction with a supp that could be explained by contaminants. Only stuff like taking too much Mag Citrate at once since citric acid is harsh on the gut; a similar effect I got with lemon water. That said, I do avoid Vit C supps because of Peat's comment, though I'm also not interested in high doses since it potentiates Nitric Oxide release. Certain substances/supps can also mitigate this by optimizing our ways of detoxification, and I've found from experience that a lot of substances give just as much benefits when taken once a week or so compared to daily; I don't think the RDA is an objective truth.

Exactly what I was thinking as I started to read through this thread!


May 21, 2015
@cyclops But those "beneficial things" are the concentrated substances found in supps. Unless it is implied that if you take supps, you're also undereating carbs and sat fat. And they can also come with much detrimental things, very few unique components of food are strictly beneficial which is why I would rather often eat their refined versions or limit my consumption. Oysters may be high in Zinc but they are also likely to be high in Cadmium which is a metalloestrogen that blocks Zinc receptors by occupying them. So who knows what's the net effect of eating them. If I go by Jack Kruse, I think he looks unhealthy from his seafood diet. Another example, Zinc is androgenic but pumpkin seeds have an anti-androgenic property yet they are recommended as a source of Zinc. Would the net effect be an anti-androgenic one?

Your point about "throwing yourself out of balance" mainly concerns the B Vitamins and some competing minerals. Of course you have to be wise when using supps just as you have to be when choosing foods; and the same can happen with foods that are biaised in one substance or another.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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