Waking Temps Are 35.4C (95.5F) - Is This Serious?


Mar 9, 2014
My morning temps (checked via oral measurement) is around 35.4C (95.5F) and while they do increase after eating (around 36.3C which is 97.3F) and stay in the 36 range (96.8 - 98F), i am worried that the waking temp is really low. My thermometer says clearly that if you have temps below 36 its not a good sign and I should consult with a doctor.

Should I be worried? Is this something that will go away as I keep working on eating right etc? Would I benefit from some kind of supplement/hormone meds?

A few things to note:
- The waking temp is always in the 35C range (95 - 96.2F)
- Temp goes into low 36C range after eating (it might just go up 30-60mins after waking regardless of whether i eat not sure)
- Temp stays in 36 range and always goes up slightly after eating. It drops a bit at night towards sleeping. Sometimes it goes even higher into the 37 range (98.6) but rarely.

My thyroid levels are always okay (but still need work according to RP). T4 is in the upper range of the blood tests and T3 is in the mid range of the blood tests.


Feb 20, 2013
Increased temperature after eating is a good sign. It seems like your body temperature
drops from low blood sugar, which can happen in the morning or due to high cortisol.

In both cases, having a good glycogen storage before bed can solve the problem.
Eating raw carrot salad or cooked bamboo shoot in the late afternoon will reduce
estrogen and endotoxin, which improves livers ability to store glycogen.
Then avoid hard to digest food after sunset and eat mostly carb and fat from sunset to
bed time. I think eating some sugar( juice, sugared milk, sugar+ cottage cheese) every 1-2 hour can replete the liver glycogen enough to sustain 7-8 hours of sleep. I have noticed
adding small amount of protein with sugar does a better job at storing liver glycogen.
Sugared milk gives me the best result. You can also try some niacinamide ( 50-100 mg two
times a day) to improve liver function.


Dec 16, 2014
These days I'm running a very high metabolism and have the tendency to crash my system at night when I'm asleep. I can feel the stress hormones making me feel very irritated when I wake up.
Some juice or milk can quickly take care of this but I end up slightly struggling to build up my metabolism to its higher levels again.

Also, I noticed that it's more difficult to maintain temperature in cold weather.

I think it's only after much of the systematic stress is resolved, things become more normal. Gradually, this includes an increase in the saturated fat to PUFA ratio, decreased intestinal inflammation, reduced estrogen and endotoxin burdens.

In my experience, 50mg of topical Niacinamide increases heart rate by 5pbm on average and makes me feel less stressed the next morning. This maybe due to better glycogen storage like Mittir suggested.

I believe fat-rich food is of an exceptional anti-stress value since it quickly improves the SFA to PUFA ratio but the idea of gaining more fat isn't appealing.
I eat moderate amounts of fat in my diet. The high metabolism kind of offsets the fat gains.

Until we reach a point where physiological function is near its optimal levels, we'll have to support the weaknesses in our system in an exceptional manner, mitigating stress on the long-run.


Mar 9, 2014
Thanks for the replies guys!

Okay so my prebed snack has been the following

- 100ml concentrated bone broth
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- sweet potato (switched to potato as of tonight)
- 1/4 teaspoon egg shell

I dont eat fruits or drink liquids around 8PM onwards. The reason is because if I do then I will wake up middle of night needing to go to bathroom. The reason i avoid that is because I have poor sleep (stress induced) and is improving now (stress management has helped alot). The problem with RP diet is i get a lot of fluids, from OJ, lots of fruit, coffee.

I have to admit I think sweet potatos may not be helping on the IBS side (I have IBS) so I am switching to potato. White rice works well for my digestive system.

But yes, the reason why I choose starches (sweet potato/potato/rice) is because it keeps me full, and wont end up with me needing to go to the bathroom at night.

Also, its great to see you posting again Mittir. I have on a few occassions thought about PMing you to see where you were, because I love reading posts from you :)

I shall get some Niacinamide soon.


Mar 9, 2014
I dont, but I thought it didnt matter if we warmed out body externally like this. Its not the same as internal?

Also by cap do u mean beanie?


More importantly, how is your mood? If your mood is good (serotonin is low), then the temps will improve.


Mar 9, 2014
I think my mood is okay. it could be better, but my sleep pattern sucks.


Jan 11, 2013
It was my understanding that external cold is a stress, because the body has to work harder to keep your temperature up. I think if your internal temps are up you can withstand external cold better, but you can you can make it easier on your body with things like wool socks. But IIRC - cold feet can pull the rest of the body temperature down, this can happen during the day too, not just when you’re sleeping.

Re: cap. Yes, he means beanie type hat. I can't wear anything like that, I find it too annoying. But I have to have socks on, even during warm weather. It’s weird, because not having socks on will keep me awake, even if my feet don’t feel cold.


Aug 9, 2019
Bumping this up as I'm experiencing the same in the early stages of peating.
My morning temperature is between 35 - 36 degrees Celsius, it goes up to mostly 36.5.
Sometimes it drops after a meal, sometimes it rises.
One time, I registered below 35 celsius (<95 F).
As I'm getting closer to bedtime, it drops again.

This is probably due to all the fasting and low-carb I've been doing the past 1 - 1.5 years, coupled with stressful running and years of chronic emotional stress.
My thyroid pannel came out in range, though TSH is not optimal.

Since peating, I think my temps have slowly increased by 0.2 - 0.3 C, on average. Alsm, my extremities feel a tiny bit warmer.

I generally don't feel very good these days.


Aug 9, 2019
@ecstatichamster My endo prescribed me very low-dose T4. Been taking it for about 1 month.
I'm under the impression that this forum is not a fan of only taking T4 alone.
Do people take T3 + T4 on their own, without prescription?


Aug 9, 2019
Just realized I was probably measuring my Temps wrong. I'm using a cheap digital thermometer, and taking the measurement right after the beep (after 30 sec or so) and that is likely not enough time to stabilize.

Let it sit for 5m now and the temp slowly increased. 36.4 in mid-day.
I'm probably in the 36 - 37 range.
This is puzzling.

Does a TSH of 1 vs 3 really makes that much of a difference?
Nov 21, 2015
Just realized I was probably measuring my Temps wrong. I'm using a cheap digital thermometer, and taking the measurement right after the beep (after 30 sec or so) and that is likely not enough time to stabilize.

Let it sit for 5m now and the temp slowly increased. 36.4 in mid-day.
I'm probably in the 36 - 37 range.
This is puzzling.

Does a TSH of 1 vs 3 really makes that much of a difference?

Yes it does.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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