Joint Injuries, Low Waking Temps, Hair Loss



Dec 16, 2016
waking temps will always be lower, but how much sleep are you getting exactly and the quality? The quickest and easiest way to lower your waking and daily temperature is through piss poor sleep.

6 days out of the week, I get 7, sometimes 8, hours of sleep. On Sundays I'll usually get 6 hours due to me being up late the night before. In terms of sleep quality, I always want to keep sleeping when I have to get up. I never wake up totally refreshed.


Dec 16, 2016
Hello, look what Tara wrote here for joint pain: My Mum & Ulcerative Colitis - Joint Pain

Of all the things Tara listed out (aspirin, progesterone, light, glycine/gelatin) I do/take except for progesterone.

As a male, I don't think it'd be prudent for me to take progesterone. Although, I am interested in Haidut's 5-alpha-DHP, because it's pro-androgenic, so I will see what I can dig up on it beinng similarly helpful for joints like progesterone.


Dec 16, 2016
Hey y'all,

I'll be trying out large doses of K2 Mk-4 for a few weeks to try resolving some old joint issues, including one that involves bone spurs.


Dec 16, 2016
Hey y'all,

I'll be trying out large doses of K2 Mk-4 for a few weeks to try resolving some old joint issues, including one that involves bone spurs.

Just a quick update guys - I've been taking 45mg of K2 MK4 daily using Haidut's Kuinone product. Nothing worth noting as of yet, although my random tweaks and twinges seem to resolve more quickly.


Aug 17, 2016
Just a quick update guys - I've been taking 45mg of K2 MK4 daily using Haidut's Kuinone product. Nothing worth noting as of yet, although my random tweaks and twinges seem to resolve more quickly.
thx for the update. How many days on it so far?
My "joint" recovery is faster than it has ever been. (I don't want to jinx it by saying so. :): ). I got "creekier" before I got better on high-dose Kuinone. Like things were shifting around. But things just steadily improved to the point of being someone with no joint issues.


Dec 16, 2016
thx for the update. How many days on it so far?
My "joint" recovery is faster than it has ever been. (I don't want to jinx it by saying so. :) ). I got "creekier" before I got better on high-dose Kuinone. Like things were shifting around. But things just steadily improved to the point of being someone with no joint issues.

Since Jan 7th, so almost two weeks now. I started initially with oral K2 Mk4, but the amount of food/fat I ate to ensure optimal bioavailability was giving me heart palpitations (or maybe it was an excuse to stuff my face :-x).

Fingers crossed!!!!


May 3, 2015
Do you eat your shrimp with the shell? Dr Steven Gundry reckons it absorbs lectins and can help arthritis. I think it contains glucosamine. The lectins attach to the glucosamine instead of your joint tissue.

Nori (the Japanese processed seaweed used to wrap some sushi hand rolls) is also supposed to be anti-inflammatory.

Both shrimp and seaweed contain Iodine so don't overdo it!


Dec 16, 2016
Do you eat your shrimp with the shell? Dr Steven Gundry reckons it absorbs lectins and can help arthritis. I think it contains glucosamine. The lectins attach to the glucosamine instead of your joint tissue.

Nori (the Japanese processed seaweed used to wrap some sushi hand rolls) is also supposed to be anti-inflammatory.

Both shrimp and seaweed contain Iodine so don't overdo it!

I don't currently eat shrimp shells, but will look into it further. How does one easily consume the shells? All I can think of is shrimp tempura (I'll eat the whole damn thing.)


Dec 16, 2016
So, I've got another question to ask ...

For as long as I can remember, I've always experienced a "wired but tired" feeling when trying to go to sleep. Since starting with Peat, I've minimized this feeling and have allowed myself to fall asleep more quickly by using sugar, salt, glycine, etc before bed. However, if I don't consume these things immediately before bed, the tired but wired feeling comes back.

Is this a sign of high cortisol/adrenalin? Also, would it be prudent to try out a anti-serotonin/pro-dopamine drug such as cyproheptadine, lisuride, or metergoline to help normalize these hormones?

I'm getting this idea from Haidut who said the following a year or two ago regarding androgens in the young male:


I am trying to avoid turning this thread into a discussion about steroids, mostly used by bodybuilders. As I said in another thread, if your hormones are low it's likely due to neurotransmitter issue. The brain controls metabolism and all steroid synthesis. So, if your T or DHT are low then you probably have high prolactin and/or serotonin. I posted studies showing that taking a dopaminergic drug like cabergoline or lisuride results in complete normalization of steroid synthesis, including lowering estrogen. So, in theory, taking a low dose lisuride, bromocriptine, or cabergoline would be much safer for normalizing steroid production and will also have the added benefit of normalizing neurotransmitters as well. Of course anybody is free to take what they want. I am just expressing my opinion that messing with steroid directly is usually not safe unless you are talking about pregnenolone and/or DHEA. Just my 2c.​


Granted, this was in the context of androgens, not stress hormones.

However, these drugs seem to decrease the stress hormones in the long-run, and "normalize" the bodies' hormones and neurotransmitters after a long-period of usage, allowing for one to eventually taper off and still have long lasting benefits.


May 3, 2015
I don't currently eat shrimp shells, but will look into it further. How does one easily consume the shells? All I can think of is shrimp tempura (I'll eat the whole damn thing.)
I buy the shrimp whole and cooked. Then when I am removing the head and intestine at the sink, I leave on a bit of the shell with the tail and chew well before swallowing.


Dec 16, 2016
Hey guys, another update here:

1. The k2 experiment for my shoulder was a flop. Labral instability may be another factor in my shoulder issue, which k2 would not help with. My teeth felt amazing after the experiment, though.

2. I'm still struggling with low-waking temps. I've increased my coffee and sugar consumption which has really helped my temps during the day, but overnight, they drop like a rock until I have my first cup of coffee. Within 45 minutes of having my first cup, my temps are back up to 98.6 degrees. I had another cup right now and I'm at 99.4 degrees. I'll be trying out some Mitolipin from Idealabs to see if I can get a more permanent increase in waking temps.

3. I'm still doing a minimal fat diet (skim milk, fruit, sugar, coffee, salt, glycine, seafood) which has been spoiled by me going out to eat once or twice a week. I'm going to adhere to the diet when eating out and see if I continue to see improvement in my overall health (and possibly keep losing weight as I did a few months ago on this diet!)

4. I gave cyproheptadine and progesterone a shot. I felt no different on cypro, so I will start eating a daily raw carrot instead to get any purported anti-serotonin benefits. I've used progesterone in small doses combined with pansterone - in a ratio of 3mg progesterone to 5mg DHEA / 5mg pregnenolone - topically on any strains and joint pain. I've noticed faster healing and pain relief, although it is moderate at best.

5. Finally, warts... Why on earth did I get a wart now when my health has been at its best in years, and what can I do to get rid of or prevent it? I'll be seeing a dermatologist soon for a regular ol' skin exam, and will ask the doc to freeze it off while I'm there, but this just confuses me. Duct tape and salicyclic acid did not work, btw.


Feb 27, 2017
I buy the shrimp whole and cooked. Then when I am removing the head and intestine at the sink, I leave on a bit of the shell with the tail and chew well before swallowing.
I've always love eating the shell :) One of my favourite bits!


Feb 27, 2017
Hey guys, another update here:

1. The k2 experiment for my shoulder was a flop. Labral instability may be another factor in my shoulder issue, which k2 would not help with. My teeth felt amazing after the experiment, though.

Best thing I found for my shoulders was Pilates (I still have a separated shoulder at the sternum but my shoulder is much more stable and I don't get pain from irritated and pinched arms nerves. I think it balances the muscles to reduce fatigue on any one bundle. Decent pilates in small or private classes from specialist not gym-bunny pilates :)


Mar 29, 2014
Hi grenade,
I had a few injuries that were taking a long time to heal. Back and tendons in other places. I seemed to get one injury after another.
They eventually recovered during an extended period of eating plenty and not pushing the joints physically. Took almost a year. But I'm much older than you (early fifties), so it can probably go much quicker for you.

Yes, I think severe undereating can mask the discomfort of such damage, and then you may feel it while you are giving it a chance to recover. There is no way to recover well while not even supplying enough to sustain basic functioning, let alone the normal growth of a young adult.
Gaining fat seems to be a common follow on from severe restrictive dieting.


Dec 16, 2016
Hey guys, another update.

Waking temps were a problem for me, as I was able to get my daytime temps up, but not my waking temps.

Well I ate an entire Green & Black's organic 85% chocolate bar (lecithin free) and I woke up with an oral thermometer reading of 98.6 degrees.

I'm not sure if it was the saturated fat, mineral content, extra calories, or any combination of the three, but I've never experienced this before.


Dec 16, 2016
Update: Daytime temps are even higher. After a morning shift at work and not having food for hours, my temps remain in the low 98s. After eating, they rise to the high 99s and stay there all day. I haven't been as consistent with checking waking temps, but I will check tomorrow and report on it. I am expecting too see improved numbers.

Heart-rate is still awesome. It is usually in the mid-80s after a meal when I remember to check.

Joints are okay. I irritated my hip capsule by trying to "force" hip flexion in the bottom of squats and deadlifts (tip: don't force ROM during a lift ... work on it outside of strength exercises and just allow your body to start using greater ROM naturally during exercises as it improves over time.)

I have had success with cognitive-based techniques when dealing with pain, e.g. Explain Pain by Butler & Moseley. Basically, pain doesn't accurately represent what is actually happening to the body, and can become an overactive defense mechanism for a number of reasons. I've seen some discussion on the forums that leads me to believe that serotonin may be one of the culprits for this phenomena, at least in my case. I've also had some frequent gas & bloating, as well as mood issues, so that further makes me think I'm having some excess serotonin in my body.

I've re-introduced the daily raw carrot and am forcing myself to stay consistent before resorting anti-serotonin drugs or antibiotics. I said I re-introduced it before - that never happened, lol.

Hair still not improving :-(

Finally, hot water soaks with aspirin have massively helped my plantar warts!!! Hyperthermia has a whole host of reasons for helping the body combat HPV, and aspirin is useful because it's composed of salycylic acid (commonly used in wart medication - causes skin peeling) and acetic acid (known anti viral ... just Google "ACV wart treament")


Dec 16, 2016
Waking temps have been usually 97.8 degrees F - a pretty big improvement compared to 6 months ago, and a massive improvement compared to one year ago!

I've committed to the daily carrot or two and am starting to notice less gas and bloating. I'm getting blood work soon too, and am hoping my cholesterol bumps back up (someone early on said my previously low cholesterol may have been due to infectious burden.)

I'm going to hop back on cyproheptadine to see what other benefits I can get from lowering serotonin. Considering lysine for the same purpose as well.

Current supplement list looks as such:

Glycine & taurine
Low dose B6
Low dose aspirin
Tons of coffee
Daily carrot
Cypro (once I order it)

Depending on my labs, I'm considering a number of other supps: androsterone, pregnenolone, t3, and activated charcoal.

If my TSH comes back high, then andro/t3 may be a possibility.
If my cholsterol is low (and TSH is not rock bottom), then activated charcoal should be used to clear up my gut and pregnenolone to possibly make up for sluggish steroidogenesis.
If TSH is high and cholesterol is low, well, that'll suck, wouldn't it? lol


Jun 7, 2017
Wow- reading the original post was like reading my own biography.

Correcting my diet was a huge step for me but at first I did continue to struggle with poor sleep hygiene, low waking temps and anxiety, and poor life outlook. With time most of that corrected but was highly susceptible to regression.

When I've been my absolute best I've found it was due to a high sugar, high calcium, low PUFA, varied diet (as we're all plenty familiar with) along with:
  • Reading/mindfulness first thing in the morning and before bed. Nothing has given me more trouble than giving up the electronics before bed. Anytime I've been diligent about it it has vastly improved mood, digestion, outlook throughout the entire course of the following day.
  • Keeping sugar and protein on-hand. I think most of us are in need of some liver restoration, especially when we're just getting started. When I first limited my fat to only saturated varieties and not much of that even, I found I could eat and eat and eat and eat. I could easily go through $10+ worth of melons, apples, oranges in a day and want more. In doing this I actually lost weight, the cumbersome weight around the waist and face especially. To me this was a clear indication of increased metabolism and poor ability to store glycogen. With time this has improved.
  • Exercise in the form of play. Running was always torture for me and I found it really did nothing besides give me a temporary "high" followed by anxiety, irritability, and discontentment. I moved my focus to cross-country skiing, tennis, disc golf, body building- all of which I genuinely enjoy. It's made exercise play instead of a chore and led to a very anabolic metabolism.


Dec 16, 2016

Got a blood test done recently. Here are some relevant markers ...

Prolactin: 22.9 (up from 11.4 since October)
Cholesterol: 137 (up from 112)
Triglycerides: 70 (up from 62)
Calcium: 9.8 (up from 9.0)
TSH: 1.1 (first ever test)
D: 50 (first test ever)
CO2: 23 (down from 26)
ALT/AST: 17 / 18 (versus 25 / 16 before)

A couple thoughts ...

Prolactin has skyrocketed. I was initially surprised because I've been taking B6 at 10mg daily and have been avoiding excessive sex/masturbation. However, after reviewing my dietary habits of the past 6 months vs the 6 months before, I discovered a few things:

1. My carb intake has increased by 25% (400g to 500g), with the majority of my carbs now coming from milk, bananas, and sugar, versus having more citrus fruits and potatoes and rice along with the milk/bananas/sugar. My caffeine intake also doubled (125mg to 250mg). This all points to not getting enough thiamine. My average daily thiamine had only increased from 2mg to 2.3mg between these two time frames.

Why the focus on thiamine? Because it helps with proper sugar metabolism. Now, apprently prolactin has been observed to "normalize" sugar metabolism and is "protective" against diabetes (1). I hypothesize that prolactin can increase to compensate for factors that impair proper sugar metabolism, including low thiamine.

By switching out sugar for more fruit and some potatoes, I should be able to get more thiamine. Peas also look appealing as they're packed with thiamine and aren't necessarily bad to eat.

2. A TSH under 1 seems to be ideal, so I guess I'm at the cusp of decent thyroid levels (especially since my pulse/temps have been good and my cholesterol is fairly low). I'm not sure what else to make of it though.

3. Higher calcium. I haven't taken K2 in two simply because I wanted to wait to buy it along with other supplements. This combined with higher D intake (my D values seem just about right) and high calcium intake (about 3.5 grams daily) may be why my calcium increased.

Once my K2 is here, I'll start taking it.

Speaking of calcium and k2 ... my magnesium may or may not need to increase for overall healh reasons because it's averaging at 650mg per day. I'm getting 5.5 times as much calcium as magnesium. However, since my thyroid function isn't shot, and I average 4500mg sodium daily, I probably retain magneisum fairly okay.

If anyone would like to provide feedback, I'd appreciate it.

1. Circulating Prolactin Associates With Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation: A population-based study


Dec 16, 2016

Also, anyone got any input on using brewers yeast for thiamine vs striaght thiamine HCL powder?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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