Vaccine detox protocol? Please help if possible.


Sep 28, 2018
Hi everybody,

Wanted to see if anybody had seen any good vaccine detox protocols? My brother (very healthy peaty 27yo M) just got the JnJ vaccine for his work as he is in healthcare. Didnt want to get it but felt he didn’t have a choice.

I’m trying to put together a protocol to help “detox” his body as best as he can and am struggling finding anything good on the internet or here. This is all I have so far(Dr Zandre Botha Post Vax Detox Protocol : Knowing The Truth).

Can anybody smarter than I help out with any ideas as I REALLY want to try to help him any bit I can? He does have ivermectin handy.

Thanks in advance.
Mar 10, 2021
Hi everybody,

Wanted to see if anybody had seen any good vaccine detox protocols? My brother (very healthy peaty 27yo M) just got the JnJ vaccine for his work as he is in healthcare. Didnt want to get it but felt he didn’t have a choice.

I’m trying to put together a protocol to help “detox” his body as best as he can and am struggling finding anything good on the internet or here. This is all I have so far(Dr Zandre Botha Post Vax Detox Protocol : Knowing The Truth).

Can anybody smarter than I help out with any ideas as I REALLY want to try to help him any bit I can? He does have ivermectin handy.

Thanks in advance.

People need to ask this question BEFORE they get vaxxed. What you do beforehand is more effective than undoing something.


Sep 28, 2018
People need to ask this question BEFORE they get vaxxed. What you do beforehand is more effective than undoing something.
I get that, but that doesn’t help right now either this situation. I beg for anybody else on this thread to stay away from this insinuation. I know it, it’s done now what can I do to help him the most.
Mar 10, 2021
I get that, but that doesn’t help right now either this situation. I beg for anybody else on this thread to stay away from this insinuation. I know it, it’s done now what can I do to help him the most.
I get you, I wanted to state that for others thinking about getting vaxxed. How long ago did he get vaxxed?


Oct 6, 2020
There are quite alot threads on this forum. Surprised you didn'T find something.

First thing that comes to mind for the microclotting would be aspirin.

Or these:

If you know someone who got the "vaccine," get them on the following supplements: Quercetin, Zinc, Bromelain, and Vitamin C. Covid-19 kills by inciting a cytokine storm. The "vaccine" works like allergy shots (dependency scam).

posted 7 months ago by sleepydude

The "vaccine" works just like allergy shots, where you over-exhaust your T-cells that are responsible for responding to a SARS-like virus. If you don't have the cells to mount a defense to the virus, you have no symptoms.

Problem solved, right?

No. What really happens is that your body becomes the perfect stealth host for the virus, where you illicit no symptoms but are still a factory for the virus should you happen to get it. Symptoms occur because your body gauges a response to the virus. Things like inflammation and fever are actually DEFENSE mechanisms to protect the body from the virus. Just as an overly-stuffy nose can lead to suffocation, your body flooding your lungs with plasma can also kill you. Sometimes our bodies are stupid. Other times Big Pharma has primed our bodies for self-deletion.

For those who have gotten the "vaccine," you are now reliant on "maintenance shots" to kill off the T-cells. If you miss a single dose of a "booster vaccine," you will be primed to go into the mother of all cytokine storms as your body is briefly allowed to rebuild the T-cells that were killed off. Upon exposure to any SARS-like virus, your immune system will force an over-reaction to the virus by sending EVERYTHING it has to combat it. The result is a storm of antibodies and cytokines that attack every organ/tissue indiscriminately in an attempt to kill the virus. What results will look like a mix of lupus and anaphylaxis.

Now. How to combat this stupid mistake? Read up on this patent and an ongoing study into Quercetin, Zinc, Bromelain, and Vitamin C.

I'll put out a more in-depth post when I have the chance to. For now, I'm getting this info out there so people know what to give their loved ones that already took the poison arrow.

Quercetin modulates the immune system, trying to cut down the Th2 levels. Quercetin also allows for Zinc to infiltrate cells and damage Covid proteins. Bromelain is the most important for those that got the "vaccine." It works by making it easier for your body to take apart proteins. This may include the Spike Proteins that are theorized to attack the placenta and cause the miscarriages. Finally, Vitamin C is to help rebuild your T-Cells, among other vital roles, and get your immune system back to a point where it is balanced and not Th2 dominant.

Another note on Bromelain; you can find it in pineapples, which is an interesting tie in to Pompeo and Taiwan.

Back to the "vaccine"; to put it short, the goal for the unfortunate idiots who have taken the poison arrow should be to suppress their Th2 cytokine production.

Here's some info on that: Tips on Rebalancing an Elevated Th2 Immune System - SelfHacked

Conveniently, today is National Licorice Day. Licorice may be the most accessible of supplements to take to reduce the risk from death to a virus-induced cytokine storm. It suppresses Th2 and TNFα levels. This can also aid in tumor reduction, if the reports of the brain-tumor inducing sterilizer they've been using on testing swabs are to be believed.

I'm currently taking licorice to help reverse (hopefully) my narcolepsy symptoms by allowing the parts of my brain that create orexin some reprieve from my over-hostile Th2 cytokines. I'm having good results thus far.

Glucosamine is also a good one I can attest to personally. Don't take it if you have shellfish allergies or insulin disorders (diabetes).

I hope this helps.


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Hypothetically, this would be my goto: ozone therapy with vitamin C IV. Expensive, but, intuitively to me, effective, and this seems to agree. It is one of the therapies mentioned by the S African doctor in the video posted by @Ben. A first step might be getting microscopy tests to see what the red blood cells look like,

Edit: Just read the link you posted. The 5000 mg (5 g) vitamin D in her protocol is certainly a typo. It probably should be 5000 IU (125 mcg), which is 40,000 times less than 5 g. 5 g would be 200,000,000 IU. The largest dose I've heard being used is 300,000 via injection.
Last edited:


Oct 6, 2020
Hypothetically, this would be my goto: ozone therapy with vitamin C IV. Expensive, but, intuitively to me, effective, and this seems to agree. It is one of the therapies mentioned by the S African doctor in the video posted by @Ben. A first step might be getting microscopy tests to see what the red blood cells look like,

Edit: Just read the link you posted. The 5000 mg (5 g) vitamin D in her protocol is certainly a typo. It probably should be 5000 IU (125 mcg), which is 40,000 times less than 5 g. 5 g would be 200,000,000 IU. The largest dose I've heard being used is 300,000 via injection.

Oh god, thats wrong ofcourse. She says it wrong in the video too. 5000 IU. Hope noone damages him/herself because of that.


Oct 15, 2012
people here spread too much fear about the vaccine. i got vax and feel great. why I would need any protocol? yea, vaccine is a poison, many of other poisons, but if your immune system works, you should be ok. long time effect? it is all speculation. nobody knows anything.
Feb 15, 2018
It's not just a poison, it's a biological weapon, as evidenced why the secrecy around what it contains. And the stream of lies regarding its efficacy and safety. Keep getting those shots and you will be evidence of this.


Oct 29, 2015
Hi everybody,

Wanted to see if anybody had seen any good vaccine detox protocols? My brother (very healthy peaty 27yo M) just got the JnJ vaccine for his work as he is in healthcare. Didnt want to get it but felt he didn’t have a choice.

I’m trying to put together a protocol to help “detox” his body as best as he can and am struggling finding anything good on the internet or here. This is all I have so far(Dr Zandre Botha Post Vax Detox Protocol : Knowing The Truth).

Can anybody smarter than I help out with any ideas as I REALLY want to try to help him any bit I can? He does have ivermectin handy.

Thanks in advance.
Ozone insufflation


Mar 28, 2019
Vitamin D + OJ + carrot salad for general immunity
Aspirin for the spike proteins
NAC for the graphene

But the most important thing would be....not taking another shot.


Jul 17, 2018
Pfiser operate with different kinds, 1 being just a saline solution. I truly think they wanna kill off people and the placebos confuse and avoid suspicion

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
people here spread too much fear about the vaccine. i got vax and feel great. why I would need any protocol? yea, vaccine is a poison, many of other poisons, but if your immune system works, you should be ok. long time effect? it is all speculation. nobody knows anything.

You obviously are not monitoring vaccine injuries. No one who has done so can say what you said unless they're just a complete shill.


New Member
Feb 3, 2021
Hi everybody,

Wanted to see if anybody had seen any good vaccine detox protocols? My brother (very healthy peaty 27yo M) just got the JnJ vaccine for his work as he is in healthcare. Didnt want to get it but felt he didn’t have a choice.

I’m trying to put together a protocol to help “detox” his body as best as he can and am struggling finding anything good on the internet or here. This is all I have so far(Dr Zandre Botha Post Vax Detox Protocol : Knowing The Truth).

Can anybody smarter than I help out with any ideas as I REALLY want to try to help him any bit I can? He does have ivermectin handy.

Thanks in advance.
My thoughts turn to connecting with Harry at Re-generate..I know he has been tracking such things, and is aware of the differences in people and what might need to be focused on.. - love reading your care for your brother....we all need people at our backs I think! - go well... Re.Generate


people here spread too much fear about the vaccine. i got vax and feel great. why I would need any protocol? yea, vaccine is a poison, many of other poisons, but if your immune system works, you should be ok. long time effect? it is all speculation. nobody knows anything.
You really don’t get it do you? The Covid injections are gene therapy. If you got a placebo then good for you. You can’t know that people with good immune systems can tolerate this kind of gene therapy or the other ingredients. The long term data is not available. At best all you can say is that you are part of an experiment and don’t know of the long term effects. Some people are already seeing short term adverse reactions and some have died. Accepting Covid injections as vaccines is enabling the pharmaceutical industry and our governments to get away with administering an experimental drug without proper informed consent, without liability. The term vaccine facilitates that.


Sep 28, 2018
About JnJ idk. Does he feel ill?
No, perfectly fine as far as I know. I’m not overly worried. I don’t think these are a depopulation agenda, but certainly don’t think they are good for overall health..

I mean why would you want to kill off all your obedient followers and leave the fighters alive who didn’t take it? If there was a depopulation agenda we’d certainly be the ones they’d want to get rid of. Doesn’t make any sense

If they wanted to kill a bunch of people there are a million different things they could do that would be much easier.


Sep 28, 2018
I certainly don’t believe in any sort of mandate or forcing them though for sure.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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