What Are Eggs Doing In A Peat Diet?


Jul 3, 2015
A good point? I would say a psychiatric worth-of-analysis point. Variety is a value in a healthy diet, as well as enjoying food; where comes that paranoia from? mixing up things about every bit of concern on every food, looking for restricting more and more just because OBSESSION? First you remove a nutritious source like eggs because some tiny of "maleficent" pufa, then trying to fully saturate coconut oil because it has traces of pufa (this is a good one)... what crazy thing will be next? is it so hard to understand that passing some level the problem is not within the diet?

"I wonder why Peat eats eggs".
Because not even Peat is driven by this level of paranoia, he's not that a diet freak.. he enjoy eggs, then he eats them. Period.

This is not about pufa, is not about diet, and definitely is not about health.
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Jun 19, 2016

How is cheese/milk methionine and tryptophan content compared to meat and eggs? I havent eaten meat for about 2 weeks now and i really dont miss it... Cheese is so much more easy to eat and tastes alot better, i still dont tolerate it perfectly but im hoping i will after eating it for few months.. after 1 year of eating low carb paleo meat and broccoli and spinach at every meal i hate the taste of meat it makes depressed even thinking about it...


Sep 15, 2016
A little off-topic I was living in a very poor part of Honduras for a summer and was surprised to see that the village chickens were following the homeless dogs around like a mother hen. It didn't take long to realize that they were getting in line for their next nutritious meal of dog poop. Not sure about the pufa content of those eggs but they tasted ok to me.


Nov 19, 2013
A good point? I would say a psychiatric worth-of-analysis point. Variety is a value in a healthy diet, as well as enjoying food; where comes that paranoia from? mixing up things about every bit of concern on every food, looking for restricting more and more just because OBSESSION? First you remove a nutritious source like eggs because some tiny of "maleficent" pufa, then trying to fully saturate coconut oil because it has traces of pufa (this is a good one)... what crazy thing will be next? is it so hard to understand that passing some level the problem is not within the diet?

"I wonder why Peat eats eggs".
Because not even Peat is driven by this level of paranoia, he's not that a diet freak.. he enjoy eggs, then he eats them. Period.

Peat is not eating eggs (or anything else for that matter) just because he "enjoys them." You best believe there is a good reason for it. Peat's a genius scientist who doesn't stick anything in his juicehole until he studies it and finds it beneficent.

It's fine and dandy that YOU think variety is important in diet. Peat, in reality, has quite the limited diet. We all know Peat avoids many higher PUFA items commonly touted as healthy, such as salmon, avocados, and nuts (he'd avoid you). This gentleman was simply asking about eggs.
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Aug 17, 2016
A little off-topic I was living in a very poor part of Honduras for a summer and was surprised to see that the village chickens were following the homeless dogs around like a mother hen. It didn't take long to realize that they were getting in line for their next nutritious meal of dog poop. Not sure about the pufa content of those eggs but they tasted ok to me.
When I was in Honduras (Guanaja), the eggs were always from iguanas. It made me so squeamish.


Sep 15, 2016
When I was in Honduras (Guanaja), the eggs were always from iguanas. It made me so squeamish.
I know, pregnant iguanas with eggs in tact were big on the menu as well. :hungry::forkknife:


Jul 29, 2014
A little off-topic I was living in a very poor part of Honduras for a summer and was surprised to see that the village chickens were following the homeless dogs around like a mother hen. It didn't take long to realize that they were getting in line for their next nutritious meal of dog poop. Not sure about the pufa content of those eggs but they tasted ok to me.

Haha, funny chickens. Looking at the animal world, birds tend to follow bigger animals around, like ruminant animals. I used to read farming books and some people recommended, when grazing cattle for example, to follow the cattle a few days later with chickens or some other fowl. Bugs will apparently use the cattle pies as food and when the chickens come in a few days after the cows have left that section, they will spread the poop out in search of bugs, fertilizing the paddock. I love this sort of thing! There are better ways to farm than just having a giant building of 1 animal or a giant field of just 1 crop.



Jan 6, 2017
What I don't understand is Peat eating eggs yet choosing hydrogenated coconut oil for less PUFA.


Sep 15, 2016
Haha, funny chickens. Looking at the animal world, birds tend to follow bigger animals around, like ruminant animals. I used to read farming books and some people recommended, when grazing cattle for example, to follow the cattle a few days later with chickens or some other fowl. Bugs will apparently use the cattle pies as food and when the chickens come in a few days after the cows have left that section, they will spread the poop out in search of bugs, fertilizing the paddock. I love this sort of thing! There are better ways to farm than just having a giant building of 1 animal or a giant field of just 1 crop.
Totally agree. The cycle/interdependence of life is amazing. Are you living on a farm? I'm jealous.


Jun 18, 2015
The World Egg
In the beginning this world was nonexistent. It became existent. It developed. It turned into an Egg.
It lay for the period of a year. It split apart. One of the parts became
silver, one gold.
That which was silver is this earth. That which was gold is the sky. That which was
the outer membrane is the mountains. That which was the inner membrane is clouds
and mist. What were the veins are the rivers. What was the fluid within is the ocean.
What was born from the egg is the sun. When it was born, shouts and hurrahs and
all beings and all desires rose up toward it. Therefore at its rise and at its every
return, shouts and hurrahs and all beings and all desires rise up toward it.
—Chandogya Upanishad, ca. 800 BCE. :)


Jun 18, 2015
The World Egg
In the beginning this world was nonexistent. It became existent. It developed. It turned into an Egg.
It lay for the period of a year. It split apart. One of the parts became
silver, one gold.
That which was silver is this earth. That which was gold is the sky. That which was
the outer membrane is the mountains. That which was the inner membrane is clouds
and mist. What were the veins are the rivers. What was the fluid within is the ocean.
What was born from the egg is the sun. When it was born, shouts and hurrahs and
all beings and all desires rose up toward it. Therefore at its rise and at its every
return, shouts and hurrahs and all beings and all desires rise up toward it.
—Chandogya Upanishad, ca. 800 BCE. :)
Also in Egg I found another meaning or message. Shell rich in calcium and Egg white symbolises milk and Egg yolk symbolises fruits of the Sun's rays and both are designed to be A food and Egg itself. Shape of it symbolises potential new life or regeneration of an organism. Also it teaches us to use Implosion(creating) aproach..Not explosion (destruction) because Egg is A symbol of creation or Implosion and everything derives from Egg Shape. Our heads in which are evolution potential are Egg shaped.
According to ancient knowledge, the economy of any people or nation who
make use of technoacademic explosion and centrifugal treacherous form of mass-motion will collapse, because it
confers spiritual and physical ponderousness..
In order to comprehend the full ramifications of the unnatural motion
introduced by mechanically minded science, the term 'motion' or 'movement'
must likewise be defined in terms of its natural manifestation. According to
an old saying, 'The wrong motive impulse can turn the whole world upside down'.
In an intermixture of bipolar elements, every motion triggers reactive effects
of an atomic and imperceptible nature. Whether supplementary energies
evolve from sediment, minerals or metallic trace elements, or from the earthly
remains of earlier life-forms, depends on the shape of the apparatus in
which these substances are moved and the alloys used in its fabrication.
As reactive components of pressure and traction (suction) these forces control
the metaphysical, metamorphic currents {panta rhei) already known to antiquity.
Every force, whether it stimulates or suppresses the life in any
form of growth or more highly evolved life-form, unfolds itself and springs
forth from the ur-form of life, the egg. As a rule, seeds and cell structures have
an egg-shaped appearance. It is the type of excitation or motion that determines
whether a highly potent new form of life or a rotten egg eventually develops.
Temperature also plays a role here, often involving differences of a mere 0.1°C
(0.18°F), or in the case of a chicken's egg, in the order of 0.2°C (0.36°F). All
excessive warming or cooling of the blood or sap makes it impossible for life
to renew itself in a younger, but evolutionally older entity. Many should recognize that Ray see himself as A painter .....not As a technoacademic robot who destroys every single things he touch.


Jan 6, 2015
Eggs are a superfood. Everybody should be eating eggs barring some crazy allergy to them.

In what sense? They look quite ordinary on crononeter. You have to eat a lot of them if you want them to start rivalling milk. And even then, milk will beat it hands down in the minerals section (so milk is way, way, way more pro-thyroid).

The only thing egg has, is a lot of choline. That has useful benefits for liver detoxification, but you can also get choline from liver and other sources. And even then, I guess you don't want too much of it (as it is a precursor to acetylcholine).

Other than choline, what is so great about the egg?

I think it's a fair question.

The cholesterol that people shout about as being a positive thing can be achieved more efficaciously through simply drinking a quart of OJ, according to Peat.

IMO, Peat probably has the odd egg. Just like he (probably) occasionally eats some bacon fried in coconut oil. He probably does many things occasionally. I doubt whether the egg is a staple in his diet, but that's just me guessing. I no nothing about what Ray does each day (I don't spy on you, Ray).


Nov 19, 2013
IMO, Peat probably has the odd egg. Just like he (probably) occasionally eats some bacon fried in coconut oil. He probably does many things occasionally. I doubt whether the egg is a staple in his diet, but that's just me guessing. I no nothing about what Ray does each day (I don't spy on you, Ray).

I'm gathering from the following that Ray Peat plans on eating at least a couple eggs every day:

"I would love to hear everything Ray Peat consumes for one week. Including all food and supplements. 10 days would be even better."

Ray Peat - "The details vary slightly according to what's available. Daily, milk, fruit (mainly orange juice), eggs, butter, cheese, and coffee. As available, liver, shrimp, squid, oysters, cod, sole, ox-tail soup, chicharrones (puffed pork rind), sapotas, pawpaws, cherimoyas, guanabanas, guavas, carrots, bamboo shoots, small turnips, corundas. "


Sep 15, 2016
I'm gathering from the following that Ray Peat plans on eating at least a couple eggs every day:

"I would love to hear everything Ray Peat consumes for one week. Including all food and supplements. 10 days would be even better."

Ray Peat - "The details vary slightly according to what's available. Daily, milk, fruit (mainly orange juice), eggs, butter, cheese, and coffee. As available, liver, shrimp, squid, oysters, cod, sole, ox-tail soup, chicharrones (puffed pork rind), sapotas, pawpaws, cherimoyas, guanabanas, guavas, carrots, bamboo shoots, small turnips, corundas. "
This has probably been mentioned already but if Ray is spending most of his time in Mexico then he said he is eating free range chicken eggs. Those are very different than the PUFA laden stuff we get even if labeled as free range. I think he only eats one or two a week if not free range.


Nov 19, 2013
This has probably been mentioned already but if Ray is spending most of his time in Mexico then he said he is eating free range chicken eggs. Those are very different than the PUFA laden stuff we get even if labeled as free range. I think he only eats one or two a week if nt free range.

I'm fortunate to have a Whole Foods near me where I can purchase several types of Pasture-Raised Eggs. They are quite expensive, but I'm assuming these are the best eggs.


Sep 15, 2016
I'm fortunate to have a Whole Foods near me where I can purchase several types of Pasture-Raised Eggs. They are quite expensive, but I'm assuming these are the best eggs.
Pasture raised is probably the best you can get barring raising your own or going to a family farm. But it still seems they have to feed the chickens supplemental corn meaning you will still get some PUFA in your eggs just not as much. Amethyst had a chicken egg score card that rated various farms
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Jul 29, 2014
IMO, Peat probably has the odd egg. Just like he (probably) occasionally eats some bacon fried in coconut oil. He probably does many things occasionally. I doubt whether the egg is a staple in his diet, but that's just me guessing. I no nothing about what Ray does each day (I don't spy on you, Ray).

He said recently he has 1 large egg everyday.

What I don't understand is Peat eating eggs yet choosing hydrogenated coconut oil for less PUFA.

Switching to hydrogenated is simple. You just buy HCO over regular and it takes zero effort. They taste the same too (like nothing lol). If he could make the switch from a regular egg to a low PUFA egg I'm sure he would (unless he already has).
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