Trying GHB this weekend in hopes of curing my erectile dysfunction


Mar 28, 2019


Sep 25, 2018
Yes but I think it causes fibrosis and everybody requires an implant after injecting for 1 to 5 years because you get a bunch of fibrosis. Also imagine getting it on in the bedroom and being like “hold up i gotta go to the bathroom” and go inject yourself for 5 minutes haha. I’d rather go for an implant right away
Aight, if you live in the EU and want to try alpha blockers, I have a source, so hmu in that case


Feb 18, 2018
Hey @Gadsie, I'll tell you what I think.

Firstly you have to change that profile picture and put something decent, has nobody told you?

Then, I'll shed some important light in this matter, this can not only help you, but dozens of other men that come to this forum.

Let's stop with the machine gun of supplements and drugs and stuff!

Why would a 25yo male with no health issues have ED?

Well, you have said it.

And yes, you have also said this:

It's not overnight. This is what I have been talking about in my post.
[ This may be the most important piece of information after the Gospel ]

There's a syndrome of abstinence. Things usually get worse before they get better.

So you can't go around without knowing this. Otherwise you could hardly get out of it; and easily start jumping from supplement to supplement and frustration to frustration.

I can't stress enough how important this knowledge is. I'm thinking in the future of making a post only to discuss this with all the science of it.

But it's not just not watching porn and not masturbating. It's living in holiness too.

So, yes! I'll push my religion on you!

Man, you and anybody, we need to know that sex is only for marriage.

Having sex with a woman before marriage damages the woman and makes the man a loser that has no self-control and that does to the woman that which he would hate if it was done to his sister, mother, or daughter. So, let's put ourselves in order. Or pay the consequences.

The day will come in which there will be no mercy on the sinners if they insist on sinning.

So you want to solve your problem?
Enduring the syndrome of abstinence, persevering in the living properly, suffering (very important part of the process), and living close to God.

Sure! You can help yourself with caffeine, exercise, sunbathing, cold-showers, etc. But never overlook guarding the heart, because everything we do flows from it.

Belief in a god is the ultimate cope. You’re praying to an imaginary creature in your head.

Yeah thats me. I eat as much as I want but as low fat as possible, and I walk a bit everyday. Skim milk, juice, potatoes, fruit, veggies. Although I indulge in cheese and chocolate as well quite frequently

Yeah i dont know what my problem is but i also know that a doctor wont fix it. And I doubt any natural supplements are gonna help with any significance. Chemical intervention may not be a long term fix, but other than a penile implant it’s my only hope.

Bruh there’s your problem right there and you’re trying to entertain all sorts of stupid ideas like GHB and penile implants. @James IV gave you great advice and it looked like you hardly considered it. Your body is malnourished, where’s the meat? Where’s the animal fat? Are you avoiding it to maintain some body dysmorphic fantasy in your head of how you should look? Well your **** ain’t gonna get hard without it and your anxiety isn’t going to go away. Keep all those foods and just add more meat and animal fat to your diet, stay active, stay in sunlight.


Jun 19, 2016
Belief in a god is the ultimate cope. You’re praying to an imaginary creature in your head.

Bruh there’s your problem right there and you’re trying to entertain all sorts of stupid ideas like GHB and penile implants. @James IV gave you great advice and it looked like you hardly considered it. Your body is malnourished, where’s the meat? Where’s the animal fat? Are you avoiding it to maintain some body dysmorphic fantasy in your head of how you should look? Well your **** ain’t gonna get hard without it and your anxiety isn’t going to go away. Keep all those foods and just add more meat and animal fat to your diet, stay active, stay in sunlight.
I like to stay in shape sure but i’m not really obsessively trying to maintain a certain physique. I dont count calories, only sometimes to make sure I get enough. I eat some cheese, probably 100g + daily. Believe me i’d get a beer belly if i got a hard dic in return. I don’t really eat meat apart from some liver every now and then. But it’s not like vegetarians are having ED all over the place.

Edit: my tone sounds a bit agressive perhaps reading my own post now. That’s not how i’m trying to come across. I appreciate every reply here I’m just a bit defeated


Feb 18, 2018
I like to stay in shape sure but i’m not really obsessively trying to maintain a certain physique. I dont count calories, only sometimes to make sure I get enough. I eat some cheese, probably 100g + daily. Believe me i’d get a beer belly if i got a hard dic in return. I don’t really eat meat apart from some liver every now and then. But it’s not like vegetarians are having ED all over the place.
Edit: my tone sounds a bit agressive perhaps reading my own post now. That’s not how i’m trying to come across. I appreciate every reply here I’m just a bit defeated

You’re fine if anything I was worried I was coming across as way to aggressive. Why don’t you eat meat? Have you ever tried eating quality animal meats and seeing how your erection quality is in comparison? As an anecdote the hardest I’ll get is if I pack on the meat + starch. Throw in some vegetation to keep things nice and balanced with the micros

Your body is your body don’t worry about if other vegetarians can get hard without meat if you need to eat meat to get hard you should eat meat. It should also help with your anxiety


Feb 13, 2021
Appreciate the help. I think I may eat too little sometimes because I don’t feel like preparing something peaty and then I just don’t eat because I don’t want to eat unhealthy stuff. and then sometimes I compensate with an entire chocolate bar because i get too hungry.

Other than that I’ve been a pretty anxious person for all my life. When I have a date this anxiety becomes prominent and start to feel deep dread and misery and the feeling I have “soldier through”. I think this is due to bad experiences and it just reinforces each other. I can’t feel aroused during a date because I’m preoccupied with negative emotions. Alcohol and such helps with this but it also makes my penis numb which causes ED again.

I hope GHB can help me to perhaps break this cycle. It’s a bit risky perhaps because I might become mentally dependent on it, but it may also give me positive experiences causing me to become less anxious. I think it’s worth trying
Its almost certainly anxiety/ stress that causes your low libido. Good diet, sunshine, being outdoors and socializing is important. If you are with a girl, be honest about your anxiety in bed. It takes the anxiety off if you just tell her that you are anxious about erection.

If you go down the GHB/benzo/alcohol route, you will be so much worse off in 1-2 years.. trust me. I was anxious about sex when younger, and downers are just a quick ticket to addiction, mental problems. Use viagra if yoi have to. Dont touch any other drugs. Talk about your anxiety to someone and your sex partners


Jun 19, 2016
Its almost certainly anxiety/ stress that causes your low libido. Good diet, sunshine, being outdoors and socializing is important. If you are with a girl, be honest about your anxiety in bed. It takes the anxiety off if you just tell her that you are anxious about erection.

If you go down the GHB/benzo/alcohol route, you will be so much worse off in 1-2 years.. trust me. I was anxious about sex when younger, and downers are just a quick ticket to addiction, mental problems. Use viagra if yoi have to. Dont touch any other drugs. Talk about your anxiety to someone and your sex partners
Warning: TMI perhaps

Well this whole thing ended horrendously. We had a date last week and she was menstruating so we didnt have sex. It was amazing actually cause it took a lot of the pressure off for me and we just made out all night. I had some viagra in me as well so my equipment was working (although intermittently).

Last night however, she came over again, but this time ready to get it on. I took some viagra again and it was going somewhat alright but putting on the c*nd*m was a mess and got me out of the flow. After an hour or so we decided to do without a rubber but at that point I couldn’t get my stuff to work properly anymore. She just left and now im just here with a massive viagra headache

Every single distraction is enough for my body to suck the blood out of my penis. Little noise in the hallway? Gone. Gotta move an arm out of the way? Gone.

She seems to really want to see me again but I’m not sure I will. The pressure will just be even higher and there’s no point.

All in all, I have yet to try ghb and honestly i dont see what i have to lose.


Mar 11, 2021
See her again, your body will adapt with the right stimulus. Maybe one drink is helpful for the nerves. If you feel under pressure to perform that's understandable, maybe the way through is with more experience until you gradually relax. Sex doesn't have to be this perfect intense act, focus on the playful elements. Watching a movie is good for this, it relieves the pressure of maintaining the correct atmosphere/ doing everything right.


Jun 19, 2016
See her again, your body will adapt with the right stimulus. Maybe one drink is helpful for the nerves. If you feel under pressure to perform that's understandable, maybe the way through is with more experience until you gradually relax. Sex doesn't have to be this perfect intense act, focus on the playful elements. Watching a movie is good for this, it relieves the pressure of maintaining the correct atmosphere/ doing everything right.
the thing is that the only way to break the cycle (if it is indeed totally mental), is to have succsful sex. If I have good sex 2 or 3 times, i’m not gonna mind that the 4th time I don’t get hard. That’s the only way to break the cycle. I need something that will give me an erection no matter what in order to break the cycle


Mar 11, 2021
Yh also like you should be having sex simply because it feels good, not to meet an expectation for yourself. That's a negative aspect of modern pornography, it robs you of naive, playful exploration with someone and makes you set a bar to perform like there's a camera on - or makes you think the girl is judging you in comparison to that. Btw if this girl sticks around, when you improve and start having comfortable sex you're defo gonna fall in love with her so watch out for that lmao.


Mar 22, 2022
Sex is supposed to be fun.

Clonidine is known for producing difficulty of erection. It's literally one of the side effects. Source: google


May 10, 2018
Sex is supposed to be fun.

Clonidine is known for producing difficulty of erection. It's literally one of the side effects. Source: google
Fair enough, never stopped me, just helped with performance anxiety.


Mar 22, 2022
Everything you just shared are symptoms of a low energy state. Anxiety comes from the system chronically not having enough energy to deal with the stress from its environment.

Last info I’ll share; I developed anxiety, depression, and a lot of additional chronic health problems for years after entering a situation that increased my chronic stress load. I tried a lot of interventions before I figured out I just needed more nutrition coming in to deal the the stress induced depletion that occurs. My hunger is still not a good indicator of my nutritional needs, and I now eat about twice as much food as I used to. Im twice your age, and have zero sexual issues. I only experience negative issues when I get behind on food intake. I also don’t obsess over “healthy” foods, because no matter what anyone says, healthy foods are subjective. I still prepare the majority of my own food, but I don’t follow any “diet.” And you can’t worry about having abs, if you want to heal. You will carry as much bodyfat as you need to carry.
The longer you stay in a well nourished state, the less vulnerable you become to fluctuations in energy input/output, but it takes a long time for the system to rebuild and “switch” into a state that is not compensatory. Deep sleep, good dreams, a desire to be around and appreciate other humans, and a positive mental outlook, are really good indicators that you are in, or moving towards, a healthy state.

You will figure it out when you figure it out. But I hope this conversation helps. Cheers
Everything you see here is probably the best answer in this thread.


Mar 22, 2022
I do have a followup question about that, though, you said
Javes IV said:
Anxiety comes from the system chronically not having enough energy to deal with the stress from its environment.

Doesn't this make people get fat, though? Stress eating. People eat when they get stressed and add additional weight.

So how do you make sure you get enough energy such that you can deal with stress but not add too much weight?


May 10, 2018
Great James, do you think clonidine interferes with ejaculation control ?
Couldn't comment really. I'm always quite premature, so I didn't notice much difference. I just enjoyed the anti-anxiety benefit before performing.
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