Vaccine detox protocol? Please help if possible.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Correct. Typical of an ozone sauna (head stays outside of the “tent”.

Insufflation is done by passing gas through the rectum or ears

That's really intriguing. I wonder if it achieves similar results to hemotherapy.


Oct 6, 2020
people here spread too much fear about the vaccine. i got vax and feel great. why I would need any protocol? yea, vaccine is a poison, many of other poisons, but if your immune system works, you should be ok. long time effect? it is all speculation. nobody knows anything.

To much fear? The op asked for a protocol.

You having had the vaxx and feeling good does not mean others can say the same. Do we want to deny these people or thoose who want to have something on hand valuable or maybe even lifesaving information? Since the vaccine damages in part by the same mechanism the virus does, this is good information for everyone.

Can we realy exclude the possibility that many people get a saline solution/placebo? Having enough people in the population that are feeling "good" with the vaccine is of utmost importance to reduce the hesistancy in the population, which after all whats happened is the very basis of every inhumane action and cencorship that has been conducted thus far, to increase compliance. I also doubt they realy want to eradicate a actual control group.

Afterall this is the biggest open study on humanity in history ever. A heartless, inhumane scientists dream this is. No liability and everyone is forced by politic tyranny to get it.

The jab is not only something to be cautious about in terms of health, but is wrong in that it forces the entire world into sketchy experiment that criminalizes us if we do not follow suit. This is not about health or a virus. This is a time in history where we either allow thoose in charge to overstep and overtake basic rights or we do not. You do not buy your freedom and rights with an expiremental jab for which manufacterers and politicians who mandate have no liability, you either have them or you dont. Even if the jab was somewhat safe. There is no need for it and the benefit does not outweigh its risk, if we look at the absolute risk of covid. Who in his sane mind would give this to pregnant woman or children?

Stop downplaying the atrocity that is taking place and the conflict this causes between the people that should unite against tyranny.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
My research is similar: Zinc 50mg, Vit C 500mg twice a day, Vit D 2,000 to 5,000 daily (check Vit D levels), Quercetin 250mg twice daily w/food, anti-oxidant such as NAC.
These compounds are synergistic. I like Solgard Quercetin Complex but add the Zinc and NAC 600mg daily, and Vit D. It contains Bromelain too. I got mine on Amazon.
This should counter the graphene oxide and iron oxide in the vaccine. Oh, and Aspirin 81mg daily.


Oct 15, 2012
To much fear? The op asked for a protocol.

You having had the vaxx and feeling good does not mean others can say the same. Do we want to deny these people or thoose who want to have something on hand valuable or maybe even lifesaving information? Since the vaccine damages in part by the same mechanism the virus does, this is good information for everyone.

Can we realy exclude the possibility that many people get a saline solution/placebo? Having enough people in the population that are feeling "good" with the vaccine is of utmost importance to reduce the hesistancy in the population, which after all whats happened is the very basis of every inhumane action and cencorship that has been conducted thus far, to increase compliance. I also doubt they realy want to eradicate a actual control group.

Afterall this is the biggest open study on humanity in history ever. A heartless, inhumane scientists dream this is. No liability and everyone is forced by politic tyranny to get it.

The jab is not only something to be cautious about in terms of health, but is wrong in that it forces the entire world into sketchy experiment that criminalizes us if we do not follow suit. This is not about health or a virus. This is a time in history where we either allow thoose in charge to overstep and overtake basic rights or we do not. You do not buy your freedom and rights with an expiremental jab for which manufacterers and politicians who mandate have no liability, you either have them or you dont. Even if the jab was somewhat safe. There is no need for it and the benefit does not outweigh its risk, if we look at the absolute risk of covid. Who in his sane mind would give this to pregnant woman or children?

Stop downplaying the atrocity that is taking place and the conflict this causes between the people that should unite against tyranny.

I am. not an idiot. the whole covid thing is a conspiracy. it is not about depopulation or even make people weaker or sick. it is about money and control. Like with 9/11; suddenly everyone became a potential terrorist. Bill Gates who is a criminal that deserves to be in jail, crippled 500.000 children in India with his polio vaccine, and he still walks free. this is just wrong.

however, the adverse affects of vax maybe overstated. most people are just fine. some die or get sick, but so do those who get covid. i am certainly not advocating to anyone getting vaccinated. but to say that some who did is doomed is a great exaggeration, and they can get sick psychosomatically just by giving into fear. Speaking of Placebo, in my first shot I felt weird for several hours, and with the 2nd shot I did not feel a thing. So maybe the second one was a Placebo. i am in Thailand, where I don't think that they give ***t about the Big Pharma; they just follow the mainstream of idiocy.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
You really don’t get it do you? The Covid injections are gene therapy. If you got a placebo then good for you. You can’t know that people with good immune systems can tolerate this kind of gene therapy or the other ingredients. The long term data is not available. At best all you can say is that you are part of an experiment and don’t know of the long term effects. Some people are already seeing short term adverse reactions and some have died. Accepting Covid injections as vaccines is enabling the pharmaceutical industry and our governments to get away with administering an experimental drug without proper informed consent, without liability. The term vaccine facilitates that.
You have not followed all the side effects and why do you want a vaccine with 99.5% survivability? You do not know the long term results, right? Why is the govt jamming it down our throats? For our own good? The whole thing stinks and I feel like there is evil in all this over the top reaction...I will put it this way too, someone is getting kick backs for pushing the vaccine that MAY work for 6 months.

Last question, why isn't our corrupt and brain dead leaders not recommending the solutions that prevent the virus like we are talking about here? Money is my bet.

Go to Dr Peter McCullough website, professor at Texas A&M and get some make sense explanations on this subject.


Oct 15, 2012
400 have not followed all the side effects and why do you want a vaccine with 99.5% survivability? You do not know the long term results, right? Why is the govt jamming it down our throats? For our own good? The whole thing stinks and I feel like there is evil in all this over the top reaction...I will put it this way too, someone is getting kick backs for pushing the vaccine that MAY work for 6 months.

Last question, why isn't our corrupt and brain dead leaders not recommending the solutions that prevent the virus like we are talking about here? Money is my bet.

Go to Dr Peter McCullough website, professor at Texas A&M and get some make sense explanations on this subject.

It is difficult to find any links to his talks. just one video on youtube. his website appears to be quite commercial. all i found is some negative comments about his ideas:

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You have not followed all the side effects and why do you want a vaccine with 99.5% survivability? You do not know the long term results, right? Why is the govt jamming it down our throats? For our own good? The whole thing stinks and I feel like there is evil in all this over the top reaction...I will put it this way too, someone is getting kick backs for pushing the vaccine that MAY work for 6 months.

Last question, why isn't our corrupt and brain dead leaders not recommending the solutions that prevent the virus like we are talking about here? Money is my bet.

Go to Dr Peter McCullough website, professor at Texas A&M and get some make sense explanations on this subject.
? are you addressing me with this post?





Jul 17, 2018
I can see where you’re coming from, I just don’t believe that to be the case here. I just don’t think they’re killing off the people that are willing subservients.. that would make this “new world” they are trying to create impossible to manage for them.

The digital passport and social credit score is what I believe the cause for all this.
What ive gathered from paying attention to various sources is that there are 3 varieties of vaccines. One being mainly graphene and hydroxide (the latter being "the sharpest substance known," designed to slice the victim to bloody bits at the cellular level. And the oxide causes blood clots, clogging capillaries and eventually causing death in it is own right.)

This is what kill of athletes.

Is it by mistake?

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
It is difficult to find any links to his talks. just one video on youtube. his website appears to be quite commercial. all i found is some negative comments about his ideas:

Yes, if you go to the McCullough Report you will find his talks and many are podcasts. If you don't agree with the govt I am sure there are people out there with a vested interest who will do their best to attack your credibility.

Take this, in the hospital everyone gets Remdesivir (and Barcitinib) if diagnosed as Covid. Read up on Remdesivir and its safety. Again remember I said: why isn't the govt promoting preventative care or remedies? But you question a doc (commercial, negative comments) who calls out the govt? That is McCullough a super bright and likable man.

Dr Robert Malone calls out the govt too. He invented the process of mRNA vaccines. Would you doubt his motives? Look, all I am saying is these two leaders in medicine have nothing to gain by saying the vaccines are not safe. That Remdesivir is not safe.

BTW anything on Facebook is pro vaccine and pro liberal politics. FactCheck AFP is another left leaning organization. Bias in your sources.
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Forum Supporter
Oct 18, 2021
To much fear? The op asked for a protocol.

You having had the vaxx and feeling good does not mean others can say the same. Do we want to deny these people or thoose who want to have something on hand valuable or maybe even lifesaving information? Since the vaccine damages in part by the same mechanism the virus does, this is good information for everyone.

Can we realy exclude the possibility that many people get a saline solution/placebo? Having enough people in the population that are feeling "good" with the vaccine is of utmost importance to reduce the hesistancy in the population, which after all whats happened is the very basis of every inhumane action and cencorship that has been conducted thus far, to increase compliance. I also doubt they realy want to eradicate a actual control group.

Afterall this is the biggest open study on humanity in history ever. A heartless, inhumane scientists dream this is. No liability and everyone is forced by politic tyranny to get it.

The jab is not only something to be cautious about in terms of health, but is wrong in that it forces the entire world into sketchy experiment that criminalizes us if we do not follow suit. This is not about health or a virus. This is a time in history where we either allow thoose in charge to overstep and overtake basic rights or we do not. You do not buy your freedom and rights with an expiremental jab for which manufacterers and politicians who mandate have no liability, you either have them or you dont. Even if the jab was somewhat safe. There is no need for it and the benefit does not outweigh its risk, if we look at the absolute risk of covid. Who in his sane mind would give this to pregnant woman or children?

Stop downplaying the atrocity that is taking place and the conflict this causes between the people that should unite against tyranny.
Perfect! So many are denied a voice who are experiencing loss or side effects. I for one am sick of the denial and cognitive dissonance that prevents valid research into treating those who desperately need help. Praying for a permanent cure for jabbed and those who were adversely impacted by shedding. Yes, last ditch effort. I’m sure the shedding issue will take even longer to recognize even if people wake up to the frankenjab.


Jan 12, 2021
A chemistry scientist from Austria has recently made a video of what he discovered was in these vaccines, graphene hydroxide particles of 50nm length and 0.5nm width. They act as micro-razors and are not biodegradable, so I suppose no way to enhance detoxing. A few days later he was beaten to death.


Nov 29, 2017
A chemistry scientist from Austria has recently made a video of what he discovered was in these vaccines, graphene hydroxide particles of 50nm length and 0.5nm width. They act as micro-razors and are not biodegradable, so I suppose no way to enhance detoxing. A few days later he was beaten to death.
Just a coinkydink right....????
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