
Mar 17, 2021
TL;DR: Decided to experiment with Tyromix. Admittedly I simply skimmed over the dosage protocol Ray recommends lmao, not very wise. took about 20 drops of Tyromix total in the span of 3 days(120 mcg T4, 60cmg T3). Expecting some reverseT3(??) and difficulties for my body to adjust to the crazy changes in caloric/energy demands. Requesting advice/info/ideas (all good for now)

Longer version:
Not certain I overdid it just yet. Took one drop about a week ago, didn't feel much. I then decided to take about 5 drops and felt a hint of body heat and energy combined with a general sense of light restlessness, nothing crazy noticeable overall. Next day l I took 10 drops with a decent meal of fried eggz and mashed potatoes. Definitely felt better overall so at this point I made a Mental Note that the thyroid supplement was finally doing its work. My body began to CRAVE lots and lots of calories ( a feeling i haven't felt since I was a teenager, im 24 now). It almost feels as if the cravings cannot keep up with a deeper, more primal hunger. What I mean by this is that I've been chugging litres of sweetened 1.5 % milk and am somehow still am not able to feel truly satiated. My stomach is turning into a bottomless pit albeit I tend to rely on liquid calories quite a lot, but this is a bit insane haha

For now I've stopped taking crazy amounts of T3 and T4 in the form of Tyromix . As I begin to slowly experience the positive effects which I have just described, it does sort of occur to me that i might've overdone it a little, For anyone who is interested in trying thyroid or curious to follow my immature ways of experimenting with Idealabs Tyromix, Max and Tyronine , feel free to post in this thread and I promise to keep it updated for at least a week even if it catches noone's interest. Besides that I have a few oquestions which I would rly appreciate if someone with a bit more experience and a bit of time could answer( in short or full detail) as well as perhaps simply provide other points of view, links or studies.I'm not super well-read on Ray's, Haidut's or Danny's ideas so I'm in no way shape or form a good example to follow but I must say that I'm very thankful to have encountered such a positive/life-affirming way of looking at nutrition and and the human enviroment.



Besides going back to square one and starting w small(invidivual drops), observing how T3 acts by itself(also low dosage), upping cholesterol intake trough milk, eggs & [organs(which i haven't been consuming all that often lately)+ lots of crabs, could you recommend anything else? My thyroid feels like it's tensing up right noww and whilst I generally feel great(not euphoric or nothing) it would be ideal to prevent any more potential damage. I am trying to understand the major differences between T4 and T3 and how conversion of T4 to T3 works(i know its done trough the liver) Based off intuition i do feel that the T3 has done most of the healing & heavy lifting in my regard and perhaps it is the excess T4 that is making my thyroid feel a bit cramped up/ making me feel a bit 'strange', since it does have a longer half-life in the body((??))

Also am aware Progesterone would help immensely with the imbalance I've created but I'm looking for Thyroid ''adjancent''/diet advice due to the fact that progesterone tends to make everything better, haha, so often times it's hard to pinpoint whether it's ''a new thing you're doing'' that is helping you or is it just Progest-E again doing its wonders.(also ran out recently) Thank you and hope the message got across clearly. Cheers!
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Aug 20, 2017
I'll let the experts chime in.
In the meantime, can I ask you specifically what effects you are having with Progest e?


Aug 20, 2017
I'll let the experts chime in.
In the meantime, can I ask you specifically what effects you are having with Progest e?


Aug 20, 2017
I'll let the experts chime in.
In the meantime, can I ask you specifically what effects you are having with Progest e?


Mar 17, 2021
I'll let the experts chime in.
In the meantime, can I ask you specifically what effects you are having with Progest e?
I'll order them from most obvious to most subjective:
higher body temperature
heightened appetite(cypro and thyroid don't compare)
less stress
less anti-social behaviour
less social fear in general
less acne,better skin
'healthier'/more social/emotional libido
heightened sense of positive emotions
less irritabale mood
a feeling of patience in regards to most things
heightened sense of smell(but this usually happens when I'm feeling happy and socially 'included')
people complimenting my voice
screen addiction(including porn) went down during that time
the list could go on i suppose
0 'comedown' if you want to call it that.

I've messed around with quite a few vitamins and supplements even before knowing anything about Ray's work but i'll hands down say that progesterone cannot do harm to anyone. I'm willing to bet serious money on that statement. As far as my own experience is concerned, vitamin D supplementation is leagues above progesterone in terms of toxicity and probability of doing more harm than good.(I have had very bad experiences with vitamin D, possibly life-debilitating, with 0 exaggeration. I think people should treat it as real steroid rather than just 'a vitamin'. ) As far as Progest-E in particular goes, It seems to be the safest option in terms of purity... I have megadosed ona's progesterone in the past. Ona's definitely seems better in tersm of quantity and the quality itself is not bad at all, I suppose the big question here is absorbability. Who knows, it might hands down be better than Progest-E. ALLEGEDLY Ray has mentioned estrogen-like symptoms due to the estrogen being excreted out of the tissues into the blood upon higher doses of Prog being administered. I have experienced something quite similar to this. I'll spare people the details but it made me very horny, and it wasn't the social/emotional libido I mentioned.

the only reason I ran out is because I'm kind of poor and instead of taking smaller regular doses I just overdid it and ran out of 3 bottles in less than 2 months. I could legit down one bottle with no problem.
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Mar 17, 2021
well, the vitamin e in progest-e is nonnegotiably superior to ona's and that plays a pretty important part . It's called Progest-E after all.


Mar 12, 2016
It's safer to take consistent amounts each day, and slowly up the dosage as needed, maintaining the increased dose for at least two weeks to judge the effects, than to take random amounts on a whim. What's your reason for taking thyroid?


Sep 22, 2013


Mar 17, 2021
It's safer to take consistent amounts each day, and slowly up the dosage as needed, maintaining the increased dose for at least two weeks to judge the effects, than to take random amounts on a whim. What's your reason for taking thyroid?
Biological trauma meaning post finasteride syndrome, as most people call it, xtasy abuse(serotonin issues) and all the bad things that come with HRT for transpeople(tking estradiol & progestins) resulting in a plethroa of symptoms that Danny has advised (at least in the case of finasteride) should be treated as severe hypothyroidism and that's what I'm doing. Low T(not chronically low but definitely a bit too low for my age). I suppose you can imagine the 'mental problems' that come with that sort of bodily degeneration.


Mar 17, 2021
UPDATE: my idealabs package is taking a bit too long in customs so I cannot experiment with t3 only
just yet.
My thyroid gland feels 'cramped' but otherwise I've had great bodily energy troughout . Brain seems to be lagging behind...Took one drop tyromix in the morning because I was feeling so down I couldn't even shower. Right after the 1st drop I got my **** out of the house, went and bought some camping gear. If the initial effects are t3 related then i can safely say I would've preferred to not take that great of an amount of t4 in the first place. I think I'll stop coldturkey and take some cypro to numb me down as I deal with this the after-effects of that big of a dose. will also get some liver tommorow and dab a few drops of energin perhaps it will aid in T4 to T3 conversion. Again, my body seems to be doing good but my brain feels so ****88... not great, not terrible .


Mar 17, 2021
This was a great mistake. I've got the worst cold of my life in the middle of summer and I'm feeling hypothyroidic af(which is not that different fron my usual self) but this cold has gotten my brain completely frozen and unable to function, insomnia and my whole body hurts. I'm not sure if I should just ride this out or thyroid gland is hurting a bit as well lmao....and the ****ers at DHL decided to delay my shipment...:( *sigh*. Let's hope & pray.


Mar 12, 2016
Exogenous thyroid hormones suppress your thyroid gland's own thyroid production. If you stop taking them, you become very hypothyroid, because your thyroid hasn't kicked back into gear. You should wean off thyroid hormone rather than going cold turkey.


Mar 17, 2021
Exogenous thyroid hormones suppress your thyroid gland's own thyroid production. If you stop taking them, you become very hypothyroid, because your thyroid hasn't kicked back into gear. You should wean off thyroid hormone rather than going cold turkey.
I'm quite aware of that but I'm interested in weaning off with T3 only, instead of T4+T3. Since T3 counterracts rtT3(which I suspect is what's happening) and lowers T4 productions(which is what's ******* me up). T3 has a much lower half-life so it seems easier to experiment with.And thank you for the advice!Do you reckon I should just stick to tyromix? DHL finally released my package from customs. It should arrive tommorow so I'll keep everyone updated.


Mar 17, 2021
Because my body has plenty of T4 to use, I think it's all converting into rT3 tho


Jan 29, 2022
TL;DR: Decided to experiment with Tyromix. Admittedly I simply skimmed over the dosage protocol Ray recommends lmao, not very wise. took about 20 drops of Tyromix total in the span of 3 days(120 mcg T4, 60cmg T3). Expecting some reverseT3(??) and difficulties for my body to adjust to the crazy changes in caloric/energy demands. Requesting advice/info/ideas (all good for now)

Longer version:
Not certain I overdid it just yet. Took one drop about a week ago, didn't feel much. I then decided to take about 5 drops and felt a hint of body heat and energy combined with a general sense of light restlessness, nothing crazy noticeable overall. Next day l I took 10 drops with a decent meal of fried eggz and mashed potatoes. Definitely felt better overall so at this point I made a Mental Note that the thyroid supplement was finally doing its work. My body began to CRAVE lots and lots of calories ( a feeling i haven't felt since I was a teenager, im 24 now). It almost feels as if the cravings cannot keep up with a deeper, more primal hunger. What I mean by this is that I've been chugging litres of sweetened 1.5 % milk and am somehow still am not able to feel truly satiated. My stomach is turning into a bottomless pit albeit I tend to rely on liquid calories quite a lot, but this is a bit insane haha

For now I've stopped taking crazy amounts of T3 and T4 in the form of Tyromix . As I begin to slowly experience the positive effects which I have just described, it does sort of occur to me that i might've overdone it a little, For anyone who is interested in trying thyroid or curious to follow my immature ways of experimenting with Idealabs Tyromix, Max and Tyronine , feel free to post in this thread and I promise to keep it updated for at least a week even if it catches noone's interest. Besides that I have a few oquestions which I would rly appreciate if someone with a bit more experience and a bit of time could answer( in short or full detail) as well as perhaps simply provide other points of view, links or studies.I'm not super well-read on Ray's, Haidut's or Danny's ideas so I'm in no way shape or form a good example to follow but I must say that I'm very thankful to have encountered such a positive/life-affirming way of looking at nutrition and and the human enviroment.



Besides going back to square one and starting w small(invidivual drops), observing how T3 acts by itself(also low dosage), upping cholesterol intake trough milk, eggs & [organs(which i haven't been consuming all that often lately)+ lots of crabs, could you recommend anything else? My thyroid feels like it's tensing up right noww and whilst I generally feel great(not euphoric or nothing) it would be ideal to prevent any more potential damage. I am trying to understand the major differences between T4 and T3 and how conversion of T4 to T3 works(i know its done trough the liver) Based off intuition i do feel that the T3 has done most of the healing & heavy lifting in my regard and perhaps it is the excess T4 that is making my thyroid feel a bit cramped up/ making me feel a bit 'strange', since it does have a longer half-life in the body((??))

Also am aware Progesterone would help immensely with the imbalance I've created but I'm looking for Thyroid ''adjancent''/diet advice due to the fact that progesterone tends to make everything better, haha, so often times it's hard to pinpoint whether it's ''a new thing you're doing'' that is helping you or is it just Progest-E again doing its wonders.(also ran out recently) Thank you and hope the message got across clearly. Cheers!
Reverse T3, happens with T4, NOT T3.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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