Hypothyroidism with high temps?


Feb 8, 2018
I've always been plagued by low temps. This prompted me to do thyroid labwork. Here are the results.

Result Lab ref
Reverse T3 18 8-25
T3 Free 3.4 2.3-4.2
T3 total 129 76-181
T4 Thyroxine 8.3 4.9-10.5
T4 Free 1.1 0.8-1.8
TSH 2.16 0.4-4.50
Thyroglobulin 1 < OR=1
Thyroid Peroxidase <1 <9
DHEA-S 131 24-244

It appears I have some RT3 issues and marginal hypothyroidism if I am to go by the reference ranges of alternative medicine folks like Westin Childs, Paul Robinson, etc. This is corroborated by low basal temperatures. I started doing topical T3 at around 0.5 mcg spread out 3-4 times a day. Within a few days my daily temperatures rose quite a bit that I had to cut back and eventually stop T3 altogether. But here's what's weird. Now my waking temp is around 98.6 and then it rises to 99-99.9 after I start eating and then starts to taper down towards bedtime. This has remained like that for the last two weeks. The only thing I've added has been DHEA, B12 and protein powder. I do notice the temperature rising after consuming these and my understanding is that protein is thermogenic. Beer is also driving my temp up, and that could be the extra calories doing it, the alcohol, or some other mechanism. So my question:

With temperatures that high, does that mean my thyroid is working better now, or could one be hypothyroid and have higher temps at the same time?

Should I resume T3 in order to clear out the RT3? I'm concerned my temps will get excessively high if I resume T3.

I see many people on this forum struggling to raise their temps. It could be as simple as raising their protein intake from a concentrated source.


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Feb 10, 2016
Have you been supporting yourself metabolically and reducing physiological and psychological stress along with taking thyroid? If not, I'd highly advise doing so. Eating 4-5 meals a day that have carbs and protein might be a good start.

Usually the recs are keeping ft3 towards upper end and ft4 in mid range. Since your ft4 is upper and rt3 is mdi-upper, perhaps your body needs a bit less t4 or better support to utilize it properly.


Jan 18, 2020
yes mate, my temps are optimal even im very hypo still, but the pulse is low, i mean its getting better as im starting tolerating thyroid better with time
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