Performance Vs Health In Diet


New Member
Nov 13, 2020
Hi guys,

I wanted to have advice, because lately I'm testing a lot of new things in my diet and honestly, with so many variables and possible triggers I don't know what to do anymore.

I can tell to you a little bit about my evolution and how I got interested in Peat's approach to nutrition.

-So, all my life I've been extremely sedentary. I didn't care at all about nutrition and fittness, eating sometimes whatever I found and spending all time playing videogames etc...I've always been slim; even in this state, due to being ectomorph, although I was clearly skinny fat and with signs of being insuline resistant.

-This all changed when I got my first job. I had independency and decided to change my lifestyle and start doing exercise etc...

At first I followed typical advice, cutting out all fats, high consume of starch and moderate of protein, without caring too much about micronutrients. One thing that people here in Spain think that is capital is to eat a lot of times in the day, so I was eating as much as I could every time of the day, and training as hard in the gym as I could. Obviously I gained a lot of weight with this approach and decided to cut a lot of processed stuff and most starches (Going for low glycemic)

This was one of the better things that had an impact in my health. Basically I was following an almost Peat diet without knowing it, having lots of fruit, discarding all kind of PUFA's and eating lots of protein to keep me saciated. Even though I was having a lot of low glycemic starches in the middle of the day (Anti-Peat), I was usually leaving the protein and high glycemic stuff for later in the day, when I was training at the fullest.

I gained a lot of strength and lost a lot of fat this way, and I was feeling and looking better than ever before. My Seborreic dermathitis dissapeared completely, my mood was on point and had enough energy to do everything I needed. I suppose overall happyness and end of some deppresive thoughts come from that too... I found love and all seemed to go perfectly well...

But not everything, as with the time I started to find out that I was craving food all day long. I suppose that was coming from insuline not being stable during the day, due to my high consumption of carbohidrates (more than 300g per day at this point), but that didn't even let me even focus in my daily job at the office, as I was all the time with hunger. Even with this high consumption of carbohidrates, I was still the leanest I've ever been, and skin issues had been corrected too.

When I started doing mountain biking I felt like something was not working properly. All my mates were capable of doing hours and hours of pedaling without having issues, while I had to remain eating some kind of energetic food every 1-2 hours to keep up with the pace. So, to improve methabolism, I started experimenting with intermitent fasting and adding some fats again (Unfortunately lots of nuts, seeds and olive oil), and I started to gain some weight again. But I was not worried because I was already quite skinny at that time.

So, when the Corona arrived and we went lockdown, I had already switched from starches to legumes as my main source of energy (Because of lower glycemic index and protein), but that only lead to digestive problems and skin issues started to appear again.

From this, I started to cut carbohidrates from my diet, attracted by the carnivore and Keto world and experimenting with fat as a main source of energy. I have to admit that that has given me incredible results, as an endurance cyclist, and I've been able to do very long runs, without even have to think about my energy levels and always keeping the focus on it. I was feeling amazing at work, focused and without a thought in food, and honestly I thought I found the better way to eat switching to fats.

I've never been full carnivore, but started introducing red meat, switched olive oil to coconut oil and ghee, and started adding some liver and glycine rich organ meat to balance methionine. I was eating a lot of pastured eggs, kefir and matured cheese, using a great amount of ghee as a main source of my calories.

Although with this "carnivorish" approach(I was and am still eating tons of veggies) I was feeling great and I got a lot fitter in the endurance bike routes, I was missing that punch that carbohidrates give when going to the gym or doing calisthenics. And the main trigger for me to abandon this way of eating was that my seborreic dermathitis started appearing again.

At this moment, I've experimented a lot to be able to know what is causing this severe symptoms in my skin. It's only present in my face, that lately when I was doing Keto and full PUFA's and saturated fat started to feel bloated and inflammed.

It looks like when I remove PUFA's and go full saturated it dissapears, but the redness and dermatitis still remains. Lately I've been reading about histamin intolerance, as I'm pretty convinced that saturated fat should not be causing this issue, and it always appear if I do a completely Keto meal and I combine cheese with eggs for example.

The case is at this moment my face is a complete mess, full of sebo and redness everywhere, so I've switched back to eating carbohidrates again, and I can't feel a lot of changes, as my energy is more or less same, but I feel a lot more bloated after eating them (Mostly fruit and oats)

Symptoms from dermatitis still there. I was still consuming matured cheese and eggs, but I am cutting them down for now, as I'm determined to find a solution for this. I cutted liver, a lot of PUFA's and for the moment my diet consist of the following:

-Veggies - I know they are not a trigger for me, as I've been eating them and feeling great in my previous non-fat diet.

-Ghee and Coconut oil - I am almost sure that saturated fat should not be causing me this, but I've read that seborreic dermathitis is enhanced by saturated fat consumption, not so sure about the source of this info.

-Lots of Kefir and matured cheese - This is the next thing I would try to cut, as I was searching about histamine intolerance. I eat half a liter of kefir a day, and when I combine eggs with cheese I've an immediate inflamatory response.

-Eggs - Cutting them now as I cannot be sure about anything, even though they're pasture raised.

-Low fat protein just to fill the protein requirements as skimmed cheese and canned tuna and chicken breast

-Macadamia nuts - Only nuts I consume, in moderation


-Fruit - Starting to substitute a lot of the saturated fat for fruit as source of energy

-Red meat- Mainly lean horse grainfed meat. No organs for now.

At this moment it's difficult to me to find a balanced diet, as I know that my endurance and performance as an athlete is greatly improved by fat methabolism, but in the other way something in the equation seems to be triggering inflamatory responses in my skin.

Going full Keto or carnivore induces me a state of saciety and chillness that I like and it's usefull but don't think it is ideal too, as I could be going 22 hours fasting, burn 5K calories and return home and don't even have hunger for that day, and that is by no means right in my point of view.

If you have more suggestions about changes or things to consider based on my history it would be greatly appreciated... I will be posting progress as I advance in my tests.



Jan 6, 2019
Have you tried radically increasing carbohydrates? Over 300g of carbs a day may not be enough to sustain physical work and hours of mountain biking on top of that.


New Member
Nov 13, 2020
Have you tried radically increasing carbohydrates? Over 300g of carbs a day may not be enough to sustain physical work and hours of mountain biking on top of that.

In my case, my working hours are completely sedentary, so that's why in first case I was using low glycemic carbohidrates in my previous diet. Even though, 300g now seem too low for me, as my fat consumption was so low and I was too skinny at the moment.

Now, to maintain my physical activity and performance I think should be close to 400. The problem right now is that I seem to have lost tolerance to them, as I feel bloated after eating them, fruit included too. This wasn't happening before, I could eat tons of them whithout any problem.

So, I suppose it's a matter of start to introduce them progresively... thinking about adding potatoes and sweet potatoes at this point, instead of starches that appear to bloat me more...


New Member
Nov 13, 2020
Hi guys!

An update on this. Basically yesterday was my first day with my elimination diet, suppresing eggs, matured cheese and ghee (So, no saturated fats at all)

I found immediate improvement in my skin and the itchiness has dissapeared at all. I'm starting to think the problem is related with Ghee, probably oxidized cholesterol in this case. Now that I'm checking it all went worse when I changed Kerrygold butter to Ghee, and also, when I do meals that require less amount of Ghee for cooking I feel much better after that.

For the moment I'm sticking with virgin olive oil for everything, and later I will be reincorporating saturated fats, in form of coconut oil and then butter. I was really skeptical about Ghee causing the issue, but seems to be the main thing triggering my seborrheic dermatitis...


Mar 5, 2018
Hi guys,

I wanted to have advice, because lately I'm testing a lot of new things in my diet and honestly, with so many variables and possible triggers I don't know what to do anymore.

I can tell to you a little bit about my evolution and how I got interested in Peat's approach to nutrition.

-So, all my life I've been extremely sedentary. I didn't care at all about nutrition and fittness, eating sometimes whatever I found and spending all time playing videogames etc...I've always been slim; even in this state, due to being ectomorph, although I was clearly skinny fat and with signs of being insuline resistant.

-This all changed when I got my first job. I had independency and decided to change my lifestyle and start doing exercise etc...

At first I followed typical advice, cutting out all fats, high consume of starch and moderate of protein, without caring too much about micronutrients. One thing that people here in Spain think that is capital is to eat a lot of times in the day, so I was eating as much as I could every time of the day, and training as hard in the gym as I could. Obviously I gained a lot of weight with this approach and decided to cut a lot of processed stuff and most starches (Going for low glycemic)

This was one of the better things that had an impact in my health. Basically I was following an almost Peat diet without knowing it, having lots of fruit, discarding all kind of PUFA's and eating lots of protein to keep me saciated. Even though I was having a lot of low glycemic starches in the middle of the day (Anti-Peat), I was usually leaving the protein and high glycemic stuff for later in the day, when I was training at the fullest.

I gained a lot of strength and lost a lot of fat this way, and I was feeling and looking better than ever before. My Seborreic dermathitis dissapeared completely, my mood was on point and had enough energy to do everything I needed. I suppose overall happyness and end of some deppresive thoughts come from that too... I found love and all seemed to go perfectly well...

But not everything, as with the time I started to find out that I was craving food all day long. I suppose that was coming from insuline not being stable during the day, due to my high consumption of carbohidrates (more than 300g per day at this point), but that didn't even let me even focus in my daily job at the office, as I was all the time with hunger. Even with this high consumption of carbohidrates, I was still the leanest I've ever been, and skin issues had been corrected too.

When I started doing mountain biking I felt like something was not working properly. All my mates were capable of doing hours and hours of pedaling without having issues, while I had to remain eating some kind of energetic food every 1-2 hours to keep up with the pace. So, to improve methabolism, I started experimenting with intermitent fasting and adding some fats again (Unfortunately lots of nuts, seeds and olive oil), and I started to gain some weight again. But I was not worried because I was already quite skinny at that time.

So, when the Corona arrived and we went lockdown, I had already switched from starches to legumes as my main source of energy (Because of lower glycemic index and protein), but that only lead to digestive problems and skin issues started to appear again.

From this, I started to cut carbohidrates from my diet, attracted by the carnivore and Keto world and experimenting with fat as a main source of energy. I have to admit that that has given me incredible results, as an endurance cyclist, and I've been able to do very long runs, without even have to think about my energy levels and always keeping the focus on it. I was feeling amazing at work, focused and without a thought in food, and honestly I thought I found the better way to eat switching to fats.

I've never been full carnivore, but started introducing red meat, switched olive oil to coconut oil and ghee, and started adding some liver and glycine rich organ meat to balance methionine. I was eating a lot of pastured eggs, kefir and matured cheese, using a great amount of ghee as a main source of my calories.

Although with this "carnivorish" approach(I was and am still eating tons of veggies) I was feeling great and I got a lot fitter in the endurance bike routes, I was missing that punch that carbohidrates give when going to the gym or doing calisthenics. And the main trigger for me to abandon this way of eating was that my seborreic dermathitis started appearing again.

At this moment, I've experimented a lot to be able to know what is causing this severe symptoms in my skin. It's only present in my face, that lately when I was doing Keto and full PUFA's and saturated fat started to feel bloated and inflammed.

It looks like when I remove PUFA's and go full saturated it dissapears, but the redness and dermatitis still remains. Lately I've been reading about histamin intolerance, as I'm pretty convinced that saturated fat should not be causing this issue, and it always appear if I do a completely Keto meal and I combine cheese with eggs for example.

The case is at this moment my face is a complete mess, full of sebo and redness everywhere, so I've switched back to eating carbohidrates again, and I can't feel a lot of changes, as my energy is more or less same, but I feel a lot more bloated after eating them (Mostly fruit and oats)

Symptoms from dermatitis still there. I was still consuming matured cheese and eggs, but I am cutting them down for now, as I'm determined to find a solution for this. I cutted liver, a lot of PUFA's and for the moment my diet consist of the following:

-Veggies - I know they are not a trigger for me, as I've been eating them and feeling great in my previous non-fat diet.

-Ghee and Coconut oil - I am almost sure that saturated fat should not be causing me this, but I've read that seborreic dermathitis is enhanced by saturated fat consumption, not so sure about the source of this info.

-Lots of Kefir and matured cheese - This is the next thing I would try to cut, as I was searching about histamine intolerance. I eat half a liter of kefir a day, and when I combine eggs with cheese I've an immediate inflamatory response.

-Eggs - Cutting them now as I cannot be sure about anything, even though they're pasture raised.

-Low fat protein just to fill the protein requirements as skimmed cheese and canned tuna and chicken breast

-Macadamia nuts - Only nuts I consume, in moderation


-Fruit - Starting to substitute a lot of the saturated fat for fruit as source of energy

-Red meat- Mainly lean horse grainfed meat. No organs for now.

At this moment it's difficult to me to find a balanced diet, as I know that my endurance and performance as an athlete is greatly improved by fat methabolism, but in the other way something in the equation seems to be triggering inflamatory responses in my skin.

Going full Keto or carnivore induces me a state of saciety and chillness that I like and it's usefull but don't think it is ideal too, as I could be going 22 hours fasting, burn 5K calories and return home and don't even have hunger for that day, and that is by no means right in my point of view.

If you have more suggestions about changes or things to consider based on my history it would be greatly appreciated... I will be posting progress as I advance in my tests.

I too don’t tolerate carbs well when on high saturated fat diet,
but ok with them when I go low to medium sat fat.

Have you tried lemon water on empty stomach? It helps me to improve carb tolerance after high fat days which I believe is connected to liver function.
(you can google studies on that). Maybe it will be helpful to you as well.
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