Vitamin A and T3 for testosterone - dosage


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I was wondering why my urine turned into this bright neon yellow color during the last weeks. Almost like when you take too much riboflavin. Never had this before in my life.
Yes toxic "vitamin A" will literally come out any way it can. Add a bit of niacin as nicotinic acid in there (it doesnt take much) and your pee will turn all kinds of colors and the stench that comes out is incredible. Dumping toxins is fun and everyone should do it!
There was a debate in the Carnivore spaces last few years how/ whether liver is needed on the diet. And how those who ate liver had failed on the diet. Paul Saladino including.
Yes! If you look up the ozone lady on twitter she is documenting how the carnivore diet goes bad when people eat liver. She meticulously shows that when carnivore people eat liver they get "vitamin A" toxicity. It is as clear as day. And when they don't eat liver they thrive because naturally a carnivore diet is low in "vitamin A". Although as we know, via Peat, we do need carbs so safe low "vitamin A" carbs are important like rice, brown rice, apples, bananas, beans, etc. And not everyone does good on beans, especially if you are copper toxic. So starting off slow and low with beans is prudent.
There's no evidence it's absoutely essential for steroid production. The problem is that there's no reliable empirical data on vitamin A, because no one has seriously looked into what happens on a reasonable A-free diet long-term. Due to the difficulty in depleting people of retinol and carotenes, studies are not easy. So we are looking at a substance that has not been studied appropriately in the real world. Scientists can discover anything in the lab when there's no good real-world foundation.

The question whether vitamin A is a vitamin only starts to matter once your blood retinol level falls below 20mcg/ml. Almost no one has that low levels and it takes years to deplete.

The facts for vitamin A were all there, if Peat had looked. No one who looks at it open minded can recommend people to increase their vitamin A intake, considering the liver biopsy and toxicity studies. The concept of high vitamin doses looks promising when you compare it to using toxic medication, but it's still a very allopathic thing. Peat got many things wrong because he started with his own experiences and then looked for facts to confirm them. So when he had to take 100k IU of vitamin A to control his acne, he overlooked the fact that it's a bit more complex than just vA deficiency.

The fact that he started losing his teeth when he stopped drinking milk for a week should already make you question him. Not everything he ever said, but some of the practical applications he promoted.

We have to look at it through a historical perspective. With the "chemical revolution", companies started to produce synthetic chemicals promoted for health. This was the point when the collective health started to break down.

Every symptom was suppressed with a chemical, and then new symptoms appeared for which new chemicals were invented. But since all chronic disease symptoms are just a sign of chronic toxicity (with the exception of nutrient deficiencies, lack of hygiene and structural abnormalities), humanity has just gotten more toxic. This process has been going on for centuries. The earliest forms of medicine used extreme toxins like mercury.

Suppressing symptoms means suppressing detoxification. The topic goes very deep. These toxins create a false sense of self, and then people are struggling with themselves, thinking they need to confront their dark side, dissolve their ego, etc. It's all just toxicity.

Slowly going back to a normal life without toxicity is a spiritual process. The bible was written for that purpose, as a guide to prevent people from making themselves toxic = unclean, but due to the cultural and languages changes throughout history, the essence has been lost. The bible talks about health issues and mold, about non-toxic foods, etc.

The big problem is that vA interacts with EMF. So starting with the mass use of smartphones, 5G, starlink, etc., everyone got even sicker. 2013 after the introduction of smartphones was a big shift in health, especially mental health. Peat himself said that vA acts like an antenna for EMF... now think about what that means in our world today... Mold, EMF, vitamin A, those are the big issues, but it's fascinating that many who have tried to avoid mold only got sicker, but eliminating vitamin A made them resistant to it's negative effects. Then there's vaccines that act like a trigger to make the ticking vA time bomb explode.

If enough people wake up to this topic and start detoxing, we have the opportunity, collectively, to start living according to our true purpose.

Ever since the 1960s, people have tried to "detox", and have done all kinds of things, but nothing really worked fundamentally, we all got more toxic. Now the true cause of toxicity has been found. VA is like pulling the plug in a bathtub, when you remove the plug, the water (toxins) can be eliminated. You will have a hard time emptying the bathtub if you don't pull the plug, especially if new water comes in faster than you can empty it.

And obviously some people have a perfect liver and will be more resistant to vitamin A and can take in a lot without becoming toxic, and for some the issue is more related to heavy metals, or pesticides. There's never some specific approach that works for 100% of people all the time, but chronic toxicity itself as the cause of modern disease is universal, and vA is the biggest culprit. As long as the toxins are safely stored away in a well-functioning liver and fat tissues, one can feel perfectly healthy. But often a trigger is enough (infection, extreme stress, mold, etc.) to make the body break down, when the toxins start flowing everywhere. And fiber, binders and a low vA, low toxin diet seems to be a reasonable solution. How this looks in practice is debatable.
That was beautiful.
Can I ask what are the name of those groups?
I only know of Discussion
And found A FB group called Vitamin A Toxicity, but it’s not very active.
Dr. Garret Smiths "Love your liver" group is where most people meet up. And if you pay the $100 a year you will get the entire program so you can get right into it and it is well worth the $100. I am not affiliated with Dr. Smith in any way.

On Telegram you can check out "WillofEuropa's Healthmaxx Network". They branched off from Dr. Smith and are doing some good work in there. But I would put all my efforts into the Love your liver program first, learn the basics and start from there. His program lays out all the info and is a wealth of information.


Oct 22, 2018
Anything that has an antibiotic effect can turn feces yellow, and B vitamins can dye urine bright yellow. If sweat is dying towels and pillows yellow, shouldn't it be carotenes and not vitamin A? At least the vitamin A I have is colourless.


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you for responding to my post, Charlie. :)

There is a huge difference between pale stool and bright yellow neon stool. I have had both. I have not even gotten to the green copper colored poo yet. Its glorious! :D

Interesting. I haven’t experienced pale stools since I resolved my gallbladder disease and fatty liver with NDT 5 years ago.

If I remember correctly you literally came off of a starvation diet. The increase in calories could easily explain this.

I came off a diet (80/10/10) I now consider to be nutritionally inadequate for me, but I don’t consider 3,000+ calories daily for a woman my size who was inactive at the time due to severe illness to be starvation. I did drop an alarming amount of weight in a short period of time when my thyroid crashed while climbing mountains in extreme weather conditions, and my spine did eventually collapse while following 80/10/10 out of desperation when all other dietary interventions I tried failed to put weight on me, but my caloric intake and activity level were the same while following Dr. Shanahan’s diet, however, even if that weren’t the case, it wouldn’t explain why I also gained back bone density and another inch in height this past year I greatly increased my vitamin A intake so again I ask, why would I have experienced the improvements I have if vitamin A were inherently toxic? Same goes for baby Earl. If something is toxic, especially as toxic as your posts seem to indicate, in the very least, our conditions shouldn’t have improved.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I came off a diet (80/10/10) I now consider to be nutritionally inadequate for me, but I don’t consider 3,000+ calories daily for a woman my size who was inactive at the time due to severe illness to be starvation. I did drop an alarming amount of weight in a short period of time when my thyroid crashed while climbing mountains in extreme weather conditions, and my spine did eventually collapse while following 80/10/10 out of desperation when all other dietary interventions I tried failed to put weight on me, but my caloric intake and activity level were the same while following Dr. Shanahan’s diet, however, even if that weren’t the case, it wouldn’t explain why I also gained back bone density and another inch in height this past year I greatly increased my vitamin A intake so again I ask, why would I have experienced the improvements I have if vitamin A were inherently toxic? Same goes for baby Earl. If something is toxic, especially as toxic as your posts seem to indicate, in the very least, our conditions shouldn’t have improved.
Hi Jennifer, do not miss the nuance of how insidious "vitamin A" toxicity works. Check out the video I posted above if you want, Grant explains it can take decades for it to rear its ugly head and then it can break free all at once and wreck havoc. While it is getting stored away in the fat and liver by the body, things can look OK.


Mar 9, 2023
United States
Just mentally filter out anyone posting that fake doctor (pic related) who claims that the reason Americans are sick is purely from just *too much* liver and sweet potatoes, some of the least popular foods in fried chicken and donuts America. Meanwhile, where sweet potatoes are popular, they're the healthiest people in the world (Okinawans). It's clearly not the sweet potatoes.

It's just another grift and this guy is even trying to sell his "support group" for $100. What even is that? You pay $100 to listen to someone say they're traumatized from a potato? There's a reason they always say "GRANT SMITH'S THEORY" because you got to say the name over and over as a marketing strategy. His personal training didn't take off (because he looks bad) so now it's ESSENTIAL VITAMIN IS ACTUALLY TOXIC, PAY $100 FOR MY NEWSLETTER, I PAID FOR CERTIFICATION ONLINE I AM NOW DOCTOR.

Yeah, I'm being a hater because this guy is trying to scam you. That thing he said earlier about "vitamin A toxicity from the"liver"—that's from polar bears. Are you eating polar bears? Why be dishonest? Why call him a doctor when he's not a doctor? Good grief. Ban me I don't care.


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Jul 8, 2014
Hi Jennifer, do not miss the nuance of how insidious "vitamin A" toxicity works. Check out the video I posted above if you want, Grant explains it can take decades for it to rear its ugly head and then it can break free all at once and wreck havoc. While it is getting stored away in the fat and liver by the body, things can look OK.

Hi Charlie, I did look at the video you posted, thank you. :) And thank you for looking out for my health. I appreciate it, I really do, but my spine ultimately collapsed because I was so sick, scared and desperate that I was willing to believe in the unproven and write my deteriorating health off as part of the “healing” process. As convincing as some are, I’m no longer willing to live in fear and outsource my health to theories when experience has shown me that I’ve got this and always have. I do wish you all the best with the low A diet, though. I empathize with the life-long suffering you have endured and I just want the best for you and everyone else here. Keep kicking illness in the you know what, Charlie. ❤️


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
It's just another grift and this guy is even trying to sell his "support group" for $100. What even is that? You pay $100 to listen to someone say they're traumatized from a potato? There's a reason they always say "GRANT SMITH'S THEORY" because you got to say the name over and over as a marketing strategy. His personal training didn't take off (because he looks bad) so now it's ESSENTIAL VITAMIN IS ACTUALLY TOXIC, PAY $100 FOR MY NEWSLETTER, I PAID FOR CERTIFICATION ONLINE I AM NOW DOCTOR.
His name is Dr. Garret Smith, and the person who figured out "vitamin A" is toxic is Grant Genereux. Grant was told to get his affairs in order because his kidneys were shutting down. Once he lowered the "vitamin A" he reversed what was told to him was irreversible kidney disease and also cured his eczema. His doctor said he never had seen that before. One does not need to buy into Smiths group, there is such a groundswell of people doing this now that there is other sources out there.You can also go to Smiths free twitter account and get most the info you need.

This is about the end times Restoration Promised to God's people in Joel 2. So I expect many of you not to get it, those with eyes to see and ears to hear will. And that's A OK with me. This is about God keeping His promise to return everything that was stolen from us, even our health. Like @mosaic01 mentioned earlier, this is a Spiritual journey. Many months ago I came to the conclusion that when my temple(body) is cleansed from toxins I will be able to get much closer to God. So when @mosaic01 posted up thread about this being a Spiritual journey he was my second witness to what I had concluded. This is a journey to God, and if you do not want to get onboard, that's fine with me.
Just mentally filter out anyone posting that fake doctor (pic related) who claims that the reason Americans are sick is purely from just *too much* liver and sweet potatoes, some of the least popular foods in fried chicken and donuts America.
That whole post was a weak character attack on a man leading the healing of many people right now. You probably need to question yourself why that bothers you so much.


Jul 2, 2022
Many months ago I came to the conclusion that when my temple(body) is cleansed from toxins I will be able to get much closer to God.
This is 100% true. One starts to know and feel things after awhile inside a really clean body. Intuition goes crazy.

I would like to apologize for some brain farts that I wrote earlier in the topic. Even said that Garreth looks like a chemo patient which was mean. Most people are tired and look tired of all the BS anyway.

Since Friday been digging into this research due to the enthusiasm of some members here especially @charlie around this topic and now it seems to me pretty obvious that eating predominantly vit A rich foods creates an imbalance that indeed after years can show up as some disease state. I can definitely connect some dots as I dumped liver 1 year ago intuitively felt it does not make me feel good. A few days of improved energy and then some issues come along. Did not connect the vit A being the issue. Or too much copper ?

Recently( 2 months ) ago I had beta carotene issue that lowered my body temperature after eating too much carrot salad everyday. Which gave me the push to experiment with thyroid and all symptoms vanished away. Beta carotene is indeed a poison(for my organism at least).

Having said that - I still believe that ultra low vit A diet might be good only to get back into balance quicker and then return to moderation. Liver is a big nono. Carrots everyday is also pretty bad. Eggs - no way I am not eating eggs or some quality milk. Still not convinced vit A is a straight up toxin. Intuitively feel that too much for too long is the issue. And going ultra low vit A can create issues due to too many restrictions which will cause other disease down the line. But will keep an open mind.
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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
This is 100% true. One starts to know and feel things after awhile inside a really clean body. Intuition goes crazy.

I would like to apologize for some brain farts that I wrote earlier in the topic. Even said that Garreth looks like a chemo patient which was mean. Most people are tired and look tired of all the BS anyway.

Since Friday been digging into this research due to the enthusiasm of some members here especially @charlie around this topic and now it seems to me pretty obvious that eating predominantly vit A rich foods creates an imbalance that indeed after years can show up as some disease state. I can definitely connect some dots as I dumped liver 1 year ago intuitively felt it does not make me feel good. A few days of improved energy and then some issues come along. Did not connect the vit A being the issue. Or too much copper ?

Recently( 2 months ) ago I had beta carotene issue that lowered my body temperature after eating too much carrot salad everyday. Which gave me the push to experiment with thyroid and all symptoms vanished away. Beta carotene is indeed a poison(for my organism at least).

Having said that - I still believe that ultra low vit A diet might be good only to get back into balance quicker and then return to moderation. Liver is a big nono. Carrots everyday is also pretty bad. Eggs - no way I am not eating eggs or some quality milk. Still not convinced vit A is a straight up toxin. Intuitively feel that too much for too long is the issue. And going ultra low vit A can cause issues due to too many restrictions which will cause other disease down the line. But will keep an open mind.
This is a good post. Thanks for taking the time to consider that too much Vitamin A can cause trouble.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@PopSocket, If there’s anyone who didn’t want this to be correct it’s yours truly. I firmly believed liver was nature’s multivitamin for years prior to discovering Peat. I hated it yet I still faithfully ate it. I even did quite a long stent of ‘eating the rainbow’ and got so unbelievably sick from it! I’ve since figured out that carotenoids are worse for me personally than A in animal foods. I’ve tried multiple times to disprove the idea for myself/on myself yet after 5.5 years here I am…I decided if I could devote that much time and energy to pursuing something that just made me sicker and sicker then I could at least devote an equal amount of time and energy to trialing low A. You just don’t see results like Grant Genereux’s in the medical world and that made a big impression on me. I definitely haven’t done it perfectly by any stretch and I’ve had periods of time where I know I have eaten more than was optimal for me due to my job primarily but I’ve continued to gradually and in hindsight (when comparing photos) dramatically improve. It’s not a popular subject and most people think it’s crazy. I’m not one to argue with others about it though. I follow my labs and bio markers so I know everything looks good. At the end of the day whether others understand or not I have to eat and live in the manner that helps me thrive.
Edit- I even went do far as to put vitamin A on my female parts for hormonal balance and ended up with a pelvic floor prolapse. I don’t think it was solely due to the A but I do believe it contributed.


Jul 8, 2014
I’ve since figured out that carotenoids are worse for me personally than A in animal foods.

Carotenoids became a problem for me too when my thyroid function was at its worst. I was so saturated in them that I resembled an Oompa Loompa with a bad spray tan. A few months on just dairy, eggs and honey, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror one day and for a brief second was alarmed. I had forgotten what my normally fair complexion looks like. lol

You just don’t see results like Grant Genereux’s in the medical world and that made a big impression on me.

That’s what I thought about Ray’s and Dr. Morse’s results. Overcoming cancer, MS, paralysis, spinal deformities etc. made a big impression on me. Add to that, all the time they dedicate(d) to helping others without expecting anything in return.

I follow my labs and bio markers so I know everything looks good. At the end of the day whether others understand or not I have to eat and live in the manner that helps me thrive.

Same here. Well said. I’ve gotten a lot of unsolicited advice over the years from well-intentioned strangers, especially about my milk intake, but they’re coming from the perspective of their own experiences which aren’t mine, and my results don’t lie.


Aug 9, 2019
Seems to me like milk, eggs, liver were never meant to be staples in a diet, but supplements/ additions. Just because these foods have high nutrient density, doesn’t mean they should be staples.

A low Vitamin D status and blue light toxicity results in reduced tolerance of VA.
I think there is something that Ray has fundamentally gotten wrong in his pursuit of a high metabolism. So he kept adding more. More thyroid, more Calcium, more Retinol. To barely function normally, let alone thriving.

Balance is everything. It shouldn’t be that hard to achieve a steady, high thyroid state. And keep it without taking hormones.


Mar 26, 2014
I think Vit A is just another part that can be added to the liver/thyroid/PUFA matrix. I'm only 162 pages into the Grant Genereux thread, far too ill to read it all thoroughly but I think I'm going to drastically reduce my Vit A consumption.

I noticed in that thread people keep bringing up Ray's metabolism as though he was hypothyroid. He was hyperthyroid, hence why Vit A did OK for him possibly.

Anyone following his overal approach rather than chugging OJ and milk should also be using redlight, which consumes A.


Sep 22, 2020
How long before you start noticing anything from this elimination diet? I have been doing this since January the 1st. I plan to do this for at least the next 6 months or so, to then see where I am.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Carotenoids became a problem for me too when my thyroid function was at its worst. I was so saturated in them that I resembled an Oompa Loompa with a bad spray tan. A few months on just dairy, eggs and honey, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror one day and for a brief second was alarmed. I had forgotten what my normally fair complexion looks like. lol
Hahaha! I have had that same thing happen!
We might have some things in common since we are both petite. I’ve noticed general advice on things like calories, macros, supplement dosages ect. don’t quite pan out for me which makes sense in hindsight. I’ve gotten myself in trouble acting like I’m average!
In the last couple of years I’ve shifted more towards honing in on my body rather than what works for the average person. I’m ultimately responsible for my health and well-being after all. This is where I’m most grateful for Ray’s emphasis on context and empowering people to think for themselves. I also try to stay flexible, curious and open to change since I’ve learned to appreciate how truly dynamic our bodies are and that things can and do change. I’m a little stubborn of course which has made this a hard lesson to learn!


Aug 9, 2019
Carotenoids became a problem for me too when my thyroid function was at its worst. I was so saturated in them that I resembled an Oompa Loompa with a bad spray tan. A few months on just dairy, eggs and honey, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror one day and for a brief second was alarmed. I had forgotten what my normally fair complexion looks like. lol

How did your thyroid function improve? I’ve come to believe that thyroid function is a set point that can’t be improved, the body will always revert back to the default.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
How long before you start noticing anything from this elimination diet? I have been doing this since January the 1st. I plan to do this for at least the next 6 months or so, to then see where I am.
I did it strictly for 18 months from the summer of 2018-early spring 2020 when covid hit. Due to my work schedule at the time (as a respiratory therapist) I stopped being able to be quite as strict but I still stayed mindful of my intake. I saw pretty quick improvement in inflammation, thyroid and my lipids in the first 18 months. I’m sure I slowed my detox by eating mainly muscle meat carnivore for quite some time due to other food sensitivities. In hindsight I’m grateful I did it that way though because God knew (I certainly didn’t) that I needed a slow detox to get through the quite stressful work demands of the coming 4 years. I continued to mostly improve (with a couple rough patches) during that time just by managing my intake with mainly low A foods that I enjoy in the intervening years. It seems like different people have a different trajectory with this depending on their unique situation. All I can say for certain is that according to my labs (fwiw) I’m nowhere near deficiency after 5.5 years and I feel pretty dialed in and optimized at this point at 54.


Jul 8, 2014
Hahaha! I have had that same thing happen!
We might have some things in common since we are both petite. I’ve noticed general advice on things like calories, macros, supplement dosages ect. don’t quite pan out for me which makes sense in hindsight. I’ve gotten myself in trouble acting like I’m average!

Going by things you’ve shared, I do think we have some things in common, yes, and I’m glad we’re not average. I don’t want to be like the average person, at least not the average person I know of because they’re dealing with health issues and have accepted it’s just part of life. Not my life!

In the last couple of years I’ve shifted more towards honing in on my body rather than what works for the average person. I’m ultimately responsible for my health and well-being after all. This is where I’m most grateful for Ray’s emphasis on context and empowering people to think for themselves. I also try to stay flexible, curious and open to change since I’ve learned to appreciate how truly dynamic our bodies are and that things can and do change. I’m a little stubborn of course which has made this a hard lesson to learn!

Beautiful. I couldn’t agree more. I believe the ability to be flexible and curious are great indicators of health, but a little stubbornness is too. Without some stubbornness, I would have accepted the limits doctors had placed on my ability to overcome my disease.


Jul 8, 2014
How did your thyroid function improve? I’ve come to believe that thyroid function is a set point that can’t be improved, the body will always revert back to the default.

Oh, no. I’m living proof that it’s possible to improve our thyroid function. Just by changing my diet, I was able to discontinue thyroid supplementation that I had been dependent on for years in just weeks—I tapered off it just to be safe—and all the symptoms I had experienced prior to my thyroid crashing like hypoglycemia, anxiety and needing to pee during the night haven’t returned.


Jun 19, 2016
In my experience, vitamin A is not a straight up toxin. I reversed my osteoporosis on a diet high in vitamin A, shown via DEXA scans and ultrasounds, and I no longer need a thyroid supplement since greatly increasing my fat intake from vitamin A rich foods. I think Sumbody was spot on with their comment that what works for ourselves, doesn't always work the same for everyone else.
Hi Jennifer, do you think it was the vitamin A that reduced your need for thyroid? I know haidut posted a study showing Vit A lowered tsh. It seems to be helping me also I find a few days after taking higher doses of Vitamin A my pulse and temps are higher. Thanks
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