The fraud unravels - statins cause, not prevent heart disease (CVD)


Jul 26, 2018
Statins also deplete selenium and this is not a common knowledge.
Seleniuim is important as an antioxidant. 20% of selenium is concentrated in the brain,20 %-> kidney, high demand is in the liver, heart muscle, thyroid, pancreas. gonads and small glands.
The highest "cellular" concentration of Se is in platelets.

Blood vessels need vit.K2, but heart muscle works also on vit.K1.

There are problems with isoprenoids, protein prenylation, dolichol, heme A, squalene, lanosterol as well.
Some statins contain fluorides attached.
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Dec 25, 2022
Actually, even Ray's writing on this is a bit outdated. There is now evidence that the fats that make up the atheroma are predominantly by-products of PUFA. So, even if we focus only on the fat making up the atheroma, as Ray said medicine does, the evidence still points to PUFA and not SFA.
"...In atherosclerosis, an underlying cause of Coronary artery disease and strokes, atheromatous plaques accumulate in the vascular tunica intima thereby narrowing blood vessel size and decreasing blood flow. In an animal model and in humans 13-HODE (primarily esterified to cholesterol, phospholipids, and possibly other lipids) is a dominant component of these plaques.[51][52][53][54]"

"...These oxidations are credited with being the major contributors to 9-HODE and 13-HODE isomer production in tissues undergoing oxidative stress such as occurs in any tissue suffering inadequate blood flow, inflammation, or other serious insult, in liver steatohepatitis, in the atheroma plaques of cardiovascular disease, in nerve tissues of neurodegenerative diseases, and in the various tissues compromised by diabetes (see oxidative stress).[11][12] "

Yet, the medical fraud still goes on unabated...
Appreciate this ^^^.
If one has an atheroma or atherosclerosis, plaque in the aortic valve or in the arteries (aorta, carotid arteries, etc), what can help besides avoiding PUFAs?
In my personal observation I know one person who started on Vit E. I noticed his aortic valve was less sclerotic compared to the initial scan... I also know another who started diabetes meds and aortic valve became sclerotic.
Mar 10, 2021
My dad's doctor not only has had him on statin for 30 years, he was having my dad make his butter he insists on eating not so bad for him by having him make a butter spread of half butter and half canola oil. Omg. I put a stop the canola nonsense, but he is so deep in medical interventions that I cannot do anything about the statin.

"There have been several studies in India showing that consumption of butter and ghee is associated with a low incidence of heart disease; for example, according to one study, people in the north eat 19 times more fat (mostly butter and ghee) than in the south, yet the incidence of heart disease is seven times higher in the south." -Ray Peat

“Vegetable oil suppresses the thyroid, increasing estrogen.” -Ray Peat

“Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or “aerobic” (i.e. anaerobic) exercise, and diets containing beans, lentils, nuts, unsaturated fats (including carotene), and undercooked broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens. Many health conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal proteins, oils instead of butter, carotene instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of stimulating life.” -Ray Peat
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Nov 6, 2020
"There have been several studies in India showing that consumption of butter and ghee is associated with a low incidence of heart disease; for example, according to one study, people in the north eat 19 times more fat (mostly butter and ghee) than in the south, yet the incidence of heart disease is seven times higher in the south." -Ray Peat

“Vegetable oil suppresses the thyroid, increasing estrogen.” -Ray Peat

“Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or “aerobic” (i.e. anaerobic) exercise, and diets containing beans, lentils, nuts, unsaturated fats (including carotene), and undercooked broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens. Many health conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal proteins, oils instead of butter, carotene instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of stimulating life.” -Ray Peat
My dad loves butter to the dismay of his doctors. They had him making that canola oil abomination. He is back to eating butter, I got my mom to get rid of all the vegetable oils- but as far as the statins go, they have him on too many medications for me to interfere with it. It's so sad.
Mar 10, 2021
My dad loves butter to the dismay of his doctors. They had him making that canola oil abomination. He is back to eating butter, I got my mom to get rid of all the vegetable oils- but as far as the statins go, they have him on too many medications for me to interfere with it. It's so sad.
I have that same sadness all around me too Sunny.


Aug 8, 2022
The push back is extraordinary. They get angry which really surprises me.
It is ... I tried and tried talking about the dangers of statins with my mum. My stepdad has been on them for a few years (for high cholesterol). He may listen but only if she can be convinced. I have not managed. Instead I have been met with a really angry reaction. She has full faith in the medical system. Like a brick wall ... I am worried for him because he has been in pain lately (muscle pain, I am guessing) and isn’t moving as much because of the pain and discomfort.


It is ... I tried and tried talking about the dangers of statins with my mum. My stepdad has been on them for a few years (for high cholesterol). He may listen but only if she can be convinced. I have not managed. Instead I have been met with a really angry reaction. She has full faith in the medical system. Like a brick wall ... I am worried for him because he has been in pain lately (muscle pain, I am guessing) and isn’t moving as much because of the pain and discomfort.
Would he be willing to supplement q10? Statins deplete q10 which causes the muscle pain.


Aug 8, 2022
Would he be willing to supplement q10? Statins deplete q10 which causes the muscle pain.
In all honesty, I don’t know ... He probably needs to hear this from the trusted doctor. I told my mum that he should at least try CoQ10 to help ease his muscle pain when I was getting nowhere with listing the side effects of the statins. I think she just pretended to listen to shut the conversation! But this thread is reminding me that I need to have another go so thank you very much.


Feb 26, 2018
The two newsletter by ray on cholesterol are really helpful in this regard.


Jul 2, 2022
My dad loves butter to the dismay of his doctors. They had him making that canola oil abomination. He is back to eating butter, I got my mom to get rid of all the vegetable oils- but as far as the statins go, they have him on too many medications for me to interfere with it. It's so sad.
Great you are pushing your loved ones away from toxic oils !

Regarding the drugs and being too far into the hands of the doctors - I understand you completely. When they push too many buttons at once it is scary to try and undo some of the interventions.

Having said that , my father in law got 3 massive heart attacks in the span of a few days, got 50% of his heart muscle removed o_O, I think a little over 50%, on statins and many other potentially bad drugs since then, 25 years later, he is still alive and with more energy than me while being 80yo ! I can't keep up with his tempo in life. In fact since he got the heart attack and all those poisons he seemingly stopped aging visually. He is developing other internal issues though like muscle and bone pain, calcification of different tissues but is still very very active. Crazy. So it might not be AS BAD as it seems.

I've supplied him with red light panel + lots of collagen/gelatin everyday which seem to work well. He is also on aspirin.
Mar 10, 2021
My dad loves butter to the dismay of his doctors. They had him making that canola oil abomination. He is back to eating butter, I got my mom to get rid of all the vegetable oils- but as far as the statins go, they have him on too many medications for me to interfere with it. It's so sad.
I am glad you are getting somewhere with your parents Sunny. What I do is bring over what I am “pushing”, since advice rarely gets the ball rolling. For my son and his wife a couple of Christmas’s ago I bought several large bags of heirloom all-purpose Einkorn flour, because his wife does a lot of baking. They thought it was funny, but $50 worth of flour for them was a gift to me to put my mind at ease about their health. They wouldn’t have spent the money on such a thing, that is until they felt better eating the baked goods that were made with it. Now they buy that flour. The last visit to their house I saw a jar of refined coconut oil almost used up at the stove, which made me smile. My son has said how much better he feels eating meals at my home and is starting to spend a little more on some things, like grass-fed butter. Getting him to buy grass-fed milk is my next mission.


In all honesty, I don’t know ... He probably needs to hear this from the trusted doctor. I told my mum that he should at least try CoQ10 to help ease his muscle pain when I was getting nowhere with listing the side effects of the statins. I think she just pretended to listen to shut the conversation! But this thread is reminding me that I need to have another go so thank you very much.
Most doctors know of the depletion of q10 by statins


Aug 8, 2022
Most doctors know of the depletion of q10 by statins
You would think so, wouldn’t you! I believe that he is regularly monitored, on the plus side. I found an easy to read article online about muscular pains caused by statins and CoQ10 supplementation, sent it to him and asked that he at least mentions it at his next check up.


Aug 1, 2023
If it makes you feel any better, you are far from alone. I bet there is not a single forum member who does not have at least one close family member who is loaded up on statins, anti-acid drugs, SSRI, etc. It's just life - for some people dealing with the world is just too much, and they feel better offloading the research and hard decisions about health to complete strangers (doctors) who have no vested interest in the patient's health. To make things worse, often such family members are not just simply following doctor's orders and going about their lives. Oh no, they think they have every right to get into your health and argue rabidly about this or that drug/issue and what you should be doing. If you keep responding calmly with evidence eventually they get to the point of realizing they made a tragic mistake...and keep doing what the doctor told them (wtf!?!), but then proceed to blame you for not caring about them and not warning them "earlier". Yes, I do speak from personal experience:):
Yep, my mother, father, and all aunts and uncles, save one, on them… most recent uncle just started due to his doctor finding a plaque… I am sending over the Zero Hedge article… but might send more. His wife, my aunt, is more willing to read and discuss with physicians, but is ultimately very ‘all in’ on allopathic medicine and ‘trusting authorities/experts.’ She regurgitates what the doctors tell her.
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Aug 1, 2023
It is ... I tried and tried talking about the dangers of statins with my mum. My stepdad has been on them for a few years (for high cholesterol). He may listen but only if she can be convinced. I have not managed. Instead I have been met with a really angry reaction. She has full faith in the medical system. Like a brick wall ... I am worried for him because he has been in pain lately (muscle pain, I am guessing) and isn’t moving as much because of the pain and discomfort.
Classic. Studies show ZERO benefit for primary preventive use and muscle pain is a known adverse effect, along with a host of so many others.

No one in my family is really willing or interested to read for themselves. It’s like they are all children… I just cannot understand not wanting to get off pharmaceuticals if possible.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Any plans to engage in any debates on this topic anytime soon?

I don't really participate in debates on health topics. The few I had already were basically circuses, where once the evidence starts to swing too much against the allopathic approach being debated, the other side (often a doctor) starts to hurl insults and appeals to authority. The goal of my activity is to provide information to people who have realized the current medical approach does not work and are ready to change their mind. I don't think any of the pharma shills defending statins will ever change their minds (as their employment depends on defending statins), so it is more or less a waste of time to debate them.
Mar 10, 2021
I don't really participate in debates on health topics. The few I had already were basically circuses, where once the evidence starts to swing too much against the allopathic approach being debated, the other side (often a doctor) starts to hurl insults and appeals to authority. The goal of my activity is to provide information to people who have realized the current medical approach does not work and are ready to change their mind. I don't think any of the pharma shills defending statins will ever change their minds (as their employment depends on defending statins), so it is more or less a waste of time to debate them.
I am with your thinking @haidut , not to debate, but rather to add extra information and a person can battle it out themself with it.


Feb 18, 2018
I don't really participate in debates on health topics. The few I had already were basically circuses, where once the evidence starts to swing too much against the allopathic approach being debated, the other side (often a doctor) starts to hurl insults and appeals to authority. The goal of my activity is to provide information to people who have realized the current medical approach does not work and are ready to change their mind. I don't think any of the pharma shills defending statins will ever change their minds (as their employment depends on defending statins), so it is more or less a waste of time to debate them.

I feel you and ideally we have productive conversations that actually progress humanity forward. Having moderators for debates is useful because they can keep the conversation related to the subject manner at hand and reprimand any ad hominem offenses or otherwise unfair debate strategies. I think they are useful tools to sway public opinion if done successfully as there will be many people who may be moderate or willing to change their positions on things especially if it’s in their best interest, ie it makes them healthier.

I do know there are many warriors out there in the public arena fighting against harmful narratives tho so I am very grateful for people like Paul Saladino who’s willing to question mainstream dogma and be very vocal and in the public sphere with it.


Aug 17, 2016
I don't really participate in debates on health topics. The few I had already were basically circuses, where once the evidence starts to swing too much against the allopathic approach being debated, the other side (often a doctor) starts to hurl insults and appeals to authority. The goal of my activity is to provide information to people who have realized the current medical approach does not work and are ready to change their mind. I don't think any of the pharma shills defending statins will ever change their minds (as their employment depends on defending statins), so it is more or less a waste of time to debate them.
HAH. I made an **** out of myself at a holiday gathering the other night. There was a guy there who said he had just returned from Tiajana where he got stem cells. I went full asperger's that there was another live human being in right front of me talking about something other than the weather. I think I blurted out NAD. And "every cell in the body is potentially a stem cell", with breathless excitement. I think he was interested but anyone approaching to mingle backed right off with weirded out eye rolls.
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