What Are Eggs Doing In A Peat Diet?


Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
I now limit my eggs (free-range) to 2 a day usually, and have now started to have OJ, sometimes gelatin, coffee with milk and honey, with them.

If I'm frying meat or liver or kidney, I usually fry an egg with it, in butter or coconut oil.

Sometimes I soft-boil them (if nothing else than to provide a source of sterilised shells for powdering).

Which brings me to the point: if you don't eat eggs, you don't get the shells for making into eggshell powder. (I'd hate to have to buy a calcium supplement, with all that "free" calcium carbonate going begging).


Dec 21, 2013
What is the reason to not get more of the Vit A from liver? I know he says too much liver can act hypothyroid but lets say increasing liver just a bit and removing (most) eggs. Or what are the other factors to use eggs?


Nov 22, 2013
prototype said:
What is the reason to not get more of the Vit A from liver? I know he says too much liver can act hypothyroid but lets say increasing liver just a bit and removing (most) eggs. Or what are the other factors to use eggs?

It's do-able. I read a post from Mittir, where he/she (my apologies) was saying about how they took liver in smaller quantities each day. When I thought about it, it made perfect sense. The vitamin A is much higher in liver, than it is in egg. It has much more B12, and is nutrionally superior, IMO. Although, the egg isn't to be scoffed at, either. So, instead of eating liver in one 200g portion, once per week, I eat 30g each day.

That way,

a) I'm not overdosing on vitamin A. In fact, 30g yeilds about 5,000iu. Perfect for someone who is hypothyroid (I don't supplement vitamin A because of this). A 200g portion of liver has too much vitamin A. Too much will compete with thyroid hormone, resulting in worse thyroid function.

b) Not overdosing on inflammatory amino acids (trypophan, cysteine, etc). A 200g portion of liver will be extremely high in these amino acids (like all muscle meats).

c) Less toxic load. All cooked meats will have toxic by-products. I don't eat meat at all, other than this liver, and, at 30g per day, it's going to have less toxic effects on my body than a 200g portion.

I guess that eggs are an important source of choline, and, from my understandning, it's actually quite hard to get this nutrient from other sources. Liver is a source, but you'd need to eat a lot of it to meet the RDA.


Nov 9, 2012
dukez07 said:
I guess that eggs are an important source of choline, and, from my understandning, it's actually quite hard to get this nutrient from other sources. Liver is a source, but you'd need to eat a lot of it to meet the RDA.

Things like choline and biotin seem hard to get to meet the RDA. But it could be that the RDA is junk. What about the RDA in iron and pufas?


Nov 22, 2013
nwo2012 said:
peatarian said:
Good answer. I always lightly fry my eggs in coconut oil as I know some of the PUFAs will be displaced by the sats. And again always at breakfast with coffee. Then an OJ with eggshell calcium and gelatin to balance out the phosphorus and tryptothan respectively.

I do the same. Only that I drink the OJ before and during I eat the eggs. I once nearly fainted (and Ray Peat really did) after eating two eggs without enough sugar at the same time. At that time I had coffee with milk and lots of sugar. Orange Juice is better.

Yes actually I also drink the OJ first and usually add a little syrup too. As the thyroid improved that hypoglycaemia started if I had the eggs first.

That's a tad over dramatic. I've never heard of anyone nearly fainting whilst eating eggs, because they didn't eat 'enough sugar' with it. Perhaps you were having a panic attack because as you were chomping into them you realised that you weren't eating enough sugar!! Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick!! The eggs are gonna kill me! Seriously, just chill. I've eaten a fat steak before, with nothing but green veg, and even though I could feel that that way of eating was not optimal for me, I lived to tell the tale. Remember, if Ray makes a recommendation, and you deviate away from it, you're not going to die or anything. A way of eating towards health is always a long term approach.


Jan 1, 2014
dukez07 said:
nwo2012 said:
peatarian said:
Good answer. I always lightly fry my eggs in coconut oil as I know some of the PUFAs will be displaced by the sats. And again always at breakfast with coffee. Then an OJ with eggshell calcium and gelatin to balance out the phosphorus and tryptothan respectively.

I do the same. Only that I drink the OJ before and during I eat the eggs. I once nearly fainted (and Ray Peat really did) after eating two eggs without enough sugar at the same time. At that time I had coffee with milk and lots of sugar. Orange Juice is better.

Yes actually I also drink the OJ first and usually add a little syrup too. As the thyroid improved that hypoglycaemia started if I had the eggs first.

That's a tad over dramatic. I've never heard of anyone nearly fainting whilst eating eggs, because they didn't eat 'enough sugar' with it. Perhaps you were having a panic attack because as you were chomping into them you realised that you weren't eating enough sugar!! Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick!! The eggs are gonna kill me! Seriously, just chill. I've eaten a fat steak before, with nothing but green veg, and even though I could feel that that way of eating was not optimal for me, I lived to tell the tale. Remember, if Ray makes a recommendation, and you deviate away from it, you're not going to die or anything. A way of eating towards health is always a long term approach.

It is true what you are saying about overreacting.

But, eggs contain a lot of leucine, a insulinogenic amino acids. Most people will be totally fine, when they consume eggs without sugar. When I had liver problems and couldn't store a lot of glycogen, eating a few eggs would make me severely dizzy. Now I can handle them very well!

Same thing with lactid acid and yoghurt. It is only going to be a problem if you already high in lactid acid or have impaired liver function.

Ray is just a very cautious and perfectionistic man! :D


Nov 9, 2012
peatarian said:
I always lightly fry my eggs in coconut oil as I know some of the PUFAs will be displaced by the sats.

I find this strange...the PUFAs become separated from the yolk and you scoop it out? Or do you mean it increases the sat fat intake so it matters less when the PUFA gets digested?


Nov 22, 2013
Milklove said:
dukez07 said:
nwo2012 said:
peatarian said:
Good answer. I always lightly fry my eggs in coconut oil as I know some of the PUFAs will be displaced by the sats. And again always at breakfast with coffee. Then an OJ with eggshell calcium and gelatin to balance out the phosphorus and tryptothan respectively.

I do the same. Only that I drink the OJ before and during I eat the eggs. I once nearly fainted (and Ray Peat really did) after eating two eggs without enough sugar at the same time. At that time I had coffee with milk and lots of sugar. Orange Juice is better.

Yes actually I also drink the OJ first and usually add a little syrup too. As the thyroid improved that hypoglycaemia started if I had the eggs first.

That's a tad over dramatic. I've never heard of anyone nearly fainting whilst eating eggs, because they didn't eat 'enough sugar' with it. Perhaps you were having a panic attack because as you were chomping into them you realised that you weren't eating enough sugar!! Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick!! The eggs are gonna kill me! Seriously, just chill. I've eaten a fat steak before, with nothing but green veg, and even though I could feel that that way of eating was not optimal for me, I lived to tell the tale. Remember, if Ray makes a recommendation, and you deviate away from it, you're not going to die or anything. A way of eating towards health is always a long term approach.

It is true what you are saying about overreacting.

But, eggs contain a lot of leucine, a insulinogenic amino acids. Most people will be totally fine, when they consume eggs without sugar. When I had liver problems and couldn't store a lot of glycogen, eating a few eggs would make me severely dizzy. Now I can handle them very well!

Same thing with lactid acid and yoghurt. It is only going to be a problem if you already high in lactid acid or have impaired liver function.

Ray is just a very cautious and perfectionistic man! :D

I doubt eggs are as insulinogenic as skimmed milk, or even potatoes. Their fat content would cushion the insulin response to some degree. I don't hear of anyone feeling dizzy from drinking a quart of skimmed milk (which would seriously spike insulin), or from a plate of potatoes.

I hear what you are saying, though. I only started making progress with Ray Peat's approach after i stopped trying to copy his persuit of perfectionism. I can understand why he is a perfectionist, I can resonate with that completely because that is the approach that I refused to deviate away from. It was all or nothing. Nowadays, I noticed far greater progress from just chilling out about stuff and who cares if I am ingesting 8g of PUFA each day. Who cares if I have replaced milk with kefir, and all that lactic acid. Who cares if I eat a quart of ice cream each night. If my diet feels good and I notice benefits, stick with it.


Mar 29, 2014
I would expect skimmed milk and potatoes to stimulate insulin production too. With them you get lots of carbs, so the blood sugars are less likely to drop so low. With just eggs you get insulin with very little carbs, therefore risking blood sugar drop if you don't have other carbs with them. For a while I used to have a couple of boiled eggs for morning tea, a couple of hours after a porridge breakfast. I'd get extreme sugar cravings after eating the eggs. After reading Peat I understand why. Now I notice I feel better if I drink a good amount of OJ and/or milk before my morning eggs and/or liver.

People's strengths, vulnerabilities and responses to various stresses differ. I don't think it is over-dramatic to describe someone's particular reaction, even if you have never had it yourself or 'heard of' it before.

I've never read anything from Peat suggesting that we all rigidly adopt a particular 'perfect' diet. He gives a bunch of information that helps understand what kind of effects particular factors may be expected to have. I appreciate this information. Good information gives greater freedom to make good choices. He's said that for some people just applying one or two supportive factors can be enough to significantly improve a particular person's condition. He also encourages people to think about what make sense for themselves, to pay attention to how their bodies respond, to include things they enjoy in their food choices, and to have an interesting life. It sounds to me as though that is how he lives his life. I don't think it is fair to peg any rigidity on Peat on the basis of the health information he provides.


Jan 22, 2013
guys...I just ate some pea protein and I passed out. Someone had to come inject me with glucose before I woke up...thank goodness

I think we should be careful about labeling something as 'insulinogenic' and that being a bad thing. Whats the alternative? Hypoglycemic? and therefore a glucagon response...even a cortisol response? Insulinogenic, is a good thing....in reality. I think skimmed milk taken alone would actually be slightly hypoglycemic inducing due to water content, low sugar content, and high potassium...which is not good. The eggs probably are fine in every way as far as blood sugar goes. They are highly allergenic, gut irritating, and bile aggravating. Those are probably the reasons people have issues...nothing to do with them being 'insulinogenic'. If all you ate was 2 eggs, the body would put out a tiny insulin amount, if any...the appropriate amount. If that's all you ate, youd eventually run out of blood sugar likely, even if all the protein was converted, and would become hypoglycemic, which would induce the light headedness and stress hormones. Its not the fact that you need so much OJ to balance out an egg...its the fact you need calories, period. And eggs alone don't do that, and on top of that require a lot of digestive energy. Potatoes are probably insulinogenic in a great way. They aren't diluted, and they have plenty of potassium to ensure all the glucose can be stored as glycogen


Nov 1, 2012
dukez07 said:
nwo2012 said:
peatarian said:
Good answer. I always lightly fry my eggs in coconut oil as I know some of the PUFAs will be displaced by the sats. And again always at breakfast with coffee. Then an OJ with eggshell calcium and gelatin to balance out the phosphorus and tryptothan respectively.

I do the same. Only that I drink the OJ before and during I eat the eggs. I once nearly fainted (and Ray Peat really did) after eating two eggs without enough sugar at the same time. At that time I had coffee with milk and lots of sugar. Orange Juice is better.

Yes actually I also drink the OJ first and usually add a little syrup too. As the thyroid improved that hypoglycaemia started if I had the eggs first.

That's a tad over dramatic. I've never heard of anyone nearly fainting whilst eating eggs, because they didn't eat 'enough sugar' with it. Perhaps you were having a panic attack because as you were chomping into them you realised that you weren't eating enough sugar!! Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick!! The eggs are gonna kill me! Seriously, just chill. I've eaten a fat steak before, with nothing but green veg, and even though I could feel that that way of eating was not optimal for me, I lived to tell the tale. Remember, if Ray makes a recommendation, and you deviate away from it, you're not going to die or anything. A way of eating towards health is always a long term approach.

Are you saying that Peatarian and Ray Peat are being over dramatic in telling their response to eating eggs? Just because you have never heard of it before does not mean it isn't a valid account. Hypoglycemia and panic attacks have many of the same symptoms. If you don't have any blood sugar issues, that is great, but I don't think ridiculing an account of another's blood sugar response is appropriate.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I wonder why Dr. Peat eats eggs. They don't seem to have any magical nutrition that isn't supplied with milk, coffee and OJ.
Feb 4, 2015
They don't seem to have any magical nutrition that isn't supplied with milk, coffee and OJ.

Coffee doesn't supply the same as those other things including eggs. Coffees main nutrient is caffeine. Yes it has some minerals and niacin. The other chemicals in coffee need to be studied more.
Last edited:


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Coffee don't supply the same as those other thins including eggs. Coffees main nutrient is caffeine. Yes it has some minerals and niacin. The other chemicals in coffee need to be studied more.
I mean Ray's Diet: milk, coffee, OJ, a large egg fried in butter, and a gelatinous soup (occasionally with chicken).


Jun 16, 2015
Eggs are a great source of cholesterol. Milk doesn't have that much. Some cheeses do, though. After keeping a detailed log, I found it was easier to keep my temps and pulse up when I took in a lot more than the recommended cholesterol. Probably because its a building block for steroid hormones.


Jul 3, 2015
I wonder why don't some of you make the purpose to save for a lab and learn some chemistry to remove any traces or pufa in your food. Maybe you will live forever, or if won't, at least you could kill that affliction you feel with every negative side of each food and you'd life in a more anxiety free state.

I'm serious.


Nov 19, 2013
I wonder why don't some of you make the purpose to save for a lab and learn some chemistry to remove any traces or pufa in your food. Maybe you will live forever, or if won't, at least you could kill that affliction you feel with every negative side of each food and you'd life in a more anxiety free state.

I'm serious.

Why don't you ask Peat that? He's the one talks about avoiding PUFA like the plague. Dave Foster brings up a good point. If Peat hates PUFA so much and you can get all the nutrients from eggs elsewhere (I don't know if this is true), why does he eat them?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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