The fraud unravels - statins cause, not prevent heart disease (CVD)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
While the news that the statin fraud is finally being exposed is certainly good, it is sad that it took so many decades to admit to something so biochemically obvious. Namely, since statins interfere with the synthesis of mevalonic acid, as a consequence they also inhibit the synthesis of the crucial respiratory redox molecule coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), as well as vitamin K (VK). This is due to the fact that both CoQ10 and VK have a long isoprene side chain, which in humans is synthesized only from mevanolic acid. It is already well-established that a deficiency of CoQ10 (whether caused by statins or something else) results in lower oxidative metabolism (and thus lower ATP levels). In addition, it is also well-established that VK deficiency (whether caused by statins or something else) results in soft-tissue calcification. Both of these effects have been confirmed numerous times not only by CoQ10/VK depletion studies, but also by performing studies with other agents (e.g. rotenone) that inhibit respiration at the steps where CoQ10 is involved or agents that deplete vitamin K (e.g. warfarin). Moreover, those effects have been directly confirmed with statins too, and further corroborated by other studies (see below) showing that supplementation with CoQ10 and/or VK ameliorates those negative effects of statins. And as if all that was not enough, the last study below demonstrated that statins also increase systemic inflammation, which is another major factor in vascular calcification and CVD. Oh, and lest we forget, there is also the "minor" issue with statins suspected of causing deadly neurological diseases such as ALS (via the same mechanisms as for CVD). With so many different mechanisms of causing pathology, the only reasonable conclusion is that the introduction of statins into clinical practice was either remarkably stupid...or deliberate.
Coenzyme q10 and statin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction - PubMed
Highlighting The Substantial Body Of Evidence Confirming The Importance Of Vitamin K2 As A Cardio-Support Nutrient, And How The Right K2 Makes All The Difference - PubMed
Statins Disrupt Macrophage Rac1 Regulation Leading to Increased Atherosclerotic Plaque Calcification - PubMed
Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease: Studies | ZeroHedge

"...For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. However, this seemingly flawless reputation has been called into question. A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification instead of providing protection."

"...The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing muscle function in the heart and blood vessels by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance. Multiple studies show statins inhibit CoQ10 synthesis, leading many patients to supplement. CoQ10 is vital for producing ATP, the cell’s fundamental energy carrier. Insufficient CoQ10 inhibits ATP production, resulting in an energy deficit that the review authors say “could be a major cause for heart muscle and coronary artery damage. “We believe that many years of statin drug therapy result in the gradual accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage,” according to the authors. A 2022 study published in Biophysical Journal linked reduced ATP to heart failure. A 2008 study published in BioFactors reaffirms the statin–CoQ10 link. Researchers evaluated 50 statin patients for side effects like fatigue and muscle pain. All then stopped statins and supplemented CoQ10 for 22 months on average. Heart function improved or held steady for the majority of patients. The researchers conclude statin side effects, including statin cardiomyopathy, “are far more common than previously published and are reversible with the combination of statin discontinuation and supplemental CoQ10.”

"...Statins impair the production of vitamin K, an essential vitamin in managing calcification, according to the review. Optimal vitamin K2 intake helps avoid plaque buildup of atherosclerosis—thickening or hardening of the arteries—and keeps calcification risk low. Coronary calcification happens when calcium accumulates in the walls of the coronary arteries that provide oxygen to the heart. This plaque buildup is a sign of early coronary artery disease, which can block blood flow and trigger a heart attack. A 2021 study published in the Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences found a connection between statin use, coronary artery calcification, and vitamin K2 deficiency. The results shed light on how statins may spur arterial calcium accumulation by inhibiting vitamin K. The study’s findings were “in agreement with the existing evidence about positive association between statins and vascular calcification,” the authors added. Statins were also linked to increased calcification in a 2022 study published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. However, the authors proposed that statins may encourage calcification by heightening inflammation rather than nutrient deficiency."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you @haidut

This is where we are in the UK Dec 2023

Travesty and abomination...but hardly surprising, considering the goal.


Travesty and abomination...but hardly surprising, considering the goal.
It's official - they are trying to kill us!


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
It is terribly frustrating when you try talking to your mom about why anyone would take statins, and she reveals that she herself is taking statins. 😑


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
It is terribly frustrating when you try talking to your mom about why anyone would take statins, and she reveals that she herself is taking statins. 😑
I imagine her doctor repeatedly told her it would reduce her chance of heart attack & heart failure. He might not have mentioned that All Cause mortality is adversely affected. I feel so sorry for the elders who grew up in an age when most doctors could be trusted. I am an elder too but learned in 2001 to no longer trust authorities. Now most doctors just regurgitate whatever the pharmacy salesmen tells them.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is terribly frustrating when you try talking to your mom about why anyone would take statins, and she reveals that she herself is taking statins. 😑

If it makes you feel any better, you are far from alone. I bet there is not a single forum member who does not have at least one close family member who is loaded up on statins, anti-acid drugs, SSRI, etc. It's just life - for some people dealing with the world is just too much, and they feel better offloading the research and hard decisions about health to complete strangers (doctors) who have no vested interest in the patient's health. To make things worse, often such family members are not just simply following doctor's orders and going about their lives. Oh no, they think they have every right to get into your health and argue rabidly about this or that drug/issue and what you should be doing. If you keep responding calmly with evidence eventually they get to the point of realizing they made a tragic mistake...and keep doing what the doctor told them (wtf!?!), but then proceed to blame you for not caring about them and not warning them "earlier". Yes, I do speak from personal experience:):
Mar 10, 2021
“The theory that heart disease is "caused by cholesterol" has gone through several stages, and most recently the use of the "statin" drugs has revived it in a radical way. One consistent theme for fifty years has been that people should eat more polyunsaturated fat and less saturated fat, to lower their cholesterol, and to avoid butter, cream, eggs, and "red meat," because they contain both saturated fat and cholesterol. Often, medical attention is focused on the fats in the atheroma, rather than on the whole disease process, including clotting factors, vascular spasms, heart rhythm, viscosity of the blood, deposition of calcium and iron in blood vessels, and the whole process of inflammation, including the reactions to absorbed bowel toxins.” Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
“Some dogs alertly look at the thing a person is pointing at, other dogs just sniff the pointing finger. The publicists who disregard the complete nutritional and ecological situation, to focus on cholesterol and fat in the diet, are like the finger sniffers.” Ray Peat


May 10, 2022
no need to worry everybody science will save us



Nov 6, 2020
My dad's doctor not only has had him on statin for 30 years, he was having my dad make his butter he insists on eating not so bad for him by having him make a butter spread of half butter and half canola oil. Omg. I put a stop the canola nonsense, but he is so deep in medical interventions that I cannot do anything about the statin.


Aug 17, 2016
If it makes you feel any better, you are far from alone. I bet there is not a single forum member who does not have at least one close family member who is loaded up on statins, anti-acid drugs, SSRI, etc. It's just life - for some people dealing with the world is just too much, and they feel better offloading the research and hard decisions about health to complete strangers (doctors) who have no vested interest in the patient's health. To make things worse, often such family members are not just simply following doctor's orders and going about their lives. Oh no, they think they have every right to get into your health and argue rabidly about this or that drug/issue and what you should be doing. If you keep responding calmly with evidence eventually they get to the point of realizing they made a tragic mistake...and keep doing what the doctor told them (wtf!?!), but then proceed to blame you for not caring about them and not warning them "earlier". Yes, I do speak from personal experience:):
Yep. I had this post with all the links loaded in an email to my sister, whose husband takes statins (finasteride). Then I realized that if I got anything back at all it would be something like, "Oh don't do this at Christmas. Really."
In other words. Stop assaulting us with facts.


Jul 27, 2022
I imagine her doctor repeatedly told her it would reduce her chance of heart attack & heart failure. He might not have mentioned that All Cause mortality is adversely affected. I feel so sorry for the elders who grew up in an age when most doctors could be trusted. I am an elder too but learned in 2001 to no longer trust authorities. Now most doctors just regurgitate whatever the pharmacy salesmen tells them.
yeh, also if the increased damage in other health areas + whole false concept behind cholesterol isnt reason enough to avoid,
another crazy thing is for any decrease in heart attack incidence people might get from blood thinning effects (that could easily be gained from safer things instead) well people on statins also get more severe heart attacks, from the more damaging calcified plaque. so even for the thing its supposed to be good for it has a major downside ironically

If it makes you feel any better, you are far from alone. I bet there is not a single forum member who does not have at least one close family member who is loaded up on statins, anti-acid drugs, SSRI, etc. It's just life - for some people dealing with the world is just too much, and they feel better offloading the research and hard decisions about health to complete strangers (doctors) who have no vested interest in the patient's health. To make things worse, often such family members are not just simply following doctor's orders and going about their lives. Oh no, they think they have every right to get into your health and argue rabidly about this or that drug/issue and what you should be doing. If you keep responding calmly with evidence eventually they get to the point of realizing they made a tragic mistake...and keep doing what the doctor told them (wtf!?!), but then proceed to blame you for not caring about them and not warning them "earlier". Yes, I do speak from personal experience:):
My dad's doctor not only has had him on statin for 30 years, he was having my dad make his butter he insists on eating not so bad for him by having him make a butter spread of half butter and half canola oil. Omg. I put a stop the canola nonsense, but he is so deep in medical interventions that I cannot do anything about the statin.
Yep. I had this post with all the links loaded in an email to my sister, whose husband takes statins (finasteride). Then I realized that if I got anything back at all it would be something like, "Oh don't do this at Christmas. Really."
In other words. Stop assaulting us with facts.
yeah i helped inform someone about the downsides of statins & how there's no need for them (even with heart problems there isnt with better options, but was prescribed without any heart problems even) and that was enough for them to take every 2 or 3 days instead. better but still not off them. ubiquinol can help offset some of the rest
i guess many people dont have much time to spend on more activity after their job during rest/relax time, or dont know theres better sources for getting some clarity, or just arent active in seeking information so authority labels is the thing left to put faith into.

until they have a problem that illuminates how inadequate the "health" system is at helping. or theyve been through it enough to experience its big flaws firsthand & hopefully its not too late

also information can be dead , less emotional than the experience of being prescribed something that someone's told is gonna work.
But gets uncomfortable trying to shift perspective, being interruptive or can come across as too controlling, & has to be their own decision to be bought in so.

maybe a good approach is trying to help ppl help themselves by sharing good information first without being preachy at least getting them aware of info. and if that isnt enough then by making it visual more emotional, showing images videos of likely outcomes from it for more impact, videos of other people speaking about it which might help dispel perception of it being some fringe lesser outlook. Asking questions seeing what theyre apprehensive about etc.
if still not after then i guess its on them to navigate their own way
Last edited:


Yep. I had this post with all the links loaded in an email to my sister, whose husband takes statins (finasteride). Then I realized that if I got anything back at all it would be something like, "Oh don't do this at Christmas. Really."
In other words. Stop assaulting us with facts.
The push back is extraordinary. They get angry which really surprises me.


Jan 16, 2023
It is terribly frustrating when you try talking to your mom about why anyone would take statins, and she reveals that she herself is taking statins. 😑
At least she listened to me and stopped taking jabs after the 3rd one :grumpy::meh:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Often, medical attention is focused on the fats in the atheroma, rather than on the whole disease process,

Actually, even Ray's writing on this is a bit outdated. There is now evidence that the fats that make up the atheroma are predominantly by-products of PUFA. So, even if we focus only on the fat making up the atheroma, as Ray said medicine does, the evidence still points to PUFA and not SFA.
"...In atherosclerosis, an underlying cause of Coronary artery disease and strokes, atheromatous plaques accumulate in the vascular tunica intima thereby narrowing blood vessel size and decreasing blood flow. In an animal model and in humans 13-HODE (primarily esterified to cholesterol, phospholipids, and possibly other lipids) is a dominant component of these plaques.[51][52][53][54]"

"...These oxidations are credited with being the major contributors to 9-HODE and 13-HODE isomer production in tissues undergoing oxidative stress such as occurs in any tissue suffering inadequate blood flow, inflammation, or other serious insult, in liver steatohepatitis, in the atheroma plaques of cardiovascular disease, in nerve tissues of neurodegenerative diseases, and in the various tissues compromised by diabetes (see oxidative stress).[11][12] "

Yet, the medical fraud still goes on unabated...


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
At least she listened to me and stopped taking jabs after the 3rd one :grumpy::meh:

It feels so nice to be apart of an eclectic community that is also trying to help themselves as well as their families/loved ones. My girlfriend has lost two really good friends in the last 2 weeks that past away in the night. These girls were in the mid 50’s. Completely active women with no obvious health problems. Died in the night. We also know many more close friends over the last three years that died in their kitchens or at home. Active working age people with children… I can’t believe how many funerals we have been to in the last three years of family and friends. I’m a pretty stoic midwesterner but I am blown away alarmed by my observations. And can’t really take it anymore so I’m venting a bit in this thread. I thank you all for contributing solutions, higher consciousness thoughts and sharing Rays work.
The Jabs, the estrogens, the statins, and the PUFA’s can all go to hell.
And to all those prescribing these, may you please wake up to the harm you are doing. And stop.
Love to you all and I hope you all have warm sugary days! 🍊


Aug 17, 2016
It feels so nice to be apart of an eclectic community that is also trying to help themselves as well as their families/loved ones. My girlfriend has lost two really good friends in the last 2 weeks that past away in the night. These girls were in the mid 50’s. Completely active women with no obvious health problems. Died in the night. We also know many more close friends over the last three years that died in their kitchens or at home. Active working age people with children… I can’t believe how many funerals we have been to in the last three years of family and friends. I’m a pretty stoic midwesterner but I am blown away alarmed by my observations. And can’t really take it anymore so I’m venting a bit in this thread. I thank you all for contributing solutions, higher consciousness thoughts and sharing Rays work.
The Jabs, the estrogens, the statins, and the PUFA’s can all go to hell.
And to all those prescribing these, may you please wake up to the harm you are doing. And stop.
Love to you all and I hope you all have warm sugary days! 🍊
Phew. That's intense to have experienced all these deaths around you.

I feel the same way. :grouphug2


Aug 17, 2016
yeh, also if the increased damage in other health areas + whole false concept behind cholesterol isnt reason enough to avoid,
another crazy thing is for any decrease in heart attack incidence people might get from blood thinning effects (that could easily be gained from safer things instead) well people on statins also get more severe heart attacks, from the more damaging calcified plaque. so even for the thing its supposed to be good for it has a major downside ironically

yeah i helped inform someone about the downsides of statins & how there's no need for them
(even with heart problems there isnt with better options, but was prescribed without any heart problems even) and that was enough for them to take every 2 or 3 days instead. better but still not off them. ubiquinol can help offset some of the rest
i guess many people dont have much time to spend on more activity after their job during rest/relax time, or dont know theres better sources for getting some clarity, or just arent active in seeking information so authority labels is the thing left to put faith into.

until they have a problem that illuminates how inadequate the "health" system is at helping. or theyve been through it enough to experience its big flaws firsthand & hopefully its not too late

also information can be dead , less emotional than the experience of being prescribed something that someone's told is gonna work.
But gets uncomfortable trying to shift perspective, being interruptive or can come across as too controlling, & has to be their own decision to be bought in so.

maybe a good approach is trying to help ppl help themselves by sharing good information first without being preachy at least getting them aware of info. and if that isnt enough then by making it visual more emotional, showing images videos of likely outcomes from it for more impact, videos of other people speaking about it which might help dispel perception of it being some fringe lesser outlook. Asking questions seeing what theyre apprehensive about etc.
if still not after then i guess its on them to navigate their own way
I think it's a vicious circle. The state (structure of the organism) they are in tends to embrace authoritarianism. They have to get out the that state to want to be open and embrace "novel" ideas.
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