
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
For those of my readers who don't know, vitamin K is a prescription drug in many countries for treating/preventing osteoporosis, blood pressure, liver disease, neurological disorders, cancer, etc. Japan is where this remarkable substance enjoys perhaps the most prestige as an actual drug for treating so many of the chronic maladies developed societies encounter. Yet, despite its proven efficacy in so many large, human clinical trials, vitamin K remains shunned in the Western world because the medical authorities in Europe and North America want to see clinical trials conducted on "Western" (read: Caucasian) populations before it grants any approvals for a specific condition. Hopefully, the large human study below conducted in a Western European country will be a big step in that direction. While this study does not discuss specific doses, other studies have demonstrated reversal of soft tissue calcification with 10mg vitamin K every other day taken for a period of 6+ months. However, other studies have demonstrated that blood pressure reduction is already noticeable within the first month of supplementation.

Vitamin K supplementation can help reduce arterial stiffness and improve blood pressure, researchers find
Vitamin K May Help Reduce Arterial Stiffness & Improve Blood Pressure
"...Hardening of the arteries is a risk factor for chronic heart disease, one of the keys to having a healthy heart is maintaining the health of the arteries. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that vitamin K may help to reduce arterial stiffness as well as improve blood pressure."

"...According to the researchers a higher inactive desphospho‐uncarboxylated matrix gla protein was associated with a greater pulse wave velocity, central pulse pressure, forward pulse wave, and backward pulse wave velocity. “This research articulates the importance of pulse wave velocity measurements in gauging cardiovascular impact. Also blood pressure measurements confirm a link between low vitamin K2 status and the risk of cardiovascular disease, since participants of this population study who had higher level of dp-ucMGP had also higher blood pressure,” said Katarzyna Maresz, president of the International Science and Health Foundation, in a statement. “Similarly as this one, a lot of previous studies showed that by improving one’s vitamin K2 status, one can serve a protective role to the cardiovascular system.”


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Was MK-4 used? I tried to determine that by reading the links but didn’t see it mentioned anywhere.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda


Sep 8, 2016
I read it was K2 that they used. In the US most Vitamin companies sell Vitamin K2 in the range of 500mcg to 1000 mcg. That’s 0.6mg to 1 mg. if you wanted use 10 mg that’s 10 pills every other day. Quite expensive.
Apr 13, 2018
Vitamin K2 MK4 worked for my father to reduce his blood pressure. I actually used the Kuinone product from Idealabs. I got him to rub 2-3 drops of kuinone (I believe each drop is 2mg) onto the top of his foot. This went on for around 2 weeks, everyday or so, sometimes skipping days. Anyway, I believe the systolic number dropped around 20-30. That was about 3 months ago so I haven't checked the exact recent readings but he hasn't complained about his regular blood pressure readings since then. I also asked him to drink 1-2 cups of milk for the calcium on days he used the Kuinone.

I haven't had any issue with blood pressure myself so I haven't paid attention to that effect when doing my own experiments. But I did notice that if I take oral K2 MK4 Thorne more than 1mg (say 2mg to 3mg), I have to make sure to get 2 grams of calcium or the next day I have visible veins in my eyes briefly in the morning. My guess it is reducing calcium levels too much without enough calcium in the diet. Wanted to share that in case someone tries out the K2 Mk4 via oral route and notices the same vein thing. ("Mk-4 can sweep calcium from blood, and reducing levels further might be a problem for you, if PTH can't bring calcium levels back up as needed" Your Vitamin K2 Experience )

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Vitamin K2 MK4 worked for my father to reduce his blood pressure. I actually used the Kuinone product from Idealabs. I got him to rub 2-3 drops of kuinone (I believe each drop is 2mg) onto the top of his foot. This went on for around 2 weeks, everyday or so, sometimes skipping days. Anyway, I believe the systolic number dropped around 20-30. That was about 3 months ago so I haven't checked the exact recent readings but he hasn't complained about his regular blood pressure readings since then. I also asked him to drink 1-2 cups of milk for the calcium on days he used the Kuinone.

I haven't had any issue with blood pressure myself so I haven't paid attention to that effect when doing my own experiments. But I did notice that if I take oral K2 MK4 Thorne more than 1mg (say 2mg to 3mg), I have to make sure to get 2 grams of calcium or the next day I have visible veins in my eyes briefly in the morning. My guess it is reducing calcium levels too much without enough calcium in the diet. Wanted to share that in case someone tries out the K2 Mk4 via oral route and notices the same vein thing. ("Mk-4 can sweep calcium from blood, and reducing levels further might be a problem for you, if PTH can't bring calcium levels back up as needed" Your Vitamin K2 Experience )
Are you sure Its because of vitamin K2?
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